SPOILERS! Pokemon Sun and Moon Demo Discussion

Shooting pictures of Pokémon can start a wild battle. They are attracted by the flash.

The guy playing mentions noticable frame drops at one point.

Greninja-A knows Water Shuriken, Aerial Ace, Double Team and Night Slash.

Alola is not only the name of the region but also used as a greeting in game.

Prof. gives you a trial (taking pictures of four of those dragons).

You receive a mysterious letter from an unknown sender at the start. She/He welcomes you to Alola, hopes that your move from Kanto went well and reminds you that you have she/he gave you a Greninja as a gift.

Pokémon Center has a cafe, the usual healing station and the market.
The cafe and market are both closed in the demo.

The Pikachu belongs to the Prof. He lends it to you for the trial.

Greninja-A has the OT Ash and a six digit ID.

The place you visit with your mother, where you meet your rival/friend for the first time, is the City Hall. You and your mom have to take care of some documents/papers.

Pikachu doesn't seem to have the Z-Crystal at that point in the demo.

The male protagonist's name is Sun.

You get a Super Potion from your rival during your first PC visit.
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Shooting pictures of Pokémon can start a wild battle.

The guy playing also mentions frame drops at one point.

Greninja-A knows Water Shuriken, Aerial Ace, Double Team and Night Slash.

Alola is not only the name of the region but also used as a greeting in game.
If Greninja-A has new stats it might be more physical than special.
Doesn't appear to be anything new apart from some of the music themes. You fight a few Yungoos and stuff but nothing I've seen (just skipping through) appears to be new.


Wonder if greninja not knowing cut, but knowing every other move it uses in the anime is a sign that hms are not as they used to be
The guy blanked out some footage when fighting wild Pokémon, so we'll likely get to see a new thing or two.
That's what I thought, but he kept talking during the black screen and said that he encountered a Pikipek when it happened. No idea why he blanked it out.
I think it's likely it was a capture card malfunction. I don't own a 3ds capture card myself, but I think perhaps he pulled on the cord a bit too tightly or something.
For those who haven't seen it yet, here's a new one:

I don't understand a thing but the game looks amazing, I can barely wait till I get to play it myself.
I think it's likely it was a capture card malfunction. I don't own a 3ds capture card myself, but I think perhaps he pulled on the cord a bit too tightly or something.

I've just rewatched it and realized that after the black screen the video and commentary are out of sync. The Pikipek he mentions during the black screen is probably the one he encounters right after the black screen ends. Looks/sounds like there really is something new that he didn't want to show and he messed up the editing.
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If I may ask, how are some of you playing the demo already? Last I checked, I couldn't find the demo on the eshop to pre-download it or anything.
The frame drop he notices appears to be while he is in "camera mode" trying to take a picture of the Jangmo-o. Hard to tell because the video and commentary are out of sync at that point.
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