It do be looking kinda stylish tho
go ahead, i'd love to see some stuff from uIt do be looking kinda stylish tho
Do you mind if I use your thread in a similar way as you do sometimes? I'd enjoy doing some of those/making some for myself and posting them here.
Post as many as you would like! And sorry for not updating will do after I eat x-xHaven't seen any new user-made sprites so figured I could pitch some in!
(note: This was inspired by the bi-bisharp Yung Dramps made for Total Clefairy!)
I present to you...
View attachment 257419
A Zoroark with the bi-flag (yes this pokemon was my profile picture, don't @ me)
Is there a limit to user-submitted sprites (I want to do a pride flag Garchomp and Garchomp-Mega next).
And Yung Dramps please update the pridedex please and thank you
I'll get around to doing that, but just so you know I have no intention to close this down after June's up.I'm a little late in the month here so I understand if this gets rejected but if it's possible I'd like to request pride ditto, happy in its own body and ace metagross
PRIDE PRIDE PRIDE PRIDE PRIDEI'll get around to doing that, but just so you know I have no intention to close this down after June's up.