Pokemon Freedom Tournament - Round 1

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I'm afraid I won't have the time to build a team at the end because of some unpredicted personal issues, I apologize for joining, but at that moment I though I would have all the time I needed. Please sub me out and again I'm really sorry for the inconvenience
My opponent takes like forever and a half to respond, lol. I sent him a VM the day this begun with all the information he could need, and we still don't have a time set. I don't like doing this, but activity post.
lost to lapras6666, ggs and sorry I couldn't play as well as I would have liked to
There are roughly 5 days to go until the deadline. For those of you who have not yet completed your matches, I encourage you to do so soon. If matches are not completed, the player most active and communicative will be awarded the win.
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