Sorry to double post, but I think this needs it's own post. I personally like lead VRs because I think it's interesting to see where people line up what and what they want to get out of the early game. UU's lead meta is definitely underdeveloped and under explored, and I personally would like to explore it through a VR. I'll start off with a post with some of my thoughts for the potential leads.
First let's establish that there are three types of leads: Anti, Para and Sleep. All three seem pretty well balanced and one doesn't really look better than another. Each one serves a different purpose and many mons serve more than one role. That being said, anti is the most common right now, with Tent being pretty much the default lead. With Para and Sleep sharing the rest of the scraps.
Second, let's look at what role(s) each viable lead mon is a part of (in no particular order)
Anti: Tent, Dugtrio, Persian, Kadabra*, Electabuzz*, and Raichu*
Para: Kadabra, Hypno, Electabuzz, Raichu, Venomoth
Sleep: Hypno, Haunter, Poiwrath, Venomoth
*Is considered an antilead against Tent only.
There are some other fringe options, but this list pretty much the only things worth considering.
Third, I'm going to rank the mons in the order I feel is best.
1. Tentacruel
Tentacruel has a good speed stat, powerful special attacks and Wrap. This combination stops many mons in their tracks and greatly limits what we can use in the lead spot.
2. Hypno
Hypno is the best sleep lead and doubles as a Para lead. Despite it's low speed stat, it's bulk allows it to not worry about being hit from antilleads and makes for an excellent sleep blocker when prar'd
3. Kadabra
Kadabra's great speed tier, T Wave and powerful Psychic makes it both good at spreading T Waves and scaring out Tentacruel. Seismic Toss also gives it the chance to threaten Hypno with some luck.
I think those three can be seen as the trinity of the lead meta and are the first ones everyone considers for a lead first.
4. Dugtrio
To be honest, I'm not really sure what the fourth best lead is, but I think Dugtrio is not a terrible choice for it. Dugtrio's high speed and crit rate combined with STAB EQ should make most other leads scared. Also being immune to T Wave makes para leads pretty much useless. It is scared of several things itself though, such as lead Hypno, Tentacruel surviving it's EQ and OHKOing back with Surf and Poliwrath who checks Dugtrio.
Lead Dugtrio also scouts out the opponents team by revealing their flying mon/Dug check, for basically nothing.
5. Poliwrath
I'm a little surprised that I am putting Poliwrath so high on this list and maybe Haunter deserves this spot more,, but I think it is similar enough to Hypno to earn this spot. Much like Hypno, poliwrath's bulk allows it to take hits from antileads and scare them with Hypnosis. Poliwrath also outspeeds Hypno, letting you win the first turn sleep war fairly consistently. Of course, Poliwrath gets easily scared out by Para leads, but a good team should account for this anyways.
6. Electabuzz
Again, maybe I'm being too harsh on Haunter here, but I feel like Electabuzz has some use as a para lead and isn't being explored enough. It can do a lot of damage to Tentacruel, Haunter, Poliwrath and scares out Persian who doesn't want to take the para. Electabuzz struggles against Hypno who just has no way to beat it without a lot of luck. I think I'm way overestimating and way overrating it, but I want to believe in Electabuzz.
7. Haunter
Haunter is interesting, because it is good against other sleep leads and pretty much nothing else. Sporting the fastest Sleep in the meta, it is still just 5 base speed shy from being actually scary. It makes this a hard choice to justify, but it can be good against slower sleepers and Persian.
8. Raichu
It might seem odd to put Electabuzz and Raichu so far apart, but that's because in the lead spot there is a world of difference. Raichu can't speed tie Kadabra or Electabuzz. So, 25% of the time, Raichu will not be able to para them back. Raichu is also much less threatening to Haunter than Buzz.
9. Persian
Persian makes for a fine anti lead by just doing a whole bunch of damage to everything and outspeeding everything except Dugtrio. Slash does a lot of damage to pretty much everything, but not quite enough to be higher on this list (Persian can never OHKO even Kadabra with Slash). Persian also hates being statused, meaning its best matchup is actually the other anti-leads, Tent and Dug. Persian also cannot do anything Haunter at all, making Persian a pretty subpar lead most of the time.
10. Venomoth
Sitting at 90 Base speed and having a terrible type combination, Venomoth may seem completely outclassed by Haunter. However, it does has a more accurate Sleep move and also can use Stun Spore to para opposing mons, giving it a slight different niche than Haunter or the other double statuser, Hypno. Of course it's pretty much useless even if it does put Hypno to sleep and then paras the next incoming mon. So Venomoth is pretty much unviable, but slightly notable.
So that's my thoughts on any potentially viable leads. There might be something I'm missing, or maybe your opinion is totally different. Either way, let's explore, discuss and rate the lead meta and get something better than what we have now.