Well not that anyone really cares, here's my experience with the trashier side of things.
Gonna copy and paste from my previous post, but just add that Raichu is the best non-meta Pokemon, and that it would 100% be UU if something happens to Buzz. The slight advantages that Buzz has makes it the better pick most of the time, but Raichu is extremely solid and is probably around A- without Buzz.
Controversial opinion here maybe, but I think you should be using Raichu > Buzz more. Surf is great utility for offense teams and you don't even have to actually run it for your opponent to be scared of it. Body Slam, HBeam and Sub all have some cool utility, but Agility still works too. 100 Base Speed is enough and if you haven't considered running Raichu, this is your wake up call, because I think there are a lot of teams on the ladder that would have been better with Raichu on them. That being said, I don't think the meta is big enough for Chu and Buzz, and so I'm putting Chu in C+.
In my testing, Clef was really good. Better than before. Having Lap as back-up and having a lot of people throw away their Hypnos has allowed Clef to flourish. I know some people really really liked Clef, but I thought it was getting a bit overhyped. I think Lap was the partner that Clef needed though, and the two work really well together. One thing to note though is that I like Clef outside of the lead more. I felt underwhelmed by what my lead Clef was putting out, and at best I felt like I was playing 5v5, but depending on how luck and movests went, I would somettimes start the game off with 5v6 and be down from the early game.
Everyone knows what Electrode does, because it only does one thing. But it does it pretty well. Trode is good as a late game sweeper, and I think using it on double or maybe triple electric teams is the best thing for it. It's great when you already weakened the opposing team, and Electric-checks are gone or weakened. But Electrode doesn't do a good job at gaining back momentum itself. It already needs the ball to be rolling cue drum kit), and that's why I think it's always going to be inferior to Buzz and Chu and why even if they didn't exist, Trode still wouldn't be an A mon.
Mr. Mime
When ladder first started, I saw a lot of Mr.Mime for whatever reason. I guess TBolt + Psychic really made people like it. At first, I didn't play against it well, and I thought this was going to be a lot more viable than before. However, as time moved on and I found myself and my opponents knowing how to handle it better, and it became more about fishing for matchups where triple psychic is good rather than having a solid third psychic mon. That being said, I did try Mr.Mime > Kadabra, and I feel like although Kadabra is better most of the time, the slightly better physical bulk (and thus a better counter mon), and TBolt do come into play. I would seriously consider Mr.Mime in the future if you haven't already.
I seriously don't know how good Poli can be in this meta, because it has too many options and I couldn't thoroughly test it enough. I feel like Amnesia Poli is actually decently viable, but there's also 3 phys attack sets, anti-phys mon sets, Rest sets, and mixed attacker sets. Poli has a plethora of options to play with and figuring out what is or isn't good is going to take some time. Wrath may end up higher or lower than this, but for now I'm keeping it low until it can prove itself.
Copying Moltres from before.
I think Molt is better than Art now. Molt does a bit better offensively, but it's not really adding anything to your team defensively, and if Fire Blast doesn't cooperate and doesn't burn/crit, then Molt isn't going to be worth the moveslot. If you're a fan of Molt I think this is the best it's been in UU, so get your fill, but I still don't think it's good enough to be meta, and I do think that there's a lot of times you're going to wish you had something else sitting there on your team.
This mon is either good or mid and nothing inbetween. There were games where I was so relieved that my opponent had Rat and not something better and games where I was so upset I had Rat and not a different normal mon. Super Fang used to be cool to help break bulky waters like Vap and Oma, or even Hypno, but for whatever reason, it's just not that consistently good vs Lap. Super Fang just doesn't have the same bite it did without Lap. After sleep got banned, I was worried a bit about Rat, as I was trying to make more use of it after APT was banned, and something like Hypnosis Hypno was an amazing partner for it. But it seems like I didn't worry about the right things, because Rat is even worse than that now.
All that said, Rat does work when it works. Super Fang can be great for hit and run tactics on offense teams and forcing your opponent into mind games as you set-up a sweep with Rat can work out and be a lot of fun. So, all in all, I wouldn't use Rat consistently but every once in a while, if you can find a super solid team for it, Rat could work even in a serious game.
Copying Articuno from before.
Articuno is something I kept going back and forth on, and at last I realized that it's not that good. I keep saying this, but smart players will hold their Lap's back, which makes Articuno a worse and worse mon, as Lap is to Art as Don is to Zap in OU. Sky Attack helps the situation somewhat, but Rest Lap can shake off the damage later, and it;s not hard to get off the inital Rest. So, if you don't get the Sky Attack crit right away, Lap is going to eat your attacks a ware you down fast. Wish I could like this things more, but I've had my heart broken by it one too many times.
STAB QuakeSlide is great, and spamming Golem's moves against a paralyzed team hasn't felt this good in years. But getting there is really hard. So you're not going to consistently use it for its offensive power. Meanwhile less Rest Hypno makes Golem's early game Explosion stuff less viable. So, really you end up using Golem for it's defense. However, what can and can't take on Golem on an opponent's team takes a lot of scouting. If your opponent has BB Persian, but successfully hides it, Golem is going to fall flat on its face, for example. Golem is definitely matchup fishing right now, which is sad because it has so much offensive power. But until Golem finds a niche, that's really all its ever been good for.
After having a little success with Amnesia Poli, I decided to give Golduck a go, and it's not too bad. You need a lot of set-up and/or support, but it can come out late game and sweep. It's better than before imo, but it does take some effort to set-up and something like SD Tent has some similar strats and probably better results overall. However, if you want your Tent elsewhere, or don't want to use Tent at all, Golduck can work as a late game sweeper.
Venu is so down low less because of it lack of power, but more because of its lack of niche. The comparison to Vic will probably always be there, but I think that Venu is the inferior mon. They're both SD mons now (or at least that's the only way I could see Venu working out), but a lack of stun spore and weaker attack stat hold back Venu a lot. BSlam is cool because it damages and paralyzes and I wish Vic could somehow run 5 moves for it, but not being able to paralyze mons like Persian, is a bigger set-back than one may first imagine. On a positive note for Venu, it does a lot of damage to Lap with Razor Leaf and can tank more damage vs mons like Persian or Kang, so if you really like Venu, you can still use it. But I don't think the meta has enough room for both Razor Leafers, and I found myself liking Vic much better than Venu.
Cool mon with a cool moveset, and is probably the third best bulky water overall. EQ and Counter is done better by Poli imo, but Blast can work with it too, and you won't have a psychic/dodrio weakness. There's not much reason to use this guy, but it can hold it's own when it comes in.
As much as I love Gyara, Lap has just completely outclassed it. Flying-typing was always both a gift and a curse, but now it definitely feels more curse than gift. I found some success with putting Gyara in the lead slot, but it's just such a mid mon now. Not completely unviable, but it really isn't doing anything against a competent opponent who knows how to hold onto their resources well. If you want to use Gyara, play with the moveset. Fire Blast feels like it can be more viable than before, and that may be the secret to making Gyara work outside of the lead slot, but it's something I've barely touched, and is mostly theorymon.
It's a cool offensive mon, and has a good moveset, but defensively it's almost unviable. Switching it in usually involves Wrap or double switching, and missing with a fire attack being crit by a faster opponent is game over for Zard. SD might have some niche when used against a slower opponent, but I only managed to click it one time when I was using Zard, and Fire Spin seems to be the way to go.
I'll be honest, I mostly played against this thing, and barely touched it myself, and a lot of my experience was from one user who spammed it a lot. They used like 3 different Sandslash teams, and kept changing alts, so I don't know who they are, but shout out to you for playing Sandslash for at least 2 weeks straight. I admire that dedication.
Anyways, my point is that Sandslah may be a lot higher, and I just don't realize it. Slash is ok on double ground teams. It also does ok as a Sub + EQ + Slash hit and runner (which is the set I used with it), and an ok SD user (which I saw a lot of others use it for). It honestly probably has more potential than what I'm giving it credit for here, but I really just need to play with this thing more to find out.
It's got a good physcial bulk which allows it to come in on physcial attacks or even resist Wrap. SD to set-up its massive attack stat and Water-type Razor Leaf. All of this sounds good in theory, but it's hard to make it work. Especially with such a bad Special stat and Speed. I played 4 games with this thing. 2 games with SD and 2 with Rest, and although obviously 4 games isn't enough to say anything conclusive about Kingler, I think both sets have potential and I encourage you to try them out.
This thing is great for punishing the physcial mons (except Dodrio), but is terrible vs Special mons. Stun Spore + a solid defense and resistence to EQ all help make it good in some matchup, but in others you're playing 5 v 6. I still liked Tangela before Lap came in, but it's a matchup fisher now, unfortunately.
Rock-typing and a great speed stat help Aero do something sometimes, but that Flying-typing is just too much of a weakness. Ice, Electric, and Rock-type attacks are all in the meta, and are all stopping Aero from doing anything defensively. This leads Aero to hit and run tactics where it relies on it's high crit rate, but I feel like Electrode does the same thing but better. Aero isn't playing 5v6 though.
If your opponent throws away their Lap, then this thing isn't terrible. I noticed people were more happy to trade Lap when they have Art in the back, and so when their Lap dies and my Omastar comes out, it puts them in a tough spot. However, that's the ultimate matchup fish and I only bring it up, because one time I got extremely lucky with Omastar and got an Articuno matchup for it 3 times in a row. Anyways, Rock-typing helps Omastar and it can do the same stuff it before, but really this thing isn't good, and I can't recommend it.
I didn't really play with this thing enough to say how good or bad it truly is, but I found myself liking Omastar more. Tops' better offense is negated by its worse Special. But it doesn't seem like a trash mon, so let me know what you think of it, if you gave it a better try than I did.
Don't waste your time with these things like I did. Learn from my mistakes.
I used to love Nidoking. It only worked on double ground offense, but it worked really well for that strat, and for like 2 months I brought Nidoking to every Bo3 I played. Now, double ground is terrible, and the mons that Nidoking wants to fight aren't that prominent anymore. It has no niche and there's no reason to use it over something else.
Haven't tried this myself, but I can't see it doing any better. The slightly higher defense may make a difference though, and it may be able to take advantage of counter and play more like what it does in OU.
I played two or three games with this before I lost my sanity. It's like playing 5.1 vs 6.
Is so-so vs Kad and Hypno, and can spread some para, but Clef is better than it in almost everyway. Don't bother.
I played 1 game with this thing and then I deleted the team. You have Lap, and Dewgong + Lap is not good. In fact, Lap just uses it as a way to heal itself with Rest.

I had to try it at least once. And I tried it twice with two different sets, and I never touched it again. You shouldn't either.
I actually thought this thing had a bit of a chance. It's got ok bulk and a decent movepool. But defensively it's too bad and too slow to really be good offensively.
In UU at least, this is the worst FE Fighting mon. It's too slow to sweep,too fragile to take a hit, and too weak to really take advantage of High Jump Kick. I literally had more success with Hitmonchan. Don't even humor this thing.
Not a good mon, but Agility gives it something to do. In about the half a dozen games I played with it, I managed to do something with it 2 and a half times. I say half, because one of those times it switched into HBeam, used Counter and then died the next turn. Even off of Hitmonchan's bad attack stat, STAB Submission is ok vs Ice and Normal types. But good luck getting off those attacks. Hitmonchan can set-up Agility and then pray that it gets to actually hit the opponent with Submission. But I don't think I'm praying hard enough, because I only hit Submission one time after setting-up Agility, the three times I did. This mon kinda sounds cool in theory (and doing something hitmonchan is some bragging rights). But this thing is just terrible overall.
Using Pory to set-up paralysis and come in on weak BSlam's sounded nice in my head, but in practice it's terrible. Pory needs a lot of para support, and then when it does come in vs what you want it to, it either dies to crits or it just sits there and does nothing. There's no Lax don't try and make it work here.
I just played 1 or 2 games with this thing, but it did absolutely nothing both games, and it made me realize how much it misses Sleep Powder. Maybe trashmon is too much, but it's definitely not as viable as before, and it wasn't really viable to begin with.
Why did I waste 3 days on this thing!? I originally started using this thing as a meme triple confuse ray team with CRay Lap and Haunter. But then I really liked the idea of using Magmar. So I started play testing this thing for 3 days straight. The only good thing to come out of it was it made me realize how much better Zard and Molt are. Defensively this thing is terble. It's not as bad as Zard, since it's mono-Fire, but it's not switching into anything really. Despite deleting probably a hundred teams this month, I for some reason decided to keep this terrible one, so if you really hate yourself, you can play the worst FE Fire-type too. Use it to trade with Lap I guess. That and the occasional Counter kill are the only things its capable of doing.
There's other stuff I wanted to test but I never got around to it. These are all mons that I was wanting to playtest a lot more in the back of my head, but I never go around to it.

Played 2 games with it and it did ok, but i hated the team, and never made a new one for it. Probably a trashmon, but it still interests me.

Played 1 game with it and it seems to have more potential than Machamp. but I was completely done with Fighting-types by the time I got to it and after that one game I deleted the team and stopped playing with them for the rest of the month.

I can't remember touching it at all, but I thought I made a team for it. So maybe I played it, didn't like the team and deleted, and forgot. I don't know, but I can't have an opinion on it either way.

I played a game or two and switched it to Oma, had better results and stuck with Oma for that team. I don't think it's that good, but who knows.

Didn't play it but it's always interesting in theory.

Tried to build a team with it once. didn't actually play it and deleted the team later after looking at it again and not liking it.
Anyways, thanks for giving me your time and attention. I got pretty luck with this month not being too busy for me to work, so I can play test a lot. I noticed a lot of people switching around on different alts and playing the same teams but with different usernames, game after game. I did the same thing, so if we played each other but didn't realize it, thanks for the games, I had a lot of fun. This is the most active RoA monthly ladder I have ever seen by FAR. I managed to get in about 10-20 games a day, even yesterday, when the ladders are usually dead by now. This community is crazy, so thank you so much for allowing me to play so much in so little time. There's no other tier I could have done this with.
But at the same time I wasted way too much time on mons this month. I would theorymon in my head at work, make notes of teams and then go home or during a break and playtest them. I shouldn't be prioritizing mons over work and doing things like writing down team ideas Instead of taking notes during meetings. So, I'm glad I got one great burst of content this month, but that's it for a while.
I still hope that Lap gets banned, as I still like the meta better without it. But I'm barely here now anyways, so if people really like this more for real solid reason, then have fun with it.