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meh, burmy wont get anywhere with another evolution. It'd probably be the new "oh hey, for my little brother's Zapdos ill give him this wormadam evo because he cant ever find one" pokemon.

Then again, Zapdos rules XD

What I want is Kibago to be fast, powerful, and be dragon/fighting with outrage/close combat. Unresisted :)
Doubt it. I guess they could make her a bigger bagworm, but the whole point of that line is a (slightly) more realistic bagworm Pokemon.
And female bagworms don't progress past what Wormadam is at...
Doubt it. I guess they could make her a bigger bagworm, but the whole point of that line is a (slightly) more realistic bagworm Pokemon.
And female bagworms don't progress past what Wormadam is at...
Yeah i guess your right, idk i like bug/steel lol
OH SHIT when did this happen D; I over look him so much... i did not realize he was Bug/Steel i feel like an uber noob... -_- GSC is my fav generation too. But yes I'm down as fuck.
Yeah, as long as it gets more attack and less speed. Gyro Ball and trick room will be awesome....oh, and special defense and hopefully thick fat.
meh, burmy wont get anywhere with another evolution. It'd probably be the new "oh hey, for my little brother's Zapdos ill give him this wormadam evo because he cant ever find one" pokemon.

Then again, Zapdos rules XD

What I want is Kibago to be fast, powerful, and be dragon/fighting with outrage/close combat. Unresisted :)
It better be able to learn fire punch though...a certain metal spider might be it's perfect counter. Please, no Flying or Ground dragon type...the only thing worst would be a grass/dragon type...
...the only thing worst would be a grass/dragon type...
4x: Ice
2x: Dragon, Poison, Bug, Flying
1x: Normal, Fire, Fighting, Psychic, Ghost, Dark, Rock, Steel
0.25x:Grass, Water, Electric

Offensive: (By STAB's)
x2:Ground, Rock, Water, Dragon
x1:Normal, Fire, Fighting, Water, Flying, Bug, Poison, Psychic, Ghost, Dark, Electric

Actually not that bad, but still.....ouch
Looks like the website posted a picture of a sketch drawn by the Japanese person who sent them the rumor. Is anyone able to translate the Japanese text? I'm interested in what it has to say. I really hope this is real. A hydra dragon would be kick ass!


Here's the link to the original post btw: http://pokemonblackandwhite.net/201...okemon-white-third-legendary-mascots-picture/

They claim they saw the picture from an upcoming Pokemon TCG ad. hmm...
Japanese text translation from left to right:

The words next to the foot say: Big Foot

The word labelling the body says: Soul

The word labelling the neck say: Green Vein

The words labelling the back say: Big Body

This just looks like ordinary fan art to be honest.
I doubt it. I don't think the BW TCG has even been announced yet, and that always comes before the commercials. Well before it, in fact.

Meanwhile, care always seems to be take never to show off any Pokemon not already shown off. And it'd be kind of hard to let a legendary through the card montage.
Japanese text translation from left to right:

The words next to the foot say: Big Foot

The word labelling the body says: Soul

The word labelling the neck say: Green Vein

The words labelling the back say: Big Body

This just looks like ordinary fan art to be honest.

Thanks for the translations!

tawp64: it's a sketch from the person's memory so I can understand why you would think it's fake. I also have my reservations about it too.

For Yin and Yang, doesn't Reshiram and Zekrom already cover that? or is there a 3rd component to the Yin and Yang?
It's not a sketch from the person's memory. It's a sketch from someone who is interpreting a description from someone else's memory.
4x: Ice
2x: Dragon, Poison, Bug, Flying
1x: Normal, Fire, Fighting, Psychic, Ghost, Dark, Rock, Steel
0.50x: Ground
0.25x:Grass, Water, Electric

fixed. Grass resists Ground.

also, I was wondering if seasons changing was actually confirmed, or if we are just assuming it is based on the video. could it be a version exclusive (Summer in White, Fall in Black) thing? seasons changing in real time could add a new dynamic, but it could potentially get annoying when trying to catch Pokemon if they only appear during certain seasons. if it acted like the new Swarm feature, where certain previous gen Pokemon show up based on seasons, then I think it would be really cool.
I still think it's fake...
Why would they make that? It dosen't really make much sense to me...

...why wouldn't they make that? since when has Pokemon made sense? whether they have a reason to make it or not, and it making sense or not, are both irrelevant to creating a Pokemon. it's most likely fake, but for completely different reasons.
...why wouldn't they make that? since when has Pokemon made sense? whether they have a reason to make it or not, and it making sense or not, are both irrelevant to creating a Pokemon. it's most likely fake, but for completely different reasons.
Well, I'm just saying it dosen't seem to make sense with yin and yang stuff. A three headed dragon is a european beast like thing. Zekrom and Reshiram seem more japanese.
That pictures definitely fake. A three-headed dragon wouldn't make sense for a third legendary when the other two legendaries look extremely similar.

I know what a DS can handle, I was just saying b/w aren't pushing the DS to its limits as some people assume. PSP has far more power therefore capable of producing nice games.

This is slightly dated (earlier today), but I think its worth mentioning that graphical power and calculating power are NOT the tech issue that Black and White are really facing. The real issue is MEMORY. Most graphics intensive DS games use very few models, while Pokemon is forced to use 600+ completely different models.

Considering that Pokemon DP when it came out was the first DS game to ever use the 512 megabit card (I can't remember my source on this), and they are adding more Pokemon, I'm very surprised that they aren't being forced to remove features left and right.
Haven't the third wheel legendaries always been dramatically different from the initial two?

Also that picture is obviously fake; it's just some really bad fanart.
Anyone got some good sets for 3 vs. 3?

If tailwind speeds up everyone on your side at once, I know what I'd do.

Well, actually, I'd just throw two powerful pokemon and a tailwinder together....
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