I have a question about two teams I have used:
I got a streak of 96 in HGSS Battle Tower
I lost at 97 thanks to quick claw metagross taking out my kingdra who was going to weaken it with a DDanced (2x) Waterfall, and finish with my weavile. Weavile lacked the raw power to 2HKO it after a swords dance.
That Team was:
Lead: Dragonite - Choice Band (Outrage, Earthquake, Fire Punch, ExtremeSpeed)
Kingdra - Dragon Fang (DDance, Substitute, Outrage, Waterfall)
Weavile - Focus Sash (Swords Dance, Night Slash, Low Kick, Ice Punch)
^Weavile was the trump card of the team, easily saving me in more than 10 games
Any Glaring problems with that team?
I feel like this team is the better of the two, but having two Outrage users seems like a little much. Aggron is a bitch, and it always seems to come up at the worst times. I also feel like Salamence would be better in the lead spot; sure, ExtremeSpeed can get you KOs against EndSalac users, but then you're locked into a move that isn't all that strong, relatively speaking. Salamence has better speed, slightly more attack, and can run a special Fire move for a better hit on Skarmory. I don't have a simple solution to the problem this team has with bulky Steel- and Ground-types, though, particularly with the amount Outrage will get you locked in. You could try Rain Dance Kingdra, but I think you'll usually be underwhelmed. Substitute is generally the catch-all answer to hax in the Battle Tower, but without something to weaken Kingdra's opponents, it generally won't be able to set it up. If I were using exactly the same team, though, I would go for Lum Berry on Kingdra; in the event that you do get locked into Outrage, it gives you a chance to get out of it and hit with Waterfall (and gives you a free Dragon Dance against guys that try to status you).
The second team is really susceptible to hax, unfortunately. Without a single user of Substitute (and with generally slow team members, except for Weavile), you'll run into a lot of problems with OHKO users, Quick Claw, Meteor Mash misses, and stuff like that. I'd also think you'd have a lot of problems with bulky Grounds, as you're basically relying on DynamicPunch causing them to hurt themselves in confusion. For instance, Impish Hippowdon will almost never be OHKO'd by Weavile's Ice Punch AFTER a Swords Dance, and that's assuming you get the time to set up Swords Dance. Swampert has great bulk, resists Meteor Mash, and doesn't really care about Weavile at all. Obviously, those two are problems for any team that uses purely physical attackers, but your team is especially susceptible to them, because none of your Pokemon can reliably set up. You also have a lot of trouble with switching, because your Pokemon don't complement each other's resistances; if Metagross is in against a faster Fire-type, it basically has the chance of dying, letting Weavile come in and probably die, or having Machamp take a strong hit (and it won't like White Herb Overheat). I almost feel like special Salamence would work better as a lead; you can switch Metagross in on its Ice and Rock weaknesses, it can easily kill physically bulky Pokemon and Fire-types, and has a Fire resistance and a Ground immunity, which it can use to support Metagross (and has Intimidate to weaken physical attackers). It still won't like Swampert, but it can hurt it with Draco Meteor.
Regarding the battle you lost with the second team, your odds would have been better if you had Swords Danced with Weavile. It's not particularly powerful (you know your physical attacker has a few problems if it can't OHKO Raichu), and Static's 30% paralysis chance isn't all that uncommon if you think about it. Sure, you could have been hit by Volt Tackle and been paralyzed, but the odds were lower than being hit by Static (and if it had been one with Thunder Wave, you still would've had your Sash).
Good luck! I know the Tower can be a bitch sometimes, and it's hard to try something different, particularly with hax running around, but that's why Substitute is such a crucial move (hell, I'd spam Substitute with my Dragonite with Leftovers and Roost just for the sake of stalling out Sheer Cold).