Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

Quick question sorry if it's been mentioned.

Fire fang or fire blast for battle hall cb mence?

It appears most players use Fire Fang on CB Salamence in the hall (although some use Flamethrower); I don't play, but I'm just commenting on observation of this thread.

Plus, looking at the list of battle-hall Pokemon, I don't think it really matters too significantly, but I'd pick Fire Fang myself. The main preference for Fire Fang would be for Bronzong since without proper investment I believe it can avoid the 2HKO from Flamethrower with Leftovers if you don't invest significantly in SpA - plus Fire Fang flinch is nice and gets the 2HKO anyway I believe (and missing with Fire Blast in the hall suck). Also, the Battle Hall Skarmory doesn't invest in HP or Def so Fire Fang should do the trick there.

/pure theorymon (but I'm good at it!)
Caelum would normally be right, however, I recommed flamethower because of this:
H411 | Scizor | Brave | Focus Sash | Swords Dance | X-Scissor | Counter | Bullet Punch | HP/Atk
It always beats Sala, unless you burn. A special move means you win. And Zong and skarm really are not as troublesome, especailly if you have a good special attack iv.
It appears most players use Fire Fang on CB Salamence in the hall (although some use Flamethrower); I don't play, but I'm just commenting on observation of this thread.

Plus, looking at the list of battle-hall Pokemon, I don't think it really matters too significantly, but I'd pick Fire Fang myself. The main preference for Fire Fang would be for Bronzong since without proper investment I believe it can avoid the 2HKO from Flamethrower with Leftovers if you don't invest significantly in SpA - plus Fire Fang flinch is nice and gets the 2HKO anyway I believe (and missing with Fire Blast in the hall suck). Also, the Battle Hall Skarmory doesn't invest in HP or Def so Fire Fang should do the trick there.

/pure theorymon (but I'm good at it!)

So I'm looking at:

Salamence - Adamant
Choice Band
252 sp, 252 att, 4 hp

Fire Fang
Hydro Pump

I like to have everything worked out before I get going obviously. From the little studying I've done here this seems like the best setup. Suggested Adjustments? EVs? Nature? Thanks for the help. Just picked up platinum last week and getting back into the game after a hiatus.
Caelum would normally be right, however, I recommed flamethower because of this:
H411 | Scizor | Brave | Focus Sash | Swords Dance | X-Scissor | Counter | Bullet Punch | HP/Atk
It always beats Sala, unless you burn. A special move means you win. And Zong and skarm really are not as troublesome, especailly if you have a good special attack iv.

Oh nevermind I see... counter and focus sash.

Would you reccomend a nature besides adamant?
Oh nevermind I see... counter and focus sash.

Would you reccomend a nature besides adamant?
Flamethrower and Fire Fang do comparable damage with an Adamant nature, so I'm not sure if it makes much of a difference in general. The damage range for them overlapped on my particular Mence. There were a few times when I ended up with <10 HP at the end of a match and would have been screwed over by a -def/-spdef nature, but your mileage may vary.

FWIW, I can't remember if Bronzong had Levitate or not, or if abilities are even set in stone for the Hall.

EDIT: Hydro Pump is a bad idea IMO. My luck was bad enough with 90-95% accurate moves.
Flamethrower and Fire Fang do comparable damage with an Adamant nature, so I'm not sure if it makes much of a difference in general. The damage range for them overlapped on my particular Mence. There were a few times when I ended up with <10 HP at the end of a match and would have been screwed over by a -def/-spdef nature, but your mileage may vary.

FWIW, I can't remember if Bronzong had Levitate or not, or if abilities are even set in stone for the Hall.

EDIT: Hydro Pump is a bad idea IMO. My luck was bad enough with 90-95% accurate moves.

Hydropump is for Rhydon and Rhyperior who can OHKO with stone edge and aren't OHKO'd by earthquake.
My Platinum Battle tower doubles record: 37
:/ (i'll have a much better one soon)

Electivire, Gyarados, Latios, Abomasnow

Electivire @ Focus Sash
Jolly~Motor Drive
-follow me
-ice punch

Gyarados @ Wacan berry
-dragon dance

latios@white herb
-draco meteor
-helping hand

Abomasnow@Choice skarf
timid~snow whipper-upper
-energy ball
-shadow ball
-hidden power fire

sorry for poor quality:
Okay, 72 wins in the Platinum Double Battle Tower.

I didn't really get far at all since that post. LOL That's a shame.

I don't remember how I lost. ;^; It was a while ago, and I actually decided to post it now. I like doubles because you have more Pokemon that can back each other up in case the computer haxes you over. I'll be trying for another run, but I guess Goodstuffs don't get you very far in the Battle Frontier, huh? :|

they never face shedinja, ever? lol

you obviously use some starmie sweeping in the first few rounds which beats 90% of oponents and have something with a SE attack for sheddy somewhere in the team...seriously I very rarely used my 3rd poke before 35 or 42 in DP...and you can face sheddy in the first 2 or 3 rounds only (I don´t know and don´t care, jump probably knows though)

I´m at 224 in multi which earned me 537 BP so far lol in just this one run (one set of 7 behind TRE´s 230 which I´m doing right now)

it goes like this: 8-9-11-12-14-15-18-18-18-18-etc.

the fun part ist that I face plat. trainers who use DP pokémon (most of the time, sometimes plat. also)

I choose "BECOME LEADER" on my plat. and "JOIN GROUP" on diamond
Ah, I see. I need some help btw. I want to try something new,

-Std. Trick Cresselia

- Salamence (m) @ Lum Berry *** Bahamut
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: ?
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Dragon Dance
- Substitute
- Outrage
- Roost

What EVs should I use on this Mence?

Poliwrath (m) @ Salac Berry *** Battletoad
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: ?
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Belly Drum
- Substitute
- ?
- ?

What EVs should I use on this? Good speed, good number for sub etc. I dont even need the EVs, the lvl 50 stats are okay.
Second problem, which move's give him the best typecoverage? I have to pick 2 out of Waterfall/Return/Brick Break/Ice Punch/EQ/etc.
Salamence - 252att/252 hp/4sp.d

Poliwrath would get the best covarage with water/ normal. It needs max or near max attack.

At 70 base speed, even with Jolly, you're going to need a LOT of speed ev's. with max iv in speed, you hit 201 after the boost. This happens to be a crucial speed number, only things outspeeding you are electrode (oh dear..) and scarf absol.
To sumarise, 252at/252speed standard sweeper spread for poliwrath.
So, here's a question... which is better to use in the Tower on a team, Latias or Latios? I'm looking to build my own team to mirror an earlier degree of success from Diamond a long time ago, and the Lati twins have turned up as ideal pokemon for the final slot, having resistances to the weaknesses of the other two pokemon, but I don't know which one I should go with...
in therory Idk if poliwrath + salamence can work cause sala doesnt resist electric and poli doesnt resist outrage!I may be wrong but I think a wide array of poke will give you trouble so gettting very far ill be hard.

So, here's a question... which is better to use in the Tower on a team, Latias or Latios? I'm looking to build my own team to mirror an earlier degree of success from Diamond a long time ago, and the Lati twins have turned up as ideal pokemon for the final slot, having resistances to the weaknesses of the other two pokemon, but I don't know which one I should go with...

Both work well depending on what your team needs.If your running choice specs then latios but if your running calm mind then consider latias for the higher defence but latios can play that role too
Ah, I see. I need some help btw. I want to try something new,

-Std. Trick Cresselia

- Salamence (m) @ Lum Berry *** Bahamut
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: ?
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Dragon Dance
- Substitute
- Outrage
- Roost

What EVs should I use on this Mence?

Poliwrath (m) @ Salac Berry *** Battletoad
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: ?
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Belly Drum
- Substitute
- ?
- ?

What EVs should I use on this? Good speed, good number for sub etc. I dont even need the EVs, the lvl 50 stats are okay.
Second problem, which move's give him the best typecoverage? I have to pick 2 out of Waterfall/Return/Brick Break/Ice Punch/EQ/etc.

Jumpman? ^^
I reached 176 in the battle hall last night using this scarfkiss:

Togekiss@Choice Scarf
modest - 6 HP / 252 spA / 252 Spe
-tri attack
-shadow ball OR flamethrower
-air slash
-aura sphere

I think RB golbat used the same one to somewhat better effect, and I lost to a kingdra in this very short (one of the things that I like about the battle hall) battle.

togekiss: air slash MISS
Kingdra: hydro Pump ~60% damage

Turn 2
togekiss: air slash
kingdra: hyrdo pump KOs.

I'm not really sure if air slash was the right move to use, but I got my gold print, so I'm pretty happy about it. One of the things about the hall is that there are a lot of 2HKOs that become OHKOs with a critical hit, so a couple of earlier runs were ruined by luck.
I wanted to try double battles for battle tower and wanted to try an explosion strategy. First, I want to know how well it would work: do a lot of the pokemon know protect and use it often? Second, my leads are:
Gengar @ Life Orb
252 sp. att/252 speed/6 hp
-Shadow Ball
-Focus Blast
-HP Ice


Metagross @ Choice Band
Clear Body
252 att/252 hp/6 def
-Meteor Mash
-Aerial Ace

Aerial Ace is there on metagross because with that, they cover all 17 types I think. I want to band metagross but I'm worried if the opponent has two faster pokemon who could both focus there attacks on metagross to take him out. Also, suggestions for the other two teammates? I was thinking two other members with explosion, not sure who though
I got 35 wins in the Battle Factory open level. I had a Slaking, Choice Band Dragonite, and a Jolteon. I lost to a Medicham, Venusaur, and Altaria.

I reached 132 wins in the battle hall with a Latios. His move set is Dragon Pulse, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, and Surf with a focus sash.
Jumpman? ^^

i would go with return and waterfall but as already pointed out the type coverage leaves something to be desired, you dont have anything reliable to take ghost attack and more troublesome is the fact that flying and normal and electric are uncovered too, something like jolteon is going to murder you
This is the team I've been using recently on Diamond's Battle Tower:


Latios@ White Herb
Timid nature; 252Sp.Atk/Spd/6HP
- Draco Meteor
- Thunderbolt
- Surf
- Memento


Infernape @Focus Sash
Naive Nature
Old MixApe spread, 252 Spd and lots of Sp.Atk, I don't remember exactly
- Overheat
- Close Combat
- Grass Knot
- Nasty Plot


Heracross @Salac berry
Adamant Nature, 252Atk/Spd/6HP
- Megahorn
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge
- Sword Dance

I start with Latios and sweep as much as I can, using Memento when Sp.Atk is too low or when I predict a potential KO.

Infernape can Nasty Plot and literally toast things with Blazed Overheat. Grass Knot and Close Combat are strong and add coverage.

Heracross seems to be the weakest one, I may replace it. He has his selling points, though. Even without Memento support, it can survive a hit and activate Salac Berry, SDing in the process to kill. Close Combat reduces its survability which often makes it being killed before Salac Berry activates. Megahorn and Stone Edge has the perfect accuracy for hax abuse, making me insecure.

I consider replacing it with:


Garchomp@ Leftovers
Jolly Nature, 252Atk/Spd/6HP
- Earthquake
- Dragon Claw
- Sword Dance
- Substitute

He's fast, powerful and benefits from Memento more than Heracross due to Substitute and higher speed. Dragon Claw and Earthquake have great coverage and accuracy.

What do you think? I still haven't been able to reach the 100th victory.
gabriel, if you keep heracross, make it scarfacross.

If you use garchomp, replace lefties with yache berry, dragon claw with outrage, and substitute with fire fang or stone edge