SPOILERS! Pokemon Sun and Moon Full Game Datamine General Discussion Thread

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It seems that after a certain number of ko's in the chain the helper is guaranteed to get 4 perfect ivs. There seems to be several reports of this so I'd assume it's pretty accurate.

A Pokemon with Recycle and a Leppa Berry will be almost mandatory for help chaining, supposing you can eventually find hexaflawless wild Pokemon.


That's it! Funbro! The Pokemon that break the Endless Battle Clause have finally found a legit use!
Repeat: It's not. The Greninja you obtain is basically a completely different Pokemon from the one in the demo, with a Nature and IVs that are newly generated just like any other Mystery Gift mon.

Edit: Fittingly, Greninja'd :P
I do believe that its IVs (and EVs) are the same as in the demo, but yeah nature is definitely not. Which is why it should be easy to test using a Synchronize Abra. Too bad it's almost like everyone who has the game already picked theirs up... We may not get an answer until actual release.
Unless Drizzle gets banned high up the ladder Pelipper is gonna BW Politoed part deux. Politoed only had dual-STAB Water attacks to its name alongside some niche utility moves. Pelipper on the other hand has a second STAB option in 100% accuracy Hurricane, U-turn (!) to pivot, and Roost (!!) for reliable recovery. No weather mon prior has had a pivoting move and only Hippowdon has had recovery to its name. It may not be as bulky as Politoed, but with Roost and better defensive typing it'll stick around longer.

Every single team with Rotom Water Wash Machine!
So have their been any confirmed changes to breeding mechanics? I've heard rumors of the father now being able to pass down Pokeball type but I don't know if that is true or not.
Am i the only one who thinks that shinies are way to easy to get at this point, it used to be something to be proud over but now everyone can get one fairly quickly.
Am i the only one who thinks that shinies are way to easy to get at this point, it used to be something to be proud over but now everyone can get one fairly quickly.
They're still harder to get than the normal forms and you still have to put in effort for them, it's just become less tedious and is actually rather fun now.
it's almost like they didnt want people to spend the better part of a year and doing thousands of resets and egg hatchings for shiny pokemon anymore

Bingo, if the process had been this straightforward beforehand, I would have cared to hunt them down sooner. I might bother to do so and join the ranks of the pro Breeders on here now.
Any idea if Sun/Moon are able to trade with X/Y/OR/AS? They are on the same system so I'd imagine it would be possible so long as they are from Generation 6 or before.
Also re: ball passing--can Beast Ball be passed down? What's the chance we can get a vid of all the new ball particle effects?
Hey guys, From the encounter tables, it seems that there is only day and night times in this game. I wanna rig my 3DS time so that I get equal amounts of day and night time when I come home from work.

Can anyone that has played the rom tell me when day and night starts in the game?
I have a little question here: What do we know about evolution methods?? Cuz I've heard that Crabrawler can only evolve at the top of a mountain and what not.. Is this info confirmed? And what other evolution methods there are??
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