Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

Okay, thanks so much, UsainBolt, that Rapidash you found was exactly what we needed. Now, with the same trainer using that same Rapidash set with separate abilities, it's sure that the abilities are truly random.

The bolded Pokemon is in the post higher up in the page.

Edit: Actually, anything else we need to research that I can do? It's good for boredom.

oh, I didnt notice that.. nice =d

same though, I need sth to research... its fun
My best streak at the Battle Factory is 31.

My team was:

933 | Latios | Timid | Brightpowder | Psychic | Thunderbolt | Ice Beam | Energy Ball | SpA/Spe
877 | Rhyperior | Adamant | Choice Band | Rock Wrecker | Earthquake | Hammer Arm | Megahorn | HP/Atk
800 | Froslass | Modest | Lax Incense | Blizzard | Shadow Ball | Psychic | Hail | SpA/Spe

I originally had Wailord over Froslass, as pickings were pretty slim aside from Latios, but I exchanged Wailord for Froslass in the match just before the one that I lost.

I lost to a team of Starmie, Jynx, and Roserade. The battle went like this:

Latios OHKOes Starmie with Thunderbolt.
Latios hits Jynx for just over half its health with Thunderbolt.
Jynx OHKOes Latios with Ice Beam.
Froslass finishes off Jynx with Shadow Ball.
Froslass brings Roserade's HP to about 1/4 with Psychic.
Roserade OHKOes Froslass and Rhyperior with Shadow Ball and Leaf Storm, respectively.

I hadn't looked at movesets, so I wasn't really expecting Roserade to carry Shadow Ball. Blizzard probably would have OHKOed Roserade, but I didn't want to chance its accuracy. I kept Latios in against Jynx because, for some reason, I wasn't expecting to be OHKOed.
thanks for the effort you two...the only other thing would be to pay attention to what battle number it is for the factory, in the factory it always seems like the ominous wind/ancient power togekiss is hustle and that the early tauros is intimidate and starmie is illuminate...basically the worst traits possible
thank for the effort you too...the only other thing would be to pay attention to what battle number it is for the factory, in the factory it always seems like the ominous wind/ancient power togekiss is hustle and that the early tauros is intimidate and starmie is illuminate...basically the worst traits possible

I remember getting that Togekiss with Serene Grace real early.. Feels like it's truly random but we should keep our eyes out for any patterns anyway.

Edit: Yes, I'm theorymonning a new tower team too for platinum, but I'm really hoping I can reach the two singles leaderboards I haven't yet with the team I have, I know it's good enough but I need to stop being horn drilled at the worst time. X_X
What do you all think of a stall D/P Battle Tower team?
I want to be able to adapt to most problems and I think this team is more than capable:


Forretress Sturdy (Sassy) @ Lum Berry *or* Leftovers
252 HP / 252 Attack / 6 Defense
~Toxic Spikes *or* Spikes
~Gyro Ball

Set up Toxic Spikes and Gyro Ball/Rest your way through. Explode or switch out to Blissey *or* Tentacruel if a fire threat pops up. Sturdy is great for Tower HAX.


Skarmory Sturdy (Impish) @ Focus Sash
252 HP / 52 Attack / 200 Defense
~Aerial Ace

Aerial Ace and Sturdy are for Tower HAX. Set up Spikes and Whirlwind/Roost. Switch out to Blissey *or* Tentacruel if a fire threat appears. Simple.

Blissey Natural Cure (Bold) @ Leftovers
252 HP / 252 Defense / 6 Speed
~Seismic Toss
~Thunder Wave *or* Toxic
~Psychic *or* Aromatherapy

Switch Blissey in when special attackers and fire threats appear. Psychic covers the poison groups who resist Toxic Spikes. Need help deciding on Toxic *or* Thunder Wave and Aromatherapy *or* Psychic.


Tentacruel Liquid Ooze (Calm) @ Lum Berry
252 HP / 120 Defense / 136 Special Defense
~Sleep Talk
~Toxic Spikes

Come in on fire threats and set up Toxic Spikes. Rest for a full recovery and then Sleep Talk a Surf / Toxic Spikes. Tough decision between Blissey and Tentacruel.

Well, what do you guys think? Point out any obvious Tower Flaws and let me know what you think about some difficult decisions.
What do you all think of a stall D/P Battle Tower team?

It would take a VERY long time to stall in the tower (at least 10 turns a game).

You could try to pull it off, but i would guess some hax would occur and freeze blissey/crit skarm and put you in a situation where you needed a skarm/bliss to wall, but they are dead. i think it would also be hard to recover situations with stall, while this would be easier with offense.

You must also remember that only one poke can have lefties, which will make your matches very hard, harder than in standard play.

and infernape would be a problem here (using blissey) if you dont use blissey, tentacreul will find some (special) attackers too hard to wall
It would take a VERY long time to stall in the tower (at least 10 turns a game).
I agree plus it would be more like 20 turns as your re-lying on entry hazards to win your game means caonstantly phazing.
Well, I'm up to a record of 70 on the Platinum Doubles Battle Tower, and am still able to continue. I'm posting this to see if anybody has any suggestions.

Modest Togekiss @ Leftovers
Nasty Plot sweeper from the analysis
-Air Slash
-Aura Sphere
-Nasty Plot
-Wish (haven't taught Roost yet)

Adamant Mamoswine @ Focus Sash
Standard Physical sweeper EVs
-Ice Fang
-Stone Edge
-Ice Shard

Timid Starmie @ Life Orb
Standard Special sweeper EVs
-Ice Beam

Rash Heatran @ Choice Scarf
Standard Special sweeper EVs
-Fire Blast
-Earth Power
-Dragon Pulse
-Lava Plume

These pokes are surprisingly consistent and bulky. Starmie used to be a DD Gyarados with Wacan berry, but that meant my entire team had Pokemon with a base speed 80 and under. I'm wondering if I should replace Lava Plume with Flamethrower on Heatran for a reliable and powerful fire move (or Hidden Power Grass, but the power is like, 48 or something useless like that). Lava Plume is useful for hitting both opponents with a fire move, and it even helped defrost Togekiss from a freak Freeze once. XD

What I'm really looking for is if there is a better replacement for Starmie. I can't really use Surf unless I want to sacrifice a partner, and it doesn't really hit hard enough unless it's scoring Super Effective hits. I'm also considering something physical, because I had a close call with a Snorlax, and I only managed to win because Heatran's Earth Power got a Sp. Def drop and also a critical after that. Should I put Gyarados back? Remember that I could use something faster besides Heatran.
Tentacruel and Sharpedo are base Speed 100 and 95 respectively, and can be caught at high levels in the wild.

I'm not too sure about sets, but the Strategy Dex probably has some.


EDIT: Sharpedo also has base 120 Atk, so you can use Waterfall as your Water STAB move.
Well damn.

I lost in battle 244.
Cresselia used Trick
Mgross obtained Choice Scarf
Mgross used Meteor Mash
Cress lost 45%
Mgross' attack raised.

Mgross used Meteor Mash
Cresselia fainted.
Mgross' attack raised

Marcel sent in Scizor
Mgross used Meteor Mash which did at least 75% or something.
Scizor used Swords Dance (in the hope he misses)

Mgross used Meteor Mash
Scizor fainted

Marcel sent in Salamence
Mgross used Meteor Mash
Salamence fainted.

Battle Factory - Singles - Open Level
Streak: 30

My previous record was 26, so I was pretty happy when I managed to finish Round 4. I got very crappy Pokemon selection in the initial 6, but I ended up with the following:

@ ???
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Signal Beam
- Destiny Bond

@ White Herb
- Draco Meteor
- Mist Ball
- Thunderbolt
- Surf

@ Occa Berry
- Blizzard?
- Wood Hammer
- Earthquake
- Avalanche

In battle 30, I exchanged Abomasnow with an Alakazam that had used both Psychic and Shadow Ball, so I expected it to ave 2 other coverage moves.

This was the Alakazam I got:

@ ???
- Calm Mind
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball
- Future Sight

In battle 31 the opponent lead with a Gengar, which OHKO'd Froslass with a Shadow Ball and got hurt by Life Orb recoil. I sent in Alakzam and Psychic finished Gengar. Then in came Tyranitar and I knew I was done for. It used Payback after Shadow Ball did pathetic damage and OHKO'd Alakazam. Latias came in and same deal except Draco Meteor did like 35%.

If my initial pool hadn't been so crappy, I probably could've made it alot further.
Well damn.

I lost in battle 244.

yeah that's actually impossible, "your" cresselia takes only 36% max from a neutral metagross's meteor mash, which it had to be if it was able to outspeed cresselia on turn two. metagross is either 90 or 99 speed, and even though 90 speed could indicate the 16% chance that metagross is +Atk, it definitely means cress outspeeds it on turn two for the thunder wave since 90 speed means 135 with a scarf and cress is 137.

further, cress only takes 39.65% max from +atk MM anyway which means that even after a boost metagross isn't killing cress without a CH, so you definitely missed or forgot about a CH there or something, even though a -Atk CH MM does 54% min and puts you in the yellow and definitely not at a visible "45%". so that said there's no way meta was +Atk since it outsped you on turn two, and more importantly there's no way it didn't get a CH on turn any rate and if meta got you with an Atk raise MM on turn 1 and was actually +Spe and then CHed on turn 2 (i'll ignore the turn two attack raise) you fell victim to 0.17% hax which is pretty lol, but you definitely got Ched one of those turns
you dont see shedinja after battle 20, and even if you did cress could just trick then flash away at a shedinja that can't even 2HKO with xscissor or 4HKO with shadow sneak. then scizor would eventually get in on a sand attack or confuse ray miss, sub and then not possibly care less with 30 bullet punch pp to waste (should be 48 because of pokemon like dt zapdos but what do i know)
Okay, so I was in the Battle Factory, level 100, last night, and I ended up facing the Toxic/Double Team/Confuse Ray/Aqua Ring Milotic. Had to use Natural Cure on Starmie to help PP stall Toxic... Ugh, 80+ turn battles suck.

Oh well, I'm still alive, although facing another DT+Toxic poke at the moment, Shuckle.

Okay, theorymonning got me one thing: Jumpman's Cresselia outshines anything else that can trick by far, I wanted something different but there's nothng else better, there's got to be more ways to win than Trick if I want to be original. Back to the drawing board... Might try the trick team first though, I never did one that worked before.
yeah that's actually impossible, "your" cresselia takes only 36% max from a neutral metagross's meteor mash, which it had to be if it was able to outspeed cresselia on turn two. metagross is either 90 or 99 speed, and even though 90 speed could indicate the 16% chance that metagross is +Atk, it definitely means cress outspeeds it on turn two for the thunder wave since 90 speed means 135 with a scarf and cress is 137.

further, cress only takes 39.65% max from +atk MM anyway which means that even after a boost metagross isn't killing cress without a CH, so you definitely missed or forgot about a CH there or something, even though a -Atk CH MM does 54% min and puts you in the yellow and definitely not at a visible "45%". so that said there's no way meta was +Atk since it outsped you on turn two, and more importantly there's no way it didn't get a CH on turn any rate and if meta got you with an Atk raise MM on turn 1 and was actually +Spe and then CHed on turn 2 (i'll ignore the turn two attack raise) you fell victim to 0.17% hax which is pretty lol, but you definitely got Ched one of those turns

I didn't forgot a crit. The thing is, I accidently used a Jolly Cress in that battle. I am pretty sure the first MMash did about 45%, Mgross got the attack raise and KO me on turn 2. After that, he got another raise and slaugtered my Scizor and Mence. =(
ok well if my advice on irc to you to use bold and not the timid you thought was better (and me linking to my original CLS post which explains that bold can't be 2HKOed by Meta even after an attack raise) wasnt enough, i guess learning the hard way is, lol...i guess my advice now would be try not to accidentally use incorrect pokemon that can jeopardize 200+ win streaks
Have any of you tried the team match battle tower? I tried looking for a partner but could never find anyone. I figured if anyone ever wants to try it would make more sense to post here than in "battle me".
How to get castle Points: (taken from the Nintendo Guidebook)


# of Pokemon that have not fainted = x3 CP (i.e. if 2 pokemon of yours are alive, you get 6 points)
# of Pokemon with no Status Ailments = x1 CP
# of foe's Pokemon that you give +5 Levels = x7 CP

Only get one of the following for each pokemon:
# of Pokemon with full HP= x3 CP
# of Pokemon with >50% = x2 CP
# of Pokemon with <50% = x1 CP

You only get one of these per battle:
If <5 PP used in battle = 8 CP
If <10 PP used in battle = 6 CP
if < 15 PP used in battle = 4 CP


What you should do Battles 1-20:

Raise each of the opponents levels by 5 (costs 1 CP to do for each pokemon) and lead with a fast strong sweeper. If you do a 3-0 Sweep you will have achieved a net gain of 47 CP (50 total CP minus the 3 you spent to up levels)

So far, after battle 28, I have 778 Castle Points, only healing my pokes a few times and buying the max Items Upgrade. You shouldn't need to restore PP assuming you have used PP ups and are sweeping fast, and viewing your opponents pokemon's moves seems unnecessary, so don't spend money on those Level Ups.
RB Golbat, thank you for that. Real nice to know the actual calculation for it.

Anyway. My progress? Cresselia's in EV training, next up is the Salamence for breeding.
Current Castle Win Streak: Lost at battle 57 with 1023 Castle Points (56 battle win streak)

Modest 252 SpA/252 Spe/6 HP
Ice Beam

Modest 252 SpA/252 Spe/6 HP
Aura Sphere
Air Slash

Jolly 252 Atk/252 Spe/6 HP
Aerial Ace
Fire Fang

At the beginning of each round I buy Starmie an Expert Belt and Togekiss a Choice Scarf, not sure what to get chomp, so I haven't bought him anything yet, maybe Yache or Band?
I like to go with Focus Sashes the most in the Battle Castle... saves me from a lot of random hax killing me.

Also, I have a record in the Platinum Battle Factory, Single, Open Level of 38.

I don't remember my team at the time, but it consisted of three things that could not outspeed Alakazam. I ended up getting completely swept.
I have a new theorymon for battle hall

Latios @ Choice Specs
252 sp atk/ 252 spd
-Draco Meteor
-HP fire

How do i beat weavile? I trick the specs first turn, so i get the sash, and weavile wont be able to use ice shard because the specs (it should be locked into ice punch)
Draco Meteor for the KO
How do I beat bliss? I trick it and I PP stall / kill it slowly (FB wont hurt latios at all) HP fire is just because shedinja, and DM will OHKO every non steel/bliss/lax/chansey

I havent tested it yet.

Togekiss is working pretty well for me, haxing to death chansey and lax. I found a weavile and i luckily got the flinch. It has currently 230 wins (3 more wins and i beat my mence streak)
@M Dragon: I thought of the same thing for going against Weavile, and I think it'll work too, but you will need to be timid in order to outspeed Weavile. I.e. 1st turn: You outspeed and Trick. Weavile uses Ice Punch, Sash activates, and 2nd turn, you'll still have to outspeed to KO with DM. Tyranitar will still be a problem though, since Specs Surf/DM doesn't come close to OHKO.