Lower Tiers RBY UU Hub


Mighty Magmars FTW


My First Team Tour win! (I think? Over 4 years of RBY atp there's been a lot of tournaments)

Format sucked really bad this tour, got so burnt out the last half of the tour. I had such an insane amount of fun with YBW + Mel on prep the early weeks, but once Mel had to dip things really went down hill for me mentally in the tier. 3-5 (really 3-4, act win instead of deadgame was lame af from Shell tbh) isn't too great but I at least was consistent only losing to the same people. Very primed to take #1 of pool without burnout and irl stuff, but eh stuff happens. GGs to Shellnut, Torchic, DD, UD, and Maris. Not too happy mine and Maris' back and forth tour sets have started leaning her way so heavy, hopefully we both play in ALTPL so that can be addressed :).

On the meta, Tentless has really risen in popularity which was the main change during this tournament. I personally ran mostly off of the formula of Tent Kad Nite Kang 5th 6th, with 5th and/or 6th being a Ground-type, with some deviations from there. I don't think Tent is suddenly some 10th in the tier mon or whatever, Kang Nite Dodrio and Golem are all at incredibly high stocks, but Wrap stocks have definitely plummeted. I personally think the tier is like fine rn and could use a lot more time to develop it before we start messing with it heavy, though I'm pretty fine with a Wrap ban idt it actually does all that much.

Venomoth is really good, been using it a solid amount the last 3 or so tournaments and its WR for me has been incredible. That speed tier for a double powder is so good and I like using it so much more than Tangela. Its shitpiss dmg Psychic is also noticeably more immediately dmging than whatever Tangela hits with. Tangela still ranks higher purely due to how extreme its MU vs Grounds are though.

Anything in C tier on my VR could easily be ranked UU, I just think they have immediate alternatives that I would use moth of the time. i.e Raichu vs Buzz and Trode, Vap vs Oma and Gong, Ninetales vs Rapidash. Preference primarily, anything in C or above is a realistic tour bring.

D idgaf about. There's inherently a niche for just insert any Fire mon in the tier, Seadra has specifically strong Agility endgames, and Poliwrath like inherently cant be that bad.
altpl meta is better than current uu (but c+ is even better, and i predict even UUBL -Wrap/PT would also be better on the off chance OU drops nothing (and im pretty sure all of jolt,bro,vic will))
most of the people saying the contrary did not play altpl uu (albeit only a handful, and only 1 other experienced player, actually did)
im unlikely to continue playing uu if wrap (or at the very least, tent) stays at least in tours after spotlight (not as a threat, there's people who'd be happy if this happened anyway)

Not trying to rush anything but UUFPL will be happening soon (Week 1 starts sometime in March), so was wondering if there were any plans to hold a vote or otherwise have this mattered settled by then. I dont think we need another “suspect” slot for this and would prefer to use whatever the standard RBY UU is at that time.

Not trying to rush anything but UUFPL will be happening soon (Week 1 starts sometime in March), so was wondering if there were any plans to hold a vote or otherwise have this mattered settled by then. I dont think we need another “suspect” slot for this and would prefer to use whatever the standard RBY UU is at that time.
Questioning a bit if I really want to sign up for UUFPL to play RBY this tour still (sort of want to SV) but I would prefer no bans and just keep it regular UU. The RBY C+ tour is coming to a close soonish and would be better to consider things after a breakdown of the tour via stats/usage/etc. I also didn't think the no wrap meta was that much better in ATPL, even if slightly it felt like the same format minus Tenta, still kind of the same luck fest due to the top mons. While I don't really agree with posts from the debate thread advocating for the use of Partial Trapping in UU (lower tiers in general) I think it wouldn't be fair to those who want to play RBY UU as is to be forced into playing a revised version of it.
Would it be possible to test UUBL for UUFPL? As in wrapless Lapras + Hypno + Articuno. C+ seems to be a step in the right direction for the tier but obviously Jolteon and Slowbro dropping isn't guaranteed. Testing to see if the meta would be good with just the UUBL + Wrap ban would help with laying out all the options for the tier in case Jolteon / Slowbro don't drop.
Would it be possible to test UUBL for UUFPL? As in wrapless Lapras + Hypno + Articuno. C+ seems to be a step in the right direction for the tier but obviously Jolteon and Slowbro dropping isn't guaranteed. Testing to see if the meta would be good with just the UUBL + Wrap ban would help with laying out all the options for the tier in case Jolteon / Slowbro don't drop.
I think this can also be tested for April RBY UU spotlight which may be better to allow at least one more tournament with untouched UU

Not really against doing it for UUFPL either, I want UUBL (no wrap/pt) tested for one of these tours and actually believe it may be better than C+, but sympathize with the idea that UU will have not had a 'real' tour for a bit now. You could argue though doing it for a PL is better data though and the spotlight can be the one as standard UU instead.

Think it'd be more fun to play UUBL but not sure if UUFPL should be the one to do it is all. Would be cool if it was tho
If the partial trapping issue is adjudicated before UUFPL begins, think I'd be in favor of dropping the UUBLs for the tour to gather some data. If it's not adjudicated though then I'm leaning towards just whatever standard RBY UU is at the time to help provide more current RBY UU data for the future decisionmakers.
it kinda makes sense since i think most uu players dont want uu without wrap without also unbanning something

i think any version of uu with lapras+hypno is better than without and no wrap is the perfect opportunity to retest them
no wrap is kinda unstable and hypno+lapras adds some stability instead of just being a pure kang pers dodo dug kad hitfest
Is it possible to get council input on if a wrap/pt suspect is likely before UUFPL begins? I understand a survey on C+ is likely first and I'm unsure what the "deadline" for this is to make UUBL UUFPL a possibility
current way it’s looking is that it will not be settled by then unless council wants to take initiative in pushing the issue forward, i am going to be extremely busy the rest of the month and do not have time till start of march to start working on the gordian knot that is the RBY UU Problem