Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

Hi guys. I've been playing Battle Tower on my Platinum for a while now and I can't get pass 50 streaks. So I decided to revamp my team.

What do you guys think of this one?
Bronzong @ Leftovers
252 Hp / 252 Def / 4 SpD
~ Calm Mind
~ Flash Cannon
~ Substitute
~ Rest

I am planning to run a trick team with either Uxie or Gardevoir with Charm/Thunder Wave as a lead and maybe Garchomp or Salamence as a third pokemon. I haven't tested it myself but it seemed like a good idea in my head. Opinions?
Call me superstitious but I'm pretty convinced that "luck" has something to do with how you push the buttons on the DS. If I pound the "A" button continuously like a madman, hax isn't going to take long to show up. On the other hand if you slowly just push it just as much as strictly necessary, luck seems a bit more reasonable. I have no proof of this but I feel there is a pattern, maybe others have noticed it too.
Call me superstitious but I'm pretty convinced that "luck" has something to do with how you push the buttons on the DS. If I pound the "A" button continuously like a madman, hax isn't going to take long to show up. On the other hand if you slowly just push it just as much as strictly necessary, luck seems a bit more reasonable. I have no proof of this but I feel there is a pattern, maybe others have noticed it too.

Nope, there's absolutely no relation between pressing A and the effect of moves in battle. >_>; I understand how you feel though. :P I was like that when I played Yellow.

:/ But in reality, you can't "control" what happens by how you mash. Everything is random. Of course, if it makes you feel better, go ahead. ;D
Maybe the aggressive act of button-mashing makes you more worked up, so you get more frustrated when you have bad luck, and you're more likely to remember it. When you don't button-mash, you might be in a calmer state of mind, meaning you take bad luck with more of a grain of salt; it doesn't frustrate you so much, and because it's less of an emotional experience, you don't remember it as well.
Now there's a controversial thing to say... what makes you so sure they're the best? Is it because they were used by Jumpman and Peterko respectively to achieve their 2360+ streaks? I made this video: to prove that even when using exact replicas of Jumpman's Mesprit and Drapion, you're completely helpless against severe hax... it was really a miracle that either of them got so far. I hope I don't sound like I'm putting you off or anything... just reminding you that all leads are vulnerable to hax.
I wasn't trying to prevent hax with the leads, hence the conventional movesets. I used them since they were proven to be good, and with explanation of why. By the best, I meant best with a Trick team, which is of course what I'm building. I might have picked different ones should the types of my other members match up well.

I think you're trying to overspecialise against hax here - while it is the leading causes of streaks ending, I think this team sacrifices something possibly more important, just to better handle hax.
Is it consistency? I was going for a good balance in consistency and hax prevention, but seeing as I've never built an entire Trick team myself, I guess I could give the members another look. Seeing as Drapion has been called "dependable" though and how Skarmory still gets two immunities (one a type Drapion's weak to) and decent power (a bit sacrificed for hax prevention, I admit,) I might need some help in finding this team's major flaws.
You're welcome to try this and see how far you get though... it would be interesting. Also, nice nicknames you chose.
Thanks. I'm considering changing Skarm's to Lime Tonic (it's the wings.)
I have a question about two teams I have used:
I got a streak of 96 in HGSS Battle Tower

I lost at 97 thanks to quick claw metagross taking out my kingdra who was going to weaken it with a DDanced (2x) Waterfall, and finish with my weavile. Weavile lacked the raw power to 2HKO it after a swords dance.
That Team was:
Lead: Dragonite - Choice Band (Outrage, Earthquake, Fire Punch, ExtremeSpeed)
Kingdra - Dragon Fang (DDance, Substitute, Outrage, Waterfall)
Weavile - Focus Sash (Swords Dance, Night Slash, Low Kick, Ice Punch)
^Weavile was the trump card of the team, easily saving me in more than 10 games

Any Glaring problems with that team?

My new team consists of:
Lead: Machamp - Lum Berry (Stone Edge, Dynamic Punch, Ice Punch, Bullet Punch)
Metagross - Life Orb (Earthquake, Meteor Mash, Thunder Punch, Explosion)
Weavile - Focus Sash (Swords Dance, Night Slash, Low Kick, Ice Punch)

Any Glaring problems here?
This team just lost to the following hax at 54:
1) Machamp vs Dugtrio (start of match), Dugtrio gets a critical hit earthquake and 1-shots machamp
2) My Weavile Ice Punches, Dugtrio dies. New pokemon is Raichu
3) Weavile Lacks raw power to 1-shot raichu (understandable), but static also kicks in and I'm paralyzed. Now I die on an easy kill since he gets his 2nd shot first now.
4) My metagross comes in to earthquake, but raichu is faster as expected. Volt-Tackles me and paralyzes metagross (attack still goes)
5) Exploud comes in and overheats. Easy 1-shot with meteor mash had I gone first w/o paralysis.

Before I go on in this tower, anything wrong with this team before I fire it up again? Everything was going extremely well beyond the hax that ruined me, just want to know if anything might stop it cold.
No Guard Machamp isn't the greatest Pokemon to use in the Battle Tower, since without any speed boosts you're begging to be instant OHKOed by those P.I.s. Even with speed boosts you're still begging Quick Claw instant KOs.

You also have no fire resists and two weak to it. Weavile, the best chance of outspeeding before getting hit, can't do much to fire types.

Also, I think your Metagross had a very miniscule chance of OHKOing the Exploud with Meteor Mash, even if you had outspeeded.

This is just a very basic analysis since I'm not an expert in the BT.
I have a question about two teams I have used:
I got a streak of 96 in HGSS Battle Tower

I lost at 97 thanks to quick claw metagross taking out my kingdra who was going to weaken it with a DDanced (2x) Waterfall, and finish with my weavile. Weavile lacked the raw power to 2HKO it after a swords dance.
That Team was:
Lead: Dragonite - Choice Band (Outrage, Earthquake, Fire Punch, ExtremeSpeed)
Kingdra - Dragon Fang (DDance, Substitute, Outrage, Waterfall)
Weavile - Focus Sash (Swords Dance, Night Slash, Low Kick, Ice Punch)
^Weavile was the trump card of the team, easily saving me in more than 10 games

Any Glaring problems with that team?
I feel like this team is the better of the two, but having two Outrage users seems like a little much. Aggron is a bitch, and it always seems to come up at the worst times. I also feel like Salamence would be better in the lead spot; sure, ExtremeSpeed can get you KOs against EndSalac users, but then you're locked into a move that isn't all that strong, relatively speaking. Salamence has better speed, slightly more attack, and can run a special Fire move for a better hit on Skarmory. I don't have a simple solution to the problem this team has with bulky Steel- and Ground-types, though, particularly with the amount Outrage will get you locked in. You could try Rain Dance Kingdra, but I think you'll usually be underwhelmed. Substitute is generally the catch-all answer to hax in the Battle Tower, but without something to weaken Kingdra's opponents, it generally won't be able to set it up. If I were using exactly the same team, though, I would go for Lum Berry on Kingdra; in the event that you do get locked into Outrage, it gives you a chance to get out of it and hit with Waterfall (and gives you a free Dragon Dance against guys that try to status you).

The second team is really susceptible to hax, unfortunately. Without a single user of Substitute (and with generally slow team members, except for Weavile), you'll run into a lot of problems with OHKO users, Quick Claw, Meteor Mash misses, and stuff like that. I'd also think you'd have a lot of problems with bulky Grounds, as you're basically relying on DynamicPunch causing them to hurt themselves in confusion. For instance, Impish Hippowdon will almost never be OHKO'd by Weavile's Ice Punch AFTER a Swords Dance, and that's assuming you get the time to set up Swords Dance. Swampert has great bulk, resists Meteor Mash, and doesn't really care about Weavile at all. Obviously, those two are problems for any team that uses purely physical attackers, but your team is especially susceptible to them, because none of your Pokemon can reliably set up. You also have a lot of trouble with switching, because your Pokemon don't complement each other's resistances; if Metagross is in against a faster Fire-type, it basically has the chance of dying, letting Weavile come in and probably die, or having Machamp take a strong hit (and it won't like White Herb Overheat). I almost feel like special Salamence would work better as a lead; you can switch Metagross in on its Ice and Rock weaknesses, it can easily kill physically bulky Pokemon and Fire-types, and has a Fire resistance and a Ground immunity, which it can use to support Metagross (and has Intimidate to weaken physical attackers). It still won't like Swampert, but it can hurt it with Draco Meteor.

Regarding the battle you lost with the second team, your odds would have been better if you had Swords Danced with Weavile. It's not particularly powerful (you know your physical attacker has a few problems if it can't OHKO Raichu), and Static's 30% paralysis chance isn't all that uncommon if you think about it. Sure, you could have been hit by Volt Tackle and been paralyzed, but the odds were lower than being hit by Static (and if it had been one with Thunder Wave, you still would've had your Sash).

Good luck! I know the Tower can be a bitch sometimes, and it's hard to try something different, particularly with hax running around, but that's why Substitute is such a crucial move (hell, I'd spam Substitute with my Dragonite with Leftovers and Roost just for the sake of stalling out Sheer Cold).

...around 7,5 hours just flushed down the toilett by the game itself...

I´m thankful this didn´t happen during my 2363 streak or I would have crashed my DS back then, stomped on it and thrown it 60 meters outta the window

oh yeah, 175 and I´m entering another set of 7 while watching TV, make my team choice and then I get the everyone´s favourite double black screen

the funny thing is I didn´t even swear when it happened...

I didn´t panic and tried to make it work, closing/opening didn´t help, I played the music to check where I am, because I wasn´t sure if after team choice/save or somewhere before that as I didn´t pay plays and the buttons react, X like menu etc. so I´m hoping lol...anyway I soft reset...and she goes "excuse me!"

zero :/

and this wasn´t even on my older DS lite which got a life and switches itself on and off once in a while...

battle frontier, where hax isn´t the only way they get you :)
Nope, there's absolutely no relation between pressing A and the effect of moves in battle. >_>; I understand how you feel though. :P I was like that when I played Yellow.

:/ But in reality, you can't "control" what happens by how you mash. Everything is random. Of course, if it makes you feel better, go ahead. ;D
Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if the battle RNG reacted to button input in certain ways. I've played RPGs where that was the case, as TAS videos of those RPGs were dependent on manipulating such effects for insane hit/miss odds and such.

Although I have no idea how the Pokemon battle RNG works and figured that somebody would have done the research for this already if that was indeed the case. :P

make my team choice and then I get the everyone´s favourite double black screen
Heh. Same thing happened to me repeatedly back in Plat until I busted out some compressed air for the DS card slot.

Never understood why that ONLY happened to me at the Battle Frontier, either.
Not sure what a P.I. is, so not sure what you're saying.

Regarding the fire resists, machamp can take hits very well and strike back with stone edge on the fire types, but once he's gone yeah it would probably be a real pain. He handled entei when machamp was already weakened, but moltres would definitely be a problem even from full HP.
Regarding the swords dance vs raichu, that raichu also had thunder wave but I shoulda figured it would use brick break over T-Wave. They usually run the super-effective (though in another run, a starmie surfed my weakened machamp, which hurt weavile who was expecting the psychic). I don't like having my weavile crippled because he is my fastest and most reliable killer (barring full HP Steel/Psychics), but I guess gambling for a critical isn't the best idea either haha. I guess I should have switched to metagross to take a T-wave or brick break, knowing that he could easily take the shots and earthquake back. Hindsight :(

The bulky steel types did give me a bit of grief, but if they are the lead then dragonite just fire punches or earthquakes. His moves were picked to deal with steel pokemon specifically. If he has already died, and didn't manage to soften them with the outrage, then I do have some problems. Skarmory was dealt with by pumping 1-2 swords dances and ice punching with weavile (since skarmory also has nothing on me). Same with bronzong. Metagross got me with the quick claw killing something to soften. He is the biggest threat with dragonite out of the picture.
I need a fire move on someone who isn't likely to be outrage locked.

Regarding the lum berry, yeah I somehow forgot about that (I think when I was building the team, one of my options needed the lum berry. However, I decided not to run that pokemon and forgot that I could now give it to kingdra).

Thanks for all of your feedback everyone :)

Would you run the first team again (Lum berry kingdra) considering how far it went, or consider it maybe more lucky and build a new team?
Not setting any records with this win streak (currently 56 wins and going), but I wonder what people think of this setup.

Battle Tower - Doubles - HeartGold

Lead #1
Flygon @ Choice Scarf
EVs: 252 Attack / 252 Speed / 6 Special Defense
-Fire Punch

Basically your standard Scarf'd Flygon. I opted for an Adamant nature instead of Jolly since I need to inflict as much damage as possible. I could probably go with less speed EVs but for now it works pretty good. I also opted for Fire Punch instead of Fire Blast or Stone Edge simply because the accuracy on those suck. Also it's Special Attack is pathetic; most of the time Fire Punch does more damage than Fire Blast would, unless I'm going up against physically defensive types.

Obviously I have problems with anything that uses an Ice attack. A solid Blizzard, Ice Beam, Ice Fang, Ice Punch usually means a OHKO, and more often than not the computer likes to use Ice Shard, which often nets a OHKO too. Bulky Water types are also notoriously difficult for Flygon to take down, especially since they (usually) pack an Ice attack.

Lead #2
Infernape @ Fist Plate
EVs: 252 Attack / 252 Speed / 6 Special Defense
- Flare Blitz
- Mach Punch
- Fake Out
- Protect

Using this Infernape is simple. It's first turn, Fake Out if Flygon is using U-turn or Outrage, or Protect (or switch to Zapdos) if it's using Earthquake. If Flygon is going to continue using Earthquake, switch, otherwise go for some kills with Flare Blitz and Mach Punch. Protect is also useful for seeing how the computer reacts.

Flying and Psychic types tend to give this Infernape problems, as do the typical Water types. It's also difficult to switch into it due to its lower defenses.

I thought about using a Focus Sash, but Flare Blitz would break it the instant I used it. I could switch to Fire Punch instead of Flare Blitz, but I'd lose about a third of the base damage.

Zapdos @ Leftovers
EV Spread: 248 HP / 228 Defense / 32 Speed
-Hidden Power Ice

This is the Physically Defensive Zapdos from the analysis, and damn does it make a fantastic tank. I used to use this Zapdos and Flygon as my leads, but it has peculiar problems versus Ice types (as you can imagine), which is why I switched to the Infernape. Usage is simple: Thunderbolt everything not resistant to Electric, HP Ice everything else. Roost to heal damage. Roar if I get a bad matchup (which is infrequent since it's not my lead anymore). Hidden Power Ice is also there to take down those pesky dragons (notably Flygon and Garchomp), as well as the odd-ball Lati@s.

Sometimes Ice and Rock types will give this Zapdos problems, as will the specially defensive grass type (Venusaur and Abomasnow in particular). Pressure also means Flygon will burn thru Earthquake PP twice as fast whenever it's paired with Zapdos.

For some odd reason the computer just loves to give this Zapdos status problems (like Paralysis, Confusion, and Sleep) before my other Pokemon.

Lucario @ Choice Specs
Inner Focus
EV Spread: 252 Special Attack / 252 Speed / 6 Special Defense
-Aura Sphere
-Vacuum Wave
-Shadow Ball
-Hidden Power Ice

I opted for a Specially Offensive Lucario instead of a Physically Offensive because of those annoyingly physically defensive steels and rock types. Otherwise, it's a pick your poison when switched in. Hidden Power Ice is there for coverage versus flying types (and to take down those pesky Dragons more effectively than with other attacks).

The one thing I dislike about Lucario is that I can't switch it in with Flygon when it's locked into Earthquake, unless I want Lucario to only live one turn.
I'll try to give a bit of advice, since I played Double a bit and I've used Scarf Flygon + Zapdos lead before. Doubles is an extremely offensive environment. Unless you're using an extremely bulky pokemon whose main job is setting up screens or Trick Room, there's no point using a defensive set.

For example, I would not think that you had time to use Roar or Roost on your Zapdos in your 56 battles. Or if you did, it was not crucial that you used it. You should take advantage of Zapdos's attacking power instead. Use either Timid or Modest, with Thunderbolt, Heatwave, Hidden Power (Ice/Grass if you can), and either Protect or Discharge on last move. I'd personally use Timid and have enough to speed to outspeed neutral 110s. Hold Leftovers or Life Orb with Protect or Zap Plate with Discharge.

Like you said, Flygon can probably do with less speed in the Battle Tower environment, and I think so to. I'd just have enough to outspeed +Electrode (that's what mine has) and then the rest for slightly better bulk to potentially survive nonSTAB ice attacks (though don't expect much, unless you're using an Intimidate pokemon to soften physical ice attacks).

I don't see why you have Lucario there to be honest. Or at least, you don't want both Infernape and Lucario. For infernape, I would probably go with focus sash and have overheat. Or alternatively, I might just go for full special and go with vacuum wave > mach punch and then flamethrower over flare Blitz with focus sash. Focus Sash on ape is really awesome (in this environment) because of Blaze activation. With Flare Blitz, of course that doesn't work out quite the same. Blaze boosted STAB Overheat has 315 base power, pretty powerful. If you are ok with the 90% accuracy, I would use that + mach punch. You also probably don't need max speed on this guy either. Enough to outspeed Jolly Garchomp is fine. If you aren't using flamethrower + vacuum wave, I'd personally opt for Close Combat over either Fake Out, Protect, or mach punch (probably mach punch), but that's up to you.

Consider Dragon Claw over Fire Punch on Flygon if you are leading with Flygon + Infernape and if Zapdos has Heatwave. You probably won't need 3 fire attacks in a team, and Outrage not being able to pick target might end up being bad.

If you are using Lucario, don't use Specs (Life orb seems to be the better alternative). You want protect. Kind of too hard to pick out a slot for it unfortunately --> which was why I question using both Infernape and Lucario, since they're walled by the same things aside from HP Ice ... you would have at least 3 fighting attacks between those 2 pokemon -> moveslot is very limited. I wouldn't recommend having more than two of the same type of attack in battle tower in most cases especially not two priority moves of the same type.

Gyarados seems ok as a replacement. A few benefits: 1) Intimidate, 2)OK at dealing with steels and rocks with earthquake working fine with zapdos/flygon, 3)is immune to flygon's earthquake itself. Disadvantages: 1)being weak to rock and neutral to ice.

Mamoswine also seems ok. Benefits: 1) Earthquake alongside Zapdos/Flygon for Steels and Rocks, 2)Ice Shard for priority 3)Can switch in on Zapdos's Discharge (if you opt for that). Disadvantages: 1) only neutral to rock and ice.

Swampert is also ok. Benefits: 1) Earthquake AND water attack to deal with steel/rock. 2)Resists Rock, 3) its only weakness is resisted by zapdos and infernape. 4) can switch into Discharge. Disadvantages: 1) neutral to ice, 2)slow.

When I have time, I'm actually going to start building and testing a team with Mamo + Zapdos.
I got it!!!! 105 win streak now in HGSS battle tower.

I *ALMOST* lost at 99, too.

Lead: Dragonite, Adamant - Choice band (Outrage, Fire Punch, Earthquake, Extremespeed)
Metagross, Adamant - Life Orb (Meteor Mash, Earthquake, Zen Headbutt, Thunderpunch)
Weavile, Jolly - Focus Sash (Swords Dance, Ice Punch, Night Slash, Low Kick)

Dragonite *ripped* apart the majority of the tower. Extremespeed was used against faster fire types like Charizard and Ninetails, so that weavile can finish up with one hit. This is because those guys can carry hypnosis (Ninetales) or dragon claw (will kill or likely kill my dragonite). Enteis just get EQed because he has nothing on Dragonite.

I'll keep going to see how far we get :)
UPDATE: Lost to freeze hax on trainer 113. Ice fang on my metagross switch-in. Dragon Dancing feraligatr set up all day. Cost me a spot on the list :(
I'm reconsidering Skarmory for my third team slot. This is what I'll most likely be using:
@ Leftovers ** Cran.Juice (short for Cranberry Juice, for the kids, though I'll still probably serve them Red Rum)
Nature: Adamant
IVs: Whatever I find that looks good
EVs: 4 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spe
- Dragon Dance
- Substitute
- Waterfall
- Earthquake
Gets Intimidate in any case I need extra Attack lowerage, and has decent Attack himself and can quickly get going should I need him to. Not really too much to say here. Better Attack and Speed than Skarmory, and still gets acceptable defenses as well.
Thoughts on this one?
I am playing Battle Tower in my Diamond Version for sh*ts and giggles. I am using pokemon that i used Wi-Fi and currently I am at battle 17. I have never Battle Towered before so help with my team would be great. I run a strange Gyarados on my Wi-Fi team so i thought i would use him on this team. Gengar was always one of my favorite pokemon to use, and he had very good synergy with Lucario. Here is my team.

Gyarados - Leftovers
Careful (+Sp. Def, - Sp. Atk)
IVs: 28 31 x 31 29
EVs: 252 SpD, 152 HP, 100 Def.
-Thunder Wave
-Stone Edge
-Dragon Dance

For my Wi-Fi team, I run him as a lead with Taunt, Roar, T-wave and Waterfall. He works very well with Intimidate and naturally high SpD. T-wave first, then DD up if it is a good matchup, if not switch to Gengar or Lucario.

Gengar - Life Orb
(Modest + Sp. Atk, - Atk)
IVs: ? ? 31 ? 31
EVs: 252 Sp. Atk, 252 Spe
-Shadow Ball
-Focus Blast

Serves as a special sweeper, as well as a decent revenge killer. Sub on an immunity, then proceed to fire off the appropriate move. He resists Lucario's weakness's, and can kill his counters. Very important piece for my team.

Lucario - Lum Berry
(Adamant +Atk, - Sp. Atk)
IVs: 31 ? ? ? 31
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe
-Swords Dance
-Close Combat

Typical SD Lucario. Why fix what isn't broken? After a SD, CC rips anything unresisted. Crunch is for the pesky Ghosts, and Espeed works well to pick off weak opponents.

All in all, Gyarados usually takes out the first 2 or 3 pokemon, and whatever he cant Gengar comes in on. I am willing to take any suggestions and make any changes. Thanks in advance. EDIT: I was talking about Wi-Fi battles, not tower. :)
@Tombstoner: Gyarados seems ok overall. Just to make sure you are aware though, when you are using the Mesprit + Drapion combo, most of the time you are using your 3rd pokemon only when you need quick set up (look at the record list for the teams using Drapion), because Acuppressure requires quite a few turns.

It's good to take a look at the pokemon list to see which leading threats you will probably need to use Gyarados as opposed to Drapion. e.g. Off the top of my head, Rampardos leads will require a bit to work around for your team, probably a handful of others.

Waterfall + EQ is resisted by pure (and some non-pure) grass types, as well as Flying Dragons. Both of those groups are typically somewhat bulky, so that means they will be 2HKO'd at best. Waterfall + Return for better neutral coverage but will be susceptible to Static / Flamebody. Water + Ground is also totally walled by Mantine, but you won't see much of that guy, but... still, Water + Return seems better (only resisted by Empoleon and Shedinja which you won't see, and drapion can take care anyway).

@MazeL: Only 5 IVs for your pokemon? I haven't really played Wifi-tower so I can't really comment much, but I thought Timid on Gengar for outspeeding a lot more things (like Jolly Garchomp) and Destiny Bond (usually with Focus Sash) is the most effective set.

...around 7,5 hours just flushed down the toilett by the game itself...

I´m thankful this didn´t happen during my 2363 streak or I would have crashed my DS back then, stomped on it and thrown it 60 meters outta the window

oh yeah, 175 and I´m entering another set of 7 while watching TV, make my team choice and then I get the everyone´s favourite double black screen

the funny thing is I didn´t even swear when it happened...

I didn´t panic and tried to make it work, closing/opening didn´t help, I played the music to check where I am, because I wasn´t sure if after team choice/save or somewhere before that as I didn´t pay plays and the buttons react, X like menu etc. so I´m hoping lol...anyway I soft reset...and she goes "excuse me!"

zero :/

and this wasn´t even on my older DS lite which got a life and switches itself on and off once in a while...

battle frontier, where hax isn´t the only way they get you :)

That reminds me a lot of playing Multi-Battles with my friends. A couple buddies were so far in (I think Round 6 of Factory) or something, and at the same time, both their DSs gave the dreaded "COMMUNICATION ERROR" and a blue screen of death. We always say that's the ultimate hax.
New record set

I set a new record with my team

Garchomp~Swords Dance/Earthquake/Stone Edge/Dragon Claw
Zapdos~Discharge/Heat Wave/Charge/Ancient power
Charizard~Heatwave/Sunny day/Solar Beam/Focus Blast
Latias~Calm mind/Grass Knot/Dragon Pulse/Mist Ball

The video of my loss = (
Match 157 it was a fun ride
Just wondering on my metagross drapion gyarados team would it be worth swapping gyarados for togekiss? Kiss recieves no damage from two super effective hits aimed at gross, or is gyara generally better?
Just wondering on my metagross drapion gyarados team would it be worth swapping gyarados for togekiss? Kiss recieves no damage from two super effective hits aimed at gross, or is gyara generally better?
Ghost type moves are only a neutral hit on Metagross. It sort of depends on what you're trying to do...I'm assuming you're running a Trick team, and setting up Dragon Dance with Gyarados and Nasty Plot with Togekiss. In terms of resistances, I'd generally go for Gyarados; it's immune to Earthquake and resists Fire and Water type moves, all of which Metagross attracts. The resistance to Fighting (and Intimidate) really helps too. Drapion already resists Ghost, so that's not too big of an issue. The only reason I'd use Togekiss is because it's walled by slightly less, and Aura Sphere's ability to stop hax is incredible. The problem is that Togekiss will be outsped a lot, which is something Gyarados doesn't have to worry about after setting up Dragon Dance. So yeah, I'd generally go for Gyarados...with Substitute/Dragon Dance/Waterfall/Return along with its excellent list of resistances, it can be pretty hard to stop.
Ghost type moves are only a neutral hit on Metagross. It sort of depends on what you're trying to do...I'm assuming you're running a Trick team, and setting up Dragon Dance with Gyarados and Nasty Plot with Togekiss. In terms of resistances, I'd generally go for Gyarados; it's immune to Earthquake and resists Fire and Water type moves, all of which Metagross attracts. The resistance to Fighting (and Intimidate) really helps too. Drapion already resists Ghost, so that's not too big of an issue. The only reason I'd use Togekiss is because it's walled by slightly less, and Aura Sphere's ability to stop hax is incredible. The problem is that Togekiss will be outsped a lot, which is something Gyarados doesn't have to worry about after setting up Dragon Dance. So yeah, I'd generally go for Gyarados...with Substitute/Dragon Dance/Waterfall/Return along with its excellent list of resistances, it can be pretty hard to stop.

Yeah I c what you mean, i've used gyara for ages and impressed me alot, you mentioned all reasons y I selected him. Defo c what you mean about kiss being slow, think i'l stick with gyara for now lol reason I conciderd the change is i've lost 3 times to ghost attacks :( and the two 0% damage from kiss would be great. Thanks :)
Where can I see this video?

Unless it didn't work, at the Global Terminal.
Also, question: What are the policies on AR usage here? With the lack of a rebattle code for Mesprit in Platinum, I find myself forced to hack one a more direct way or not get one at all. If I post the IVs and everything, will it be OK?
Single Open Level Battle Factory
Team Rocket Elite (56) - various

Team Rocket Elite (204) - Lucario + Lucario, Lucario and Lucario as side board

Double Battle Hall
Team Rocket Elite (380) - Garchomp + Garchomp, Garchomp and Garchomp as side board

i love you, you make me want to play play play my heart out

anyway for those who are wondering i am now at duke business school (where case studies are read and devils are blue) and i'm generally strapped for time so dont expect me to post too much anymore! i may try to get my 1v1 hall crown back cause that would only take ~35 minutes but besides that i'm still breeding teddy (cc, yawn, crunch, bd...thanks smeargle) strictly for "fun", havent even been able to indulge my doubles eruptran fetish yet but maybe i'll have more days like this where i have no class? (though i still have ~50 pages of harvard case studies to read before i go golfing =/)