Random Pokemon Tournament Round 1

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031ap - Wobbuffet, Regigigas, Kyogre, Exeggutor, Whiscash, Probopass, Dewgong
fitzy72 - Regice, Deoxys-D, Minun, Kricketune, Feraligatr, Swampert, Bellossom

Should be well-matched, though I think I may have the slightest advantage. I foresee booms, spouts, and perhaps a gator or two. xD

Anyways, definitely not today, with New Year's and all, and I've got relatives tomorrow and the 2nd, so maybe Monday or Tuesday.
mind: Sableye, Ledian, Primeape, Leafeon, Lapras, Latios, Lugia
TDS: Ninjask, Yanmega, Toxicroak, Luvdisc, Rotom-S, Raikou, Weezing
lol at having 4x SR weak
at least he doesnt have anything that learns stealth rock XD
fuzznip- walrein, swampert, roserade, heatran, deoxys-s, stantler, steelix
snorlax-bibarel, articuno, sunflora, granbull, aerodactyl, illumise, jynx

yeah im pretty screwed here. sending a PM to fuzznip as soon as I figure out which of my 6 NU pokes are too crappy to be used.
JabbaTheGriffin - Exploud, Stantler, Tyranitar, Cacturne, Metagross, Sharpedo, Chimecho
TanzAufDemVulkan - Manectric, Floatzel, Electrode, Beedrill, Slowking, Mesprit, Wailord

This shall be an interesting match. NU teams are fun.
Meh, me and my opponent are both on right now, but I've been trying to contact him for twenty minutes +, and he's been ignoring me.

EDIT: Nvm, he just signed off too.
I'll contact my opponent and make my team as soon as I can, although it shouldn't be too hard to find him.
david has conquered goliath

beat fuzznip 2-0 despite his brutally obvious team advantage

i credit this win to choice scarf aerodactyl, defensive granbull, and grass knot/lovely kiss jynx, since everyone else on the team did essentially nothing.

gg fuzznip
Confirming Krack's win (2-0).

Ugh, I never thought Cherrim would be that big of a problem for my team.
I have a log if it's needed.

You better win it all XP.
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