- UnderRated Moveset

Lickilicky @ Leftovers
Trait: Own Tempo
EVs: 224 HP / 32 Atk / 124 SDef / 128 Spd
Careful Nature
Trait: Own Tempo
EVs: 224 HP / 32 Atk / 124 SDef / 128 Spd
Careful Nature
- Substitute
- Swords Dance
- Body Slam
- Power Whip
I haven't really seen anyone use this set recently, despite the fact it's incredibly effective with all the Regenerator cores running around. The EVs may look weird, however they serve a purpose. The HP EVs gives Lickilicky 404 HP, meaning its Substitutes cannot be broken by Seismic Toss, from the likes of Hypno or something. Those HP EVs, alongside 124 Special Defence EVs , with a Careful nature, means that Lickilicky's Substitute can never be broken by Amoonguss's Sludge Bomb, Rotom-S's Volt Switch and any of Alomomola's attacks. It can also take weak physical attacks, like defensive Lickilicky's Body Slam. The Speed EVs enable Lickilicky to outspeed Pokemon with a base Speed of 65, with 4 Speed EVs (:3), such Alomomola, Emboar, and anything below, like Tangela and Golem. Body Slam is the STAB move of choice, it also has a 30% chance of inflicting paralysis. Return is a viable alternative. Power Whip is its coverage move of choice, hitting Rock-types who resists Body Slam hard, such as Carracosta, Golurk and Golem. As far as team mates go, I've been using Musharna, as it can take on a majority of the Fighting-types in the tier, who generally have an easy time against this Lickilicky set. It can even support Lickilicky with Heal Bell! While in return, Lickilicky can take on Ghost-type attacks aimed at Musharna.