Tower Multi Record
„Platinum with Diamond“ Battle Tower Multi Record: 242
PETERKO & PETERKO, 2 Nintendo DS Lites, wireless communication
Total BP earned in Platinum in this run: 573 (8-9-11-12-14-15-18-18-18 etc.)
Platinum Team: Latias & Snorlax
Diamond Team: Infernape & Metagross
Platinum Team Member 1
Latias **
Ability: Levitate
Item: Lum Berry
Nature: Timid
IVs: 29/2/29/29/31/31 (legitimate Emerald Eon Ticket soft reset, Frame: 762330, No. of tries needed: ~ 16)
EV Spread: 6 HP / 4 Def / 244 Sp.Attk / 4 Sp.Def / 252 Speed
Lv.50 Stats: 155-77-110-160-151-178
~ Protect
~ Draco Meteor
~ Psychic
~ Thunderbolt
Diamond Team Member 1
Infernape **
Ability: Blaze
Item: Focus Sash
Nature: Naive
IVs: 30/31/30/31/31/31 (Diamond Breeding, Seed: 26150274, Date: 2008/12/02, Time: 21:00:14, Delay: 620, Frame: 7, 30/31/30/B/A/B)
EV Spread: 6 HP / 204 Attck / 52 Sp.Attk / 252 Speed
Lv.50 Stats: 151-150-91-131-81-176
~ Fake Out
~ Mach Punch
~ Overheat
~ Close Combat
Platinum Team Member 2
Snorlax **
Ability: Thick Fat
Item: Leftovers
Nature: Brave
IVs: 31/31/31/21/31/0 (Emerald Breeding, Frame: 15117, 31-B-A-21-31-A)
EV Spread: 174 HP / 76 Attck / 244 Def / 16 Sp.Def
Lv.50 Stats: 257-154-116-80-132-31
~ Protect
~ Curse
~ Double-Edge
~ Fire Punch
Diamond Team Member 2
Metagross **
Ability: Clear Body
Item: Occa Berry
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/21/31/31 (Emerald Breeding, Frame: 15117, 31-B-A-21-31-A)
EV Spread: 236 HP / 196 Attck / 4 Def / 70 Sp.Def / 4 Speed
Lv.50 Stats: 185-198-151-99-119-91
~ Explosion
~ Earthquake
~ Meteor Mash
~ Bullet Punch
First of all, these 4 were originally part of my VGC team I would´ve used in Berlin if I had attended. Some of the original movesets were slighty different (for example latias had helping hand and metagross hammer arm) and also items. I was quite surprised myself at how well these four worked together in this multi environment. Your doubles team is split up into two separate ones and you´re limited in switching and the battle tactics is different, it´s just like a 4 person double battle (well, in my case it was me against the AI haha).
The battles in this mode take very long, around 45 minutes per round (7 battles), because animations are on and you can´t just click through the battles and in-between battles. On the other hand, I enjoyed playing this mode a lot and the amount of BP you get in Platinum is awesome. Another interesting fact is that I faced Platinum trainers who mostly used DP tower Pokémon. Platinum was my BECOME LEADER version and Diamond my JOIN GROUP one (when you connect). Unfortunately I haven´t researched how exactly it works when you connect the Platinum and Diamond/Pearl towers in multi.
Well, I´m not sure what to tell about this team or each Pokémon in particular. So I proclaim that the Pokémon are absolutely awesome and the team is incredible :p.
Latias: I love it. On my Emerald, I was only able to soft reset for Latias on Southern Island and what I got is superb. As for the EV spread, I thought about lowering its spA a bit more and give it 159 HP which would ensure it always surviving an enemy jolly weavile ice punch. Other than that, the EV spread is pretty self-explanatory. Used some EVs to raise def and sp.def by one stat point each at lv.50, timid max speed is sexy. The best part about Latias from my experience is that many times you get in one more hit when Latios would die turn 1. This is crucial against many Pokémon that hit you with STAB super effective attacks. The most used attack is probably psychic. It doesn´t always OHKO fighters and other things, but looking at its priority partners Ape and Meta, this is not a problem. Draco Meteor I very rarely use turn1, only against fellow dragon types. Finishes off things, for example psychic+DM never let me down in beating Dusknoir. You should always help your partner in dubles so Thunderbolt is there for the obvious Gyarados and you-should-know-what-other-things-to-use-it-on. As the AI is easily predictable when attacking in multi (most of the time), Protect is there...well it has many uses. Also Metagross has Explosion so go figure.
Infernape: Rocks. You can do a lot with this. Priority moves often win you games, I can´t stress this enough. Close Combat suits him as it hits the most types SE, and does it hard. Infernape doesn´t care about the def. drops as it will hold onto its sash. Overheat is the best fire move in the game from my perspective. You may argue, but I don´t care. My EV spread ensures an OHKO on a max HP occa-less Metagross. Overheat sometimes misses. So does Draco Meteor, but they are too good to pass up. Blaze Overheat is super hot. Having Metagross behind this allows you to switch out your 1HP Infernape and come back later to wreck some havock as the AI will never refrain from using psychic attacks on you (although most of the time meta beats up the rest as metalati is an equally good duo).
Snorlax: Love you, baby. Latias survives most of the time so Lax doesn´t see as much play as Metagross. But when she does, she beats you. The moveset may seem weird, but it´s a VGC creation. This is the cursing brave thick fat female Snorlax. It took me 2 days just to lock into that ability-nature-gender combination. Works very well with Metagrosss. The EV spread has some nice lv.50 magical numbers along with a lot of physical defense. Double-Edge would´ve been Return, probably. I am trading this between versions quite a bit right now and don´t have piles of the -EV berries everywhere. The recoil is bearable due to protect+lefties. Hits really hard and the damage difference was decisive in a few battles. Curse. I simply can´t imagine a Snorlax without Curse. Selfdestruct is impossible for me to get, but I don´t like destructolaxo anyway. You´re stronger and faster than your oponent under trick room, not much else to say here. Fire Punch is a support move that I used rarely, but is quite important to have against steel types (I am looking at you, Bronzong). Curse+Protect+Leftovers. Snorlax basically sat there most of the time, pumping up in case of an emergency, enjoying the sunshine, err I mean the tower droplight and the company of her awesome partners, killing a Pokémon when she felt like it.
Metagross: Brings doom. Probably the best doubles Pokémon out there. I don´t remember it exactly, but the defensive EVs (that you may have noticed) are there to survive 2specs bolts from Latios or was it hp ground and some rain dance boosted moves (again, VGC). Anyway, Occa means you live through fire. Quakes are predictable and not as life threatening as the special fire attacks the AI likes to spam. Bullet Punch is the best attack Metagross has in its arsenal. I´d rather go for 2HKOs on those fragile psychic types and ice types than risk a MM miss. Did I mention how important priority moves are (QC anyone)? Quake goes along well with Protect Snorlax and obviously even better with Latias. Meteor Mash is there to score important heavy damage on some dangerous foes. Yeah it misses, but Metagross has what it takes to survive and attack again. Explosion is a last resort option. I admit that I haven´t used it many times in this run mainly because it wasn´t needed.
The biggest feat of this team is team-work. It would be hard to mention how and when to use which attack, what to do and what to fear. It has so many options to take care of the oposition, you just have to think and find it. The record speaks for itself. The team works wonderfully in this battle mode.
How I lost:
My plan for this day (june 29th) was 3 rounds (21 battles) to beat TRE´s record (230) by 1 win. I managed to do this, but as I was watching Wimbledon, I couldn´t resist to continue one more round and then it was 10:10 PM and I went for another round, I overdid it. That´s no excuse though. There always comes a time when your streak ends.
Battle #243
Nothing too threatening at frist glance. It never looks as if you´d lose a battle beforehand though :/
Latias + Infernape vs Lanturn + Lapras
-> here I see Lapras as the more threatening one and go for boltcombat to make sure it faints turn1
Lanturn´s QC activates, Hydro Pump, Infernape´s Focus Sash activates
Latias used Thunderbolt
Infernape used Close Combat, Lapras´ Chople Berry activates, survives with ~3% (crap)
Lapras used Surf, low damage to Latias, Infernape fainted, low damage to Lanturn
-> obviously not a very good start to say the least, but no need to worry yet, switching in Metagross
-> hmm here my obvious first thought was „get rid of lapras“ with bullet punch, but then again, latias won´t do much damage to lanturn with psychic so why not quake+psychic? This decision has probably cost me the game.
Lanturn´s QC activates, Hydro Pump, CH, Metagross fainted (what the...)
Latias used Psychic, ~30% to Lanturn
Lapras used Ice Beam, Latias survives with ~8%
-> a very very very bad position now, such that I haven´t been in before
-> get rid of lapras at least, long overdue
Latias used Psychic, Lapras fainted
Lanturn used Hydro Pump, Latias fainted
-> ok now it´s snorlax against the world, don´t panic
-> oponent switches in whiscash (oh f...)
-> what now...I will protect and waste a hydro pump and hopefully whiscash will quake its partner (that´s a wish because the AI is programmed to spam quake only if his partner isn´t affected, they spam surf though)
Snorlax used Protect
Lanturn used Hydro Pump, Snorlax protected itself
Whiscash used Amnesia
-> oh boy, do I remember correctly that that is the freaking fissure whiscash? I´d rather not check the database
-> one more hydro pump to go, hopefully it will miss, lanturn had enough luck already
-> I opt for curse, you know, because it´s 1-3 and a cursed up protect lefties snorlax is a beast
Lanturn used Hydro Pump, hit 4/4, ~30%
Whiscash used Spark, which heals Lanturn (oh OK, whatever)
Snorlax used Curse
Snorlax Leftovers
-> ok I have to get rid of whiscash soon and then it´s basically snorlax 1on1
Trainer withdrew Lanturn and sent in Victreebel (!)
Whiscash used Fissure (the moment of truth), but it missed
Snorlax used Double-Edge, ~60% damage to Whiscash
-> now what´s with the switch all of a sudden? does lanturn only have ice beam or what? I don´t remember that set and am not checking DP database because PC was turned off 20 mins ago and my printed version is in my room upstairs...lazy bastard
-> I didn´t even grab the printed platinum list lying 1,5 metres on the table in front of me to check if maybe that wasn´t a platinum
-> victreebel always faints too soon against this team to be a concern, but I remember one of those has a focus sash
Victreebel is shining like an angel, what´s that? preparing a solar beam huh? what a nub...but wait, power herb solarbeam...ouch, Snorlax at like 35%
Whiscash used Amnesia
Snorlax used Double-Edge, Whiscash fainted
Snorlax used Protect
Victreebel used Sludge Bomb, Snorlax protected itself
Victreebel used Sludge Bomb, poisoned Snorlax
Snorlax used Fire Punch
Victreebel used Sludge Bomb, Snorlax fainted
In the end the frontier will get you...maybe I misplayed (probably), but whatever, a record is a record.
oh yeah, I just checked the movesets:
Lanturn, QC, Charge, Charge Beam, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Sp.A/Sp.Def
Lapras, Chople, Surf, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Psychic, Sp.A/Sp.Def
Whiscash, Chesto, Fissure, Amnesia, Spark, Rest, HP/Def
Victreebel, Power Herb, Sludge Bomb, Energy Ball, SolarBeam, Synthesis, Def/Speed
here a little chat-log about one of my earlier battles (over 210 somewhere), translated from German
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:12):
omg omg omg heeeeeeelp
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:12):
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:12):
shit situation here
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:12):
about to lose?
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:12):
about bloody time jk
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:12):
I will help you if you help me afterwards
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:12):
yes depends on decision
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:12):
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:12):
freaking rhydon
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:12):
r1 rhydon + rampardos vs latiape
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:13):
I fake out rhydon coz it´s n QC fcker and do psycho at it and it lives with red
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:13):
ramp does SE at ape
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:13):
next round a clread mach punch at rhydon but no I choose CC at pardos
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:13):
of course he gets QC megaporn latias dies FUCK
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:14):
and rampardos of course FOCUS SASH FUCK
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:14):
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:14):
afterwards bullet punch rhydon
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:14):
and protect laxo against stone edge
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:14):
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:15):
He brings fuck infernape
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:15):
what now?
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:15):
rampardos if random speed and neutral then meta is faster
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:15):
if + speed then faster than meta
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:15):
why not dm instead of psycho in r1?
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:15):
infernape is no idea
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:16):
no idea DM R1 I do only against dragons
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:16):
so we have 2-3
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:16):
meta and lax 100%?
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:16):
yea ramp 1hp
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:16):
full ape
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:16):
do you know which ape it is?
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:16):
protect used last turn
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:16):
say, trainer
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:16):
meta has occa?
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:16):
No I don´t remember the trainer
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:16):
but rhydon was
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:17):
there are 2 qc sets right??
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:17):
with my luck it will be the fcking king´s rock ape
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:17):
is each poke connected exactly to one trainer or more?
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:17):
so can you find out something?
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:17):
depends....well can be plat. as well
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:17):
but imo DP
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:17):
most of the time they´re DP
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:17):
also rampardos
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:18):
sashdino is not pt?
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:18):
DP rhydon 4 was that
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:18):
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:18):
ich thought there was one lol
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:18):
but ok
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:18):
lax is slower, right?
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:18):
yes I´ve calced DE
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:18):
but DE and BP don´t get a KO on ape
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:19):
that´s why I want to quake
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:19):
ich mean if laxo could kill dino before it did something
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:19):
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:19):
0speed brave lol
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:19):
good, thought so
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:19):
meta quake lax protect?
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:19):
dino has either 81,90 or 99 speed
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:19):
or the other way somehow?
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:19):
meta has 91 speed
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:20):
laxo has protected last turn
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:20):
wtf there are 3 sashdinos?
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:20):
shall I again?
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:20):
no random nature in DP
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:20):
plat not anymore
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:20):
ich presume that multi is also radnom if those are DP pogeyz
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:20):
random means what? could something really meaningless come?
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:20):
normally it should be adamant .-. lol
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:20):
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:20):
DP nature is totally random
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:21):
plat. not anymore
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:21):
such a wtf
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:21):
all hail gentle zapdos
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:21):
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:21):
yea like that
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:21):
hmm there are not many trainers who could have ape and rampy I´ll take a look
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:21):
why do you have to have such a slow meta lol
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:22):
are you aware that those are 2 trainers?
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:22):
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:22):
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:22):
oh yea rhydon and ape
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:22):
that there is my meta
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:23):
Defensively so that it survives specs bolts or like hp ground glaub I think as well
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:23):
from latios
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:23):
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:23):
in the tower, sure X)
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:23):
yes well, it´s vgc team
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:23):
and they would use hp fire
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:23):
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:23):
or wouldn´t use latios, because it´s gay to get legally
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:24):
not really
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:24):
they have some
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:24):
everyone who used one had somehow hidden power
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:24):
haven´t seen any
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:24):
question btw:
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:24):
have to piss
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:24):
then find trainer
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:24):
then win
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:24):
is it the truth that only rng for eme and not for rsfrlg is known?
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:24):
have a good course..
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:27):
lol was shit as well...whatever
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:27):
yea rsfrlg doesn´t work
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:27):
don´t get it lol, how dumm are the hackers
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:27):
ok, how does it look with the trainers?
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:28):
worker - fighting and rock all sets
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:29):
or just the many set 4 trainer
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:29):
either 21 IV or 31
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:29):
worst case it´s 31 IV king´s rock ape set 4 afterall
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:29):
will flinch me
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:29):
I expect that
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:29):
doesn´t kill any of my two
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:29):
laxo no OHKO
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:30):
my laxo has 116 def and 257 Hp
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:30):
flae blitz, close combat, quake, tpunch
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:30):
and what does he have against that?
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:30):
oh yea cc
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:30):
shall I quake?
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:30):
lax protect meta eq?
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:30):
or the other way?
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:30):
well 50/50 protect
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:31):
on laxo
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:31):
meta no protect
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:31):
does curse help in any way?
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:31):
other pissiblity would be bp dino killen and lax eq, then meta would be hit, dunno for how much
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:31):
not really if he attacks me with CC...wait I calc. my own quake
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:31):
lax doesn´t have quake
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:31):
only double edge
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:32):
ah wtf I always thought it had it
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:32):
115-136 / 151 does double edge
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:33):
bullet punch does 25-30
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:33):
140 min those two together
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:33):
if ape has neutral def
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:33):
in case of - def i´ll kill him in the next turn
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:34):
quake doesn´te even kill
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:34):
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:34):
thanks to 0.75 x
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:34):
but meta lives and has bp
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:34):
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:34):
yeah, 75 is gay
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:34):
so what?
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:34):
calc, whether curse helps in any way
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:34):
so eq curse
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:35):
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:35):
or second protect brings more
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:35):
whether you´re able to survive something afterwards
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:35):
laxo will curse at the end anyway
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:35):
own quake does 22% max
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:35):
on lax
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:36):
ok I do bullet punch and curse
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:36):
ist the best imo
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:36):
meta won´t get fucked by king´s rock
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:37):
or not
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:37):
hmm, instead you give him 2 moves
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:37):
yeah fuck
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:37):
hmm but there´s also flare blitz recoil
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:37):
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:37):
lol nub me
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:37):
If he does CC then - def and DE OHKOS
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:37):
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:37):
will do
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:37):
bullet punch + CC
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:38):
I mean DE
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:38):
If he does flare bliz then recoil + DE kills him
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:38):
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:38):
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:38):
and dino gets a ch stone edge in your face before that
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:38):
no bullet punch
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:38):
dino dead
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:38):
oh yeah on dino
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:38):
yes sure
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:38):
he has to go
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:38):
no freaking stone edge CH risk
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:38):
only if meta is attacked by ape then lol
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:39):
oh no sry
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:39):
you´re right
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:39):
well if he attacks laxo it will live CC and I kill thanks to def drop
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:39):
except it flinches
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:39):
which would be really gay
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:39):
the move fits
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:39):
hit em
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:39):
dino gone
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:39):
fla ebvlitz
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:39):
please no CH
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:39):
please please
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:39):
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:39):
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:40):
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:40):
recoil around 20%
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:40):
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:40):
please kill
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:40):
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:40):
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:40):
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:40):
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:40):
what comes now
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:40):
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:40):
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:40):
bullet pansch de
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:40):
bullet punch
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:41):
or curse?
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:41):
will do around 80%
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:41):
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:41):
oh yeah
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:41):
he stone edge miss
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:41):
calc de
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:41):
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:41):
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:41):
stone edge = worst attack in the game
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:41):
nubtro wins 2-0
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:41):
~Fatum~ (29. 6. 2009 19:41):
that´s how it looks
Nubtro (29. 6. 2009 19:41):
lol was pokéfan which means 21 IV ape
I used this team in the Platinum Double Tower (normal doubles) and lost pretty early (#39 or so) thanks to not paying attention and getting swept by a bulk up hera and then I lost at #69 thanks to standard "bad luck"
I saved the battle so here it comes (vs Parasol lady Sami)
R1: latias+Infernape vs Flareon+Leafeon
psychic flareon
overheat missed leafeon
leafeon sunny day
flareon shadow ball 40%
dm flareon KO
overheat CH leafeon KO
R3: dusknoir+walrein
switch out latias -> snorlax
close combat 70% to walrein
sheer cold missed
shadow punch didn´t affect snorlax
R4: close combat missed walrein
walrein used rest
shadow punch ape
laxo cursed
R5: close combat missed
sleep talk sheer cold snorlax fainted
shadow punch infernape fainted
R6: latias+metagross vs dusknoir+walrein
draco meteor walrein 49%
mm missed walrein
sleep talk sheer cold missed
ice punch CH latias fainted
R7: MM hit CH attack boost, walrein fainted
dusknoir fire punch, occa 30%
R8: MM missed, fire punch 20% left, sunlight faded
MM 95%, fire punch KO
hell why did I MM dusknoir? no idea, maybe I missed the attack it was my fault, after all (lol there was a lot of hax in this one):
- OH missed, then an unnecessary OH CH
- close combat 2 out of 3 missed due to lax incense
- noir ice punch CH where he should´ve just shadow punched latias (this is why I DMed instead of bolt, you know 210 vs 190)
- meteor mash missed and then hit, CHed and rose attack...then again, it missed, last turn it did 95%...
...there are so many variables in this game...this could´ve ended in a million different ways...well, this is nothing unusual in the tower :)
I am thinking about a few changes (iron head on meta and expert belt latias with ice beam+shadow ball) and will try the team again in doubles
Word says 4408 words (1997 before the log starts :)