Thx for fix. Now, i'd like to make some suggestions for the group damage result output display ( one vs all, all vs one)
1. Summary row : providing % and absolute number of pokemon koed in 1, 2 etc turns
2. Usage column : assuming your program has access to the smogon usage database, a column with usage % would be incredibly useful for filtering. If i wish to know how well will X pokemon sweep in Y tier , I can filter the results in descending usage order and focus on the highest ones
3. Group copy-pasting. Basically , allow for users to input multiple names per search (in the search fuction of the 1 vs all table). This way, if i want to check how multiple sweepers perform against the x top used mons or whatever, I can write the defending top mons in a notepad, input each sweeper in a calculator in a tab, and paste in the searcher the top mons i want to check as opponents quickly
1. Summary row : providing % and absolute number of pokemon koed in 1, 2 etc turns
2. Usage column : assuming your program has access to the smogon usage database, a column with usage % would be incredibly useful for filtering. If i wish to know how well will X pokemon sweep in Y tier , I can filter the results in descending usage order and focus on the highest ones
3. Group copy-pasting. Basically , allow for users to input multiple names per search (in the search fuction of the 1 vs all table). This way, if i want to check how multiple sweepers perform against the x top used mons or whatever, I can write the defending top mons in a notepad, input each sweeper in a calculator in a tab, and paste in the searcher the top mons i want to check as opponents quickly