I stole this Chanseyless team from whoever Bull & Yellow is on the ladder and have used it on and off for about half a year now: Alakazam/Starmie/Venusaur/Sandslash/Snorlax/Tauros. This is a pretty good game I played against Cholas... *cough cough* I mean Weezing Wonder. It's actually a pretty good team with a little luck.
I stole this Chanseyless team from whoever Bull & Yellow is on the ladder and have used it on and off for about half a year now: Alakazam/Starmie/Venusaur/Sandslash/Snorlax/Tauros. This is a pretty good game I played against Cholas... *cough cough* I mean Weezing Wonder. It's actually a pretty good team with a little luck.