Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

ok, i finally did a fun run through the battle hall with sheer cold machamp:


Shiny Machamp
Jolly / No Guard / Male
IVs: 31 / 31 / 31 / 0 / 31 / 31
EVs: 172 Speed / 252 HP / 86 Def

  1. Sheer Cold / Spore / Fake Out / Vacuum Wave
  2. Sheer Cold / Spore / Gastro Acid / Vacuum Wave
  3. Sheer Cold / Spore / Gastro Acid / Substitute
  4. Sheer Cold / Spore / Sleep Talk
  5. Sheer Cold / Fake Out / Gastro Acid / Vacuum Wave

you can think about the movesets, and which types they were used for. i didnt bother with too much theorymon'ing, but thought a bit about its possible counters, and looked the list up as i was going along.

i recorded the entire thing over the course of a few days - have a look on youtube if you want. personally, i think it's very satisfying watching the AI die to OHKO "hax" :pimp:

obviously this does not go in the records post, and i probably won't bother seeing how far it can get. although maybe it would be fun to try and work out the best movesets for when you have to face 10 types in a row. hmmm...... basically i think i'd just die as soon as a gengar decided to use hypnosis.
Been playing the Castle for the last few days and it's actually pretty fun. I'm surprised that there isn't that much interest in it outside of a few people. A good chunk of the Castle streaks in this topic have been cut short after waning interest post-Gold print, it seems.

Just completed my 8th set so that gets me right in the middle of the leaderboard. <_< I'll post my team details once the streak ends. My CP:wins ratio has been on a hefty decline since I started playing more carefully and spending more CP before each match.

My CP:wins ratio was ~12 after 5 sets but now it's dropped down to ~6.5. Hopefully, I don't run out of CP any time soon.
platinum battle tower Wi-Fi complete!

Alright all you smogon trainers reading this!This is pokemon war general speaking,with my final platinum battle tower Wi-Fi result that I hope gets posted. the date was may 5th-may 9th. when I reached my goal of rank 10 and hit a 46 streak! my team: Ms.mary moon/Cressilia nature/bold trained 252evs hp,252evs speed 1ev deffense.held item;choice scarf.moveset:trick,calm mind,moonlight,psychic. Dragnarock/tyranitar nature/impish trained 252evs hp,252evs deffense,1ev attack.held item:chesto berry.moveset:dragon dance,crunch,arieal ace,rest.Metaregi/Registeel nature/careful trained 252evs hp,252evs sp.deffense,1 ev deffense.held item:leftovers.moveset iron head,substitute,curse, strategy,simple,a well planned trick team with some of the hardest pokemon to knock out,and who can aggrandize their stats quickly.tyranitar knocked out every pokemon by itself most of the time. with it's 404hp and 350 deffense stat combined with the new effect of the sand ability which ups it's 236 sp.deffense stat to about 354.I beat the rank 10 room 001 twice so any trainer who has pokemon platinum version can check room leaders(for legit seeable proof) for rank 10 room 001and they will see the name GENERAL(catch prhase-Wi-Fi LEGEND) with all the other strong trainers on the ranking board(most of the trainers are japanese,me,a trainer named xd001.and about 2 other trainers are the only american ones up there,interesting huh?!)I finaly lost to the 5th trainer of rank 10 room050.there ALL SHINY team consisted scizor,gengar,and a tyranitar.I tricked there scizor and it was stuck with bug bite.logicly I had to send out registeel or tyranitar would have gotten ate up!Regi maxed it's atk&def with curse.and knocked him out.they sent out there low kicked regi's substitute away and in the same turn regi knocked him out.there last pokemon,a cheesy life orb gengar.hypnosis regi went to sleep 1st turn,focus blast regi goes under half hp,it's asleep2nd turn,went for focus again it missed,it's asleep3rd turn( I've spored trainers on Wi-Fi with my smeargle,and about 80 percent of the time they wake up after 1 turn).anyway focus blast my registeel and knocked her out(it did 15+ damage than before too)this made me get demoted to rank 9(if you loose even one match on rank 10 you instantly get demoted) but I still beat 46 rank 10 trainers! as for now judging from what i see this is the highest pokemon platinum battle tower Wi-Fi record.and I'AM proud of it!
just got the gold print for the battle tower, rather pleased with myself i must say :P. first time i've ever got to the second tycoon battle on any game ever. going to carry on the streak a little later, but I need to get together my trick team first. Going to have a go with jump's team (if he doesn't mind) and see how far I can get. Need to re-ev some stuff on my diamond and trade it over first though so that I can get started.
@pokemonwargeneral: If you want people to read what you wrote, you should consider using the Enter/Return key on your keyboard to space things out so it is easier to read.

@Bozo: Haha, that's awesome! Are you still continuing, or just stopped at 170? Also, have you considered using Level 100 Scarf Machamp which outspeeds level 96 Timid Gengar?
Been playing the Castle for the last few days and it's actually pretty fun. I'm surprised that there isn't that much interest in it outside of a few people. A good chunk of the Castle streaks in this topic have been cut short after waning interest post-Gold print, it seems.

Just completed my 8th set so that gets me right in the middle of the leaderboard. <_< I'll post my team details once the streak ends. My CP:wins ratio has been on a hefty decline since I started playing more carefully and spending more CP before each match.

My CP:wins ratio was ~12 after 5 sets but now it's dropped down to ~6.5. Hopefully, I don't run out of CP any time soon.

Well, that didn't take long. I lose in the next freakin' match. Partly because I got haxed. Partly because I got a bit overconfident. Mostly the hax though. :[

Soul Silver Battle Castle
56 wins, 356 BP

Adamant Gyarados@Leftovers
[156 HP, 108 Att, 100 Def, 140 Speed]
Dragon Dance
Stone Edge

Love bulky Gyara in the Battle Frontier. Taunt is invaluable against many annoying tactics like DT, status users, etc. Being able to scout the opposing team ahead of time helps ease prediction. Since the AI doesn't really switch, if bulky Gyara walls the crap out of the opposing lead, it's a free ticket to setting up DD and a sweep. Intimidate is a plus.

Jolly Garchomp@Yache
[max Att, max Speed]
Swords Dance
Dragon Claw
Fire Fang

Best complement to Gyara's typing with the Rock resist and Electric immunity. Ability to sweep with one turn of setup is nice. Also fast enough to revenge most things in the Frontier. Yache comes in handy sometimes but I usually hold off on the berry until I face off against something with Ice attacks.

Adamant Scizor@Lum or Occa or nothing
[148 HP, 252 Att, 12 Def, 84 Speed]
Swords Dance
Bullet Punch
Bug Bite
Brick Break

Ice/Dragon resist to complement Garchomp. SD Bullet Punch is obviously really good. EV spread was taken from Anachronism's Heavy offense team and I didn't bother to change it. The bit of Speed is nice for outspeeding some random things like Claydol. I might change it to a bulkier spread since that seems to work for a number of other people. Mostly ran it without an item; I'm not sure if Muscle Band is worth the CP. Lum was used if opposing team ran Sleep and I wasn't sure Gyara could sweep by itself. Occa buys it a turn against Fire Punch users.


Having ran this team in the Battle Tower/Arcade before trying the Castle, I realize elemental punches are a major weakness to the team since everything gets hit hard by one of those elements. But the beauty of scouting beforehand meant I could skip a bad matchup and continue chugging along. I didn't actually see anything that scared me into skipping except for a bulky attacking Tentacruel though. Maybe in future runs where I don't lose so early. :(

How I lost:

Zapdos Drill Peck/Twister/Steel Wing/U-turn
Skarmory Drill Peck/Slash/Payback/Night Slash
Moltres Flamethrower/Air Slash/AncientPower/Roost

Seeing how it was a physical Zapdos with no Electric attacks, I figured DDGyara would be able to setup and sweep rather easily. Skarm is pretty bulky so I didn't want to chance it and let it potentially crit me so I only level up Moltres (5 extra levels won't let it survive a boosted Waterfall).

Zapdos Drill Pecks for ~22% damage
Gyarados Dragon Dances

Gyarados Dragon Dances
Zapdos Drill Pecks for ~22%

Gyarados Waterfalls for ~99.5%
Zapdos crits with Drill Peck and faints Gyarados

Garchomp finishes Zapdos with Dragon Claw
Skarmory comes in

Garchomp Sword Dances
Skarmory Paybacks for ~24%

Garchomp Fire Fangs for ~75%
Skarmory Paybacks for ~24%

Garchomp faints Skarmory with Fire Fang
Level 55 Moltres comes in

Moltres Air Slashes for 50%
Garchomp flinches

Moltres finishes off Garchomp with Air Slash and lol's against Scizor. Basically, if I didn't get critted, Gyara would've swept easily. If I hadn't raised Moltres' level, Garchomp would've finished it off. I haven't ran the calcs but Scizor may have been able to revenge kill Moltres after it gets weakened by +2 Dragon Claw if Garchomp didn't flinch. And of course +2 Waterfall does 90.9% - 107.3% to that Zapdos so I got a bad coin flip there too. :[
Been playing the Castle for the last few days and it's actually pretty fun. I'm surprised that there isn't that much interest in it outside of a few people. A good chunk of the Castle streaks in this topic have been cut short after waning interest post-Gold print, it seems.

Just completed my 8th set so that gets me right in the middle of the leaderboard. <_< I'll post my team details once the streak ends. My CP:wins ratio has been on a hefty decline since I started playing more carefully and spending more CP before each match.

My CP:wins ratio was ~12 after 5 sets but now it's dropped down to ~6.5. Hopefully, I don't run out of CP any time soon.

interesting team, and bad luck on the loss. like you, i dont know why more people dont play the castle (i'm currently going on a streak). the ability to lower opponent's levels means you can use "fun" teams, without having to worry about the OHKO hax that causes problems with bad luck.

about your comment on elemental punches, yes there are a few you'd need to worry about. one that springs to mind is the gallade with all 3 punches and bright powder. i use aerial ace on my salamence for reasons like this. i once almost lost to it because i forgot which one i was facing and used outrage instead of AA (hoping to get an easy kill on it and the next poke).

also, the only other tip regarding castle points i'd give is that you might end up spending lots of points healing your team's HP, given that your pokes all use set up moves, and will be taking bits and pieces of damage most battles. that said, it looks like a fun team.

oh peterko will tell you not to use stone edge! if there was ever a chance where you absolutely had to rely on it hitting to make the difference between a win and a loss, them i'm sure you know what would happen!!

@Bozo: Haha, that's awesome! Are you still continuing, or just stopped at 170? Also, have you considered using Level 100 Scarf Machamp which outspeeds level 96 Timid Gengar?

hehe yeah - it was sooooo satisfying to just whack the %@#$ out of every single pokemon with sheer cold ^^

i havent gone any further, but maybe i will just for the fun of it....

that's an interesting idea about choice scarf, but there ends up being too many other things you have to worry about. the main scare is scyther i think (focus sash, aerial ace, quick attack). so i think focus sash or maybe lum berry is the best item. i actually never had my sash activate once during 1-170 amazingly, but there were a few times where a crit would have. the only time it worked was when a gardevoir tricked me in the first round! i didnt have fake out on that machamp.

but yeah, i'm not too concerned about making this streak go longer - just a bit of fun, and in the end i wont have anything worthy of going in the records list, even though i think machamp has the potential to go miles!
What do you guys think off a bolt beam recover cosmic power starmie on a trick team?
I think that a critical Thunderbolt from Zapdos 4 still kills you twice over even if you are running max SpD EVs with a Calm nature.

Without any method to boost SpA, Starmie will take too long killing things, which gives your opponent a huge opportunity to get in a "lucky" crit. Also, due to being partially Psychic type, Starmie shares several weaknesses with the best TrickScarfers in the game, forcing you to run a sub-optimal alternative.

If you want to continue using Starmie, you should probably run Substitute to limit crithax.
interesting team, and bad luck on the loss. like you, i dont know why more people dont play the castle (i'm currently going on a streak). the ability to lower opponent's levels means you can use "fun" teams, without having to worry about the OHKO hax that causes problems with bad luck.

about your comment on elemental punches, yes there are a few you'd need to worry about. one that springs to mind is the gallade with all 3 punches and bright powder. i use aerial ace on my salamence for reasons like this. i once almost lost to it because i forgot which one i was facing and used outrage instead of AA (hoping to get an easy kill on it and the next poke).

also, the only other tip regarding castle points i'd give is that you might end up spending lots of points healing your team's HP, given that your pokes all use set up moves, and will be taking bits and pieces of damage most battles. that said, it looks like a fun team.

oh peterko will tell you not to use stone edge! if there was ever a chance where you absolutely had to rely on it hitting to make the difference between a win and a loss, them i'm sure you know what would happen!!

Yeah, Stone Edge just missed like twice in a row against a Roserade. Good thing Leaf Storm missed those two turns too lol.

I'm back to 56 wins but I've been bleeding CP in the past 3 sets so I might switch to a more defensive team with fewer "bad" matchups. I've skipped 3 battles in the last 3 sets and my CP went down by 63 in that time frame (granted, my ratio was like 14 at that point; it's like 7 now).

It seems like Salamence is the best CBer around, huh?
What do you guys think off a bolt beam recover cosmic power starmie on a trick team?

if blissey comes in second you're just not gonna be able to kill it. and also seconding spweasel. you'd prob need to replace recover with sub, and bassically just set it up against nondamaging moves. with leftovers and cosmic power, you might be able to set it up against weak attacking moves. but the lack of fire power is a concern.

Yeah, Stone Edge just missed like twice in a row against a Roserade. Good thing Leaf Storm missed those two turns too lol.

I'm back to 56 wins but I've been bleeding CP in the past 3 sets so I might switch to a more defensive team with fewer "bad" matchups. I've skipped 3 battles in the last 3 sets and my CP went down by 63 in that time frame (granted, my ratio was like 14 at that point; it's like 7 now).

It seems like Salamence is the best CBer around, huh?

hehe, stone edge will miss twice in a row 1/25 times! and if you're relying on it every time water is NVE then you could be in trouble eventually......

skipped battles are inevitable sometimes, but yeah you probably only want one in a blue moon - you should only be skipping because the whole team miraculously counters yours, rather than because of a particular opponent.

salamence is certainly my favourite, and intimidate plays a vital role in the make up of my own team, but people have used others, like garchomp.

people have had success with hyper-offensive teams in the castle - you really just have to make sure you have ways to resist virtually every opponent. by the way, its not obvious, but did you know you can repeat items in the castle? so for example, you could have 3 choice banded outragers if you felt like it......
skipped battles are inevitable sometimes, but yeah you probably only want one in a blue moon - you should only be skipping because the whole team miraculously counters yours, rather than because of a particular opponent.

Yeah, I don't think skipping every battle where I face off against a 3 elemental punch lead that Gyara can't OHKO is going to be very efficient. I just got through set 9 but burned 51 CP in the process (and this is after I got 40+ CP in the first two matches!). Strong special attackers with decent coverage are scary too and I effectively skipped two matches in this last set (1 to 3-punch Cham, 1 to Latios/Latias/Entei).

Time to raise a new team. The CBer + 2 walls sounds like a decent formula. How often do you have to restore PP on Milo/Bliss?

I'm guessing the whole TrickScarf + setup sweepers strat is too inefficient in the Castle with regards to healing?
I'm guessing the whole TrickScarf + setup sweepers strat is too inefficient in the Castle with regards to healing?

How would you get a Choice Scarf every battle? I used a defensive Suicune and Hippowdon at one point when I was doing the Battle Frontier and I found that I rarely had to restore their PP, since it gets restored after every battle. Although, I only got a little bit past getting the silver symbol.
So I hate using legendaries, just out of personal preference and I've managed to get the 100 streak on the dot in D/P with a Garchomp, Metagross, Starmie team. I was just wondering if someone could give me a little insight into a good non-legendary team to get a respectable streak?
How would you get a Choice Scarf every battle? I used a defensive Suicune and Hippowdon at one point when I was doing the Battle Frontier and I found that I rarely had to restore their PP, since it gets restored after every battle. Although, I only got a little bit past getting the silver symbol.

Are you certain the item is "lost" after the battle? Knock Off's effect isn't permanent so Trick's effect might not be either...

PP and HP are not automatically restored in the Battle Castle.
ok, i finally did a fun run through the battle hall with sheer cold machamp:


Shiny Machamp
Jolly / No Guard / Male
IVs: 31 / 31 / 31 / 0 / 31 / 31
EVs: 172 Speed / 252 HP / 86 Def

  1. Sheer Cold / Spore / Fake Out / Vacuum Wave
  2. Sheer Cold / Spore / Gastro Acid / Vacuum Wave
  3. Sheer Cold / Spore / Gastro Acid / Substitute
  4. Sheer Cold / Spore / Sleep Talk
  5. Sheer Cold / Fake Out / Gastro Acid / Vacuum Wave

you can think about the movesets, and which types they were used for. i didnt bother with too much theorymon'ing, but thought a bit about its possible counters, and looked the list up as i was going along.

i recorded the entire thing over the course of a few days - have a look on youtube if you want. personally, i think it's very satisfying watching the AI die to OHKO "hax" :pimp:

obviously this does not go in the records post, and i probably won't bother seeing how far it can get. although maybe it would be fun to try and work out the best movesets for when you have to face 10 types in a row. hmmm...... basically i think i'd just die as soon as a gengar decided to use hypnosis.

Lol almost lost a couple times.
In Battle Castle, Held Items carry over from battle to battle. This still applies even if the CPU uses Trick to give you an item. I haven't personally tried it but I'm guessing if you Trick away an item, it's gone.
ok, i finally did a fun run through the battle hall with sheer cold machamp:
Sweet. The AI is finally getting a taste of their own medicine. Have you tried getting past 170?

On a different note, I finally got a 100+ streak in BT doubles which left me disappointed. I tried doubles because I keep failing in singles.

Soul Silver Battle Tower Doubles - 140 wins
(Dusknoir, Kangaskhan, Lickylicky, Machamp)

Dusknoir @ Lum Berry
Relaxed -- Pressure
252 HP / 252 Def / 6 SpD
Fire Punch, Night Shade, Trick Room, Foresight

Kangaskhan (Lv7) @ Focus Sash
Relaxed -- Scrappy
Random EVs
Endeavor, Fake Out, Helping Hand, Protect

Another Trick Room team.
Just like any other BT Trick Room teams, first turn goes Trick Room + Protect/Fake Out. I ALWAYS use Fake Out to Rampardos, he always attacks Dusknoir for some reason and he beats him to a pulp. I also use Fake Out to Fling (CH)/OHKO/STAB Night Slash (CH) users which annoyed me a lot during previous attempts. I love Scrappy, it lets you take down those annoying ghosts so you can get rid of them for Explosion. Of course Foresight is there if there are more ghosts. When Trick Room starts, kill everything with Endeavor + Night Shade. My Kangaskhan has 33 HP at Lv7 so Endeavor + Night Shade basically kills everything including bulky steel types. Of course Endeavor + Fire Punch when facing normal types. I never used Helping Hand so I should replace it with something else I guess.
After Kangaskhan faints, it should be (Me) 3-2 (Opponent). Bring in the artillery.

Lickylicky @ Life Orb
Brave -- Own Tempo
252 HP / 252 Atk / 6 Def
Explosion, Earthquake, Ice Punch, Return

Machamp @ Iron Ball
Brave -- No Guard
252 HP / 252 Atk / 6 Def
Dynamic Punch, Stone Edge, Protect, Fling

Late-game execution
I wanted to use Snorlax in place of Lickylicky here but I don't have the Self-Destruct one so I'm stuck with him. Lickylicky comes in play after Kangaskhan faints or when the opponent is down to 2 (or 3 in some cases). Main purpose is to use Explosion + Night Shade/Foresight (if there is a ghost type in play). Then Machamp comes in play to sweep the remaining enemies. Machamp is like the anti-hax in BT and I hate dealing with those Double Team using AIs.

Priority move users
OHKO users
Quick Claw users
Pokemon with Damp Ability

How I lost:
No. I did not lose. My DS just randomly turned off itself and I had no idea why. Sucks to be me, I guess :((
Picture will be up soon.
Recently been playing Battle Factory in Platinum quite a bit and managed to get 47 wins in a row before losing because of bad play by me in match 48.


Kind of blurry - my phone sucks at taking pictures :(

Can't remember much of the run before this one, there were quite a few times I survived with around 5-20 HP or so and other times where the EndureSalac Scizor twice would have swept me if it wasn't stupid and used an ineffective move/Magnezone survive in the second case.

Basically in the match I lost I had:

1. 821 | Mismagius | Timid | Focus Sash | Shadow Ball | Psychic | Thunderbolt | Destiny Bond | SpA/Spe

2. 919 | Latios | Adamant | Lum Berry | Dragon Claw | Shadow Claw | Earthquake | Dragon Dance | Atk/Spe

3. 808 | Tauros | Adamant | Choice Band | Return | Earthquake | Stone Edge | Zen Headbutt | Atk/Spe

I can't remember the first mon I started out against, but it was some Psychic or Ghost-type who Mismagius easily OHKOed it without taking any damage. Then I was up against Regigigas. I Thunderbolted as it Double Teamed, which meant it was 922 | Regigigas | Careful | Leftovers | Facade | Zen Headbutt | Double Team | Substitute | HP/Def/SpD. I then Thunderbolted a few times (one if which annoyingly paralysed it) while getting hit by Zen Headbutt for not much and at this time Regigigas had 2 Double Teams. I decided to switch to Tauros (my first mistake as I should have stayed in till Mismagius was weakened before Destiny Bonding to take it out, but I decided to forget Destiny Bond can't miss), then I got Zen Headbutted on the switch before using Return and missing then was hit by Facade down to like 100 HP or something, before hitting it with Return and bringing it down to like 1/10 HP and then Tauros was taken out of Facade. I bring in Latios, Dragon Claw hits Regigigas who survives with 1 HP and takes me out with Facade.

I then take it out with Thunderbolt from Mismagius and hope the last mon is someone Mismagius can OHKO. In comes Lanturn and I of course think I've obiously lost. I Shadow Ball for around 1/3 damage or bit more and get a SpD drop, giving me some hope. Then I get hit with Thunder, survive with like 30 HP and Shadow Ball again. Lanturn survives in low red then takes me out with Thunder :(

Hopefully in a while I'll a manage to go at least that one match further!
Time to raise a new team. The CBer + 2 walls sounds like a decent formula. How often do you have to restore PP on Milo/Bliss?

probably about once each every 3-4 sets. it's a pretty negligible cost actually. and with softboiled/recover, they can basically heal themselves most times - especially with help from toxic, so you can recover hp on the last turn.

Lol almost lost a couple times.

yep! i actually did lose in battle 61 - i accidentally clicked on ghost without my with a non-gastro-acid machamp, then went "no shedinja no shedinja no shedinja...." and of course you know what comes out..... so i just played through 1-60 again, and started recording from there.

but it goes to show that nothing is invincible in the hall. air slash almost killed me (that's the other one you're referring to, right?). i dont think a single pokemon can counter flinch hax, evasion hax, quick claw hax, crit hax all at once, while having a sure-fire victory over each and every opponent! if machamp was quite a bit faster, then i think he'd have it al covered though!

i ended up playing on, and lost to utter stupidity - i was playing on the train this morning without the list. because i didnt know what items the pokes had, i used fake out on just about everything. then i did this on a dragonite and obviously lost battle 199! in the 28 battles i won, there were two occasions where a flinch from air slash would have killed me, as it had done more than 50% damage. meanwhile, if i find myself in need of BP for tutoring, this is probably how i'd do it - 12BP for defeating 10 pokemon, in around 10 mins is an awesome conversion rate!
Hmm, I just got an idea of a new Pokemon for Battle Hall and I don't know if it'll work, I guess I'll try "it" out for a while. LOL @ 18 Garchomps.
Phew, finally posting my record.

Platnium Battle Hall Singles Streak: 196

Didn't quite make it to 200, but oh well :P


Latios @ Focus Sash / Choice Specs
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 Hp
IVs: 31/6/31/30/31/30
-Draco Meteor
-Surf/Dark Pulse
-HP Fire

Yeah, it's my favorite Pokemon, Latios. I think I'm only the second person to get on the list by using him. Draco Meteor kills most things not named Blissey, while the rest of the moves are for coverage. Surf was replaced with Dark Pulse during the Ghost set, not for Shedinja, but to kill ghost types with ease. I only ran Focus Sash when I was facing Pokes who could probably OHKO him without being OHKO'ed first.

Anyway, order of sets.

Dark: Weavile and Umbreon
Ice: Weavile again
Steel: Resists Draco Meteor
Normal: Blissey, too many unnecessary surprises.
Ghosts: Dusknoir and Gengar. Faced Argenta in battle 50 and won against a Swampert.
Dragon: Not a fun one. Ran into Garchomp, Latios, and Latias, in order. Draco Meteor actually missed Latios, but Dragon Pulse didn't do too much to me.

The rest was pretty smooth until I faced Argenta again. Her Pokemon was the Umbreon. Ugh, I love Umbreon dearly, but not in this instance. Draco Meteor missed, Confuse Ray hit, Sucker Punch hit, and Latios hit itself. Then another Sucker Punch, which also hits. However, Draco Meteor hit and critted, so I made it.

I did the Dark and Steel sets again before realizing "Crap, I forgot Ice." So I go back. Sixth battle in, it's Weavile. Ice Punch hit me and did heavy damage. I used Thunderbolt (trying to paralyze the thing) and it hit, but didn't kill thanks to the Sash, nor did it paralyze. I lost, end of story.

I've been working on this streak for a few weeks, so I was doing both my Hall and Tower streaks simoultaniously. Probably explains why I fell short of my goals for both.

As per usual, please notify me if I've missed something.

Never mind, posted streak with mismatched warstory. Ugh, that was bad.

I haven't posted here for way too long and I was wondering if the HG/SS tower is the same as Platinum, as I feel like going back to Battle Tower Doubles ^^.

Thanks in advance.
I've been trying to make it to 100 on the standard Diamond / Pearl Battle Tower Doubles.. So far I keep bowing out between 60 / 80 wins. This team has never actually LOST, I just seem to get stalled out be teams of 4 water pokemon. Here is the version I was using, with changes I am considering in bold:

Ludicolo (M) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 40 HP/216 Spd/252 SAtk
Modest nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Fake Out
- Surf
- Energy Ball[Grass Knot]
- Blizzard

Vaporeon (M) @ Damp Rock
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 Def/72 Spd/184 SAtk
Modest nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Surf
- Blizzard[Hidden Power Electric]
- Rain Dance
- Protect

I lead with Ludicolo and Vaporeon, probably the best doubles duo I've used in my many times trying to reach 100 wins. These two have brought me the most consistent success. Ludicolo fakes out the more threatening pokemon, allowing Vaporeon to safely Rain Dance. Since nothing bar crits and OHKO moves will OHKO Vap unboosted, I have gotten the Rain Dance off in all but 1 battle in the time I've used these (thank you critical hit Leaf Blades from Gallade?). Once raining, Ludicolo and Vaporeon spam Surf, with Vap healing 25% every time I use it. Protect is good for stalling an extra turn when Ludicolo will get the kill. I probably won 90% of battles with these two alone. Thanks to Water Absorb, monster Special Attack, and solid defenses, Vaporeon has died ONCE. And when Ludicolo's Surf isn't strong enough I have...

Kingdra (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 60 Atk/196 Spd/252 SAtk
Hasty nature (+Spd, -Def)
- Surf
- Draco Meteor
- Blizzard
- Waterfall

Kingdra has the strongest Surf on my team thanks to Life Orb. Draco Meteor is usually good for a kill and I can Waterfall annoying shit like Blissey / Snorlax. Usually I just spam Surf, healing Vaporeon along the way. Hasty nature is to be able to better spam Blizzard in hail and get off Meteor's with higher speed.

Abomasnow (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Snow Warning
EVs: 4 Atk/252 Spd/252 SAtk
Hasty nature (+Spd, -Def)
- Blizzard
- Energy Ball[Grass Knot]
- Wood Hammer
- Focus Blast[Focus Punch]

Answer to you asking why I have so many Blizzards running around. Scarfed Abomasnow works wonders on this team. Here's an extremely effective tactic I've come to use. When its Raining, and one of my swimmers gets confronted with a Grass type, I can switch Vaporeon out and thanks to switchings priority, Abomasnow will come in after the turn has started. So Ludicolo and Kingdra will essentially have a Swift Swimmed 100% accurate Blizzard to use. Having this available I can switch to a Blizzard spam team if double teamers start getting annoying.

So in my tenure, I've lost twice but never technically lost. My first time around I was stalled out in battle 80 something by that Double Team / Aqua Ring / Rest Empoleon, forcing me to start using Focus Punch on Abomasnow. My most recent loss was against a team of 4 Water Pokemon, 2 of them Water Absorbers (Poliwrath and Lapras). Meaning I couldnt use Surf at all the entire battle, and Ludicolo and Aboma just weren't causing enough damage with Energy Ball. So I'm changing that to Grass Knot, I was always under the impression that Energy Ball was better for consistency, but the things I'm hitting I think Grass Knot will do just fine. Also, I might slap HP Electric on Vap to alleviate the stress of these two in attacking other Waters, as I rarely used Blizzard with her. Other than that, this team pretty much plows through anything and everything. Both losses were due to stalling, and there is little room for hax to defeat me since most pokemon just don't stand up to TWO double STABed Surfs at once. I even remember knocking out Blissey in two rounds with it.