RBY Cup IX - Round 3 [Replays Required]

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Art by MiniArchitect
Henlo gamers ٩(๑•◡-๑)۶ Welcome to the third round of the RBY Cup!​
Tournament Rules:
  • General tournament rules and regulations can be found here.
  • Smogon Classic rules can be read here.
  • Standard RBY OU.
  • Best-of-three, single elimination.
  • Battles should take place on Pokemon Showdown!


This tournament will award points towards Smogon Classic IX as well as the 2023 RBY OU Circuit, which awards a ribbon to the winner of the circuit.

Brigtel  vs  Justamente
ABR  vs  hunternoooob
Unowndragon  vs  Leru
Toxin boost  vs  damflame 3
DiannieRatson  vs  Zokuru
Jim E. Russler  vs  Malekith
Acetylaldehyde  vs  erz
Tarvold  vs  Mister Tim
Excal  vs  BeeOrSomething
shadowtime2000  vs  emma
Mysterious M  vs  Egor
zf  vs  Bohrier
egalvanc  vs  Vileman
Mister McLovin  vs  Luigi
Melbelle  vs  Torchic
johnnyg2  vs  TibarnWasTaken
Kiryu Gaming  vs  Serpi
Sergio Aguero  vs  Rubyblood
PANNAMAA  vs  Green on fire
twash  vs  Melle2402
McMeghan  vs  Garay oak
Zerkas  vs  berry
false  vs  Raichy
Eulelp  vs  LORD SAGIS
King Billu  vs  Ortheore
SpaceSpeakers  vs  bydy
Samu77  vs  shiloh
Raiza  vs  Eledyr
NotVeryCake  vs  nightcore
Kaz  vs  borosaith
royzin  vs  YBW
Liquidocelot  vs  Majorjetlag
Medeia  vs  stunner047
MTB  vs  Triangles
Prof_J  vs  So Noisy
Adri  vs  elodin
Sabelette  vs  Ashbala
hellpowna  vs  Welli0u
Party B0y  vs  BlazingDark
Ctown6  vs  Pideous
vani  vs  BigFatMantis
Yves Stone  vs  Sly Solo
decis  vs  Tenebricite
Real FV13  vs  robjr
Kristyl  vs  ArcticBreeze
gorditoconbigote  vs  SoulWind
chub  vs  Quarante8
Feaniix  vs  Hiro'

Deadline is August 20th 11:59pm (GMT-4).
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