SoulSilver Battle Tower Doubles Streak: 136
- it´s just the first try with a new team I´m testing, I´ll post a higher streak when I hopefully achieve it
PETERKO: starmie & toxicroak
PI CHESTER: bronzong & electrode
- really bad matchup and I messed up
a) trode outspeed and is able to OHKO starmie
b) bronzong means STAB psychic attack OHKOs toxicroak
- because of a) the logical move would have to be fake out trode (38-45) and kill it with surf (93-109),
close to min damage and it wouldn´t, lol (I obviously didn´t calc this at the time) plus damage bronzong
- but, bronzong is the bigger threat in my book, only because I always need quite a lot of focus fire to get rid of it
- maybe the best option would´ve been a double switch, which I have done a few times already, when the foe´s move options (psychic attack on croak + electric attack on mie) are clear and the backup is the better choice (I remember doing this against a legendary trainer with lati+raikou)
- as I said, I totally mess up and try surf all+low kick zong (93-111), and the following happens:
turn 1
- bronzong (QC activation) used zen headbutt, croak faints
- stramie used surf, 75% dmg to trode, 35% dmg to zong
- electrode used mirror coat, starmie fainted
2:4 after turn one, I don´t think this has happened before, great
I send in metagross+latias
turn 2
- latias used protect (I predicted an explosion)
- electrode used signal beam, latias protected itself
- metagross used earthquake, bronzong levitates, electrode faints
- bronzong used iron head, latias protected itself
foe sends in dugtrio
turn 3
- metagross used bullet punch, 70% dmg to dugtrio
- bronzong used iron head, 40% dmg to latias
- dugtrio used night slash, 50% dmg to latias
- latias used thunderbolt, 35% dmg to bronzong (don´t ask me why I didn´t just kill duggy here ._. no clue)
turn 4
- latias (at 10% HP) used protect
- metagross used bullet punch, dugtrio fainted
- bronzong used iron head, latias protected itself
foe sends in hippowdon
turn 5
- latias used draco meteor on hippowdon, but the attack missed
- metagross used iron head 33% dmg to hippo
- hippowdon used ice fang, latias fainted
- bronzong used iron head 15% dmg to metagross
turn 6
- bronzong (QC activation) used zen headbutt 10% dmg to metagross
- metagross flinched (a display of THE REASON why we all "love" the tower)
- hippowdon used fire fang, occa activates, 65% left
turn 7
- bronzong (QC activation) used iron head, metagross at 50% HP
- metagross used iron head 33% dmg to hippo
- hippowdon used fire fang, but the attack missed (hahaha, the AI got it right back in the next turn)
turn 8
- metagross used iron head, hippo fainted
- bronzong used zen headbutt, metagross with 40% HP left
turn 9
- metagross used iron head, bronzong with 15% left
- bronzong used earthquake, metagross fainted
- I´ll learn from my mistakes :)
The team I´m learning to use and enjoy every minute of using:
1. Starmie @ Choice Specs: Psychic, Surf, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt
2. Toxicroak @ Life Orb: Sucker Punch, Fake Out, Low Kick, Poison Jab
3. Metagross @ Occa Berry: Bullet Punch, Earthquake, Iron Head, Explosion
4. Latias @ White Herb: Psychic, Draco Meteor, Thunderbolt, Protect
- I noticed a specsmie+HHvappy on the list along with a rain dance starmiecroak one as well, after I decided to use these two (had a lot of things I wanted to try), I didn´t copy, but it doesn´t matter, anyway
- team is in the test phase but I haven´t enjoyed playing the tower this much since a long time ago, toxicroak is quickly becoming one of my favourite pokémon
- I´m testing poison jab first, and it has proven to be helpful against stuff like ludicolo and other grass types that harm starmie...I haven´t used it so much though
- adamant LO sucker punch is so great I can´t get enough of it, one hits even stuff like gardevoir and dents fast sweepers for massive damage for starmie to finish them easily
- LO and not sash because I´m enjoying the damage output and starmie heals me with surf
- STAB LO low kick is so awesome, I´m loving this pokémon so much (bred it yesterday, along with two perfect timid starmies the day before) that I feel like a kid with a new toy
- specs surf is good, but kind of underwhelming at times...I simply dislike the fact how the 3/4 cut applies on the second poké, even if the first hit KOs the first poké
- that´s why I´ve enjoyed specs eruption from typhlosion so much more, that really is a massive damage difference
- the other moves are clearly used when needed
- thunderbolt gives me headaches, because it´s not able to one hit water stuff like slowbro, damn
- stand alone complex, this guy takes so much damage and helps me out whenever needed
- I went with accuracy over power/hax in iron head over MM, because I hated how I lost battles because the worst attack in the game missed at the worst possible times
- now I miss the 25% power and consider replacing iron head with something...don ´t know, to hurt psychic types, because I have a hard time getting past those, I miss the physical shadow ball from emerald on meta
- my old emerald reset (the crazy one, 29-2-29-29-31-31) and it´s not that great in doubles
- it survives stuff like a champ, but the damage output is just too low
- I plan to SR a perfect latios in the following days
- the moveset/item is weird, I know, room for improvement
when I have latios, maybe I´ll test him as a specslead...lots of stuff I´d like to try out
I have been doing doubles multitarget-move scarfaboma+specstyphlo blizzarderuption or cbaero+scarftar double slide, obviously quakedischarge, quakeslide or even double discharge...
EDIT: oh yeah experienced doubles players, I´m still not sure how the turn order works if a pokémon is holding a quick claw
I have clearly noticed that QC pokémon are at times considered first in turn order (for example abilities messages come first) or just when I surf...I haven´t played enough/paid enough attention to tell how exactly this works
anyone knows this?
just look at the battle log I posted, turns 1 and 2 (surf hit trode before zong and next turn quake and levitate message was before trode fainted)...I have the battle saved and am 100% sure of the order
my theory from a long time ago is that the turn order is in the actual turn depends on the turn order of the following one (?) lol I know this is crazy, but look at zong, QC activated in turn 3 and it was attacked before trode...which was, on the other hand, hurt first in turn one despite using mirror coat (???) I don´t have the time for this lol
EDIT 2: oh yeah, we broke 3000 posts in this topic this week, nice one guys ;)
- it´s just the first try with a new team I´m testing, I´ll post a higher streak when I hopefully achieve it
PETERKO: starmie & toxicroak
PI CHESTER: bronzong & electrode
- really bad matchup and I messed up
a) trode outspeed and is able to OHKO starmie
b) bronzong means STAB psychic attack OHKOs toxicroak
- because of a) the logical move would have to be fake out trode (38-45) and kill it with surf (93-109),
close to min damage and it wouldn´t, lol (I obviously didn´t calc this at the time) plus damage bronzong
- but, bronzong is the bigger threat in my book, only because I always need quite a lot of focus fire to get rid of it
- maybe the best option would´ve been a double switch, which I have done a few times already, when the foe´s move options (psychic attack on croak + electric attack on mie) are clear and the backup is the better choice (I remember doing this against a legendary trainer with lati+raikou)
- as I said, I totally mess up and try surf all+low kick zong (93-111), and the following happens:
turn 1
- bronzong (QC activation) used zen headbutt, croak faints
- stramie used surf, 75% dmg to trode, 35% dmg to zong
- electrode used mirror coat, starmie fainted
2:4 after turn one, I don´t think this has happened before, great
I send in metagross+latias
turn 2
- latias used protect (I predicted an explosion)
- electrode used signal beam, latias protected itself
- metagross used earthquake, bronzong levitates, electrode faints
- bronzong used iron head, latias protected itself
foe sends in dugtrio
turn 3
- metagross used bullet punch, 70% dmg to dugtrio
- bronzong used iron head, 40% dmg to latias
- dugtrio used night slash, 50% dmg to latias
- latias used thunderbolt, 35% dmg to bronzong (don´t ask me why I didn´t just kill duggy here ._. no clue)
turn 4
- latias (at 10% HP) used protect
- metagross used bullet punch, dugtrio fainted
- bronzong used iron head, latias protected itself
foe sends in hippowdon
turn 5
- latias used draco meteor on hippowdon, but the attack missed
- metagross used iron head 33% dmg to hippo
- hippowdon used ice fang, latias fainted
- bronzong used iron head 15% dmg to metagross
turn 6
- bronzong (QC activation) used zen headbutt 10% dmg to metagross
- metagross flinched (a display of THE REASON why we all "love" the tower)
- hippowdon used fire fang, occa activates, 65% left
turn 7
- bronzong (QC activation) used iron head, metagross at 50% HP
- metagross used iron head 33% dmg to hippo
- hippowdon used fire fang, but the attack missed (hahaha, the AI got it right back in the next turn)
turn 8
- metagross used iron head, hippo fainted
- bronzong used zen headbutt, metagross with 40% HP left
turn 9
- metagross used iron head, bronzong with 15% left
- bronzong used earthquake, metagross fainted
- I´ll learn from my mistakes :)
The team I´m learning to use and enjoy every minute of using:
1. Starmie @ Choice Specs: Psychic, Surf, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt
2. Toxicroak @ Life Orb: Sucker Punch, Fake Out, Low Kick, Poison Jab
3. Metagross @ Occa Berry: Bullet Punch, Earthquake, Iron Head, Explosion
4. Latias @ White Herb: Psychic, Draco Meteor, Thunderbolt, Protect
- I noticed a specsmie+HHvappy on the list along with a rain dance starmiecroak one as well, after I decided to use these two (had a lot of things I wanted to try), I didn´t copy, but it doesn´t matter, anyway
- team is in the test phase but I haven´t enjoyed playing the tower this much since a long time ago, toxicroak is quickly becoming one of my favourite pokémon
- I´m testing poison jab first, and it has proven to be helpful against stuff like ludicolo and other grass types that harm starmie...I haven´t used it so much though
- adamant LO sucker punch is so great I can´t get enough of it, one hits even stuff like gardevoir and dents fast sweepers for massive damage for starmie to finish them easily
- LO and not sash because I´m enjoying the damage output and starmie heals me with surf
- STAB LO low kick is so awesome, I´m loving this pokémon so much (bred it yesterday, along with two perfect timid starmies the day before) that I feel like a kid with a new toy
- specs surf is good, but kind of underwhelming at times...I simply dislike the fact how the 3/4 cut applies on the second poké, even if the first hit KOs the first poké
- that´s why I´ve enjoyed specs eruption from typhlosion so much more, that really is a massive damage difference
- the other moves are clearly used when needed
- thunderbolt gives me headaches, because it´s not able to one hit water stuff like slowbro, damn
- stand alone complex, this guy takes so much damage and helps me out whenever needed
- I went with accuracy over power/hax in iron head over MM, because I hated how I lost battles because the worst attack in the game missed at the worst possible times
- now I miss the 25% power and consider replacing iron head with something...don ´t know, to hurt psychic types, because I have a hard time getting past those, I miss the physical shadow ball from emerald on meta
- my old emerald reset (the crazy one, 29-2-29-29-31-31) and it´s not that great in doubles
- it survives stuff like a champ, but the damage output is just too low
- I plan to SR a perfect latios in the following days
- the moveset/item is weird, I know, room for improvement
when I have latios, maybe I´ll test him as a specslead...lots of stuff I´d like to try out
I have been doing doubles multitarget-move scarfaboma+specstyphlo blizzarderuption or cbaero+scarftar double slide, obviously quakedischarge, quakeslide or even double discharge...
EDIT: oh yeah experienced doubles players, I´m still not sure how the turn order works if a pokémon is holding a quick claw
I have clearly noticed that QC pokémon are at times considered first in turn order (for example abilities messages come first) or just when I surf...I haven´t played enough/paid enough attention to tell how exactly this works
anyone knows this?
just look at the battle log I posted, turns 1 and 2 (surf hit trode before zong and next turn quake and levitate message was before trode fainted)...I have the battle saved and am 100% sure of the order
my theory from a long time ago is that the turn order is in the actual turn depends on the turn order of the following one (?) lol I know this is crazy, but look at zong, QC activated in turn 3 and it was attacked before trode...which was, on the other hand, hurt first in turn one despite using mirror coat (???) I don´t have the time for this lol
EDIT 2: oh yeah, we broke 3000 posts in this topic this week, nice one guys ;)