Alright the Lapras+Hypno meta VR has concluded
Thanks to Fc Howlsome Ice Yazu juoean phoopes pokemonisfun Sabelette Shellnuts stunner047 and Volk for sending in rankings. The tiering and rankings were made with the vapicuno method. All the data can be found here.
Survey methodology:
- Everyone literally just submitted their own VRs
- I made a tiermaker as a suggestion with every single plausibly viable pokemon
- The VR acceptance time period was roughly 2 weeks
The average outlier-compensated viability rankings are as follows.
Considering only pokemon that were ranked by 3 or more players, we get the following reduced list.
Lastly, from the data collected, the following tiers were obtained.
The old VR tiers are as follows.
Tier Creation Process:
First, the data is cleaned by compensating outliers 1 standard deviation away from the edge of the percentiles expected to contain +/- 1 standard deviation of a normal distribution. The compensation is done by bringing these points to the edge of this extended range. This results in only a few outliers being corrected. We then plot the outlier-removed data against the integer rank to obtain the following graph:
Overall, the tiers are very cleanly defined throughout the entire VR and the tier lines can easily be drawn by eye in most locations. In order to verify these tier divisions, we turn to hierarchical clustering to form the tiers. You can read a quote from vapicuno but TL;DR big number = dark square = disagreements on placement
Performing this for all ranked Pokemon from Hypno to Raticate gives us the following dendrogram and dissimilarity matrix.
We can also create dendrograms based on how similarly voters ranked sections of mons.
Here are 3 based on the S and A tiers, the S through B tiers, and the C and D tiers.
A similarity matrix can also be drawn with this data over the overall voting.
The voters can also be organized into camps based on how they voted, in this case, the phoopes camp and the anti-phoopes camp.
I really can't be assed to explain these graphs so here you go
This analysis yields the following VR tiers:







*The script had like 6 seperate tiers for the mons in D tier and I just merged them all because it didnt make much sense
Friendly reminder: this was all entirely for interest and will not impact the official tiering in any way.
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to ask, thanks for reading.
Thanks to Fc Howlsome Ice Yazu juoean phoopes pokemonisfun Sabelette Shellnuts stunner047 and Volk for sending in rankings. The tiering and rankings were made with the vapicuno method. All the data can be found here.
Survey methodology:
- Everyone literally just submitted their own VRs
- I made a tiermaker as a suggestion with every single plausibly viable pokemon
- The VR acceptance time period was roughly 2 weeks
The average outlier-compensated viability rankings are as follows.
01 Hypno
02 Lapras
03 Persian
04 Dragonite
05 Tentacruel
06 Kadabra
07 Kangaskhan
08 Dugtrio
09 Electabuzz
10 Dodrio
11 Haunter
12 Electrode
13 Golem
14 Gyarados
15 Articuno
16 Raichu
17 Moltres
18 Clefable
19 Victreebel
20 Mr. Mime
21 Dewgong
22 Charizard
23 Nidoking
24 Ninetales
25 Magneton
26 Arcanine
27 Sandslash
28 Omastar
29 Aerodactyl
30 Pinsir
31 Rapidash
32 Poliwrath
33 Tangela
34 Venusaur
35 Vaporeon
36 Golduck
37 Raticate
38 Kabutops
02 Lapras
03 Persian
04 Dragonite
05 Tentacruel
06 Kadabra
07 Kangaskhan
08 Dugtrio
09 Electabuzz
10 Dodrio
11 Haunter
12 Electrode
13 Golem
14 Gyarados
15 Articuno
16 Raichu
17 Moltres
18 Clefable
19 Victreebel
20 Mr. Mime
21 Dewgong
22 Charizard
23 Nidoking
24 Ninetales
25 Magneton
26 Arcanine
27 Sandslash
28 Omastar
29 Aerodactyl
30 Pinsir
31 Rapidash
32 Poliwrath
33 Tangela
34 Venusaur
35 Vaporeon
36 Golduck
37 Raticate
38 Kabutops
01 Hypno
02 Lapras
03 Persian
04 Dragonite
05 Tentacruel
06 Kadabra
07 Kangaskhan
08 Dugtrio
09 Electabuzz
10 Dodrio
11 Haunter
12 Electrode
13 Golem
14 Gyarados
15 Articuno
16 Raichu
17 Moltres
18 Clefable
19 Victreebel
20 Mr. Mime
21 Magneton
22 Omastar
23 Aerodactyl
24 Pinsir
25 Poliwrath
26 Venusaur
27 Vaporeon
28 Raticate
02 Lapras
03 Persian
04 Dragonite
05 Tentacruel
06 Kadabra
07 Kangaskhan
08 Dugtrio
09 Electabuzz
10 Dodrio
11 Haunter
12 Electrode
13 Golem
14 Gyarados
15 Articuno
16 Raichu
17 Moltres
18 Clefable
19 Victreebel
20 Mr. Mime
21 Magneton
22 Omastar
23 Aerodactyl
24 Pinsir
25 Poliwrath
26 Venusaur
27 Vaporeon
28 Raticate







*The script had like 6 seperate tiers for the mons in D tier and I just merged them all because it didnt make much sense







*The script had like 6 seperate tiers for the mons in D tier and I just merged them all because it didnt make much sense
The old VR tiers are as follows.


Tier Creation Process:
First, the data is cleaned by compensating outliers 1 standard deviation away from the edge of the percentiles expected to contain +/- 1 standard deviation of a normal distribution. The compensation is done by bringing these points to the edge of this extended range. This results in only a few outliers being corrected. We then plot the outlier-removed data against the integer rank to obtain the following graph:
Overall, the tiers are very cleanly defined throughout the entire VR and the tier lines can easily be drawn by eye in most locations. In order to verify these tier divisions, we turn to hierarchical clustering to form the tiers. You can read a quote from vapicuno but TL;DR big number = dark square = disagreements on placement
Performing this for all ranked Pokemon from Hypno to Raticate gives us the following dendrogram and dissimilarity matrix.
We can also create dendrograms based on how similarly voters ranked sections of mons.
Here are 3 based on the S and A tiers, the S through B tiers, and the C and D tiers.
I really can't be assed to explain these graphs so here you go







*The script had like 6 seperate tiers for the mons in D tier and I just merged them all because it didnt make much sense
Friendly reminder: this was all entirely for interest and will not impact the official tiering in any way.
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to ask, thanks for reading.