Resource RBY & Tradebacks Bug Report Thread


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For RBY & Tradebacks Formats, you're in the right place.
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So I've worked on it a lot recently and I daresay it's done. The current ladder is not tagged as beta and has a lot of bugfixes and refactors. I must ask of you, dear smogoners, to play gen 1 (challenge will suffice) and tell me if you find anything wrong.


Edit: You have now play gen 1 with tradebacks as a challenge option as well.


Before reporting a bug, please review the RBY Mechanics Guide to ensure that you're not false flagging. This is also helpful.

:tauros: Known issues
  • Transform should not copy the opponent's critical hit rate (1)
  • Wrappers are forced to use their respective move again if the Pokemon is KOed (1)
  • Mimic Infinite PP glitch being inherited from later generations (1)
  • Conversion display issue (1, 2)
  • DV legality is not implemented (1)
    • Currently "soft-fixed" by allowing Tradeback DVs in Smogon competitive formats. Resource on the topic here.
  • Accuracy/Evasion display errors (1)
  • Mirror Move interacts oddly with 2-turn charge moves (1)
  • Hyper Beam PP rollover w/ Wrap is not implemented (1)
  • Mimic and Bide have the wrong accuracy displayed (1)
  • Flinching should cancel Hyper Beam recharge (1)
  • Wrap should not immobilise Pokemon when they are KOed by residual damage (1, 2)
  • Mirror Move + Wrap weirdness (1)
  • Inverse mod still grants type immunity to Ground-types VS Thunder Wave (1)
  • Bide fails in situations involving Substitute (1)
  • Transform should immediately copy the opponent's stats (pending evidence from Enigami)
  • Hyper Beam should only skip recharge turns when KOing a Substitute, not every time (1)
  • Level validation for moveset size is not implemented. (1)
  • Mirror Move should not apply Hyper Beam recharge upon KOing a Pokemon (1 apparent fix, 2 rediscovered, 3)
  • Wrap is just not implemented properly at all (1)
  • Mist failure message sends twice (1)
  • First 10 rolls RNG quirk (1)
  • When Metronome calls a partial trapping move, the move is not executed to completion (1, 2)
:snorlax: Fixed issues
  • Strange charge move interactions on KO (1, 2)
  • Tradeback move legality issues (1)
  • Same-type major status immunity (1, the "paraslam" change)
  • Effect chance fixes (1)
  • Seismic Toss should be counterable (1)
  • Strange paralysis interactions (1)
  • Confusion damage shouldn't crit (1)
  • Wrap accuracy check issues (1)
  • Pokemon shouldn't get stuck underground when Self-KO moves miss against semi-invulnerability (1)
  • Residual damage should not apply upon a KO (1)
  • Wrappers shouldn't be forced to re-use the move when it misses on a new switch-in (1)
  • RBY Counter implementation (1, 2, 3)
  • Incorrect residual damage mechanics in regards to switch-ins (1)
  • Multi-hit moves - including partial trapping ones - should not have damage variance (1)
  • Wrap's lock on the wrapper end should end upon KOing a Pokemon (1)
  • Mimic shouldn't copy empty move slots on Ditto (1)
  • Wrap should continue upon removing a Substitute (1)
  • Wrap should deduct PP when the opponent switches out and the wrapper is forced to re-use it (1)
  • RBY Haze implementation (1, 2)
  • Wrap should not deduct 2 PP when re-use is forced (1, 2)
  • Transform PP oddities (1)
  • "Badly burned" situation (1)
  • Wrap continuation should not be affected by PP (1)
  • Missing Hyper Beam should not let Counter work (1)
  • Players should draw when finishing the battle with a Self-KO move (1, 2)
  • Critical hits should ignore the burn Attack drop (1)
  • Ghost-types should be affected by Super Fang (1)
  • Exeggutor shouldn't get Stomp alongside its Powder moves (1)
  • Bug-type moves should be not very effective against Ghost-types (1)
  • Leech Seed should sap HP in full even upon a KO (1)
  • Exploding on a Ghost-type should KO the user (1)
  • Leech Seed shouldn't deal 12% alongside normal poison (1)
  • RBY Low Kick implementation (1)
  • Wrap rollover weirdness (1)
  • False critical hit message on multi-hit moves (1)
  • Switching out against a burned Pokemon should not drop Attack like a stone (1)
  • Transform should copy current Speed but keep base Speed (1)
  • Tradebacks should not legalise Hidden Power [Type] (1)
  • Seen PP was incorrect with Mega Drain (1)
  • Weirdness with Special drops and Amnesia (1)
  • Transform should copy the foe's current Speed, ignoring paralysis (1)
  • Transform should copy the foe's stats (1)
  • Counter should fail if it goes first, meaning in the following nothing should happen that turn (1)
  • A slept Pokemon that has just used Hyper Beam should be able to switch (1)
  • Paralysis + Confusion weirdness (1)
  • Mimicking moves while under full paralysis (1)
  • Bide should not constantly trigger if used with Metronome (1)
  • Stat-raising moves should trigger if stat stages are decreased (1, 2)
  • Gen 1 Pokemon got genders for a hot minute (1)
  • Tradebacks were allowed on the Gen 1 ladder once (1)
  • Wrap forcing Struggle due to odd PP interactions (1, 2, 3, 4)
  • Super Fang VS Substitute weirdness (1)
  • Wrap PP rollovers should not happen when the opponent stays in (1, 2, 3)
  • Pokemon getting illegal move combinations in Random Battles (1)
  • Getting stuck in Bide after a KO (1, 2)
  • Thrash lasting a turn longer than expected (1)
  • Odd Special stat interactions (1)
  • Becoming a Fairy-type when transformed (1)
  • Semi-invulnerability not being implemented (1)
  • Recharging should not happen when put to sleep after Hyper Beam (1)
  • Stat Exp oddities, teambuilder didn't apply 252 to all stats properly (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
  • Struggling after Hyper Beam (1)
  • Stat reapplication shouldn't occur if the status move fails (1)
  • Fire Spin should not thaw frozen Pokemon (1)
  • Exeggcute cannot learn Mega Drain without tradebacks (1)
  • Sky Attack description error, inheritance issue (1)
  • Multi-hit moves should deal equal damage (1)
  • Sky Attack shouldn't skip charge turns (1)
  • Special drop message error (1)
  • Minimum obtainable level legality issues (1)
  • "But it failed!" message error upon KOing a Pokemon when Special drops would otherwise happen (1)
  • Tradeback level-up moves learned at lower levels via breeding being flagged incorrectly (1)
  • Haze should lock opponents when they are frozen or slept after Hyper Beam (1)
  • Level validation false flags Slowbro, Scyther, Pinsir, and Voltorb due to a coding typo (1)
  • Various Pokemon have problems with level validation due to not having the correct encounter entries (1)
  • Tradebacks OU didn't inherit OU bans properly (1)
  • Tradebacks OU now displays Tradeback moves (1)
  • NC97 Validation fixed (1)
  • Semi-invulnerability glitch for Dig and Fly is not implemented (1)
    • Currently "soft-fixed" by being banned in Smogon competitive formats.
  • Thrashing about moves should scale accuracy each turn (1)
  • Haze doesn't remove the foe's status icon, purely visual (1)
  • Haze should reset stat boosts (1)
  • Haze delays charge moves + other weirdness (1, 2)
  • Haze weirdness (1)
  • Disable should build Rage if it misses (1)
  • Stat reapplication issues and implementation (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
  • Counter should fail if used on the same turn as another (pending evidence from Enigami)
  • Counter should not fail behind Substitute (1)
  • Counter should trigger against sleeping Pokemon, Desync Clause Mod should not trigger (1)
  • Wrap should not immobilise Pokemon under Substitute if it misses (1, 2, glitch is inconsistent)
  • Wrap should not immobilise Pokemon a turn late under Substitute, other weirdness (1, 2)
  • Twineedle should only poison on the last hit (1, 2)

:chansey: Not issues
  • Wrap should immobilise Ghost-types (1, 2)
  • Exploding VS a Substitute should not KO the user (1)
  • Recovery moves are not subject to the 1/256 uncertainty (1, 2)
  • It is possible to minimize Stat Exp to 0 using a very very elaborate Exp. All trick (evidence)
  • Transform does not copy the current stats of the foe, but the stages are, so the following is correct: (1, 2, 3, 4)
    • Transform essentially copies the calculated stats of a foe prior to the boost
  • The "Rage bug" isn't real, it's part of a greater mechanic (1)
  • Thunder Wave and other status moves do "block" Counter (1)
  • Recoil does not update the stored damage, only crash damage does (1)
  • Bide does hit Ghost-types as part of fixed damage mechanics (1)
  • Substitute blocks poison but no other status (1)
  • Rest does not reset the paralysis Speed drop, this is a Stadium mechanic (1, 2, 3)
  • Mimic copies moves at random in link battles (1)
  • Fire Spin does not thaw frozen Pokemon, as Pokemon only thaw when the move that hits them can burn (1)
  • After breaking a Substitute, Wrap-like moves deal damage equal to the amount dealt that broke it (1, 2)

:mew: Needs more info / verification / checks
  • Missing Wrap should force Hyper Beam re-use (1)
  • Transformed Ditto weirdness (1)
  • Bide should store the damage from the last hit of a multi-hit move (1)
Last edited by a moderator:
re-post from your bug fix thread: you forgot this one

joim, you forgot to fix this bug in gen1:
turns 5-7
Basically what is happening is if you use a move that needs to charge the first round, and you KO something with said move it will be forced into a screen where you must use that move again, however it's just a wasted turn, because as you see in turn 7, I'm back on the move select screen, and could use a different move even though it said i was charging for sky attack (it wasn't).

This bug is relevant to any move which needs a charge up round. (fly,dig,skullbash,sky attack,solar beam) idk if there is any others.
This can't be directly tested without thousands of trials, so I'll just ask: Did Psychic's secondary-effect chance get fixed to 85/256 (~1/3) instead of the 76/256 (30%) it had been thought to be?
That's the % chance of a secondary hit, right? Right now I'm taking the later gens 100% chance, multiplying it by 255 and then dividing it by 100 and calling random from 0 to 255 to calculate to emulate the cartridge. Do you think I should update all RBY (and GSC moves) using the 255 notation everywhere?
That's the % chance of a secondary hit, right?

Yeah, typo

Do you think I should update all RBY (and GSC moves) using the 255 notation everywhere?

Well that's up to you. It's not a big deal anyway. It's just that for some chances you can emulate them perfectly without using the 255 notation. For example, using 33 for Psychic and similar moves gives you a 84/256 chance whereas using 34 gives you a 86/256 chance.
Counter isn't working

The opposing Marilyn Vos Savant usedSeismic Toss!
Jynx lost 30.0% of its health!

Jynx used Counter!
But it failed!
Turn 9
There is another bug with counter, but seismic toss isn't countered because its base damage is 0. I mean, that's expected.
As far as I'm aware, the above is true, except that if you select fight, you can NOT go back and switch. So you can find out if wrap is ended but it locks you in to attacking. Can someone confirm this?
No. If you're able to attack, you're able to go back and switch. You're not locked into the Attack menu.