Pridemons! (Requests Open)



The demi duo!
Unfortunately there don't appear to be any Furfrou trim sprites, and I don't really have the spriting skills to make my own, so if you wanted a demi boy/demi girl Furfrou with a specific trim - or with any trim at all - then I apologise x

These are great tysm!! I only had the natural look in mind when I made the request so no worries!
Lesbian Buzzwole


Bottom Text
Also omg your Lesbian Buzzwole is glorious

acebiro chandy for one of my favorite people not on smogon, this was super fun to do :3 most of the ace colors already worked for the body so i just kept them, recolored eyes + flame though!

e: if someone could figure out how to do an acebiro mega rayquaza and/or darkrai, i'd love them forever <3
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Only have two rn bc these two both took way longer than anticipated to complete lol
if someone could figure out how to do an acebiro mega rayquaza and/or darkrai, i'd love them forever <3

Rayquaza absolutely slaps with this colour scheme, makes me wish the shiny had blue.. dangly antennae(?) things
Ended up messing with the bi colours a bit btw - mostly just by making them more saturated - hope that's alright x

I require an Aromantic Necrozma asap

Necrozma looks stylish as hell in aro colours ngl
Sorry for the wait fellas !

Could I request a lesbian Mega Garchomp sprite?

Looks cute as hell despite the murder scythes x

I'd like a meganium with pride flag, if it's possible :3

I'm not really a spriter so I apologise for this being not that good lol. Again I just defaulted to the rainbow flag, so if you had a different one in mind then lmk!

Omg I love this sm! If it’s not too late, could I request one of a pastel gay pride Gardevoir (Mega?), Ninetales, or Milotic?

I believe there was also a mega Gardevoir in gay pride colours done earlier on as well? Either way, these two both look very nice in pastels

if able, a trans snorunt?

I don't have any comments for this one, Snorunt just looks very cosy in its cloak :)

can i have a gender queer hydreigon and a pride flag luxray with the extra colors? <3

No extra comments here again asides from how nice Hydreigon looks in lavender (and Luxray's funky hairdo, all that hair dye must've cost a fortune lol)
Only have two rn bc these two both took way longer than anticipated to complete lol


Rayquaza absolutely slaps with this colour scheme, makes me wish the shiny had blue.. dangly antennae(?) things
Ended up messing with the bi colours a bit btw - mostly just by making them more saturated - hope that's alright x


Necrozma looks stylish as hell in aro colours ngl
necrozma lookin like zygarde
sadly the website i once used to make my sprites has been blocked on the device I'm using... guess unless I find an alternate source I cant really make my own subs, sad b/c I wanted to return to a project I once made contributions to

gripes aside, I'd like to request a lesbian lurantis, please
Ace Ursaluna and Ace Overqwil please and thank you

Overqwil kinda absolutely slays with this colour scheme ngl

sadly the website i once used to make my sprites has been blocked on the device I'm using... guess unless I find an alternate source I cant really make my own subs, sad b/c I wanted to return to a project I once made contributions to

gripes aside, I'd like to request a lesbian lurantis, please
Ahh that's very unfortunate. If its any consolation, I believe most art software supports pixel art? Including a lot of free ones. I can't personally recommend any since I've only ever used Autodesk Sketchbook, which I've never tried making any kind of pixel art with, and Clip Studio Paint, which isn't free. Either way though, it'd be really nice to see some more of your sprites if you want to contribute more (:

Coincidentally, I already have a lesbian Lurantis recolour that I made for myself a while ago. Hope it's alright for you x
So far, the most obvious flag/Pokémon pairing, Trans Marill, hasn't been requested at all. It's time we get a Trans Marill sprite done as soon as possible.

Before X/Y, Azurill's 75% female/25% male gender ratio resulted in some Azurill evolving into male Marill upon evolution (Marill has a 1:1 gender ratio, effectively making a third of all Azurill come out as transmasc once they become Marill.
So far, the most obvious flag/Pokémon pairing, Trans Marill, hasn't been requested at all. It's time we get a Trans Marill sprite done as soon as possible.

Literally obsessed with this little fella.......

Can I request a bi Murkrow and an aro Spheal? (or viceversa actually idk which one fits better on which)

They are incredibly small, I adore them x

Could I get a Bi Honchkrow and a Non-Binary Murkrow?

Insert quip about murder of crows and slaying, idk lol