Resource RBY & Tradebacks Bug Report Thread

In a recent game, my +0 Chansey's Ice Beam did 90% to a +0 Rhydon. I don't know if this is a known bug, if I'm wrong, or if I actually found something, but on the damage calculator it says that it should only deal 54.2 - 63.9%. I checked with my opponent and his DVs were all maxed, etc. Very weird.

The same guy's Rhydon was reportedly OHKOd by a Chansey BubbleBeam on ladder, which should deal 88% at the most.

Anecdotally, I've noticed that many moves which rely on the Special stat are dealing more damage than they should.

Yea, this has been an issue for a while. Please, whoever fixes this, post in here when it is fixed because I don't want to play RBY on the ladder right now since that bug is kinda huge.
The RBY damage issue seems to be (at least partially) caused by pressing the "suggested spread" button in the teambuilder:


Tinkering with it, I also ran into this oddity:

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Been asked to report that: Partial trapping moves seem to be bugged the following replay explains everything in detail (if clamp has no PP left it uses Struggle or it skips the last PP and rolls over too early)
Turns 20 and 42

Yes, I have also experienced Wrap rolling over back to 63 when I carefully counted to make sure that the last PP was fully run out on a mon. My opponent claimed I counted wrong, but I double-checked afterwards to make sure I hadn't. Unfortunately I didn't save the log, but the post above proves it well enough.
Exeggcute is still getting Mega Drain in Gen 1 Random Battles, which remains an impossible move without GSC tradebacks.
Generation 1 Random Battles are bugged in that after a Pokemon rests, if they cure themselves of paralysis than they still have the quartered speed after waking up from rest (Probably affects all of Generation 1 but I am unsure). Here is the replay and link to a screenshot because I'm too stupid to figure out how to hide something (sorry).

In fact it even stacks on the amount of times you get re-paralyzed: shown by this screenshot with replay
Generation 1 Random Battles are bugged in that after a Pokemon rests, if they cure themselves of paralysis than they still have the quartered speed after waking up from rest (Probably affects all of Generation 1 but I am unsure). Here is the replay and link to a screenshot because I'm too stupid to figure out how to hide something (sorry).

In fact it even stacks on the amount of times you get re-paralyzed: shown by this screenshot with replay

This is not a glitch, this is how Gen 1 Rest works. See this article:

Under Major Move Changes - Rest it discusses this.
Seriously I don't mean to bash anyone, as a CS student I know coding is hard work but these two issues have been around for literally years and keep screwing over tour games while probably being comparatively easy to patch up.

- Make the "Suggested Spread" button increase SpD, not only SpA. They're one stat in literally every other regard and the hidden 0 SpD EVs keep screwing never players without them even knowing. While you're at it, Atk is the only stat that shouldn't always be raised, so no 0 SpA just because it's a purely physical set. 252 everywhere or 0 in Atk are the only viable spreads. That's literally one button worth of code.
- Clamp rolls over when you use it WHILE having 0 PP. Not when you HIT 0 PP when using the Fight button on a switchin. And what it definitely should NOT do is causing Struggle to be used. This replay is a year old and explains everything in agonizingly small detail.

I'm speaking on behalf of the entire RBY community when I say this. The Immortal, please stop alienating RBY players and fix your code.
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Conversion when used seems to be missing a picture, and has some default icon. Also the type it changes to just remains as simple text.

Also not sure if it's working correctly, or if this is how it worked in gen1. Because the description says "Changes user's type to match a known move." but it just matches the opponents type(s) automatically, regardless if a move has been used or not. I tested it in gen2, and if no move has been used by your opponent, it changes its type to a random one, but if a move has been used it switches its type to that of the move (works as description states).

Edit: Text/img glitch works properly if the mon you're using conversion on has 1 type. The problem (pictured below) only happens if it has two types.

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I dont know if it is a bug


Pin missile deal same damage with each hit, and for this turn its 12,so here's the chart I think it should be in my view
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Counter is still not working in stadium against normal type moves. It would be nice if someone could prove how Counter works on the cartridge games.

When using the stat bar or the EV box to set the EVs for the special stat, it only changes the special attack stat:
So this
will lead to that Import/Export: "Slowbro EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 240 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe". That is similar to the "suggested spread button glitch" that will set the special defense EVs to 0 when clicking on it.
Let's not assume anyone cares about this thread, but in this replay turn 22 seems to be wrong. Maybe I'm overlooking something, but I assume the Tranform did not copy the Special boosts... (which I believe should not be the case)
Let's not assume anyone cares about this thread, but in this replay turn 22 seems to be wrong. Maybe I'm overlooking something, but I assume the Tranform did not copy the Special boosts... (which I believe should not be the case)

Idk if that is a bug, or how the mechanics work. But you have to use amneisa after the transform in order for the copied boosts to be initiated.
Idk if that is a bug, or how the mechanics work. But you have to use amneisa after the transform in order for the copied boosts to be initiated.

+4 Mewtwo Ice Beam vs. Mewtwo: 168-198 (40.4 - 47.7%)
Mewtwo Ice Beam vs. +4 Mewtwo: 28-34 (6.7 - 8.1%)

That was not the damage show in the replay. Then, messing with the calculator:
+4 Mewtwo Ice Beam vs. Mew: 229-270 (56.8 - 66.9%)
Mew Ice Beam vs. +4 Mewtwo: 21-25 (5 - 6%)

Perfect match. I don't know to if this is a cartrige or a ps glitch, but the Transform don't copied the Mewtwo base status after transforming.
Does anyone know why counter failed here in T7?

Snorlax got hit with a body slam, but experienced a 1/256 miss of its own, then tried to use counter next turn, while opponent switched out. Meaning its last damage taken was physical dmg from the lax's body slam. So it should of still worked. But it failed!

Turn 6
Snorlax used Body Slam!
The opposing Snorlax lost 27% of its health!

The opposing Snorlax used Body Slam!
The opposing Snorlax's attack missed!
Turn 7
Snorlax, come back!
Go! Exeggutor!
The opposing Snorlax used Counter!
But it failed!

The last move used was a miss so the damage counter reset to 0.