For RBY & Tradebacks Formats, you're in the right place.
For Stadium Format, go here.
So I've worked on it a lot recently and I daresay it's done. The current ladder is not tagged as beta and has a lot of bugfixes and refactors. I must ask of you, dear smogoners, to play gen 1 (challenge will suffice) and tell me if you find anything wrong.
Edit: You have now play gen 1 with tradebacks as a challenge option as well.
Before reporting a bug, please review the RBY Mechanics Guide to ensure that you're not false flagging. This is also helpful.
Known issues
Fixed issues
Not issues
Needs more info / verification / checks
For Stadium Format, go here.
So I've worked on it a lot recently and I daresay it's done. The current ladder is not tagged as beta and has a lot of bugfixes and refactors. I must ask of you, dear smogoners, to play gen 1 (challenge will suffice) and tell me if you find anything wrong.
Edit: You have now play gen 1 with tradebacks as a challenge option as well.
Before reporting a bug, please review the RBY Mechanics Guide to ensure that you're not false flagging. This is also helpful.

- Transform should not copy the opponent's critical hit rate (1)
- Wrappers are forced to use their respective move again if the Pokemon is KOed (1)
- Mimic Infinite PP glitch being inherited from later generations (1)
- Conversion display issue (1, 2)
- DV legality is not implemented (1)
- Currently "soft-fixed" by allowing Tradeback DVs in Smogon competitive formats. Resource on the topic here.
- Accuracy/Evasion display errors (1)
- Mirror Move interacts oddly with 2-turn charge moves (1)
- Hyper Beam PP rollover w/ Wrap is not implemented (1)
- Mimic and Bide have the wrong accuracy displayed (1)
- Flinching should cancel Hyper Beam recharge (1)
- Wrap should not immobilise Pokemon when they are KOed by residual damage (1, 2)
- Mirror Move + Wrap weirdness (1)
- Inverse mod still grants type immunity to Ground-types VS Thunder Wave (1)
- Bide fails in situations involving Substitute (1)
- Transform should immediately copy the opponent's stats (pending evidence from Enigami)
- Hyper Beam should only skip recharge turns when KOing a Substitute, not every time (1)
- Level validation for moveset size is not implemented. (1)
- Mirror Move should not apply Hyper Beam recharge upon KOing a Pokemon (1 apparent fix, 2 rediscovered, 3)
- Wrap is just not implemented properly at all (1)
- Mist failure message sends twice (1)
- First 10 rolls RNG quirk (1)
- When Metronome calls a partial trapping move, the move is not executed to completion (1, 2)

- Strange charge move interactions on KO (1, 2)
- Tradeback move legality issues (1)
- Same-type major status immunity (1, the "paraslam" change)
- Effect chance fixes (1)
- Seismic Toss should be counterable (1)
- Strange paralysis interactions (1)
- Confusion damage shouldn't crit (1)
- Wrap accuracy check issues (1)
- Pokemon shouldn't get stuck underground when Self-KO moves miss against semi-invulnerability (1)
- Residual damage should not apply upon a KO (1)
- Wrappers shouldn't be forced to re-use the move when it misses on a new switch-in (1)
- RBY Counter implementation (1, 2, 3)
- Incorrect residual damage mechanics in regards to switch-ins (1)
- Multi-hit moves - including partial trapping ones - should not have damage variance (1)
- Wrap's lock on the wrapper end should end upon KOing a Pokemon (1)
- Mimic shouldn't copy empty move slots on Ditto (1)
- Wrap should continue upon removing a Substitute (1)
- Wrap should deduct PP when the opponent switches out and the wrapper is forced to re-use it (1)
- RBY Haze implementation (1, 2)
- Wrap should not deduct 2 PP when re-use is forced (1, 2)
- Transform PP oddities (1)
- "Badly burned" situation (1)
- Wrap continuation should not be affected by PP (1)
- Missing Hyper Beam should not let Counter work (1)
- Players should draw when finishing the battle with a Self-KO move (1, 2)
- Critical hits should ignore the burn Attack drop (1)
- Ghost-types should be affected by Super Fang (1)
- Exeggutor shouldn't get Stomp alongside its Powder moves (1)
- Bug-type moves should be not very effective against Ghost-types (1)
- Leech Seed should sap HP in full even upon a KO (1)
- Exploding on a Ghost-type should KO the user (1)
- Leech Seed shouldn't deal 12% alongside normal poison (1)
- RBY Low Kick implementation (1)
- Wrap rollover weirdness (1)
- False critical hit message on multi-hit moves (1)
- Switching out against a burned Pokemon should not drop Attack like a stone (1)
- Transform should copy current Speed but keep base Speed (1)
- Tradebacks should not legalise Hidden Power [Type] (1)
- Seen PP was incorrect with Mega Drain (1)
- Weirdness with Special drops and Amnesia (1)
- Transform should copy the foe's current Speed, ignoring paralysis (1)
- Transform should copy the foe's stats (1)
- Counter should fail if it goes first, meaning in the following nothing should happen that turn (1)
- A slept Pokemon that has just used Hyper Beam should be able to switch (1)
- Paralysis + Confusion weirdness (1)
- Mimicking moves while under full paralysis (1)
- Bide should not constantly trigger if used with Metronome (1)
- Stat-raising moves should trigger if stat stages are decreased (1, 2)
- Gen 1 Pokemon got genders for a hot minute (1)
- Tradebacks were allowed on the Gen 1 ladder once (1)
- Wrap forcing Struggle due to odd PP interactions (1, 2, 3, 4)
- Super Fang VS Substitute weirdness (1)
- Wrap PP rollovers should not happen when the opponent stays in (1, 2, 3)
- Pokemon getting illegal move combinations in Random Battles (1)
- Getting stuck in Bide after a KO (1, 2)
- Thrash lasting a turn longer than expected (1)
- Odd Special stat interactions (1)
- Becoming a Fairy-type when transformed (1)
- Semi-invulnerability not being implemented (1)
- Recharging should not happen when put to sleep after Hyper Beam (1)
- Stat Exp oddities, teambuilder didn't apply 252 to all stats properly (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
- Struggling after Hyper Beam (1)
- Stat reapplication shouldn't occur if the status move fails (1)
- Fire Spin should not thaw frozen Pokemon (1)
- Exeggcute cannot learn Mega Drain without tradebacks (1)
- Sky Attack description error, inheritance issue (1)
- Multi-hit moves should deal equal damage (1)
- Sky Attack shouldn't skip charge turns (1)
- Special drop message error (1)
- Minimum obtainable level legality issues (1)
- "But it failed!" message error upon KOing a Pokemon when Special drops would otherwise happen (1)
- Tradeback level-up moves learned at lower levels via breeding being flagged incorrectly (1)
- Haze should lock opponents when they are frozen or slept after Hyper Beam (1)
- Level validation false flags Slowbro, Scyther, Pinsir, and Voltorb due to a coding typo (1)
- Various Pokemon have problems with level validation due to not having the correct encounter entries (1)
- Tradebacks OU didn't inherit OU bans properly (1)
- Tradebacks OU now displays Tradeback moves (1)
- NC97 Validation fixed (1)
- Semi-invulnerability glitch for Dig and Fly is not implemented (1)
- Currently "soft-fixed" by being banned in Smogon competitive formats.
- Thrashing about moves should scale accuracy each turn (1)
- Haze doesn't remove the foe's status icon, purely visual (1)
- Haze should reset stat boosts (1)
- Haze delays charge moves + other weirdness (1, 2)
- Haze weirdness (1)
- Disable should build Rage if it misses (1)
- Stat reapplication issues and implementation (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
- Counter should fail if used on the same turn as another (pending evidence from Enigami)
- Counter should not fail behind Substitute (1)
- Counter should trigger against sleeping Pokemon, Desync Clause Mod should not trigger (1)
- Wrap should not immobilise Pokemon under Substitute if it misses (1, 2, glitch is inconsistent)
- Wrap should not immobilise Pokemon a turn late under Substitute, other weirdness (1, 2)
- Twineedle should only poison on the last hit (1, 2)

- Wrap should immobilise Ghost-types (1, 2)
- Exploding VS a Substitute should not KO the user (1)
- Recovery moves are not subject to the 1/256 uncertainty (1, 2)
- It is possible to minimize Stat Exp to 0 using a very very elaborate Exp. All trick (evidence)
- Transform does not copy the current stats of the foe, but the stages are, so the following is correct: (1, 2, 3, 4)
- Transform essentially copies the calculated stats of a foe prior to the boost
- The "Rage bug" isn't real, it's part of a greater mechanic (1)
- Thunder Wave and other status moves do "block" Counter (1)
- Recoil does not update the stored damage, only crash damage does (1)
- Bide does hit Ghost-types as part of fixed damage mechanics (1)
- Substitute blocks poison but no other status (1)
- Rest does not reset the paralysis Speed drop, this is a Stadium mechanic (1, 2, 3)
- Mimic copies moves at random in link battles (1)
- Fire Spin does not thaw frozen Pokemon, as Pokemon only thaw when the move that hits them can burn (1)
- After breaking a Substitute, Wrap-like moves deal damage equal to the amount dealt that broke it (1, 2)

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