Fixed.Clicking to copy a calc with a visible boost like Power Spot or Battery adds an extra space between the boost, but the spaces are correct in the description shown otherwise. These are some examples I have copied directly.
Code:252+ SpA Abomasnow Battery boosted Power Spot boosted Blizzard vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Abomasnow: 298-352 (77.8 - 91.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO +1 252 Atk Pixilate Tera Fairy Altaria-Mega Power Spot boosted Double-Edge vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Tera Ghost Heracross-Mega: 390-460 (107.1 - 126.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Fixed, Palafin-Hero sets will get imported the next time the sets get updated.Palafin is a commonly used DOU mon (among other tiers) and the sample sets written for it only load for its base form, not the Palafin-Hero form it transforms into later in the match.
This is cumbersome when trying to run damage calcs for Palafin's targets, because you should almost always be in Palafin-Hero form by the time you're attacking foes for meaningful damage. Edit: and also Palafin-Hero has more bulk which has implications for calc'ing hits against it as well.
I know in past tiers Aegislash, a Pokemon that frequently alternates between Aegislash-Shield and Aegislash-Blade, just had the same sample sets duplicated for both formes in the calc. Can the same be done for Palafin?
View attachment 490549
It's an intended feature. If a Pokemon doesn't have an SV set, its SS sets will be used and if that doesn't exist then its SM sets will be used.View attachment 560146
Odd bug where the sample sets for SV appear to be taking from another, identical set from S/M
This appears to happen with some mythicals too, and includes mons that aren't even in RU or S/V at all (I.E Celebi apparently having an RU nasty plot set in S/V, the exact same one from S/S. It's important to note that Celebi is not in S/V)(Chandelure somehow having RU wallbreaking sets from S/S, despite being in UU)
I would hazard to guess that this bug is affecting some, but not all mons from previous gens. Something like Torterra don't have the bug, despite being in lower tiers than UU and OU at some point, so it appears to only be affecting a weird few mons that are niche in some way.
Could be due to the differing attack investment, but your point of having intermediate rolls is still good to consider:The nerd-of-now simulator seems to have a different chance of killing with surging strikes :
this is a common occurrence with Calm Mind Booster Energy Flutter Mane in sun; since sun procs before the Booster Energy, you'll get the Speed boost, but if you Calm Mind, once sun stops being active you'll get a SpA boost.This would only really occur in formats where baton pass is legal.
I recently found out that when u tera for example in a fire type and that the fire type move is under 60 BP the move will go to 60 BP but when i tried to calc damage with a set i made withi gave it nuzzle so that should go up to 60 BP after tera which it does but then you would have normal stab and stab from tera on top of it but in that case a tera electric nuzzle should be as strong as a normal double shock but that isnt the case
View attachment 563099
so as you can see it says 60BP but it should be 120BP
I think you're forgetting that if you Tera your Pawmot to Electric, then the STAB boost on Nuzzle gets boosted to 2x, not 1.5x, while an unTera'd Pawmot doesn't get this extra boost to its STAB. So, the proportional damage for each attack should be:
2 STAB Boost x 60 BP of Nuzzle = 120
1.5 STAB Boost x 120 BP of Double Shock = 180
Therefore, we expect the damage output for Double Shock to be 1.5 times that of Tera Electric Nuzzle. If we verify using the screenshot you gave:
42.7 / 28.4 = 1.503 ~ 1.5
50.1 / 33.8 = 1.482 ~ 1.5
bumping this and am wondering if it's a fixable issue, as almost all non-arceus meta-relevant mons like mega mewtwo x, mega diancie, primal kyogre, kartana, mega steelix, ho-oh, and more are either not importing in the calc correctly or are simply missing altogether.Unsure if this has been reported yet but the calc isn't pulling BH sets properly. For Pokemon where the base is "in the game" (in the normal sense) but the forme isn't (such as Mega Diancie and Primal Kyogre), the calc reads these sets as for the base Pokemon only, when (despite the dex not showing the alternate forme) the set export gives the correct forme.
View attachment 547733
View attachment 547734
For Pokemon that aren't "in the game" in the normal sense altogether, like Mega Steelix, their sets just aren't showing up in the calc period (for reference my Mega Steelix analysis was uploaded on the 22nd and according to github the last refresh was well after that). IDK if this is a weird interaction with National Dex stuff, but ND mons seem to have perfectly fine importables.
I'm currently re-writing the set importer. I'll try to correctly accommodate for BH sets there.bumping this and am wondering if it's a fixable issue, as almost all non-arceus meta-relevant mons like mega mewtwo x, mega diancie, primal kyogre, kartana, mega steelix, ho-oh, and more are either not importing in the calc correctly or are simply missing altogether.
Fixed & published a new version (hello jetou I noticed that the Smogon/calc unpkg method does not work without any workarounds
View attachment 567749
it fails to generate gen789_1
).Fixed.Zacian's intrepid sword, and presumably Zamazena's dauntless shield are bugged, In gen 8's calculator, it does work, applying the damage boost for Zacian naturally, but not in SV's calculator for some reason.
View attachment 567460 View attachment 567461 View attachment 567462
That's true. I think I'll make it a checkbox (like Intimidate) when I'm done with the new set importer.I'm actually not so sure if this implementation is proper due to Intrepid Sword (and Dauntless Shield) only triggering once per battle, meaning there's a good chance you see Zacian/Zamazenta switch in and not gain a boost.