Pokemon Sun and Moon Demo Datamine + Full Game Leaks Collection (Read the OP)

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Ah, right. They will show the regions of the games the Pokemon originated from. That was how it worked in Gen VI.

WAIT A SEC! Faraway Place was used in XY for Pokemon obtained in ORAS, i.e. existing but then unrevealed locations. Does this mean what I think it means?
That there's going to be additional gen 7 games?
Also Platinum to DP used it for certain locations. Basically it might not mean anything for Gen 4 remakes, even though I wish it did.
They have ditched the third version tradition since Gen V, though. It might be coming back (Pokemon Star sounds so lame though), but most likely it's new locations from a new game.
I was scouring VP and I found a picture of Alolan Dugtrio from behind...

They have ditched the third version tradition since Gen V, though. It might be coming back (Pokemon Star sounds so lame though), but most likely it's new locations from a new game.
Well again this isn't necessarily big news?

Most people expected a new game in gen 7 and it was probably going to have a new location in it. It's basic future proofing and doesn't really point to what the next game could be. Could be a third version. Could be a sequel. Could be a remake. Could be a spin off!
They have ditched the third version tradition since Gen V, though. It might be coming back (Pokemon Star sounds so lame though), but most likely it's new locations from a new game.
True, but BW2 and BW did it as well with some new locations. I really do think Gen IV remakes are likely regardless though. Please Gamefreak, please
Well again this isn't necessarily big news?

Most people expected a new game in gen 7 and it was probably going to have a new location in it. It's basic future proofing and doesn't really point to what the next game could be. Could be a third version. Could be a sequel. Could be a remake. Could be a spin off!
That is very true! About the future-proofing though: can any Pokemon be legitimately obtained at "Faraway Place" in the last game of any generation? Does the flag "Faraway Place" even still exist in ORAS?

New Moves
Psychic Terrain - Pokemon on the ground can't be hit by priority, and Psychic-type moves are boosted
Throat Chop - The target Pokemon can't use sound-based moves for 2 turns
Aurora Veil - Halves damage from all attacks for 5 turns
Laser Focus - The move on the turn after the Pokemon uses Laser Focus always results in a critical hit.

New Items

Electrium is just a smaller electrium z
Shiny Sprites
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