Role Playing Approval Center (Update 5-12-13)

I think that this will be insanely hard to pull off.
If you can, though, it will be epic!
Just one question, though: How many people in an RP?
I'm running something a lot more codified in beta right now, when my activity is halfway decent enough to justify it. I kind of want to see how it goes, but my thoughts so far is that it more or less depends upon active reffing and a really interested player... and even then, there will still be miscommunications. For my thoughts on uncodified RP's in general, see my thoughts on ASM...

ASM Nightblade Conclusion Post said:

This is the big question. I think we can learn that an RP needs...

1) More than one ref. The game died when I was busy and mildly insane when all of the other refs quit.

2) Distinct, hard rules and progression. Organized chaos is fun, but impractical.

3) A clear path and structure that lets anyone ref it with just a little experience and battling skill.

4) P vs P RP's will likely not work. They die if one player goes inactive, and they become way too inactive. See Labyrinth, Inquisition, and ASM for examples of these rules leading to an RP's failure.

Basically, I don't think that a pure RP is actually possible, but I could be wrong.
I think the RPRP would be really awesome to have, as long as there are good enough refs for it, and I think there are.
Interest Check

I was working on a stadium that I wanted to try out, but I worked on it a little too long, so I guess it would now be better off as a different Roleplay.
Anyways, I would love some feedback and if you're interested please do let me know, because I could certainly do with some inspiration to keep working on the mechanics.

So without further ado, I give you: the Pokémon Federation of Lucha Libre!!! (or FPLL; the acronym's in Spanish :P)

"So what's so different between the FPLL and normal ASB battling, dear drunk hobo… sir?"
you might ask.
And I'd reply: "That is a GREAT question, well-educated passerby."

  1. You'd RP as your Pokémon… that's just for flavor
  2. MASKS! Despite the fact that your opponent would know your team, he wouldn't know who's who unless he Unmasks you, or you made it easy to deduce.
  3. New moves! That work specifically in this scenario, such as the aforementioned: Unmask, Tag Out, Submit or Pin (among others).
  4. That being said, victory would be attainable only through a Pin, Submission, in-game DQ, or just a normal DQ. No EN KOs or HP KOs… although you do want to keep those :S
  5. The ring (read: battlefield) would be separated by areas, and your actions will change depending on where you are in the ring. (For example, Pinning someone in the center will initiate a Pin, but if you Pin someone along the ropes or corner, there is a chance the Pin won't initiate (because your opponent touches the ropes… get it?); also, you can only Tag Out next to your corner)
  6. A referee who's liable to make mistakes and/or get KOd… :D!
  7. And more!
So yeah, please let me know if something like this seems fun or something.


I will be restarting development of the ASB Hunger Games. There will be significant changes, and I will be some serious changes from the original proposal to avoid an ASM-esque disaster. I can't give any specifics now, but if you would at all be interested in reffing something like this contact me, or talk to me in #mossdeep. I will have more details in roughly a week when my finals end.

Please contact me with any questions.


(Resubmission, under new management)

Objective: Create a balanced, manageable multi-player turn based RP mimicing the contest described in The Hunger Games.

Further Explanation:

The game is effectively a large 12-way brawl in a massive arena with rules allowing for the participation of spectators and another group of users with a stake in the games. It is turn based, and works heavily around mechanics designed to limit the players knowledge at any given point.


The map has seventeen segments, and is similar to:


Each section represents a different arena type (ie predominately water, grass, fire, electric). The "shallow," "deep," and "edge" sections all share this theme, but have slightly different interpretations and are considered different regions. Players can move between regions adjacent to the one they are currently in.

Shallow regions will have fairly neutral effects, and will mostly resemble their type in flavor. However, they will give some buffs to the type they represent. Edge reasons will be relatively neutral, but give more substantial buffs and be more complex than shallow regions. Deep regions will give enormous buffs to Pokemon of that element, and will be dangerous to traverse without that typing in many cases. There are mechanics, to be explained later, to force Pokemon from "camping" in deep areas, though.

Types of Players Overview:


Refs, or Game Masters, run the game. They facilitate all player interactions, ref encounters, judge the viability of RP actions, and provide flavor updates. All ref activity will be monitored by Rediamond. Refs will be compensated for the number of rounds reffed as well as for their role in facilitiating other functions of the game.


Tributes are the players of the game inside of the brawl. They control a single one of their Pokemon, and their goal is to be the last player standing at the end of the game. The knowledge they have of other characters will be heavily limited through a use of codes designed to protect the names of the players involved, and prevent any communication beyond what the rules of the game allow for.


Mentors are assigned to a specific tribute. Their goal is to ensure they win by earning sponsorships (bets of CC cast by spectators) to allow them to purchase items to boost the performance of their player. It will be very difficult to win the game without sufficient sponsorship money, so they hold a very important job in facilitating the victory of their tribute. Mentors will have access to observing the happenings of the game, but not the actual names of the players controlling the Pokemon.


Spectator access will not be universal; indeed, only certain users with sufficient CC will be granted access. This is because spectators and their money will be crucial to ensuring that their favorite wins. Spectators may watch most events of the game unfold, without knowing player names, and cast bets on the winner that will grant money to the mentor, allowing for more items and buffs to be given to that player. If a tribute they cast a bet on wins, they will earn some portion of the prize money.

Flow of the Game:


At the start of the game, Rediamond or another ref will post a thread for tribute sign-ups and a thread for mentor sign-ups. All prospective tributes must prove they have three Pokemon who are either FE with 25+ moves or NFE with 40+ moves. All prospective mentors must list their qualifications through ASB leadership, RP's, Gyms, or Tournaments. At the end of the process, the refs will select 12 mentors first based upon their qualifications. After this, 12 tributes will randomly be selected from the pool of qualified players. Six more will randomly be selected from the remainder. It will become publicly known that these players are the possible bank for tributes. The twelve will play, the six will be kept as subs and wild cards that make it harder to pinpoint exactly whom a player is, and thus give them information about the game they should not know.


Players will then PM a Pokemon that meets the entry requirements. It need not be one of the examples they gave. Mentors will then be randomly assigned to a player.

Every player will then be assigned a District Number (the code the audience and mentors know them as) and a Player Code (the number they will know other players and themselves by). The game will then enter a ten day training phase. Mentors and tributes may talk by sending messages to each other passed on by refs to keep anonymity and make sure no information the players and mentors should not know is released.

Players will also find out the species of the other Pokemon in the game, and the player number attached to them. They can message these players to set up alliances and talk strategy through the refs.

At the seven day mark of the period, a showcase will be held. There, each tribute will be assigned a value meant to signify their expected chances to win. The five factors that determine their score are:

1) The relative strength value (movepool size x Total stats) of the Pokemon
2) The average matchup (amount they outdamage/are outdamaged by opponents when spamming strongest attacks)
3) The prior achievements of the player
4) The prior achievements of the mentor
5) An interview with the chief ref about their strategy in the game.

The top 4 tributes in a category will earn 2 points, the middle 4 one point, and the bottom 4 will earn no points in that category. This gives a minimum possible score of 0 (bottom third all categories) and a maximum score of 10 (highest third all categories). The goal of this submission is to calculate the odds of a player winning throughout the game (a statistical guide for spectators) and give the first indication to spectators and players about the strengths of the players involved. This is critical for early bets (see Economy section).

The First Day:

The players begin the arena phase of the game in Section C. At this point, no further contact between players and mentors OR players in two seperate regions of the map is possible. There are 36 items in the arena (12 from each of the first 3 item classes... See Economy section). In any round (comprised of 3 actions) from the start of the game to the end of the Origin Phase, players have the following action possibilities:

1) Run. Zero priority, 10 energy in the origin phase. Leaves the area the player is currently in and enters an adjacent area.
2) Grab a R1 item. 0 priority, grabs an item belonging to item class one from the pile.
3) Grab a R2 item. 0 priority, but requires two actions in the same round. The player grabs an item of value R2.
4) Grab a R3 item. 0 Priority, requires all three actions of a round to complete
5) Attack. Player's Pokemon executes an attack on another player's Pokemon. If that target has fled the section earlier on the same action, the move will be used but miss. If the target has fled the arena on a prior action, the Pokemon will fume and do nothing.

NOTE: If a player is outside Section C during origin phase, only actions 1 or 5 are possible. Both will work as normal, but run will have the reduced energy cost.

The Origin Phase ends when all (non-fainted) Pokemon in Section C are allied, and divide the prizes among them in a stockpile. At this point, the number of dead from this sequence will be made known to all players, and there will be two more phases before the first day ends. At the end of the first day, the Pokemon KO'd on the day will be made known to players by species name and player number.

All Subsequent Days:

All other days last a fixed five rounds. In these five rounds, players can complete either three actions worth of attacks and commands, one hour worth of RP actions (variable EN cost, but usually fairly high), or a move to an adjacent area of the map (25 EN). If a player is elimated in a round, all players will be notified there was a death. At the end of that day, the species name and player number will be revaled. This cycle of days will proceed until eleven players are elimated, and one wins.

Other Relevant Arena Phase Mechanics:


A player can only carry 3 items with them at a time, bar an item allowing them to do so. In order to gain a fourth item, they must leave one behind in the area. The next traveler to enter will find it, and be given the option of picking it up. An exception is the stockpile, which is a large pile of items stored by the winners of the Origin Phase (the last player(s) in Section C). They can store an unlimited amount of supplies there, but can't move it all at once. It can also be stolen from, but only if the thief is a member of the winning team, or defeats all members of the winning team present in Section C.

The move Thief can rob any exposed (not in a backpack or pouch item) item the player has on them, and all exposed items will be made known to other players.

Run, RP, and Attacks:

Obviously, the different mechanics of moving, RP flavor, and attacks make direct translations inadvisable. As such, the following rules hold...

If a Pokemon running is attacked: The Pokemon running will now expend 35 energy. However, they will dodge (as in, the command. Just no extra energy attached) all attacks aimed at them (uncapped), and take only *0.67 of the damage that would have been inflicted on them. If the Pokemon attacking uses Pursuit, the move is blocked entirely, and the running Pokemon is left completely open to all attacks launched at them.

If a Pokemon that is using RP actions is attacked: No RP actions will be conducted, and they will expend 15 energy to dodge (command, uncapped) all attacks launched at them. The total damage taken will be equal to 0.67 times the damage they would have taken if the attacks had hit in a combat round.

Entering and exiting an area:

A Pokemon leaves the area at the very start of the round if it is not attacked. It arrives in the next at the end of the round. It is technically out of the game for the period in between. Two Pokemon can swap areas and not encounter each other.


Players can only talk to players in the same area (through refs). No contact with other players or their mentor is allowed.

Nerfs to Camping:

If five rounds go without a player being eliminated, some event will happen in one area to force players together. The event will be harmful to any players in it, and thus avoided. The event will also occur in the area of the player who has not experienced combat in the longest time.

Area effects, Stealth Rocks, Screens, etc.

Area effects last until broken, changed, or the day ends. Screens last until the end of the day for that Pokemon as long as they stay in that area. Hazards only trigger if the Pokemon is attacked in that area, but do not expire.

Economy: The Role of Spectators and Mentors

The primary goal of mentors is to ensure their tribute wins the game. They can accomplish this primarily through granting them items that can be purchased through money granted by spectators. This is done through a gambling system.

Spectators and Mentors join a "public" but still moderated group. In order for spectators to join, they must have over 16+ CC at a given moment to prove that they could make a contribution to one player or another. Any donated CC goes to the mentor in a tribute fund, that can be used to purchase items for their player. The item will then be sent to them at the end of the round. However, items will become more expensive as time goes on.

To encourage spectators, the total amount of money raised throughout the game will be put into a single pot at the end of it. This money will then be split between the mentor, tribute (automatic 15% percent share each- their reward for winning) and the players, adjusted for the effective value of their contribution (how much it could have bought when they bought it). Spent 10 CC in the pregame stage on a canidate who no one else was foolish enough to bet money on that ends up winning? You will likely make a ton of cash. Spent a lot of money on the last day on the winning canidate who was favored throughout the game? You might not make as much.

A clarification:

Players and reserves cannot bet. Mentors can bet on their canidate, but not on opponents.


These are divided into six classes, to be clarified in a later appendix. These are roughly:

Class One: Berries and consumable items, bar a few (Lum Berry, Enigma Berry, etc.)
Class Two: 6 CC items and more powerful berries
Class Three: 10 CC items
Class Four: 20 CC items and Sig items
Class Five: Weaker, Hunger Games Specific Items
Class Six: Moderately powerful, Hunger Games Specific Items
Class Seven: Potentially gamebreaking Hunger Games Specific Items

The formula for the cost to purchase an item is

(2^C)(D+1), where D is the day number and C is the class of the item. Thus, on day zero (pregame) a Class one item would cost (2^1)(0+1) = 2 CC. On Day Five, a Class Seven Item would cost (2^7)(5+1) = 384 CC.

A further note:

The player may start the game with up to 3 items bought by the Mentor during the pregame phase.

An even further note:

CC can be turned into a KOC (EC, DC, or MC only) for the tribute Pokemon. The exchange rate will be one KOC for D+1 CC, where D is the day number.


Refs: I have no solid formula, but I will talk it over with the RP approval council at some point in the future. It will be based on both the correspondence and maintenance work needed to keep the messaging and economic systems going and the actual reffing done.

Mentors: Mentors will be paid based on the number of rounds actively completed, with 1 UC per round being rewarded. This rather small payment is balanced by the possibility of hitting the jackpot if their player wins.

Players: Can not be directly rewarded until the game ends to keep anonymity. However, they will be given 0.5 UC for every round successfully completed when the game ends, provided they were never subbed out. They also have a chance to hit the jackpot if they win.

Spectators: Will be paid in CC, according to the effective value they put in towards the tribute. Will recieve nothing in return if the tribute(s) they invested in lose.

Subbing out:

Refs: Subbed out at my discretion.

Tributes: Fail to get orders in within three days once, idle and recieve a warning. Twice, and take a 30 HP and Energy penalty. Three times and subbed out with no notice to anyone involved but the refs, the player being subbed out, and the player being subbed in.

Mentors: Fail to get orders in (or confirm there are no orders) three times, and eliminated and replaced with another mentor.



Expectations of Refs:

Refs will be expected to:

1) Ref actions (RP, movement, combat) at least two out of every three 3-day rounds.
2) Help manage transactions and messages, censoring any content in messages that cannot be leaked to preserve the fog of war.
3) Don't leak information.
4) Don't leak information.
5) Have some sense of design to help me when creative aspects come up.
6) Don't leak information.

Neat looking proposal Rediamond. I don't see too much of what you've missed, only one question though, when a spectator bets on a tribute, does it stay on that tribute the entire game or can they move some or all of it until the player bites the dust?
It looks good and all, but the problem is... HOLY FUCK SO MANY PEOPLE.

12 players + 12 mentors + 6 subs + ? Referees + spectators and all that = pretty much everyone in ASB must be in this RP in order for it to work @_@

So basically, wouldn't these kinds of things drag out forever (10 days of prep is nice and all, but goddamn...), and would we be able to have a games with less than 12 people?
Answering questions

Maxim: Spectators have no loyalties, and may donated to whomever they please, whenever they pleased. However, donated money will automatically go into a team fund and not be retracted.

waterwarrior: The number when I inherited the project was 24 with no mentor or spectator system, and no "auxiliary bank of players" to encourage the fog of war mechanic of players not being able to just message anyone on the board. Upon considering this, I would like to propose the following changes:

X number of players that is necessarily even
X/2 number of mentors
X/2 auxiliary bank of players who are in as subs, but noted as possibly in the game at the start

The way this new system would work is that every mentor is in charge of two tributes. He gets paid if either one wins. Tributes of the same mentor are not necessarily allied, and in fact cannot mutually win. However, if a player scores the finishing blow on the other tribute under their mentor, the mentor only recieve half as many CC as the spectators give (and all spectator donations to the tribute past this point will only count as half as much when the pot is divided if he wins), and all anti-camping events will automatically target the player. (This is based on book precedent, the largest design principle beyond balance and common sense.)

I am thinking of X being either 8 or 10 for the first game at the moment. I will probably have three assistants if 8 is selected, and four assistants if ten is.

In the meantime, I've fleshed out Hunger Games exclusive items and am over halfway done with arena design.

Rank One items will be all berries and herbs.
Rank Two items will be all three and six CC items, bar training items.
Rank Three will be all 10 CC items.
Rank Four will be all 20 CC items and signature moves.

Ranks 5/6/7 are made of Hunger Games specific items, which are merely more powerful versions of preceding bases. They are as follows:

Rank Five: Allows for up to five (5) items, not including the backpack itself, to be carried at time. These cannot be stolen or swapped.
Rank Six: Allows for up to ten (10) items, not including the backpack itself, to be carried a time. These cannot be stolen or swapped.
Rank Seven: Allows for unlimited items to be held at any time. These cannot be stolen or swapped.

Rank Five: The Mentor may send one message to one of his tributes at any given time after the item is purchased, but only once. After this, the player may send back one reply at any given time.
Rank Six: The Mentor and 1 Tribute may talk freely the day after the item is purchased.
Rank Seven: The Mentor and 1 Tribute may talk freely for the rest of the game.

Rank Five: All attacks aimed at the Pokemon have three less Base Attack Power. This is not affected by critical hits.
Rank Six: All attacks aimed at the Pokemon have either five less Base Attack Power or half the total Base Attack Power, whichever is larger. This is not affected by critical hits.
Rank Seven: The total damage of all incoming attacks is halved. This is not affected by crits.

Rank Five: All attacks used by this Pokemon automatically score a critical hit
Rank Six: All attacks used by this Pokemon automatically score a critical hit. The critical hit bonus is not three, but rather it is equal to either three or half the base attack power of the move.
Rank Seven: The Pokemon's moves score a critical hit, with a critical hit modifier equal to the move's Base Attack Power.

Medicine Kit:
Rank Five: All abnormal major and minor status effects are cured at the end of every round, unless the tribute specifically requests otherwise.
Rank Six: All abnormal major and minor status effects are cured at the end of every round, unless the tribute specifically requests otherwise. Additionally, the Pokemon will restore ten (10) energy.
Rank Seven: All abnormal major and minor status effects are cured at the end of every round, unless the tribute specifically requests otherwise. Additionally, the Pokemon will restore ten (10) energy and HP.

Scope: (All scopes will failed when used against a Pokemon with an equal or higher level cloak)
Rank Five: The most damaging move the holder launches at a fleeing or RP'ing Pokemon will automatically hit and do full damage.
Rank Six: This Pokemon will override the damage reduction and auto-dodge of fleeing or RP'ing Pokemon.
Rank Seven: This Pokemon will automatically hit and do full damage to fleeing or RP'ing Pokemon. Their attacks will do 1.33x the amount normally done.

Cloak: (Cloaks will be cancelled out by a scope of equal or higher power)
Rank Five: The chances of dodging an attack launched at this Pokemon while it is fleeing or RP'ing will be doubled.
Rank Six: Immune to all damaging moves launched at the Pokemon while it is fleeing or RP'ing. Will have a double dodge rate on non-damaging moves.
Rank Seven: All attacks used on this Pokemon while it is fleeing or RP'ing will fail, but still cost the full energy from the user, and the holder will proceed to RP or move with no added energy costs and no hinderance to their actions.

R5: The holder will not be picked in case of a tie for the recipient of an anti-camping intervention
R6: The holder will be displaced with no energy or HP penalty in case of an anti-camping intervention, and will not be selected in case of a tie.
R7: The holder will not be selected as the target in an anti-camping intervention.

R5: If the Holder is KO'd, they will be revived in a random area at the start of the next day with 10 HP and 10 Energy.
R6: If the Holder is KO'd, they will be revived in a random area at the start of the next day with 30 HP and 30 Energy.
R7: If the Holder is KO'd, they will be revived in a random area at the start of the next day with 50 HP and 50 Energy.

GameMaker Notes:
R5: The holder will be informed of the Arena Mechanics of the area they are currently in, as well as the total number of Pokemon in it. The information updates at the end of every round.
R6: The holder will be informed of the Arena Mechanics of every area in the section they are currently in, as well as the total number of Pokemon in them. The information updates at the end of every round.
R7: The holder will be informed of the Arena Mechanics of every area in the map, as well as the total number of Pokemon in each. The information updates at the end of every round.

As a side note: I am considering limiting recovery moves to taking a full round to complete, balancing them out somewhat. I am ambivalent towards chills: They require forfeiting a round to restore 36 energy, and energy will be drained rather quickly in the game. I probably won't nerf them further.

EDIT: Still looking for refs. Please PM me with any battling (RP clear, Tourney/Gym match wins) and facility reffing qualifications if interested. Apps close on the 23rd.
Battle Salon

This is a great idea I thought up that would be a cool RP.

The Battle Salon is designed for 2 players, similar to TLR. Two players may challenge the Battle Salon together or individually. Two individual challenges of the same rank are to be lumped together into one thread as this is a 2-player RP. There are two battlers to a thread, and they work together with each other. The great thing about the Battle Salon is that if your Pokemon is KO'ed, your challenge isn't nessecarily over. If your Pokemon loses, you can still continue if your teammate's Pokemon manages to win the match.

- ∞/∞ recovers/chills
- Items OK
- 2 subs
- 1+1v2 (multi battle)
- Switch=lol
- 2 day DQ
- Ability: 1
- Arena: Battle Tower Arena. All necessary components for attacks are available, as is swimmable water. Consumable items are restored at the end of the battle. Items are returned to their original owners at the end of the battle.
- The players decide between themselves in which order to post. The order in relation to the ref:

Player A/B > Other Player > NPC > Ref calcs > NPC > Players > Ref calcs > Players > ...

- After 13 battles, you will be challenged by Salon Maiden Anabel. Depending on what rank the battlers have challenged, Anabel will have a different team. All of Anabel's Pokemon have been trained to the maximum, as in, they have full movepools. Keep in mind that this is meant to be a very difficult fight.

Bronze Rank: Gardevoir/Gallade/Metagross
Silver Rank: Alakazam/Snorlax/Entei
Gold Rank: Latios/Raikou/Snorlax
Gem Caves

thought it would be a cool and rewarding idea for a RP
Concept: Gem Caves


this is an area where you take in a specific Pokemon and you mine with that pokemon to get certain gems and other items. you mine through the stone wall with 300 HP. Every round, a cave pokemon will come and fight you as you attack the wall. every 5 rounds, a stronger pokemon will come and join the fray. once you break the wall, a room with various gems, fossils, and other items is revealed. You get 1 gem for every cave pokemon killed and 5 gems for every boss pokemon killed. Gems can be used to items from the gem shop.

1 pokemon
cave pokemon are at % HP and stats. they will also be LC pokemon
boss pokemon are at 75% HP and stats. they will also be FE pokemon
unlimited recoveries and chills

more rules will come, this is just to get the idea down.
After a sudden epiphany regarding RP-based combat (adapted from WoW RP that I've done), I've decided to push this proposal forward, being significantly more developed this time, with a very solid and proven-to-work combat system.

ASB Roleplaying Roleplay
(Name Not Pending)

Welcome to the ASB Roleplaying Roleplay, where truly anything can happen! Will you and your trusted Pokemon team aid the police in tracking down a criminal, save a village from rampaging Pokemon, help gather data for ecological studies, or join forces with the dastardly organizations of Pokemon infamy? Perhaps, you may even just sit inert and observe others in their adventures!

"But Leethoof, how could such a thing exist in hardcore-codified CAP ASB? Everything would be up to the referee, cross my heart and die! I thought we had transcended such tomfoolery!"

And I would answer, "Bolgeferous Bastiodons, young one! You just used transcended and tomfoolery in one sentence," completely ignoring your question, because the answer lies here in this following, exceedingly-small codification paragraphs.

Roleplay Order
Sessions of the RPRP are formed into Storylines. There will be one thread per storyline, a varying amount of players, and one referee presiding over each storyline. The background info and general plot of a Storyline are planned out beforehand by the referee, though the players may take it in an infinite number of directions. A storyline can be anything, from a murder mystery or a dangerous expedition into a strange canyon, to something more relaxed like a holiday-themed celebration or a good old story-swapping Pokecenter time. Team Rocket is likely to be involved in all of them

Roleplay order is very loose, and comes and goes as normal. It will normally involve players posting among themselves until the referee is needed for an update/decision/clue-drop. Conversations can also occur on IRC, for simplicity, though it would be up to the ref to fill-in for those not present. It would go a little something like this:

1. OP of the Storyline
2. Players post until they need the ref to do something
3. Ref does previously mentioned thing
4. Players post some more until ref is needed
5. etc...

IRC Conversations / General Secrecy
Due to the possible need for secrecy and/or quickly moving conversations, IRC is almost a must during an RPRP Storyline. However, all of conversations must be in the presence of at least one of the refs (more on that later), and they reserve the right to post in flavor what could have been heard by other players. Though everyone is aware you could secretly be talking to someone else, if any information regarding this is discovered, you will be strictly punished, most likely banned from this RP. Just don't do it.

Though a majority of the RP will be held in the thread for the convenience of outside observers, there will come times when the players split up into groups and/or enact nefarious plans. This will be handled through PMs, though the ref appropriately flavorwise when it comes time for an update. These will generally try to be avoided due to how they slow the process down, but will inevitably pop up sometimes.

Human Characters
Players are required to use trainer sprites (custom or not, it doesn't matter) for the entire course of the RPRP. Nobody cares if you change characters in between Storylines, but please keep with the same story for the entire Storyline. You must give orders in-character for the thread and PMs, and on IRC, it would be preferred.

You can give orders and ideas and actions and stuff for you human trainer to do, outside of battle, and rarely in battles as well. Their physical limits are mostly up to the trainer sprite you choose, within rough human limits. Choosing a Black Belt sprite will give you karate beating-up powers; Psychics can use mind-commands and telekinesis; Hikers have exceptionally endurance and strength; etc.

If your human character is knocked out/killed, you may still act for your Pokemon, though they may act strangely/not as well without their trainer.

Pokemon operately a bit differently than they do in regular ASB. In general, players should try to keep to creatively using moves that their Pokemon already know/could know, rather than making up moves. However, stuff such as

Rhyperior, launch that Rebble out of your cannon!

Torkoal, drop some coal out of your body, we need to power this machinamajigger.

Jirachi, grant me this wish please!

are all perfectly okay, even if they aren't derived from any particular moves. Try not to take Pokedex entries to serious, though.

Referee Council
Sure, such things already exist unofficially exist on IRC already, but such an un-codified RP like the RPRP would need a proper one. Anytime a major argument or grey area comes up through the course of the Storyline, the main ref will consult all available other approved refs (obviously ones who are not participating in the RP) to reach a decision. This must happen;going forth without consulting first is considered rash and biased, and a big no-no. In addition, the other members of the Referee council can watch over conversations, work with small groups when the travellers inevitably part ways, and pass neccesary information to the head ref, and can easily jump in as a subref if needed.

Combat (Updated from last Proposal)
Combat will flow as such:
Player Pokemon will be given a set HP value. The number current being tossed about is 5 HP. Wild Pokemon and weak lackeys will have less. Bosses (if such things exist in the Storyline) will have more. You get the point. When a Pokemon reaches 0 HP, various things may happen, depending on the Seriousness Level of the battle (could be a KO, could be a serious wound, could be the battle just stopping in a friendly match, etc). Regardless of what happens, the battle is over.

Battle Flow
1. Combatant A will make their attack.
2. Combatant B will make their defense.
3. Referee will roll to determine who wins the round.
(3.5) Combatant B will potentially make a counter-attack.
4. Combatant B will make their attack.
5. Combatant A will make their defense.
6. Referee will roll to determine who wins the round.
(6.5) Combatant A will potentially make their counter-attack.
Etc, etc, etc....

What counts as an attack/defense?
Leethoof said:
Boggle the Toxicroak rolls gracefully off the dirty floor whileMachoke struggles to get to its feet. Boggle takes advantage of the slower reaction time, and quickly coats his claws in venom before impaling them into both of the Machoke’s large biceps, ensuring that he strikes a major vein in both arms.

Machoke User said:
Machoke braces himself on his knees, indeed slower than the Toxicroak, and reaches out to grab Boggle and bind its arms to its side, stopping the tricky frog midair, and leaving it in quite an uncomfortable position.

This is an attack, and that is a defence. Is Toxicroak using Poison Jab? Cut? Cross Chop? What the heck is Machoke even using? Seismic Toss? Does it matter? No, it does not! Make your attacks as creative and cool as possible, but do your best to keep them within (Pokemon) reason! Include the enviroment, don't bind yourself to the current battling system!

After both players have given their orders, then the presiding referee will determine who "wins" the combat (this is not the be-all, end-all of who wins, it will affect it though) through creativity and effectiveness of the attack/defense. Typing/Stats/etc must not be considered here in most cases. As usual, sticky situations will be forwarded on to the referee council and discussed there.

Referee Rolls
Roll one number out of one hundred (100) for the attacker.
Roll one number out of one hundred (100) for the defender.
Add Twenty (20) to the value of whoever "won" the combat, according to the presiding ref. The modified value cannot exceed one hundred (100)!
Whoever has a higher value wins this round! If the attacker wins, one (1) damage is dealt to the defender. If the defender wins, no damage is dealt to either side. However...
Critical Hits occur when the attacker wins the modified roll by seventy-five (75) or more. Critical Hits deal two (2) Damage.
Counterattacks occur when the defender wins the modified roll by seventy-five (75) or more, and will deal one (1) damage to the attacker. Flavor regarding the counterattack should be included in the defender's next post.

On that note, it would be kind of awkward for the referee to post, since players have already provided flavor, but maybe just updating a "Battle Begin!" post with rolls for each round could retain both integrity and the look of the thread.

The combat system is barebones, fairly similar to other ASBs actually, but it has a lot of potential for true, good fun, RP. Even if this specific RP doesn't fall through, a similar combat system could be adapted to other roleplays.

DQ Rules
The RPRP requires that players maintain active throughout the course of each storyline, both on IRC and the forum. If a player is temporarily inactive/low inactivty for only a short period of time, then their trainer/pokemon will take on a "passive stance" generally going on with what the other players agree to do, planwise. Battling portions will hold a 2 Day DQ, similar to standard battles in ASB. If a player is excessively inactive or crosses DQ too much, it is entirely up to the presiding referee's judgement on when to sub them in.

I don't know, I'm really bad at this. Fortunately, the RP committee exists.

Closing Thoughts/Questions
So, Roleplaying minority of ASB, what do you think? I know I left a lot up in the air, but I have a feeling that hand-picked refs will be capable. Again, most of it is up to the players, and where they can take this. It has a lot of potential, but entry regulations will have to be somewhat strict, to ensure that the RP is kept up to a reasonable level of quality.
After trying a more RP lenient project twice (three times if the beta for ASM2 counts), I feel as if I can safely say that any non-codified RP is almost certainly a horrible idea. The disuptes on legality are aggravating, if you try to codify it at all there ends up being a need to adjust random horribly broken loopholes, some players will break the game easily, there will be disputes on legality that end with nobody happy even if the council resolves it... Not to mention, that it's extremely hard to communicate full flavor giving players an idea of what they can/can't do without making the answer absurdly obvious. And then the worlds that players and refs see are different...

It's a nice idea in theory, but I wouldn't advise doing it.
Hello ASB-ers. I have been wanting to do a new RP for some time, a fresh exciting experience for challengers. It donned on me that the most successful RPs are the facility ones. With that in mind, I present without further adieu...

The Battle Pyramid

"Travel through the floors as you battle trainers and wild pokemon. With each floor shrouded in darkness, you never know what to expect!"

The battle pyramid allows trainers an exciting new roleplay experience! With more battles, new opponents and the ability to catch wild pokemon, you can be sure that the battle pyramid will be an enjoyable and interesting facility!

Challengers will choose three (3) pokemon to accompany them in the battle pyramid. There will be a total of twenty (20) floors to travel through in the facility with each floor offering a different selection of battles, pokemon and items. In each challenge the player will have the ability to go through five (5) floors meaning you will have to have four (4) successful consecutive runs to beat the battle pyramid.

Each floor within the pyramid will have the possibility of containing an item, a wild pokemon or a trainer, or a combination with any or all of the three. Once the challenger defeats the pokemon trainer, they will advance to the next floor.

Once the battler makes their way through all five floors in a challenge, they will be confronted by Pyramid King Brandon at the peak of the pyramid. Upon the defeat of Brandon, the challenger will have access to the next five pyramid floors, or, if the challenger has gone through all twenty-five, they will have beaten the battle pyramid!

Battle Format

For each floor, you may choose two pokemon to enter at the beginning of that floor. Those will be the only ones you can use for that section, however you may switch at the beginning of every new floor. Pokemon are healed in between floors, but are not healed after wild pokemon battles. There will be a different battle format for each of the different battle types. The formats are as follows.

Wild Pokemon
Pokemon: 2v1 Singles
DQ: 2 days
Switch: OK
Abilities: 1
Items: OK (if any are found)
Arena: Pyramid Floor "X": Allows all moves to be used and has no benefits to specific pokemon.
Post Order: The challenger will order second, the first round then alternate.

Trainer Battle
Pokemon: 2v2 Singles
DQ: 2 days
Switch: OK
Abilities: 1
Items: OK (if any are found)
Arena: Pyramid Floor "X": Allows all moves to be used and has no benefits to specific pokemon.
Post Order: The challenger will order first, the first round then alternate

Brandon's format will be explained later.

Pyramid Floors
Each floor will have a different defining factor in regards to the pokemon, trainers and items found there. Here are some example floor traits.

  • Pokemon who utilize Paralysis:
    Possible Wild Pokemon: Jumpluff, Electabuzz, Emolga, Pachirisu, Vileplume
    Possible Items: Electric Gem, Cheri Berry, Wacan Berry, Belue Berry
    Possible Trainer Pokemon: Jolteon, Rotom, Amoonguss, Ampharos, Venomoth

  • Pokemon who utilize Sun:
    Possible Wild Pokemon: Vulpix, Flarelm, Leavanny, Magmar, Sunflora
    Possible Items: Heat Rock, Fire Gem, Rawst Berry, Grass Gem
    Possible Trainer Pokemon: Ninetales, Cherrim, Castform, Tropius, Charizard

  • Pokemon who utilize Secondary Effects:
    Possible Wild Pokemon: Togetic, Chansey, Gurdurr, Mawile, Druddigon
    Possible Items: Lum Berry, Starf Berry, Berserk Gene, RageCandyBar
    Possible Trainer Pokemon: Braviary, Kingler, Blissey, Dunsparce, Togekiss
Pokemon Capture
Like I said earlier, pokemon capture will be a part of this RP. The only items allowed to be brought to this roleplay are Poke-balls. You may bring up to 10 total of any kind you wish. Only the wild pokemon may be caught, and only one pokemon may be caught per challenge. If more than one wild pokemon is caught, you must release one and carry on with your challenge. Pokemon caught are NOT added to your current pokemon party and cannot be used in the challenge they are caught. When claiming a battle pyramid pokemon, claim it as you would normally, with the EC at the lowest possible amount for that pokemon (I.E. 6 for a Magneton, 9 for a Leavanny), with 0 DC and with 25 and under LV UP moves, 3 TMs/HMs and 3 Egg moves.

Gameplay Flow

1) Challengers will sign up with 3 mons they wish to challenge the pyramid with and their selected abilities.

Pyramid Challenger said:
I wish to challenge the Battle Pyramid!
Streak: 0
Thread: None
Pokeballs: 4 Timer, 2 Ultra (from profile)
Pokemon: Serperior, Samurott, Emboar
Abilities: Overgrow, Torrent, Blaze
Pokemon Data: <Insert data here>


Lets go!

2) A referee will accept the challenge.
3) The referee will either put up a new thread if none exists or post in the challenger's Battle Pyramid thread.
4) The ref will post the mons and all of their data in thread along with the description of this floor (which will be randomized) and any poke balls the battler is bringing.

Referee said:
<Challenger> will be challenging the battle pike with the following pokemon!


He will be bringing 4 Timer Balls and 2 Ultra Balls!

The first floor of the pyramid is...

RNG: 1/20 (Pokemon who utilize Paralysis)

Please select your two pokemon for this floor!

5) The challenger will select their two pokemon for that floor.
6) The referee will RNG to see if the challenger will find an item, encounter a wild pokemon, or battle a trainer. They will RNG to find the item or mons and proceed with the effect.
7) The referee will RNG another outcome if trainer battle was not selected continuing with all previous outcomes eliminated (I.E. I roll Item, then I must roll wild pokemon or trainer, this continues until trainer is selected)
8) Once the trainer is defeated, the ref shall roll to see what floor the challenger gets to challenge next.
9) Repeat steps 5-9 until the peak is reached or the challenger is defeated.
10 (if applicable)) If the peak is reached the challenger will battle Pyramid King Brandon with rules stated later.
11) Ref gives prizes for self and challenger.
12) If the challenger defeats Brandon, they may rechallenge immediately leaving where they left off, if they lost they must wait one (1) week before challenging again.

Pyramid King Brandon Battle

Pokemon: 3v3 Singles
DQ: 2 days
Switch: OK
Items: OK (if you find any)
Arena: Pyramid Peak: Allows use of all moves and gives no advantage to either player
Post Order: Challenger will order first, the first round, then alternate.

After 5th battle:
Brandon will have Sceptile, Blaziken and Swampert

After 10th:
Brandon will have Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres

After 15th:
Brandon will have Regirock, Registeel and Regice

After 20th:
Brandon will have Mew, Manaphy and Shaymin (subject to change)


Challengers will receive normal battle rewards
In addition they will receive 2CC for each floor beaten and (Streak)CC for beating Brandon
Items are not retained after challenge
You will get one of the final pokemon you have caught in the pyramid (if applicable)

Refs shall receive normal UC for each battle and an additional 3-5UC (To be decided) for each floor (with the peak counting as a floor)

Important Reminders

  • The only items allowed are Pokeballs and you may only bring 10 of any kind total
  • Pokemon are healed after trainer battles but NOT after wild pokemon battles
  • Items are NOT retained after challenge
  • You may switch your leading two pokemon in between floors but not in between battles
  • You may only keep one wild pokemon during each challenge and they may not be used in that challenge's battles

CHANGES! (Read please!)(Not edited into proposal yet)
-Instead of the Ref RNGing what the trainer encounters, they will RNG to apply trainer/mon/item to the options left/right/straight. The player will then choose a selection and carry out the effects. The ref will then re RNG the options and apply left/right/straight again, or left/right if only two options remain.

-For increase in difficulty you may now encounter more than one wild pokemon/item per floor. This scales with the streak of the challenger (1 wild pokemon/item for floors 1-5, 2 wild pokemon/items for floors 6-10, 3 for 11-15 etc)

(This is a possible change and I'd like feedback on it please)
-The player may now use their last caught pokemon in the battle against Brandon. It has donned on me that Brandon will be extremely difficult after the first run and you should not be beating him with a competent ref afterwards, also one middle strength mon won't make a huge difference. (Again this is POSSIBLE and I'd like feedback)

So thoughts? Feedback? Concerns? I'm open to it all!

I hope you like my battle Pyramid proposal and we can make this into an RP!

SubJ out

Battle Pyramid:

Woah, it's clear you've been working on that. There's a couple minor issues that may be ironed out, though.

First off, there is no mention of what Pokeballs you bring in the sample sign-up sheet, but there is in the ref thread format. Also, in the ref format, there is no "only _ and current refs may post" thing, which you may want. Unless I missed it, there is no mention of whether or not you may use the mons you catch, and it only says the final mon caught may be brought back- not sure if that's intentional.* Finally, there is no list of what the floors are, other than the sample 3- I'm assuming you'll put those in later, though.

Overall, seems really good, but a few minor errors in the submission. It'll definitely be an interesting Roleplay, though!

*Nevermind that, you put it in.
@Battle Pyramid
It seems like a great idea! However, you may want to let the challengers buy pokeballs in the thread (if you already posted that nevermind). I'd be glad to help you/ be a ref!
Also minor typo, under referee format you wrote pike instead of pyramid.
@ Battle Salon
Also seems like a great idea! You could invite people or ask for a teammate like in Raids! The only problem I see with this RP is that you and your partner might be the only people that have reached, let's say silver rank, so you'd have to do it with them again, and if they quit ASB that would be bad. I'd be happy to help though!EDIT: Suggestion that maybe you might not want to make it 13 battles, as compared to the other facilities, it seems like a little much.
Official proposal! Yay!


Yes I realize it's the Silph Co pic pleasedon'thurtme

ASB Battle Salon

The Battle Salon is designed for 2 players, similar to raids. Two players may challenge the Battle Salon together or individually. Two individual challenges of the same rank are to be lumped together into one thread as this is a 2-player RP. There are two battlers to a thread, and they work together with each other. The great thing about the Battle Salon is that if your Pokemon is KO'ed, your challenge isn't nessecarily over. If your Pokemon loses, you can still continue if your teammate's Pokemon manages to win the match.​

Battle Format
Pokemon: 1+1v1+1 doubles (multi battle)
DQ: 2 day player/3 day ref
Switch: lol
Abilities: 1
Chills/Recovers: ∞/∞
Arena: Battle Salon Arena. All necessary components for attacks are available, as is swimmable water. Consumable items are restored at the end of the battle. Items are returned to their original owners at the end of the battle.​

Gameplay Flow
1) 2 challengers challenge the Salon using the following sign up format:​
<Pokemon data here>[/LEFT]
1a) Two challengers can arrange beforehand to be on a team together.
2) The referee makes a new topic with the (Roleplay) prefix. For example, if yoshinite and Unoriginal Name challenged the Battle Salon together, the topic title should look like this:​

(Roleplay) Battle Salon Challenge - Unoriginal Name+yoshinite​

3) The players will fight different Pokemon depending on how far they have gotten in the Salon. Enemies will be structured like so:​

Battles 1-7
Battles 9-15
Battles 17+​

Salon Maiden Anabel


At every 8 battles, you are challenged by Salon Maiden Anabel. Her team as follows:​

Battle 8: Metagross/Gallade/Scylant
Battle 16: Alakazam/Snorlax/Entei
Battle 24: Latios/Snorlax/Raikou
Battle 32+: Giratina/Arceus/Genesect

After defeating Anabel, you may choose a new Pokémon from your profile to use in the Battle Salon. You must continue using that new Pokémon in the Battle Salon until you defeat Anabel again or until you lose.

User Details
  • If both you and your teammate lose in the Battle Salon, both of you must wait a week before challenging the Battle Salon again.
  • You may only be in one Salon challenge at a time.
  • A new thread will be started for each Battle Salon challenge.
  • Refferees are chosen by application or invitation.
  • I reserve the right to blacklist any user from the Battle Salon who either mistreats the referees or who exhibits poor sportsmanship in his or her battles. I am not demanding that you RP with the refs, but I am demanding that you not make fun of you opponents even if they are only NPCs.
Referee Details
  • Referees must adhere to all in-game mechanics where interpretation may change how something would work in ASB.
  • Proximity and range have little effect in Salon battles. An attack will never miss because of range.
  • Speed should be taken at face value. The faster Pokemon moves first, regardless of proximity. Priority functions as it would in-game.
  • Reffing in the Salon is simplistic. Little to no RPing is done in non-Boss stages of the Salon, and instead referees will focus only on the actual effects of actions.
  • Referees will be paid Universal Counters (UC) for their work in the Battle Salon. (see Compensation)
Battle Details
  • Opponents for the players are randomly selected from a pool based on difficulty and played by the Salon referee. The beta test will use the Pokémon from the Battle Subway.
  • Players will earn Currency Counters (CC) from their battles, and their Pokémon earn EC, DC, MC, and KOC as they normally would. (see Compensation)
  • If you defeat enough trainers in the Battle Salon, you may face special and extraordinarily difficult trainers that will bestow special rewards upon you for winning, such as extra CC or a special item.
  • Players must use the same team of Pokémon until a boss is beaten or they lose.
  • Consumable items will be restored at the end of the battle as part of the arena effect. In addition, all items will be returned to their original holders at the end of the battle. No item can be permanently lost in any way in the Battle Salon.
  • Ties will result in a loss for the challengers and will end the challenge.
RNG Adjustment

As I am sure you are aware, the random number generator for the in-game Battle Tower is adjusted in favor of the NPC opponents. The Battle Salon attempts to replicate this by using a mathematical formula. The result of the RNG adjustment formula should be added positively to RNG rolls that would positively affect the NPCs or negatively affect the PCs, and added negatively to RNG rolls that would negatively affect the NPCs or positively affect the PCs.
(A=adjustment B= # of battles)
If B ≤ 30: A = [FLOOR(B / 3)]
If B > 30: A = 10
This would mean that you would start seeing an adjustment after your 3rd battle, where the RNG would be adjusted by 1%. Battle 6 will have a 2% adjustment, battle 9 will have a 3% adjustment, and so on and so forth. The adjustment percentage caps out at battle 30, with an adjustment of 10%. By that point, you will have faced impossibly difficult opponents and if you can continue your streak you deserve a goddamn trophy and you will be awarded for it.


Referees will be awarded 4 UC for each battle they finish in the Salon. If they are the last ref, they also get an extra 2 UC for their commitment to the challenge.
Challengers will be awarded 2 CC for each battle they complete. Completion means playing a battle through to the end, and players will still be awarded CC for a match even if they lose. Their Pokemon gain EC, MC, DC, and KOC normally but do not give a Pokémon more EC or DC than would be needed to max out their counters. For example, let's say someone uses their Prinplup with 5/9 EC and 3/5 DC and wins 6 battles with it, losing on the 7th, KOing 8 opponents total. According to the normal rules, Prinplup would be awarded 7 EC, 7 DC, 14 MC, and 8 KOC. But instead it should get 4 EC, 2 DC, 17 MC, and 8 KOC. Why? It would be like going into 7 matches in a row, (in fact it's exactly like that) claiming in between. Eventually Prinplup's EC and DC would max out, resulting in claiming 3 MC instead of 2 MC for NFE Pokémon.

7:47 Anabel's Tomohawk is now Scylant, as suggested to me via PM.
4/11 Anabel now uses Giratina instead of Azelf.


So, thoughts? Constructive criticism? Please no destructive criticism, I get enough of that irl.
Unofficial Proposal:
The Legend of the Hidden Temple
"Legends of the Hidden Temple... with your guide, Ashley DeFog!"

"Thank you Olmec. Welcome to the Hidden Temple, the rooms are filled with lost treasures that are protected by mysterious Temple Guards. Olmec knows the legend behind each of the treasures located within his hidden temple."

The Legend of the Hidden Temple is a Battle Factory style roleplay. Challengers will select two (2) pokemon to bring with them as they engage in a temple run. Only one (1) pokemon can travel with them at a time. A Temple Run consists of up to twelve (12) rooms, dependent on Rank. The goal? Find the lost treasure in the Hidden Temple and escape before you run out of Energy.
During the run, traversing the temple and performing actions will consume a pokmeon's energy. Once a pokemon's Energy reaches 0, they will be defeated, forcing the trainer to return to the start and attempt the run again with their other pokemon. Besides Energy, trainers will have to worry about encountering one (1) of three (3) mysterious Temple Guards. Battling these foes consumes both energy and Health.
Once a trainer finds the lost treasure, all rooms in the Temple will unlock. It is then a race to the exit, choosing the most efficient path to avoid KOing themselves.

Battle Format:
Temple Guard Battle
Pokemon: 1 v 1 Singles
DQ: 2 days
Switch: KO
Abilities: 1*
Items: None
Arena: Room
Post Order: The challenger will order second. Battle flow is described further down.
Rewards: 2 UC for defeating the Guard.

Battle Flow:
  1. Temple Guard orders
  2. Challenger orders
  3. Round is reffed
  4. Challenger orders
  5. Temple Guard orders
  6. Round is reffed
  7. Wash-Rotom, Soak, Encore.

Temple Rooms:
Each room will have its own quirk to solving it. Only after the room puzzle is solved will a door leading further into the temple be unlocked. Trainers can only travel through unlocked doors prior to finding the relic. Once the relic is found, all doors will unlock and then it is up to the trainer to determine the most efficient path to escape the temple.
Temple Guards can be encountered in any room. Because of this, every room has its own set of mechanics for battles.

Gameplay Flow:
1) Challengers sign up with two (2) pokemon they wish to challenge the Temple with, the selected ability of the pokemon, and which pokemon they intend to start with.
Trainer: John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
Thread: None
Pokemon 01: Zangoose @ Toxic Boost
Pokemon 01 Data:
Pokemon 02: Durant @ Truant
Pokemon 02 Data:

2) A referee will accept the challenge.
3) The referee will either put up a new thread if none exists or post in the Challenger's Hidden Temple thread.
4) The referee will use an RNG to determine the room layout, Half-Life Pendant locations, Relic locations, and Temple Guard locations.
5) The referee will post the pokemon, the pokemon's data, the rank of the run, and the task to unlock the door in the first room in the thread. Referees are not to denote the location of the treasure, temple guards, or half-life pendants to the trainer.
6) The challenger will declare their actions for the room.
-The actions cannot consist of:
I solve the puzzle.
I find a Half-Life Pendant.
I do not encounter a Temple Guard.
I found the lost treasure.
et cetera
Possible Accepted Actions said:
OK, Zangoose, I want you to smash this pot and look for a key. If you don't find a key, smash another pot and look for it. If you don't find the key, smash the last pot and pick up the key. Put it in the key hole.
7) The referee will RNG the success of the pokemon's actions, along with the consumption of energy.
-It is possible for the trainer to encounter a Temple Guard during these actions. In that case, a Battle with the Temple Guard can start.
-Travelling to a room with a Half-Life pendant in it will automatically result in the acquisition of the half-life pendant.
8) Once the room is completed, the referee will decide which door opened.
9) The trainer and his/her pokemon will travel to the next room.
10) Repeat steps 6 through 9 until the lost treasure is obtained.
11) The trainer must choose a path out of the temple. This includes any room in the temple, including the rooms they did not unlock during the traversal of the temple. All uncollected Half-Life pendants disappear from the temple upon collecting the lost treasure. Temple Guards do not disappear.
12) Upon successful escape of the temple, the referee gives prizes for self and the challenger.

Battler Rank 1: (0.5 * Number of Rooms Completed) + (2 * Number of Half-Life Pendants) + (5 * Number of Life Pendants) = CC & (2 * Number of Temple Guard Battles beaten) = KOC
Battler Rank 2: (1.0 * Number of Rooms Completed) + (2 * Number of Half-Life Pendants) + (5 * Number of Life Pendants) = CC & (2 * Number of Temple Guard Battles beaten) = KOC
Battler Rank 3: (1.5 * Number of Rooms Completed) + (2 * Number of Half-Life Pendants) + (5 * Number of Life Pendants) = CC & (2 * Number of Temple Guard Battles beaten) = KOC
Battler Rank 4: (2.0 * Number of Rooms Completed) + (2 * Number of Half-Life Pendants) + (5 * Number of Life Pendants) = CC & (2 * Number of Temple Guard Battles beaten) = KOC
Ref All Ranks : (1 * Number of Entered Rooms) + (2 * Number of Battles) + 3 = UC

Temple Layout:

Trainers start at room 1.
The grey lines signify entrances/exits between rooms.
There are 24 possible rooms in the temple.
Rooms 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, and 12 are the same size. The areas for those rooms are interchangeable. As such, they have the largest number of possible rooms.
Rooms 8 and 7 are the same size. The areas for those rooms are interchangeable.
Rooms 5 and 6 have their own unique sizes.

A Rank 1 run consists of 6 rooms.
A Rank 2 run consists of 8 rooms.
A Rank 3 run consists of 10 rooms.
A Rank 4 run consists of 12 rooms.

For all intents and purposes, Pendants are not considered items.
Life Pendants serve two (2) purposes in the Hidden Temple.
1) They are 2 CC.
2) They can be given to a Temple Guard to exit a battle.
Half-Life Pendants serve two (2) purposes in the Hidden Temple.
1) They are 5 CC
2) Having two (2) of them form a single Life Pendant.**

As of this time, pokemon start with 100 Energy.
In order to perform an action outside of battle, the pokemon will consume 2 Energy. In order to travel between two (2) rooms, a pokemon will consume 1 Energy.
This Energy is shared with the Energy a Pokemon uses during Battle.

Temple Guards:
The Pokemon the Temple Guards have is dependent on the Rank of the run. Rank 1 runs will result in the Temple Guards having Pokemon with BRTs of 9 to 13 and movepools around 25% full. Rank 2 Runs will result in the Temple Guards having Pokemon with BRTs of 14 to 18 and movepools around 50% full. Rank 3 Runs will result in Temple Guards having Pokemon with BRTs of 19 to 23 and movepools around 75% full. Rank 4 Runs will result in Temple Guards having Pokemon with BRTs of 17 and up along with full movepools, with a few exceptions.
All of their pokemon, regardless of rank, will start with 100 EN.

Example Puzzle:
Area 01: Shrine of the Simisage - Trainer must find the 3 pieces of the Simisage statue and place them in the correct order on a pole. Acquiring all 3 pieces of the Simisage use one action. Constructing the Simisage, regardless of the correctness of the statue, uses one action.
Example Arena:
Grass-Type Moves cost one (1) less EN.

*Priority levels for abilities are factored in. If a pokemon has a trait, that trait is used as its ability by default. If a pokemon has multiple traits, then the trainer may select which trait to use.
**It is impossible to have an even number of Half-Life Pendants. As soon as two (2) half-life pendants are acquired, they disappear and the trainer receives a Life Pendant instead.





yep you heard me bitches


Hello, and welcome to the Battle Factory, the one and only battling facility focused on research! Today (and yesterday, and always), we will be testing trainers' abilities to perform with Pokemon that are not their own! The rules are simple: you pick two Pokemon to start with from a randomized pool. Your opponent's Pokemon are also randomized, so you never know what you'll get! After every battle, you will be told a little information about your next opponent's team, and be given the opportunity to trade one of your current Pokemon for one from the opponent you just beat. See if you can win fourteen in a row and beat Factory Head Thorton. It'll be worth it if you can.

Roleplay Rules:

The player progresses through a series of five battles every time they challenge the Battle Factory. After a player has completed five battles, their streak is not over—they may choose to continue playing immediately with the same ref, or to wait and continue their challenge later. After fifteen battles, your streak is over. Start from scratch.

The first four battles are a B2P1 singles; the last is a 2v2 Single Battle. Before each battle, the guide will tell the player some information about their opponent. For the first five battles, the player will know both of the opponent's Pokemon. For the next five, the player will know one of the opponent's Pokemon. For the next five, the player will know one randomly selected move on one Pokemon.

When a player begins a new 'run' of five, they are given a pool of four Pokemon to pick from, which were randomized from a larger pool of X pokemon. Each of the Pokemon will have a BRT of either 13 or 14. They start with all Pre-25 Level-Up moves, and five randomized other moves (different every time). The player picks two of the Pokemon from this list, and begins their adventure. Between battles, the player is given the option to trade one of their Pokemon for a Pokemon from the opponent they just beat. (Obviously, the opponent's full roster is revealed to the player at this point; however, the movepool of the unused Pokemon is not revealed). If the received Pokemon's full data were not known, they are revealed at this point.

Battle rules:

After trading, the player picks a Pokemon to fight their next opponent. The ref sends out and orders, and then play proceeds as normal. Rules of engagement in all battles are as follows:

2 Day DQ
Abilities: All
Items Off
ASB Arena
2 Substitutions
2 Recovers, 5 Chills
Switch: KO

With one exception: Thorton reserves the right to use whatever items he pleases.

The Catch:

Sound easily abusable? Just get some good moves on an early Pokemon and ride it to the finish? It’s not, here's why.

Your opponent's Pokemon will always have two more randomized moves than whatever Pokemon of yours has the most randomized moves. So, if you trade after every battle, your Pokemon will have more moves by the end of the run. Of course, if you don't trade after every battle, your opponent's Pokemon will have less moves by the end of the run, so that's a wash. What doesn't change, however, is that at every fifth battle, your opponent's Pokemon will kick it up a notch. As previously stated, the Pokemon you pick from start with BRTs from 13 to 14. At Battle 5, your opponent will have Pokemon from BRTs of 16 to 17. At Battle 10, they will be in the 19-20 range. Thorton will be using Pokemon with 22 or 23 BRT. These values never change. After four trades, the opponents' Pokemon who don't fall on a multiple of five, as well as the pool of Pokemon you can pick from at the start makes the same jump in BRTs. Of course, this won't help you when facing your 'boss opponent,' so if you’re only going for a streak of five, feel free not to trade. But if you're in for the long haul, well, trade early, trade often. That’s the key to survival in the Battle Factory.


How will I motivate people to play in a roleplay where they don't get counters for their Pokemon? Good question.


  • 3 UC royalty from start
  • 2 UC per normal battle
  • 5 UC per 'boss' battle

  • 2 CC per battle, win or lose
  • 2 CC and 5 UC for winning a 'boss' battle
  • If you beat Thorton: you keep your team.
Of course, beating Thorton won't be easy.

Tables of Pokemon for each BRT class:
Mr. Mime

eventually this list will either be pruned or not, then fleshed out into full profiles for each Pokemon.

(no, no trading with Thorton after the battle ends, fool.)

so that's the rough outline for my factory idea. Feedback would be appreciated. I do want to get this rolling and alpha tested soon.
Alex, Frosty, and I have finally been able to get together and discuss the RP proposals. We'll probably be able to get together to discuss them more often after this, so with any luck the wait will be something less ridiculous.

We've gone through these new proposals with much the same criteria as before.

  1. Is the proposal original enough to warrant its own RP and a test? Is the concept good enough?
  2. Does the proposal have necessary codification to warrant a test?
  3. Is the proposer active enough to run the test? If not, is there another person willing to assist or take over?
Using these as guidelines we've reached conclusions on each of the following RPs.

drunk – Pokemon Federation - User hasn't been on in five months, also it's not that much different from a regular battle to be considered an RP. veto

Gem – Gem Caves - Seems fairly interesting, but is rather vague at the moment. Give us some more detail, and then we can consider it for a test run. details needed

SubwayJ – Battle Pyramid - It comes across as a more complicated version of the Battle Pike with the addition of capturing wild Pokemon. The proposed Pyramid doesn't seem original enough to warrant a test. The idea of 2v1 battles is intriguing, however. If you would like to continue working on this, you may want to redo a few concepts to differentiate it more. veto

Geodude6 – Battle Salon - This one comes across as a carbon copy of the Subway except with multi-battles instead of Singles / Doubles. Teamwork in an RP is something not very explored in RPs, but it doesn't seem like it will work in a battle facility and doesn't add much in the way it is used in the proposal. veto

Pwnemon – Battle Factory - This one is the best Factory proposal we've had so far. The only qualms we have are the randomized movepools, since getting a meager five extra moves out of (most likely) around fifty can give you absolutely useless moves; the move randomization renders the RP a bit too luck-based. We definitely want to see a test of this, but move selection needs to be tweaked a bit for that to happen. fix things and we'll give it a go

akela – Legend of the Hidden Temple - A new idea; it's cool, but a lot of things are lacking codification. How are EN costs calculated? Can you give an example to what constitutes a "puzzle"? What Pokemon do Temple Guards have? How many CC do you turn in Pendants for? How many KOC do you get for beating a Guard? 13) seems pretty unnecessary so we'd advise you to remove that. Also the difficulty gap across ranks seems to be extremely big, but we can't judge that without codification. needs codification.

Leethood – RPRP - Seems pretty interesting but the proposal is rather outdated. What seems to be an unofficial test run for it (here) doesn't seem to match up with what was proposed at all, even though the last non-battle post was made only two weeks after the proposal post was made. This needs to be updated.

If we've skipped anything, please let us know and we'll get to it ASAP!
With assistance from Glacier Knight, Ragnarokalex, and The Royal Guard, as well as our testers UllarWarlord and SubwayJ, and Leethoof, Objection, and Rediamond for assisting with minor parts, we present to you...

CAP ASB Adventure Battles

A chance for trainers to get in on the action, exploring strange and dangerous locals alongside their Poke’mon, or just simply training with them.

In Adventure Battles, there are many threats to potentially deal with. Mighty beasts to defeat, distant locations to see, items to obtain...

Did we mention that the trainers are considered “on the field” in these?

On the field, the trainer can act as they please, assisting their Poke’mon with attacks, support, and orders. While trainers are varied people, and quite possibly more varied than the Poke’mon they command, they don’t have the strength of most Poke’mon. But that doesn’t mean that they can’t make a difference on the battlefield.

Just be aware that since you are on the field, you are considered fair game to opponents and can be caught in area attacks.


Before you go out on an adventure, you must decide what your statistics are. Keeping in mind some sense of realism and that Poke’mon are usually more dangerous than trainers, a point buy system has been created where you buy your types, abilities, stats, and even your control of Poke’mon. You can change your statistics between adventures, but you are expected to have similar statistics for the sake of continuity.

Trainers start with a base stat spread of 80/2/2/2/2/55, with Normal typing and no abilities, and have 100 points to spend across five categories: Typing, Abilities, Stats, Temporary Items, and Stat-Altering Natures. Each of the options has different point costs, allowing one to change their spread for the adventure as they see fit.

Oh, and you can access your berry pouch mid-battle, allowing you to eat berries or give them to Poke’mon, assuming that you aren’t incapacitated.

Adventure Types:

Much like the Raid Zone, trainers can choose which adventure to take. Sometimes its just against another opponent in the Adventure Zone, but that doesn’t give potent rewards. Instead, the real loot lies with going out and participating in Adventures, where you can partake in a battle with your Poke’mon, and can unfold a story beyond what could be expected.

Allied Delve: Work together with up to three other trainers to discover the mysteries of the area. The Referee, or the Delve Guide, describes a “dungeon,” a limited area the participants have access to, and the trainers and their Poke’mon react to the environment. This will usually cumulate in a “boss” that must be defeated to complete the delve.
Allied Hunt: Work together with up to three other trainers and their Poke’mon to take down a powerful opponent. Either fortunately or unfortunately, you don’t have to reach the target from a limited series of pre-determined passageways (meaning you fight him at full strength), but the opponent is much stronger than those in the Delve. How much stronger? Think raid-level strength. Luckily, you can make use of your environment to make things easier.
Rivaled Exploration: The task is to explore an area and loot it of any treasures you might find, and potentially catch Poke’mon. However, your opponents are to do the same things, and the environment is also an enemy. Note that you will have to purchase your own bag to bring stuff in.
Epic Rivaled Exploration: Explore a wide area, potentially gaining a lot of goodies to take out with you. However, your opponents are here to do the same things, assuming the environment does not take them out first! With very mighty foes in the area, it is unlikely you will last very long alone, but if you’re after the same prize as them, backstabbing them will become a very attractive option. Think about the Icy Forest, only longer, more patience, and able to catch the Poke’mon in it. (Currently Under Development; Please do not sign up for Epic Rivaled Explorations yet!)
Storied Quest: Take part with one of your Poke'mon and at least one other trainer and one of their Poke'mon to partake in events that advance part of a story. This may involve pieces of Allied Exlploration or Hunt, with certain objectives that must be fulfilled in order to complete the "Chapter" of the story (defeat key opponents, obtain a certain item, survive a certain ammount of time against a supposedly undefeatable opponent, or something else).
Rivaled Training: You won’t get the potent rewards, but this is a quick method to learn the ins and outs of trainer actions with only one opponent facing you, with no external complications from the environment. You won’t get a chance to earn special Adventure Battle rewards, but for a beginner looking to gain their footing before heading out, this could be the best way to go.


What is the point of heading out on an adventure if you have nothing to show for it at the end? For each stage of the adventure completed each of the trainer’s Poke’mon gains the standard for a battle (1 EC/2 MC/1 DC or 3 MC). The trainer also gains CC based on how dangerous the adventure is. However, successfully completing an adventure also nets additional prizes.

Depending on the adventure completed successfully, the trainer can gain additional CC, special Exploration Tokens, and, in the case of more difficult adventures, Heroism Badges. The Tokens and Badges can be converted into additional CC (exchange rate currently unknown), but their primary use is to purchase items for trainers to use, like a stronger sword, a sturdier shield, a gun, ammunition for the gun, or perhaps some earmuffs (which essentially grant Soundproof). The Badges can be used with Exploration Tokens to purchase some really powerful items that can grant capabilities far beyond a typical trainer. You could get a simple sword with just some Exploration Tokens, but if you save up your Heroism Badges, you could get a sword that allows use of an attacking type that you can’t get any other way.

In addition, you might be able to find a dropped item or two in your adventures. That powerful sword that the final boss has in a storyline? If you manage to defeat him while completing a certain challenge, you might have a chance to obtain the sword after the battle. Of course, you’ll have to discuss with any allies who gets it, since there’s only one...

These rewards of trainer items allows the bearer to use the permenent items instead of the temporary items, allowing the trainer to spend the saved points elsewhere in the spread. Still, a couple of the temporary items may prove situationally useful.

For Potential Referees:

In the past, there’s been a series of flash matches that are flavorless and are just to get quick counters to all participants. If you prefer those matches, this isn’t the role-play for you. Where those battles are about the math, these battles are mainly about the flavor. After all, if there’s no flavor, there’s no story. While I do not expect (or even want) flavor rivaling the Icy Forest in every post (that would leave me searching for more refs as they perished from work overload), I do expect refs to lean in that direction. Refs are compensated based on the adventure run. However, assuming that the battle was not a Training battle, instead of claiming the UC, they can instead claim 1 Exploration Token for every 5 Universal Counters converted, up to a max of 3 Exploration Tokens gained from an adventure (they cannot claim UC, and then convert it to Exploration Tokens; they can only use the UC gained in reffing an Adventure Battle to gain the tokens, and only if they claim it then).
One note: this will be with high standards of reffing. The leaders of the Adventure Battles will hold the right to replace any referee that is not putting in the flavor needed, and prevent such referees from claiming Exploration Tokens with UC from the Adventure Battles.

Allied Delve: For Allied Delve-type adventures, refs gain 1 UC per creature involved in a fight, 2 UC per "Boss" creature, and an additional UC for every 3 RP posts.
Allied Hunt: For Allied Hunt-type adventures, refs gain 1 UC per creature involved in a fight, 2 UC per "Boss" creature, and an additional UC for every three rounds that pass.
Rivaled Exploration: For Rivaled Exploration-type adventures, refs gain 1 UC per creature involved in a fight, 2 UC per "Boss" creature, and an additional UC every two posts once the Exploration begins. This reflects the amount of off-screen Pokémon the referee must also control, each with their own amounts of threat.
Epic Rivaled Exploration: For Rivaled Exploration-type adventures, refs gain 1 UC per creature involved in a fight, 2 UC per "Boss" creature, and an additional UC every post once the Exploration begins. This reflects the amount of off-screen Pokémon the referee must also control, each with their own amounts of threat. Furthermore, the limit of transfering UC earned into Exploration Tokens is doubled (15 UC for 3 ET to 30 UC for 6 ET).
Storied Quest: For Storied Quests, refer to either Allied Delve or Allied Hunt ref payment (varies with specific Chapter of a story).
Rivaled Training: Please refer to the Referee Resource Thread for ref payment, counting the trainers as a Poke'mon each, and only counting Poke'mon sent out. Refs may not convert UC earned from Rivaled Training into ET.
[8:47pm] Pwnemon: i think as opposed to cutting out all the fluff moves
[8:47pm] Pwnemon: i'll leave in all the decent or semidecent ones (so like, secret power in, strength out)
[8:48pm] Pwnemon: and make it two extra randomized moves
[8:48pm] Pwnemon: i mean nothing beats sweeping the factory with fury cutter scyther
[8:48pm] Pwnemon: would that work?
[8:51pm] Frosty: For starters it can work. Maybe you can still get screwed with a mon with 7 semidecent status/support moves, but that seems kinda unlikely.

i've made the proper edits here and am going to take this as a go-ahead to open my data collection thread — after which i will be personally pruning all movepool lists, from which we will run the beta.
Updated the Legends of the Hidden Temple proposal. Codified payout; Listed 1 example room/arena; Listed information of the temple guards' pokemon; listed energy costs for movement and actions outside of battle.
This is something I've wanted to do for a very long time.

Battle Arena

The Battle Arena is the analog to the Battle Arena in the Emerald Battle Frontier and its Set KO Competition. Like in the cartridge games, individual match-ups will last for a set number of rounds. If a KO has not occurred within that time, the Pokemon are judged in mind, skill, and body. The Pokemon with the higher score wins, while the losing Pokemon is KOed. The way each score is calculated is determined below:

- Mind:
Mind judges Pokemon on how offensive they are. A Pokemon gets one point for each offensive move used (with the exceptions of Fake Out, Counter, Mirror Coat, Metal Burst, and Bide). One point is deducted if a protective/evasive move (Protect/Detect/Evasive Agility/Evasive Teleport) is used, if Quick Guard or Wide Guard is used, if Dodge is used, or if Endure is used. For damaging evasive moves, a point is only given on the hit action. The Pokemon with the higher number of points wins the Mind category.​
- Skill:
Skill judges the Pokemon on how accurate they are. A Pokemon gets one point for every move (including non-offensive moves) that hits. Two points are deducted if a Pokemon misses, unless the miss is due to Protect/Detect/Evasive Agility/Evasive Teleport/Quick Guard/Wide Guard/Dodge. If a Pokemon fails to act due to the effects of Taunt/Torment/Imprison/Disable/Heal Block, one point is deducted. If a Pokemon fails to act due to any other reason (flinch, paralysis, sleep, etc.), no points are deducted. The Pokemon with the higher number of points wins the Skill category.​
- Body:
Body judges the Pokemon on how much HP and energy they have compared to when they started the match-up. Both (final HP / starting HP) and (final energy / starting energy) are added together, and the Pokemon with the higher total wins the Body category.​

The Pokemon that wins the most categories is the victor of the match-up, while the losing Pokemon is KOed. In the event of a tie, both Pokemon are KOed.

Roleplay Details:
(this section is not fully fleshed out)

4 or 5 normal trainers before the Frontier Brain each run?

Battle Details:

Battles against normal trainers are 1v1 singles, while battles against the Frontier Brain are 3v3 singles. Match-ups between 2 Pokemon consist of 4 rounds where 2 actions are ordered each instead of the normal 3. The challenger will order second on the first round of each battle. In the event of a tied scoring against normal trainers, the challenger is considered the winner and continues their streak. However, in the event of a tied scoring of the final Pokemon for both the challenger and the Frontier Brain, the challenger is considered the loser.

Normal trainers will have their Pokemon randomly selected from a pool of Pokemon. The Frontier Brain uses set Pokemon based on the streak of the challenger.

Roleplaying actions are not allowed in the Battle Arena.

Battle Format:

Normal trainers
Pokemon: 1v1 singles
DQ: 2 days
Switch: KO
Abilities: 1
Items: OK
Substitutions: 2
Recovers: ∞
Chills: ∞

Arena Tycoon Greta
Pokemon: 3v3 singles
DQ: 2 days
Switch: KO
Abilities: 1
Items: OK
Substitutions: 2
Recovers: ∞
Chills: ∞

Arena Tycoon Greta:
(this section is not fully fleshed out)


I'm thinking her three teams will be as follows:
- First team: Shedinja / Umbreon / Heracross
- Second team: Nidoqueen / Skarmory / Hariyama
- Third team: Lapras / Gengar / Colossoil

She'll use her first team on the first run, second team on the second run, and third team on all future runs. But really I have no idea and input here is welcome. I do want at least one Pokemon on each team to have GUTS though!!!!


Players will get 1 CC for each normal battle played. They will get 2 CC for battling Greta, and an extra 3 CC for beating her first team, 5 CC for beating her second team, and 7 CC for beating her third team. Pokemon will get their standard counters (including KOC) for each battle they participate in.

Referees will get 2 base UC, plus 2 UC for each normal battle, and 7 UC for Greta's battle. In the case of subreffed challenges, the subref will get the 2 UC baseline and the UC for the battles they complete, while the other ref(s) will only get UC for the battles they completed.