The Legend of the Hidden Temple
"Legends of the Hidden Temple... with your guide, Ashley DeFog!"
"Thank you Olmec. Welcome to the Hidden Temple, the rooms are filled with lost treasures that are protected by mysterious Temple Guards. Olmec knows the legend behind each of the treasures located within his hidden temple."
The Legend of the Hidden Temple is a Battle Factory style roleplay. Challengers will select two (2) pokemon to bring with them as they engage in a temple run. Only one (1) pokemon can travel with them at a time. A Temple Run consists of up to twelve (12) rooms, dependent on Rank. The goal? Find the lost treasure in the Hidden Temple and escape before you run out of Energy.
During the run, traversing the temple and performing actions will consume a pokmeon's energy. Once a pokemon's Energy reaches 0, they will be defeated, forcing the trainer to return to the start and attempt the run again with their other pokemon. Besides Energy, trainers will have to worry about encountering one (1) of three (3) mysterious Temple Guards. Battling these foes consumes both energy and Health.
Once a trainer finds the lost treasure, all rooms in the Temple will unlock. It is then a race to the exit, choosing the most efficient path to avoid KOing themselves.
Battle Format:
Temple Guard Battle
Pokemon: 1 v 1 Singles
DQ: 2 days
Switch: KO
Abilities: 1*
Items: None
Recovers: ∞
Chills: ∞
Subs: 2
Arena: Room
Post Order: The challenger will order second. Battle flow is described further down.
Rewards: 2 UC for defeating the Guard.
Battle Flow:
- Temple Guard orders
- Challenger orders
- Round is reffed
- Challenger orders
- Temple Guard orders
- Round is reffed
- Wash-Rotom, Soak, Encore.
Temple Rooms:
Each room will have its own quirk to solving it. Only after the room puzzle is solved will a door leading further into the temple be unlocked. Trainers can only travel through unlocked doors prior to finding the relic. Once the relic is found, all doors will unlock and then it is up to the trainer to determine the most efficient path to escape the temple.
Temple Guards can be encountered in any room. Because of this, every room has its own set of mechanics for battles.
Gameplay Flow:
1) Challengers sign up with two (2) pokemon they wish to challenge the Temple with, the selected ability of the pokemon, and which pokemon they intend to start with.
Trainer: John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
Thread: None
Pokemon 01: Zangoose @ Toxic Boost
Pokemon 01 Data:
Pokemon 02: Durant @ Truant
Pokemon 02 Data:
2) A referee will accept the challenge.
3) The referee will either put up a new thread if none exists or post in the Challenger's Hidden Temple thread.
4) The referee will use an RNG to determine the room layout, Half-Life Pendant locations, Relic locations, and Temple Guard locations.
5) The referee will post the pokemon, the pokemon's data, the rank of the run, and the task to unlock the door in the first room in the thread. Referees are not to denote the location of the treasure, temple guards, or half-life pendants to the trainer.
6) The challenger will declare their actions for the room.
-The actions cannot consist of:
I solve the puzzle.
I find a Half-Life Pendant.
I do not encounter a Temple Guard.
I found the lost treasure.
et cetera
Possible Accepted Actions said:
OK, Zangoose, I want you to smash this pot and look for a key. If you don't find a key, smash another pot and look for it. If you don't find the key, smash the last pot and pick up the key. Put it in the key hole.
7) The referee will RNG the success of the pokemon's actions, along with the consumption of energy.
-It is possible for the trainer to encounter a Temple Guard during these actions. In that case, a Battle with the Temple Guard can start.
-Travelling to a room with a Half-Life pendant in it will automatically result in the acquisition of the half-life pendant.
8) Once the room is completed, the referee will decide which door opened.
9) The trainer and his/her pokemon will travel to the next room.
10) Repeat steps 6 through 9 until the lost treasure is obtained.
11) The trainer must choose a path out of the temple. This includes any room in the temple, including the rooms they did not unlock during the traversal of the temple. All uncollected Half-Life pendants disappear from the temple upon collecting the lost treasure. Temple Guards do not disappear.
12) Upon successful escape of the temple, the referee gives prizes for self and the challenger.
Battler Rank 1: (0.5 * Number of Rooms Completed) + (2 * Number of Half-Life Pendants) + (5 * Number of Life Pendants) = CC & (2 * Number of Temple Guard Battles beaten) = UC
Battler Rank 2: (1.0 * Number of Rooms Completed) + (2 * Number of Half-Life Pendants) + (5 * Number of Life Pendants) = CC & (2 * Number of Temple Guard Battles beaten) = UC
Battler Rank 3: (1.5 * Number of Rooms Completed) + (2 * Number of Half-Life Pendants) + (5 * Number of Life Pendants) = CC & (2 * Number of Temple Guard Battles beaten) = UC
Battler Rank 4: (2.0 * Number of Rooms Completed) + (2 * Number of Half-Life Pendants) + (5 * Number of Life Pendants) = CC & (2 * Number of Temple Guard Battles beaten) = UC
Ref All Ranks : (2 * Number of Entered Rooms) + (3 * Number of Battles) + 3 = UC
Temple Layout:
Trainers start at room 1.
The grey lines signify entrances/exits between rooms.
There are 24 possible rooms in the temple.
Rooms 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, and 12 are the same size. The areas for those rooms are interchangeable. As such, they have the largest number of possible rooms.
Rooms 8 and 7 are the same size. The areas for those rooms are interchangeable.
Rooms 5 and 6 have their own unique sizes.
A Rank 1 run consists of six (6) rooms.
A Rank 2 run consists of eight (8) rooms.
A Rank 3 run consists of ten (10) rooms.
A Rank 4 run consists of twelve (12) rooms.
For all intents and purposes, Pendants are not considered items. A total of five (5) Half-Life Pendants can be found in a single Temple Run. However, there is not a guaranteed chance that a battler will find a single Half-Life Pendant in a single run, even after exploring all rooms in that rank.
Rank 1 Chance: 6.25%
Rank 2 Chance: 12.5%
Rank 3 Chance: 25.0%
Rank 4 Chance: 33.3%
Half-Life Pendants serve two (2) purposes in the Hidden Temple.
1) They are worth 2 CC.
2) Having two (2) of them form a single Life Pendant.**
Life Pendants serve two (2) purposes in the Hidden Temple.
1) They are worth 5 CC.
2) They can be given to a Temple Guard to exit a battle.
As of this time, pokemon start with 100 Energy.
In order to perform an action outside of battle, the pokemon will consume two (2) Energy on top of any move Energy Cost and Stab Energy Cost reduction. In order to travel between two (2) rooms, a pokemon will consume one (1) Energy.
This Energy is shared with the Energy a Pokemon uses during Battle.
Temple Guards:
The Pokemon the Temple Guards have are dependent on the BRT of the Trainer's Pokemon. The Temple Guards' Pokemon' BRT will be equal to or within two (2) BRT of the Trainer's Pokemon.
The probability of encountering a Temple Guard is equal to (3 - Number of Temple Guards encountered) / Number of Rooms Remaining.
Example Puzzle:
Area 01: Shrine of the Simisage - Trainer must find the 3 pieces of the Simisage statue and place them in the correct order on a pole. Acquiring all 3 pieces of the Simisage use one action. Constructing the Simisage, regardless of the correctness of the statue, uses one action.
Area 02: Guardians of the Lake - Trainer must place the 3 Lake Guardian statues on the correct pedestals. Placing of a Lake Guardian statue uses 1 action.
Area 03: Unown Pit - Trainer must cross a bottomless pit, aided only by his/her pokemon. Number of actions required to do so will be RNG'd out of ten.
Area 04: The Room Of The Fowl Trio - Trainer must hit the correct Legendary Bird statue with a Super Effective move. If the Trainer's pokemon does not know a Super Effective Move, it can use a move it does not know. However, that is only if it does not know a Super Effective Move. Attempts to use a Super Effective Move it does not know while it has a Super Effective Move at its disposal will result in a flat ten (10) EN loss.
Area 05: The Rooms of the Ekans Den - Trainer must place his/her hand in a snake hole, trying to press the button to activate the doors. There are 5 holes. 3 contain an Ekans that does 5 Damage to the trainer's pokemon and poisons it. 1 has the button to open the doors. 2 have no Ekans.
Area 06: The Room of the Bulbous Mass - Trainer must hit three (3) of five (5) targets simultaneous.
Area 07: - Trainer must hit a "far away" target with his/her pokemon's moves. Distance of attack is RNGed out of base speed - BAP of attack and base speed + BAP of attack. Initial Target distance is Base Speed * 3 units.
Area 08: The Room of Unown by Unown - Trainer must win a game of Tic-Tac-Toe. Referee will RNG the referee's choices.
Area 09:
Area 10:
Area 11:
Area 12:
Area 13:
Area 14:
Area 15:
Area 16:
Area 17:
Area 18:
Area 19:
Area 20:
Area 21:
Area 22:
Area 23:
Area 24:
Example Arena:
Arena 01: Grass-Type Moves cost one (1) less EN.
Arena 02: The probability of Secondary Effects are increased by a flat ten percent (10%).
Arena 03: Pokemon have access to all Types of Hidden Power.
Arena 04: The Effectiveness of super effective attacks are increased by one stage.
Arena 05: Poison and Badly Poisoned start at one (1) more damage per action.
Arena 06: Spread moves suffer no Spread reduction.
Arena 07: Non-Contact Physical Attacks are increased by one (1) BAP.
Arena 08: Probability of Critical hits is doubled.
Arena 09:
Arena 10:
*Priority levels for abilities are factored in. If a pokemon has a trait, that trait is used as its ability by default. If a pokemon has multiple traits, then the trainer may select which trait to use.
**It is impossible to have an even number of Half-Life Pendants. As soon as two (2) half-life pendants are acquired, they disappear and the trainer receives a Life Pendant instead.