>viable in OU
>viable in OU
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon | Use | Usage % | Win % |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1 | Kadabra | 127 | 86.99% | 50.39% |
| 2 | Dugtrio | 103 | 70.55% | 44.66% |
| 3 | Tentacruel | 100 | 68.49% | 49.00% |
| 4 | Kangaskhan | 78 | 53.42% | 55.13% |
| 5 | Articuno | 64 | 43.84% | 51.56% |
| 6 | Dodrio | 50 | 34.25% | 48.00% |
| 7 | Haunter | 46 | 31.51% | 45.65% |
| 8 | Dragonite | 40 | 27.40% | 55.00% |
| 9 | Gyarados | 34 | 23.29% | 41.18% |
| 10 | Dewgong | 30 | 20.55% | 46.67% |
| 11 | Electabuzz | 29 | 19.86% | 58.62% |
| 12 | Golem | 25 | 17.12% | 36.00% |
| 13 | Clefable | 23 | 15.75% | 47.83% |
| 14 | Ninetales | 20 | 13.70% | 40.00% |
| 15 | Persian | 19 | 13.01% | 31.58% |
| 16 | Tangela | 15 | 10.27% | 40.00% |
| 17 | Electrode | 10 | 6.85% | 60.00% |
| 18 | Vaporeon | 8 | 5.48% | 25.00% |
| 19 | Omastar | 7 | 4.79% | 71.43% |
| 20 | Raichu | 3 | 2.05% | 100.00% |
| 20 | Arcanine | 3 | 2.05% | 66.67% |
| 22 | Venusaur | 2 | 1.37% | 100.00% |
| 22 | Kabutops | 2 | 1.37% | 50.00% |
| 22 | Moltres | 2 | 1.37% | 0.00% |
| 25 | Aerodactyl | 1 | 0.68% | 100.00% |
| 25 | Seadra | 1 | 0.68% | 100.00% |
| 25 | Victreebel | 1 | 0.68% | 100.00% |
| 25 | Exeggcute | 1 | 0.68% | 100.00% |
| 25 | Poliwrath | 1 | 0.68% | 0.00% |
| 25 | Nidoking | 1 | 0.68% | 0.00% |
| 25 | Poliwhirl | 1 | 0.68% | 0.00% |
+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Leads | Use | Usage % | Win % |
+ ---- + ----------------------- + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1 | Electabuzz | 23 | 15.75% | 60.87% |
| 2 | Kadabra | 21 | 14.38% | 47.62% |
| 3 | Ninetales | 20 | 13.70% | 40.00% |
| 4 | Clefable | 17 | 11.64% | 52.94% |
| 4 | Dodrio | 17 | 11.64% | 29.41% |
| 6 | Dragonite | 12 | 8.22% | 50.00% |
| 7 | Haunter | 11 | 7.53% | 54.55% |
| 8 | Kangaskhan | 10 | 6.85% | 60.00% |
| 9 | Golem | 4 | 2.74% | 25.00% |
| 10 | Arcanine | 3 | 2.05% | 66.67% |
| 10 | Tentacruel | 3 | 2.05% | 66.67% |
| 12 | Dewgong | 2 | 1.37% | 100.00% |
| 12 | Dugtrio | 2 | 1.37% | 50.00% |
| 14 | Tangela | 1 | 0.68% | 100.00% |
Pokemon | Rating (All responses) | Rating (Qualified Responses) |
Tentacruel | 3.33 | 3 |
Kadabra | 2.44 | 2.38 |
Dugtrio | 3.22 | 3.15 |
Kangaskhan | 2.94 | 3.15 |
Articuno | 3.72 | 4.15 |
Dodrio | 3.44 | 3.61 |
Dragonite | 2.06 | 2.08 |
Haunter | 1.56 | 1.69 |
Electabuzz | 1.56 | 1.77 |
Persian | 1.94 | 2.15 |
This tier has become so frustrating to play and even watch because of this in my opinion. Every game feels likeThe Kadabra, Tentacruel, Dugtrio trifecta which can be fixed if you bring back Hypno but nobody wants that except me perhaps
the tier has too many hard hitters so rest hypno is super exploitable, and if rest hypno isnt usable then it doesnt serve the defensive purposes you claim and instead just trades for itself every single game leaving you with 5 mons to cover all the same offensive threatsThis tier has become so frustrating to play and even watch because of this in my opinion. Every game feels like
View attachment 649555
After Hypno left, the game feels so much worse. It's a catch all defensive pivot and that makes it overcentralizing, but like GSC Lax, it's needed. I know some people told me it enabled offense and was too good as a lead, but offense is more enabled than ever and sleep helps keep lead Hypno in check. I don't get why some people are so allergic to the idea of Hypno coming back, but I think people should be open to the idea.
Articuno could probably get banned either way though. It never really did anything productive in the tier that other mons can't do in a more healthy way.
Just my two cents. I keep hoping it at least gets suspect tested so I can try to play this tier again.
When there was oddly 0 question that even asked about the potential of unbans? Yes I would call that incredible. Odd to leave that question out by the way.3 mentions of Hypno out of 18 is "incredible" and a reason to hold a suspect? Come on, now
Hello everyone,
I will try to keep this post brief since I do not have a ton of time to go into the data very much, however after two and a half years we finally have a new Viability Rankings. Thank you to the voters Ice Yazu MrSoup NotVeryCake royzin Sabelette Shellnuts Torchic Tree69420 Unowndragon Volk YBW for submitting your Viability Rankings. Also thank you to Sabelette juoean Tree69420 Torchic Unowndragon and Volk who helped decide where the cutoff should be in discord.
Without much delay, here is the new RBY UU Viability Rankings.
- - - - - - - - U U - N U - L I N E - - - - - - - -
For those curious about what the average rankings were, here are all of the Pokemon which were ranked by more than 3 players with their average rankings listed as well.
In addition, here are the plots of the dissimilarity matrices, dendrograms, and a zoomed in list of the mons which were analyzed by the VR, for people to analyze. I will attempt to make a full writeup of everything later when I have a bit more time.012.36
Lastly, given that Hypno is currently banned and since a new change of style seems in order, we now have some new artwork for the UU Viability Rankings, also drawn by myself.
View attachment 601176
Thank you everyone for your patience.
Late but yes I've mentioned before I would be interested in trying an UU where the cutoff is lower and we drop the stuff mentioned above.I want to throw a thought out there - I could imagine a UU where we had, say, Jolteon, Slowbro, Victreebel, Lapras, Hypno, and Articuno legal working quite well in theory, which could happen if next OU VR doesn't lower the cutoff to keep those mons in the tier. Would people theoretically be open to this, even though it means undoing tiering so far, ala what NU recently did? Would people be open to a theory-tournament where these 6 were legalized? Yes, Lapras would still probably be a royal pain, but its speed tier makes it manageable when the tier's power level is higher and its not ripping apart entire teams that can't do more than 30% per hit to it. Hypno is likely more manageable with another Psychic in the tier and generally higher bulk. Jolteon has checks between Grass-types and Golem and it also has incentives to run Body Slam and Hyper Beam to cover Dug and Pin Missile to cover Grass/Poisons (and ig you could run Double Kick and 6HKO Golem, like 4HKO on average with crits) so it's stretched thinner here than OU. Slowbro is slow as shit and perhaps more exploitable here, Victreebel was ass last time but looks better when it outspeeds half the new top mons and resists Jolteon's STAB, Articuno is definitely not problematic with Lapras around and becomes more of a surprise 6th mon (and Jolteon and Slowbro help check it too).
It's very theory but I think it's a reasonably possible and if there's support I'm down to run this hypothetical as a tour closer to the end of the year and see what shakes out.
Planning on banning all PT for the tour, I want a snapshot of a potential real future for UU and not just another interim "needs work" meta.for now all i do heavily support is banning wrap/PT. if the UUBL+C ranks tour is any good we may as well wait to see 2025 OU VR before doing much else. i also wish for the aforementioned test tour to also have wrap disallowed.
no partial trapping > anything else suggested.If there is any appetite to test anything in the upcoming ALT PL (manager signups go up sometime next month), let me know.
PT or nothingIf there is any appetite to test anything in the upcoming ALT PL (manager signups go up sometime next month), let me know.