Mighty Magmars FTW
Mighty Magmars FTW
My First Team Tour win! (I think? Over 4 years of RBY atp there's been a lot of tournaments)
Format sucked really bad this tour, got so burnt out the last half of the tour. I had such an insane amount of fun with YBW + Mel on prep the early weeks, but once Mel had to dip things really went down hill for me mentally in the tier. 3-5 (really 3-4, act win instead of deadgame was lame af from Shell tbh) isn't too great but I at least was consistent only losing to the same people. Very primed to take #1 of pool without burnout and irl stuff, but eh stuff happens. GGs to Shellnut, Torchic, DD, UD, and Maris. Not too happy mine and Maris' back and forth tour sets have started leaning her way so heavy, hopefully we both play in ALTPL so that can be addressed :).
On the meta, Tentless has really risen in popularity which was the main change during this tournament. I personally ran mostly off of the formula of Tent Kad Nite Kang 5th 6th, with 5th and/or 6th being a Ground-type, with some deviations from there. I don't think Tent is suddenly some 10th in the tier mon or whatever, Kang Nite Dodrio and Golem are all at incredibly high stocks, but Wrap stocks have definitely plummeted. I personally think the tier is like fine rn and could use a lot more time to develop it before we start messing with it heavy, though I'm pretty fine with a Wrap ban idt it actually does all that much.
Venomoth is really good, been using it a solid amount the last 3 or so tournaments and its WR for me has been incredible. That speed tier for a double powder is so good and I like using it so much more than Tangela. Its shitpiss dmg Psychic is also noticeably more immediately dmging than whatever Tangela hits with. Tangela still ranks higher purely due to how extreme its MU vs Grounds are though.
Anything in C tier on my VR could easily be ranked UU, I just think they have immediate alternatives that I would use moth of the time. i.e Raichu vs Buzz and Trode, Vap vs Oma and Gong, Ninetales vs Rapidash. Preference primarily, anything in C or above is a realistic tour bring.
D idgaf about. There's inherently a niche for just insert any Fire mon in the tier, Seadra has specifically strong Agility endgames, and Poliwrath like inherently cant be that bad.
Format sucked really bad this tour, got so burnt out the last half of the tour. I had such an insane amount of fun with YBW + Mel on prep the early weeks, but once Mel had to dip things really went down hill for me mentally in the tier. 3-5 (really 3-4, act win instead of deadgame was lame af from Shell tbh) isn't too great but I at least was consistent only losing to the same people. Very primed to take #1 of pool without burnout and irl stuff, but eh stuff happens. GGs to Shellnut, Torchic, DD, UD, and Maris. Not too happy mine and Maris' back and forth tour sets have started leaning her way so heavy, hopefully we both play in ALTPL so that can be addressed :).
On the meta, Tentless has really risen in popularity which was the main change during this tournament. I personally ran mostly off of the formula of Tent Kad Nite Kang 5th 6th, with 5th and/or 6th being a Ground-type, with some deviations from there. I don't think Tent is suddenly some 10th in the tier mon or whatever, Kang Nite Dodrio and Golem are all at incredibly high stocks, but Wrap stocks have definitely plummeted. I personally think the tier is like fine rn and could use a lot more time to develop it before we start messing with it heavy, though I'm pretty fine with a Wrap ban idt it actually does all that much.
Venomoth is really good, been using it a solid amount the last 3 or so tournaments and its WR for me has been incredible. That speed tier for a double powder is so good and I like using it so much more than Tangela. Its shitpiss dmg Psychic is also noticeably more immediately dmging than whatever Tangela hits with. Tangela still ranks higher purely due to how extreme its MU vs Grounds are though.
Anything in C tier on my VR could easily be ranked UU, I just think they have immediate alternatives that I would use moth of the time. i.e Raichu vs Buzz and Trode, Vap vs Oma and Gong, Ninetales vs Rapidash. Preference primarily, anything in C or above is a realistic tour bring.
D idgaf about. There's inherently a niche for just insert any Fire mon in the tier, Seadra has specifically strong Agility endgames, and Poliwrath like inherently cant be that bad.