I will be restarting development of the
ASB Hunger Games. There will be significant changes, and I will be some serious changes from the original proposal to avoid an ASM-esque disaster. I can't give any specifics now, but if you would at all be interested in reffing something like this contact me, or talk to me in #mossdeep. I will have more details in roughly a week when my finals end.
Please contact me with any questions.
ASB HUNGER GAMES (Resubmission, under new management)
Objective: Create a balanced, manageable multi-player turn based RP mimicing the contest described in The Hunger Games.
Further Explanation:
The game is effectively a large 12-way brawl in a massive arena with rules allowing for the participation of spectators and another group of users with a stake in the games. It is turn based, and works heavily around mechanics designed to limit the players knowledge at any given point.
The map has seventeen segments, and is similar to:
Each section represents a different arena type (ie predominately water, grass, fire, electric). The "shallow," "deep," and "edge" sections all share this theme, but have slightly different interpretations and are considered different regions. Players can move between regions adjacent to the one they are currently in.
Shallow regions will have fairly neutral effects, and will mostly resemble their type in flavor. However, they will give some buffs to the type they represent. Edge reasons will be relatively neutral, but give more substantial buffs and be more complex than shallow regions. Deep regions will give enormous buffs to Pokemon of that element, and will be dangerous to traverse without that typing in many cases. There are mechanics, to be explained later, to force Pokemon from "camping" in deep areas, though.
Types of Players Overview:
Refs, or Game Masters, run the game. They facilitate all player interactions, ref encounters, judge the viability of RP actions, and provide flavor updates. All ref activity will be monitored by Rediamond. Refs will be compensated for the number of rounds reffed as well as for their role in facilitiating other functions of the game.
Tributes are the players of the game inside of the brawl. They control a single one of their Pokemon, and their goal is to be the last player standing at the end of the game. The knowledge they have of other characters will be heavily limited through a use of codes designed to protect the names of the players involved, and prevent any communication beyond what the rules of the game allow for.
Mentors are assigned to a specific tribute. Their goal is to ensure they win by earning sponsorships (bets of CC cast by spectators) to allow them to purchase items to boost the performance of their player. It will be very difficult to win the game without sufficient sponsorship money, so they hold a very important job in facilitating the victory of their tribute. Mentors will have access to observing the happenings of the game, but not the actual names of the players controlling the Pokemon.
Spectator access will not be universal; indeed, only certain users with sufficient CC will be granted access. This is because spectators and their money will be crucial to ensuring that their favorite wins. Spectators may watch most events of the game unfold, without knowing player names, and cast bets on the winner that will grant money to the mentor, allowing for more items and buffs to be given to that player. If a tribute they cast a bet on wins, they will earn some portion of the prize money.
Flow of the Game:
At the start of the game, Rediamond or another ref will post a thread for tribute sign-ups and a thread for mentor sign-ups. All prospective tributes must prove they have three Pokemon who are either FE with 25+ moves or NFE with 40+ moves. All prospective mentors must list their qualifications through ASB leadership, RP's, Gyms, or Tournaments. At the end of the process, the refs will select 12 mentors first based upon their qualifications. After this, 12 tributes will randomly be selected from the pool of qualified players. Six more will randomly be selected from the remainder. It will become publicly known that these players are the possible bank for tributes. The twelve will play, the six will be kept as subs and wild cards that make it harder to pinpoint exactly whom a player is, and thus give them information about the game they should not know.
Players will then PM a Pokemon that meets the entry requirements. It need not be one of the examples they gave. Mentors will then be randomly assigned to a player.
Every player will then be assigned a District Number (the code the audience and mentors know them as) and a Player Code (the number they will know other players and themselves by). The game will then enter a ten day training phase. Mentors and tributes may talk by sending messages to each other passed on by refs to keep anonymity and make sure no information the players and mentors should not know is released.
Players will also find out the species of the other Pokemon in the game, and the player number attached to them. They can message these players to set up alliances and talk strategy through the refs.
At the seven day mark of the period, a showcase will be held. There, each tribute will be assigned a value meant to signify their expected chances to win. The five factors that determine their score are:
1) The relative strength value (movepool size x Total stats) of the Pokemon
2) The average matchup (amount they outdamage/are outdamaged by opponents when spamming strongest attacks)
3) The prior achievements of the player
4) The prior achievements of the mentor
5) An interview with the chief ref about their strategy in the game.
The top 4 tributes in a category will earn 2 points, the middle 4 one point, and the bottom 4 will earn no points in that category. This gives a minimum possible score of 0 (bottom third all categories) and a maximum score of 10 (highest third all categories). The goal of this submission is to calculate the odds of a player winning throughout the game (a statistical guide for spectators) and give the first indication to spectators and players about the strengths of the players involved. This is critical for early bets (see Economy section).
The First Day:
The players begin the arena phase of the game in Section C. At this point, no further contact between players and mentors OR players in two seperate regions of the map is possible. There are 36 items in the arena (12 from each of the first 3 item classes... See Economy section). In any round (comprised of 3 actions) from the start of the game to the end of the Origin Phase, players have the following action possibilities:
1) Run. Zero priority, 10 energy in the origin phase. Leaves the area the player is currently in and enters an adjacent area.
2) Grab a R1 item. 0 priority, grabs an item belonging to item class one from the pile.
3) Grab a R2 item. 0 priority, but requires two actions in the same round. The player grabs an item of value R2.
4) Grab a R3 item. 0 Priority, requires all three actions of a round to complete
5) Attack. Player's Pokemon executes an attack on another player's Pokemon. If that target has fled the section earlier on the same action, the move will be used but miss. If the target has fled the arena on a prior action, the Pokemon will fume and do nothing.
NOTE: If a player is outside Section C during origin phase, only actions 1 or 5 are possible. Both will work as normal, but run will have the reduced energy cost.
The Origin Phase ends when all (non-fainted) Pokemon in Section C are allied, and divide the prizes among them in a stockpile. At this point, the number of dead from this sequence will be made known to all players, and there will be two more phases before the first day ends. At the end of the first day, the Pokemon KO'd on the day will be made known to players by species name and player number.
All Subsequent Days:
All other days last a fixed five rounds. In these five rounds, players can complete either three actions worth of attacks and commands, one hour worth of RP actions (variable EN cost, but usually fairly high), or a move to an adjacent area of the map (25 EN). If a player is elimated in a round, all players will be notified there was a death. At the end of that day, the species name and player number will be revaled. This cycle of days will proceed until eleven players are elimated, and one wins.
Other Relevant Arena Phase Mechanics:
A player can only carry 3 items with them at a time, bar an item allowing them to do so. In order to gain a fourth item, they must leave one behind in the area. The next traveler to enter will find it, and be given the option of picking it up. An exception is the stockpile, which is a large pile of items stored by the winners of the Origin Phase (the last player(s) in Section C). They can store an unlimited amount of supplies there, but can't move it all at once. It can also be stolen from, but only if the thief is a member of the winning team, or defeats all members of the winning team present in Section C.
The move Thief can rob any exposed (not in a backpack or pouch item) item the player has on them, and all exposed items will be made known to other players.
Run, RP, and Attacks:
Obviously, the different mechanics of moving, RP flavor, and attacks make direct translations inadvisable. As such, the following rules hold...
If a Pokemon running is attacked: The Pokemon running will now expend 35 energy. However, they will dodge (as in, the command. Just no extra energy attached) all attacks aimed at them (uncapped), and take only *0.67 of the damage that would have been inflicted on them. If the Pokemon attacking uses Pursuit, the move is blocked entirely, and the running Pokemon is left completely open to all attacks launched at them.
If a Pokemon that is using RP actions is attacked: No RP actions will be conducted, and they will expend 15 energy to dodge (command, uncapped) all attacks launched at them. The total damage taken will be equal to 0.67 times the damage they would have taken if the attacks had hit in a combat round.
Entering and exiting an area:
A Pokemon leaves the area at the very start of the round if it is not attacked. It arrives in the next at the end of the round. It is technically out of the game for the period in between. Two Pokemon can swap areas and not encounter each other.
Players can only talk to players in the same area (through refs). No contact with other players or their mentor is allowed.
Nerfs to Camping:
If five rounds go without a player being eliminated, some event will happen in one area to force players together. The event will be harmful to any players in it, and thus avoided. The event will also occur in the area of the player who has not experienced combat in the longest time.
Area effects, Stealth Rocks, Screens, etc.
Area effects last until broken, changed, or the day ends. Screens last until the end of the day for that Pokemon as long as they stay in that area. Hazards only trigger if the Pokemon is attacked in that area, but do not expire.
Economy: The Role of Spectators and Mentors
The primary goal of mentors is to ensure their tribute wins the game. They can accomplish this primarily through granting them items that can be purchased through money granted by spectators. This is done through a gambling system.
Spectators and Mentors join a "public" but still moderated group. In order for spectators to join, they must have over 16+ CC at a given moment to prove that they could make a contribution to one player or another. Any donated CC goes to the mentor in a tribute fund, that can be used to purchase items for their player. The item will then be sent to them at the end of the round. However, items will become more expensive as time goes on.
To encourage spectators, the total amount of money raised throughout the game will be put into a single pot at the end of it. This money will then be split between the mentor, tribute (automatic 15% percent share each- their reward for winning) and the players, adjusted for the effective value of their contribution (how much it could have bought when they bought it). Spent 10 CC in the pregame stage on a canidate who no one else was foolish enough to bet money on that ends up winning? You will likely make a ton of cash. Spent a lot of money on the last day on the winning canidate who was favored throughout the game? You might not make as much.
A clarification:
Players and reserves cannot bet. Mentors can bet on their canidate, but not on opponents.
These are divided into six classes, to be clarified in a later appendix. These are roughly:
Class One: Berries and consumable items, bar a few (Lum Berry, Enigma Berry, etc.)
Class Two: 6 CC items and more powerful berries
Class Three: 10 CC items
Class Four: 20 CC items and Sig items
Class Five: Weaker, Hunger Games Specific Items
Class Six: Moderately powerful, Hunger Games Specific Items
Class Seven: Potentially gamebreaking Hunger Games Specific Items
The formula for the cost to purchase an item is
(2^C)(D+1), where D is the day number and C is the class of the item. Thus, on day zero (pregame) a Class one item would cost (2^1)(0+1) = 2 CC. On Day Five, a Class Seven Item would cost (2^7)(5+1) = 384 CC.
A further note:
The player may start the game with up to 3 items bought by the Mentor during the pregame phase.
An even further note:
CC can be turned into a KOC (EC, DC, or MC only) for the tribute Pokemon. The exchange rate will be one KOC for D+1 CC, where D is the day number.
Refs: I have no solid formula, but I will talk it over with the RP approval council at some point in the future. It will be based on both the correspondence and maintenance work needed to keep the messaging and economic systems going and the actual reffing done.
Mentors: Mentors will be paid based on the number of rounds actively completed, with 1 UC per round being rewarded. This rather small payment is balanced by the possibility of hitting the jackpot if their player wins.
Players: Can not be directly rewarded until the game ends to keep anonymity. However, they will be given 0.5 UC for every round successfully completed when the game ends, provided they were never subbed out. They also have a chance to hit the jackpot if they win.
Spectators: Will be paid in CC, according to the effective value they put in towards the tribute. Will recieve nothing in return if the tribute(s) they invested in lose.
Subbing out:
Refs: Subbed out at my discretion.
Tributes: Fail to get orders in within three days once, idle and recieve a warning. Twice, and take a 30 HP and Energy penalty. Three times and subbed out with no notice to anyone involved but the refs, the player being subbed out, and the player being subbed in.
Mentors: Fail to get orders in (or confirm there are no orders) three times, and eliminated and replaced with another mentor.
Expectations of Refs:
Refs will be expected to:
1) Ref actions (RP, movement, combat) at least two out of every three 3-day rounds.
2) Help manage transactions and messages, censoring any content in messages that cannot be leaked to preserve the fog of war.
3) Don't leak information.
4) Don't leak information.
5) Have some sense of design to help me when creative aspects come up.
6) Don't leak information.