Project Neverused: Revival

Django is a loser y/n

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Anyone Musharna CM set needs to be running some kind of Hidden Power. It's bulky enough to sweep an entire team and using one attack doesn't do it justice.

I prefer HP Fighting, but HP Ground is also an option.

@ Leftovers
252 HP/252 Def/4 Spd

Calm Mind
HP Ground/Fighting
@ Life Orb
Trait: Chlorophyll
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Sunny Day
- Sludge Bomb
- SolarBeam/Giga Drain
- Weather Ball

Boasting good offensive stats and the ability chlorophyll, it definitely makes sense to abuse both of these factors. Due to Victreebel's hp and typing, its almost always able to take a neutral hit and set up with Sunny Day. From there you're able to 478 speed with maximum investment and a neutral nature. With a positive nature, your SpA reaches 328. Combining high base power attacks (two of which gain STAB) and LO, you're able to smash through enemies without giving them a chance to attack. You're able to make this set physical if you please, but I prefer the special one.

At the moment the spread is simple, I might go more indepth with the speed ev's to speed creep on some pokes and put the rest of the ev's into HP for more bulk.

Victreebel (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Chlorophyll
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Sunny Day
- Leaf Blade
- Sucker Punch
- Frustration/Swords Dance/Sleep Powder at your avatar.

Anyone Musharna CM set needs to be running some kind of Hidden Power. It's bulky enough to sweep an entire team and using one attack doesn't do it justice.

I prefer HP Fighting, but HP Ground is also an option.

@ Leftovers
252 HP/252 Def/4 Spd

Calm Mind
HP Ground/Fighting

This set doesn't deserve to be posted in this thread. It's basically the standard set on-site while this thread is for creative or underrated sets / Pokemon. Also, Hidden Power is not exactly necessary since not all teams run a Dark-type. Sure, it prevents Musharna from doing any damage to teams packing a Dark-type, but Heal Bell is usually a better choice since it gives Musharna a way to support the team and allows it to plow through stall teams most defensive teams. With proper team support, Dark-types can be taken care of. I have used Hidden Power Fighting Musharna before so I can testify that it is effective. However, I paired it up with Lickilicky to help cure the status that was almost guaranteed to be inflicted upon Musharna. What I'm trying to say is that the ability to beat Toxic users outweigh the advantages of having extra coverage when it comes to Musharna.
@ Life Orb
Trait: Aftermath
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 HP
Modest Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Volt Switch
- Signal Beam

LO Electrode has been really good for me lately. With a Modest nature it hits really hard right off the bat, can Volt Switch early-mid game to keep Momentum up. Tbolt is an obligatory STAB move to OHKO Cinccino after SR and 1 round of LO recoil iirc. HP Ice gives you boltbeam to hit Golurk that think they can switch in. Signal Beam > Taunt is a personal choice. The ability to hit Exeggutor for a lot of damage was really important to my team, and it also allows me to get a super effective hit on Musharna and other psychic types.

Swellow does outspeed this set by a few points, but the increase in power over Timid is significant. Timid can be run in order to outspeed the bird but you will lose quite a bit of oomph. It's a set that acts mainly as a good scout and late game cleaner, since almost nothing can outspeed it!
@ Leftovers
Trait: Intimidate
EVs : 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Sp Def
Impish Nature
-Stealth Rock
-Seismic Toss
-Knock Off / Pain Split
-Toxic / Taunt

Defensive Mawile is a very good pokemon right now. With Intimidate, and Max Physical Defense, Mawile can take many physical hits with ease. It can wall many large threats in the meta such as Swellow, Cinccino, Skuntank, EQ-less Armaldo, and other threats. It's steel typing is fantastic and Intimidate allows it to take hits such as Absol's Superpower. It can easily lay Stealth Rock during the match as it forces many switches. It's typing allows it to take some resisted special hits. Knock Off is very important so it can removes Eviolites from all of the Gurdurrs, Misdreavus, and Tangelas that like to switch in on Mawile. Seismic Toss is reliable damage. Pain Split can be used for semi-reliable recovery. The last slot is personal preference: Toxic can be used to cripple pokemon such as Alomomola and Musharna, and Taunt can be used to prevent status or any support moves in general while also preventing Musharna from setting up.

EDIT: edited it up to date just in case someone was looking for it
Something I used to run for shits and giggles a while back.


Persian@Life Orb
Ability: Technician
Jolly Nature, 4HP/252Atk/252Spe
-Fake Out
-Hone Claws
-Last Resort

This thing is as easy to use as can be, just use the moves in the order they're listed. If all works well, you'll have a spammable +1 STAB 140 base power move with Persian's great speed.

It is pretty gimmicky, but if Hypnosis hits, it can really wreck things. I would use it as a lead if there were no opposing Ghosts and/or Normal-resists, or use it to clean up once they were eliminated. As long as you aren't trying to take down Regirock's or Armaldo's with it, it will do very well for itself
I hate to burst your bubble, but there's no way in hell that Persian set would work right now. Golurk is on almost every team, Misdreavus is still somewhat common, and Persian takes priority attacks like a (insert wet paper bag-esque cliche here). Honestly, I love the idea, I just don't see it working in a metagame where Ghost Pokemon as well as things dedicated to countering sleep attacks are constantly being used.

Edit: and pudding pops.
Okay guys, so call me crazy and send me hate mail, but in the words of Jimmy Bond, this stuff works:

Nidorino @ Eviolite (The Prince)
Ability: Hustle
Adamant, 252HP/252At/4Def

-Hone Claws
-Drill Run
-Head Smash
-Sucker Punch

Okay, now I'm sure all of you are wondering why the heck I'm using a Nidorino. To be honest, I used it first just for the BA factor. But it's actually quite good. I don't use a STAB move because of poison's terrible coverage, but I really don't miss it. Head smash is more powerful anyway, and they're both resisted by ground. Drill run gives you that sexy ground/rock coverage and sucker punch lets you bypass his speed and get a surprise hit, KOing things like Kadabra that think they can come in for easy revenge. Hone claws pairs perfectly with hustle and head smash, granting another boost to his attack plus compensating for the accuracy drop.
EV's are flexible, I recommend max atk and adamant, but you could easily invest in his defense some more to tank fighting hits on the switch. Eviolite makes setting up easier, but life orb works better for the actual power. Overall, I really like him, and he's made many a comeback on my team. Great surprise factor with the power to back it up. I recommend you at least giving him a try.
Okay guys, so call me crazy and send me hate mail, but in the words of Jimmy Bond, this stuff works:

Nidorino @ Eviolite (The Prince)
Ability: Hustle
Adamant, 252HP/252At/4Def

-Hone Claws
-Drill Run
-Head Smash
-Sucker Punch

Okay, now I'm sure all of you are wondering why the heck I'm using a Nidorino. To be honest, I used it first just for the BA factor. But it's actually quite good. I don't use a STAB move because of poison's terrible coverage, but I really don't miss it. Head smash is more powerful anyway, and they're both resisted by ground. Drill run gives you that sexy ground/rock coverage and sucker punch lets you bypass his speed and get a surprise hit, KOing things like Kadabra that think they can come in for easy revenge. Hone claws pairs perfectly with hustle and head smash, granting another boost to his attack plus compensating for the accuracy drop.
EV's are flexible, I recommend max atk and adamant, but you could easily invest in his defense some more to tank fighting hits on the switch. Eviolite makes setting up easier, but life orb works better for the actual power. Overall, I really like him, and he's made many a comeback on my team. Great surprise factor with the power to back it up. I recommend you at least giving him a try.

While Nidorino is definitely not the best Pokemon out there it is definitely usable. But I believe that Poison Jab is a really important move in order to hit grass types and to have a spammable move. Poison is not a bad offensive type in NU, there are not many steels at all
hahaha I used nidorino a while ago and it was actually kind of good, I managed to sweep some (admittedly very bad) players with it and it looks cool now that it has drill run. I do agree with Raseri on Poison Jab though, you really do need it.
I don´t know if these is somewhere but...

Liepard (F) @ Life Orb/Leftovers
Trait: Prankster
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Nasty Plot
- Dark Pulse
- Substitute/Hidden Power Fighting
- Encore

Works kinda like Darkrai in ubers. Encore something harmless. Then sweep. I´ve been testing this set but still i can´t decide between sub and HP fighting. Flawless coverage vs protection against priority and status. Leftovers makes more sense with sub but the extra power is also welcomed
I don´t know if these is somewhere but...

Liepard (F) @ Life Orb/Leftovers
Trait: Prankster
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Nasty Plot
- Dark Pulse
- Substitute/Hidden Power Fighting
- Encore

Works kinda like Darkrai in ubers. Encore something harmless. Then sweep. I´ve been testing this set but still i can´t decide between sub and HP fighting. Flawless coverage vs protection against priority and status. Leftovers makes more sense with sub but the extra power is also welcomed

I've played with this set and it is definitely the best set Liepard can run. Prankster Encore can turn any Pokemon not launching an attack into setup fodder, I definitely prefer HP Fighting since without it you are walled by a lot of things. And one NP isn't going to sweep any team without HP Fighting. But Liepard is an interesting Pokemon now that she has Prankster, and should definitely be explored more.
Yeah, NP Liepard actually seems like a decent threat now, although I'd give more credit to the Dark Pulse move tutor than Prankster for its increase in viability. Encore would have worked on most targets anyways due to its high speed, so Prankster only really helps against Dragon Dancers, Jumpluff and other fast Substitute users.
Swoobat (M) @ Light Clay
Trait: Unaware
Evs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Jolly (-SpAtk +Spd)
-Light Screen

This is the set I use with Absol and NP Raichu, and the result is pretty incredible. Swoobat is probably one of the best, if not the best dual screener in NU. Taunt a staller/wall, use Reflect/Light Screen for the predicted switch, use the other, U-Turn out. All with Base 114 Speed. It works pretty well with Absol too, scaring away most fighting types who are Choiced into a move. I haven't seen many problems with it, so far it has worked really well for me.
Swoobat is probably one of the best, if not the best dual screener in NU. Taunt a staller/wall, use Reflect/Light Screen for the predicted switch, use the other, U-Turn out. All with Base 114 Speed. It works pretty well with Absol too, scaring away most fighting types who are Choiced into a move. I haven't seen many problems with it, so far it has worked really well for me.

Well, Swoobat honestly doesn't have much competition. The only real competitor it has is Serperior, which is bulkier and almost imperceptibly slower. However, while it does take hits better, Swoobat still has a big edge in its ability to learn U-Turn. However, the free slot grants Serperior access to a vast array of extra support moves and a few attacks. Its best options are, in my opinion at least, Gastro Acid, Glare, Aromatherapy*, Synthesis*, Leech Seed, and Giga Drain.

Aromatherapy and Synthesis are from an event-exclusive Snivy, so no egg moves there.

Swoobat (F) @ Salac Berry
Trait: Simple
EVs: 172 HP / 252 SAtk / 84 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Substitute
- Calm Mind
- Stored Power
- Hidden Power [Ground]/Signal Beam/Air Slash/Roost

I honestly think we're going to see a huge rise in Swoobat usage thanks to Simple being released. His bulk and attacking stats are a huge letdown, but his speed allows him to throw up a critical 2x Calm Mind before he can take a hit. In my experience with a similar set without substitute (used LO, HP Fighting and alternating the 4th moveslot between Air Slash and Taunt), it's ridiculously easy to set up. Bring him in to revenge on something that relies on weaker special attacks like Tangela, SubSeed Serperior, Wartortle, etc, and use his superior speed to set up a Calm Mind first turn. The doubled SpD will allow him to take the incoming hit far better than you're used to Swoobat taking hits, and now the opponent is facing down a STAB 100 BP Stored Power that's likely outspeeding every non-scarfed poke they have. His ability to go from a useless little pigbat to a massively powerful, naturally fast threat will carry him a long way as a premier glass cannon, IMO.

Just don't get unlucky like me. I've had people crit him twice now on the Calm Mind turn -_-
I honestly think we're going to see a huge rise in Swoobat usage thanks to Simple being released. His bulk and attacking stats are a huge letdown, but his speed allows him to throw up a critical 2x Calm Mind before he can take a hit. In my experience with a similar set without substitute (used LO, HP Fighting and alternating the 4th moveslot between Air Slash and Taunt), it's ridiculously easy to set up. Bring him in to revenge on something that relies on weaker special attacks like Tangela, SubSeed Serperior, Wartortle, etc, and use his superior speed to set up a Calm Mind first turn. The doubled SpD will allow him to take the incoming hit far better than you're used to Swoobat taking hits, and now the opponent is facing down a STAB 100 BP Stored Power that's likely outspeeding every non-scarfed poke they have. His ability to go from a useless little pigbat to a massively powerful, naturally fast threat will carry him a long way as a premier glass cannon, IMO.

Just don't get unlucky like me. I've had people crit him twice now on the Calm Mind turn -_-

One problem is that any physical hits, even weak ones, can OHKO this guy. :/

Rapidash @Life Orb
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spe
Adamant Nature (+Atk -SpA)
-Flare Blitz
-Drill Run
-Morning Sun

Rapidash may be outclassed by Emboar, but its high speed stat gives him an advantage over the flaming pork. 105 base speed is fantastic and let's him outspeed pokes that Emboar could only dream of! Flash Fire is also a wonderful addition and makes Flare Blitz stronger. Not too many pokes can take a boosted Flare Blitz and live to tell about it!

The EVs are pretty straightforward: max attack and speed. The remaining EVs go into defense to take a physical move somewhat better and there are plenty of physical attackers in NU. An Adamant Nature and Life Orb lets him do as much damage as possible. BW2 gave him access to Drill Run, which is a nice gift. Drill Run lets him damage incoming Rock-types, as well as Electric and Poison mons. Skuntank, Probopass, Bastiodon, and Lairon also take SE damage from Drill Run, which is great because they are pretty damn common. Megahorn let's him kill Darks and Psychics, such as Gardevoir, Cacturne, and Liepard. Morning Sun let's Rapidash recover the damage taken and keeps him going throughout the battle.

I've been trying the set out lately and it does very well. A lot of people just don't expect that Drill Run! ^_^
With drill run rapidash has nice coverage now. I don't know how much I like flare blitz with Life Orb on a Pokémon with such low Health, and picking morningn Sun Leaves you without Wild Charge which i don't really like as well. Haven't Played her with drill Run though.
Well, Swoobat honestly doesn't have much competition. The only real competitor it has is Serperior, which is bulkier and almost imperceptibly slower. However, while it does take hits better, Swoobat still has a big edge in its ability to learn U-Turn. However, the free slot grants Serperior access to a vast array of extra support moves and a few attacks. Its best options are, in my opinion at least, Gastro Acid, Glare, Aromatherapy*, Synthesis*, Leech Seed, and Giga Drain.

Aromatherapy and Synthesis are from an event-exclusive Snivy, so no egg moves there.

Jumpluff is a bit of a bridge between Swoobat and Serperior. It's a smidge slower than either of them (though the only real problem would be speed tieing with Tauros). It has better defenses than Swoobat, and has access to Leech Seed, Aromatherapy, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Synthesis, Giga Drain, etc, though really only has move for one. It has worse defenses than Serperior, but does have access to U-Turn, Sleep Powder/Stun Spore, Leech Seed and a Fighting resistance, albeit with a Rock weakness.
Alright if anyone posts a set with Bide in it I will find that person, and bad things will happen.

Now, lets move on and actually talk about some decent sets. That defensive Mawile posted above seems really interesting, especially with the rise and rise of Cinccino (and it can kind of check Zangoose too, when combind with something else to take Close Combat). As for the moveset, I think Seismic Toss should fit in there somewhere, perhaps over Iron Head. The ability for consistent damage can really come in handy, especially when the Pokemon in question is not exactly an offensive behemoth. I think a moveset of Stealth Rock / Seismic Toss / Toxic / Knock Off could be very effective, but would require a very solid team around it. What do you guys think about that?
I probably wouldn't use that Mawile on a lot of teams because Mawile just doesn't have the stats nor the recovery to consistently wall threats. It also has somewhat of a 4MSS moveslot syndrome with all of the decent options Mawile has. Still, Mawile's ability, Intimidate, really softens up blows and has more utility than people give it credit for and Mawile always has that wonderful Steel-typing. Super Fang is another interesting option to do some damage to the opponent.

Life Orb Electrode is another set that intrigues me. While Electrode is painfully weak even with Modest and Life Orb, that Speed which almost every other NU Electric-type lacks is just too good to pass up. I can imagine that it'd be very deadly late-game with some Spikes set-up. The addition of Aftermath also made Electrode a tad more viable. Honestly, I never really liked Electrode much, but I feel as if it has some unexplored potential.

Also, just saying, if you start off talking about a Pokemon set you post saying that it's pretty gimmicky, you're probably better off not posting it. This thread shouldn't be where you post sweepers you swept some noob with and then had a good laugh afterwords (of course, that's always nice, but this really isn't the place for it).
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