Regarding Battle Factory Pokemon IVs. The IVs of the CPU's Pokemon is dependant on which trainer uses the Pokemon.
For reference: Frontier Trainer List.txt
Trainers 1-100 - IV0
Trainers 101-120 - IV4
Trainers 121-140 - IV8
Trainers 141-160 - IV12
Trainers 161-180 - IV16
Trainers 181-200 - IV20
Trainers 201-220 - IV24
Trainers 221-300 - IV31
The Pokemon they use are decided like this:
Number refer to to Pokemon ID numbers here:
Level 50
Trainers 1-100 - 1-150
Trainers 101-120 - 151-250
Trainers 121-140 - 251-350
Trainers 141-160 - 351-486
Trainers 161-180 - 487-622
Trainers 181-200 - 623-758
Trainers 201-220 - 759-890
Trainers 221-300 - 351-950
Open Level
Trainers 1-100 - 351-486
Trainers 101-120 - 487-622
Trainers 121-140 - 623-758
Trainers 141-160 - 759-890
Trainers 161-180 - 351-950
Trainers 181-200 - 351-950
Trainers 201-220 - 351-950
Trainers 221-300 - 351-950
Now for some records:
Single Open Level Battle Factory
Team Rocket Elite (56) - various
I finally managed to pass 49 and obtain the Gold Print for the factory.
Starting from Battle 29 (Round 5), where things get serious:
I was given Infernape 4 in my starting selection, and took along Gallade 3, and Slowbro 3. The opponent starts with Hippowdon 4, but I manage to pull a win, taking the Hippo over Slowbro. The next battle had Kingdra 4, which I took over Gallade. The next battles had me switching out the middle Pokemon for other things, which I can't really remember too well. There was a close call at the very end of battle 35 where the opponent's Golem went on a Quick Claw rampage and nearly wiped my team out.
Round 6 were beaten by a starting team of Heatran 4, Tauros 4 (with Intimidate), and Milotic 4. Heatran always managed to hit with Magma Storm, which I used about 6-7 times through out the run.
In round 7, I got Milotic 3, and along the way picked up Swampert 3 (as my lead), and Ursaring 3 (with Guts). A close call came up in Battle #48, which I have a battle vid of. Milotic manages to tank a Leaf Storm to allow me the victory.
Battle 48 video: 21-91799-94199
Against Thorton, I'm told that he has no type specialties, so I decided to swap the Swampert for Roserade (was either 3 or 4, but didn't matter which since it only used Leaf Storm).
Thorton opens up with a Golduck, which was taken out easily by Roserade's Leaf Storm. Afterwards, he sends out an Aggron. Aggron takes a Leaf Storm and hangs on with a Focus Sash, then takes Roserade out with Stone Edge. I send out my Milotic and finish it off with Hydro Pump, since I wasn't sure if my Ursaring would be able to outrun it. Thorton sends out his last, which is a Donphan. Milotic goes for the Hydro Pump, but wait! Quick Claw activates. Thorton goes for one last ditch effort for a comeback.
Donphan uses Fissure!
But the attack misses!
Milotic KOs Donphan with Hydro Pump for the Gold Print.
In round 8, I'm started off with a rather shaky team that used Blaziken 2 and Blast Burned things to death. The team eventually became Gastrodon 1, Starmie 3, and Aerodactyl 4 which turned out to be pretty solid as I didn't run into any DD Dragons.
I lose in Battle 57 in swift fashion though. I'm told that the opponent uses Water Types, so I take Cradily 3, Swampert 2, and Weezing 3, and proceed to get 3/3 OHKO'd by the starting Dewgong.
Double Battle Arcade
Team Rocket Elite (175) - Bronzong, Duskull, Dusknoir
Trait: Heatproof
Nature: Brave (+Atk, -Speed)
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Atk, 6 Sp.Def
-Trick Room
-Iron Head
Lv. 1 Duskull
Trait: Levitate
Nature: Jolly
EVs: Zero
-Destiny Bond
-Pain Split
Trait: Pressure
Nature: Careful(+SpDef, -SpAtk)
EVs: 252 HP, 58 Def, 200 Sp. Def
-Night Shade
I've been meaning to get around to playing Double Arcade with my Double Castle team for a while now, but never really got around to it with playing Battle Hall and Factory. Since I managed to finally obtain the Factory Gold Print, I decided to take a shot with the team.
As I have mentioned with my Double Castle record, this team can run without the use of any held items. So the lack of held items in the Arcade works only to my advantage as I don't have to deal with any Focus Bands/Focus Sash/Quick Claw/Lax Incense/BrightPowder/Sitrus Berry on the opponent Pokemon. No surpise sniping of my level 1 before it moves, no surprise dodges of Explosion. There are still a few things to worry about, like being sleep'd, frozen, or flinched by Rock Slide, but they come into play much less than the hax items.
The team runs on Explosions and Destiny Bonds. Leer and Pain Split are helpful in ensuring 2 KOs with Explosion. Since you see the opponent's team before the battle, you can plan something out before you start the roulette.
On the Arcade Roulette, you should avoid Fog, Status to self, randomize roulette, and roulette speed increase.
Fog is self explanatory, it makes trying to use Explosion extremely risky, meaning that you will have to tough the battle out the hard way.
Freeze/sleep have a 1/3 chance of being irrelevant by affecting Dusknoir, 1/3 of being problematic by affecting Duskull, and a 1/3 of being near fatal by shutting down Bronzong.
Burn halves Bronzong's attack, ruining Explosion, wouldn't be too bad otherwise.
Paralysis of self is risky, but not quite as bad as the other 3 statuses previously mentioned, Poison is irrelevant.
Roulette Speed Increase and Random Roulette will cause you to lose control of the roulette, making it tougher to avoid hazardous panels.
Threat Pokemon:
-Pokemon with sleep attacks and no attacking moves (except Dream Eater)
-OHKO Lapras, Walrein, Mamoswine, Dewgong
-Rock Slide Openers
Since Bronzong lost its Lum Berry, sleepers can be a problem, other than that, it's pretty much the standard fare of troubles.
I've played a couple runs with this team, and every loss was due to screwing up the Roulette, and having a bit of bad luck to go with it.
In this case, I accidently burned my team, and the battle ends up with Dusknoir missing the finishing blow against Blastoise 2 due to it using Double Team once.
These aren't records but here are some of my other Double Battle Hall attempts:
Double Battle Hall
Team Rocket Elite (204) - Lucario + Lucario, Lucario and Lucario as side board
Team A
Lucario @ Choice Specs
Nature: Timid (Spd +, Atk -)
IVs: 25/15/28/31/28/31
EVs: 6 HP, 252 Sp.Atk, 252 Spd
-Aura Sphere
-Shadow Ball
Lucario @ Choice Band
Nature: Adamant (Atk +, Sp. Atk -)
IVs: 31/31/27/31/29/31
EVs: 6 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spd
-Close Combat
Team B
Lucario @ Focus Sash
Nature: Naive (Spd +, Sp. Def -)
IVs: 29/31/29/31/31/30
EVs: 252 Atk, 54 Sp.A, 204 Spd
-Close Combat
-HP-Ice 66
Lucario @ Choice Scarf
Nature: Adamant (Spd +, Sp. Atk -)
IVs: 31/31/20/28/29/31
EVs: 120 HP, 252 Atk, 136 Spd
-Close Combat
-Rock Slide
-Ice Punch
Lucario does really well in some types that are normally a pain to deal with, while it falls short on others. Water, Ice and Dark types are fairly simple to beat, while Ground is a nightmare. The team automatically loses against Donphan and Hippowdon, and there are a lot of things with Lax Incense or BrightPowder that can ruin a run.
Also there were a lot of other Pokemon like Rotom, Forretress, and Entei that Lucario ended up being rather shaky against. Overall, there were just too many problems, which conveniently show themselves at the worst times for Lucario to go far.
I lost at 204 against Metagross. Turn 1 Quick Claw Critical Hit Zen Headbutt ruined any chance of victory.
Double Battle Hall
Team Rocket Elite (380) - Garchomp + Garchomp, Garchomp and Garchomp as side board
Team A - CB + Sash
Garchomp @ Choice Band
Nature: Jolly (+Spd, -Sp.A)
IVs: 31/31/24/15/23/31
EVs: 6HP, 252 Atk, 248 Spd
-Rock Slide
-Fire Fang
Garchomp @ Focus Sash
Nature: Jolly (+Spd, -Sp.A)
IVs: 25/30/26/15/22/31
EVs: 10 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spd
Team B - Double CB
Garchomp @ Choice Band
Nature: Jolly (+Spd, -Sp.A)
IVs: 15/31/31/05/31/31
EVs: 10HP, 252 Atk, 248 Spd
-Rock Slide
-Aerial Ace
Garchomp @ Choice Band
Nature: Jolly (+Spd, -Sp.A)
IVs: 30/31/31/16/31/31
EVs: 6HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spd
-Rock Slide
-Aerial Ace
You'll notice that 3 of the Garchomps pretty much have the same moveset. Garchomp sadly has very little in terms of supporting moves, namely Leer.
Blizzard ruins the team, and Whiscash and Gastrodon are not pleasant to fight. However, Piloswine, of all things, is the most threatening thing to Double Garchomps, since they barely survive CB Outrage and OHKO with Ice Fang.
My run ended by Slowbro, who appear about half the times I go through Water Type, and have a 4% chance of beating my CB + Sash team.