Role Playing Approval Center (Update 5-12-13)

I see, thanks for that. Glad I asked first. I did have an actual suggestion next, but at the moment I totally forgot what it was... LOL... I'll be back later if it comes to me.
Concept: Vitamin Store

Category: Shop


Vitamins are special items; by supplementing specific aspects of the Pokemon's health, they increase a Pokemon's base stats by a small amount. Not their stars, but the base stats that form the stars. Pokemon who fall just short of the investment can gain extra power.

Each vitamin type costs 1 Trainer Counter/whatever no. of Battle Points. Each vitamin increases the raw base stats of a Pokemon by 2.
-Protein supplements the Pokemon's muscular strength and physical attack. -Iron increases the Pokemon's ability to pump oxygen and its physical defense.
-Calcium increases bone strength, allowing Pokemon to attempt riskier power levels of their Special Attacks
-Zinc supplements various systems and special defense.
-Carbos give Pokemon a quick fuel reserve to boost their speed on.
-HP up contains a blend of fats and complex carbohydrates designed to release a long-term flow of energy that allows a Pokemon to last longer before fainting.
-The PP up (nicknamed the Energy Up) in an interesting case-it contains a multitude of compounds designed to help a Pokemon more efficiently use and process energy, increasing its total energy by 2.

However, there are limits. In addition to only being practical on Pokemon who fall just short of a base stat/star counter (coughGyaradosbaseattackcoughKingdrasbaseeverythingcough), after a point the Pokemon's body gains the maximum amount of that vitamin their body can synthesize into stat increases; 16 vitamins per stat maximum is considered the maximum per individual stat for fully evolved Pokemon, unevolved Pokemon can only have 8 per stat and partially evolved Pokemon can only have 12 per stat. Also, a Pokemon can only synthesize a limited amount of vitamins total-21 for unevolved Pokemon, 32 for partially evolved Pokemon, and 42 for fully evolved Pokemon. Choose wisely-a "vitamin purge" can be bought for 3 Trainer Counters, but it eliminates all your vitamins on one Pokemon.

A special Vitamin Counter (VC) has been developed that allows track to be kept of each stat. Each stat has its own-once a vitamin has been purchased and given to a Pokemon, that stat and its vitamin maximum are shown. The Total Vitamin Counter (TVC,) listed below the Dream Counter, details how many vitamins a Pokemon has synthesized versus the total they have used.

Basically a way for things that just barely fall short of the "base stat lines" to get higher stats, and also as a way of translating EVs. Also a way of distinguishing Gyarados' attack stat from Muk's attack stat-Gyarados requires but 1 Protein to reach 5 starred attack, while Muk requires 13.

Also, custom berry:

Pinkan Berry: Negates energy-increasing effects.
Berry Cost: 3
Activation: The Pinkan berry has two uses which may be utilized for three purposes:
-When a move that alters energy usage is utilized against this Pokemon, its effect can be negated.
-The effects of the ability Pressure (or an environmental effect similar to Pressure) are negated against this Pokemon for one round.
-The "movespam" energy penalty is halved for two consecutive moves-not a full round. You may eat the entire berry and consume both uses to get 3 consecutive move uses at half penalty.
-These three effects cannot be combined-you may not negate Pressure and get two half-penalty consecutive moves on the same use.
Natural Gift: 8 Power, Steel.

...Any commentary on this idea?
Energy's Herb Shoppe

Introduction: There are three types of Herbs usable as items in ASB battling: Mental Herbs, Power Herbs, and White Herbs. The Herb Shoppe allows trainers to grow and "cure" their own herbs for use in battle for a small price.

Here, you can buy either prepared herbs for one point over their list price, or Herb Seeds for 2 Item Points which can be planted into an Herb Plant.

The Process

Herbs are grown very similarly as Berry plants, but there's a catch: all three Herbs are derived from the same initial plant species. The Herb Plant grows and matures after 2 days, and produces 2-4 leaves (random).

Each herb, however, gains its individual effects by the growing and curing process. Growing basically encompasses the number of times the plant is tended and watered, and curing is the process of drying the leaves so they become more potent and gain their effects. Here is a database for information on each herb.

Mental Herb

Description: A crisp, fresh leaf which has a flavor that helps snap the user's mind back into reality.

Item Cost: 2
Activation: When hit be Attract, Disable, Encore, Taunt, or Torment.

Requirements: Water: 6-7 times, each watering round only when soil is not saturated. Curing: 2-3 days.

Power Herb

Description: A somewhat potent herb with the right combinations of flavor and dryness which temporarily boosts the user's metabolism.

Item Cost: 2
Activation: When using a charging attack (Solarbeam/Sky Attack etc.)

Requirements: Water: 4-5 times, each watering round only when soil is not saturated. Curing: 4-5 days.

White Herb

Description: An extremely potent and dry leaf which immediately destroys any negative forces working on the user.

Item Cost: 2
Activation: When hit by a stat-down resulting from an attack (holder or opponent).

Requirements: Water: 2-3 times, each watering round only when soil is not saturated. Curing: 6+ days.

The Planting Process

Each trainer must buy a small plot of land for 15 Trainer Points. This land can hold up to 3 Herb Plants.

The soil will have 2 stages: dry and saturated. When the soil is dry it can be watered. When the soil is saturated, it cannot. Since Herbs are very hardy plants, the soil's dryness will have no effect on its growth rate, however, you should be able to get the right number of "waters" in before it flowers in 2 days (after which the leaves MUST be harvested or the plant dies). The soil changes from saturated to dry in 3 hours.

When the plant blooms, it must be harvested within 12 hours, or it will die and the leaves will be lost.

Anytime during the planting process, wild Pokemon or environmental hazards (rain, hail) can occur. Pokemon can be fought off in "mini-battles", usually just one or two attacks (Charmander, drive away that Wurmple with Ember!), by the trainer's own Pokemon, or else they may damage the plants. Alternatively, the player may build some kind of fence or moat to prevent these encounters, but these are risky and may backfire (fence falling and crushing plants, etc.).

The Curing Process

There is a second step to preparing herbs, which is to cure the leaves, otherwise, dry them. Curing takes much longer than the actual growth of the plant, the more potent the herb is to be, the longer the curing process would be.

Leaves are cured by stringing them onto a string and hanging it on a ceiling or similar. All trainers are allowed to use the communal curing rack, which can hold infinite plants. However, there is a 10% chance that at the end of curing, the leaves would be mixed up and you will receive somebody else's herb instead.

You can also buy a private curing rack for a mere 5 trainer points. It holds up to 10 leaves at a time. When a herb is done curing, it must be removed before the next interval of curing takes place (for example, if a Mental Herb is left on the rack for 24 hours after its 3rd day of curing, it becomes a Power Herb. However, there again is a catch. Since it probably has more "waters" than a Power Herb, the leaf would be ruined and useless).

Curing can be sped up by numerous Pokemon moves, namely Fire type attacks. However, there will be a chance that the leaf will be incinerated and destroyed, which increases with the power of the move. Absorb, Mega Drain, and Giga Drain can also be used to instantly finish curing, but will result in a weaker herb with one less use.

Imperfect Herbs

When the exact combination in "waters" and days of curing does not match any herb, the result, at the end of the curing process, is an Imperfect Herb. For example, if I water my herb plant 4 times (Power Herb) but cure it for only 2 days (Mental Herb), the result would be an Imperfect Herb. There really is nothing you can do with these but trash them, as they serve no purpose whatsoever.

The Role-Playing Part

Registration Desk:

Kept by OP and contains information about the whereabouts of each trainer's current herb status (curing: x days, growing, x days, etc.)

Entry Post:

The trainer posts what they want to buy (plot of land, curing rack, seeds, prepared herbs, etc.) or an action they want to perform (check on leaves on their curing rack).

The staff either sells whatever item the trainer wants to buy, or directs the trainer to his or her plot of land/curing rack.

Planting Post:

The trainer role-plays planting their herbs.

The staff points out any random items, dead plants, or wild Pokemon, as well as weather and environmental events.

The trainer can carry out the appropriate response (telling their Pokemon to guard the plants, engaging in a mini-battle, etc.)

Harvesting and Curing Post:

The trainer picks the leaves off of his/her herb plants after 48 hours. Then he/she states whether he/she will use the communal or a personal drying rack, which leaves to dry (label the leaves by number of waterings, ex. "I want to place two 4-leaves on the communal drying rack), and if any Pokemon will help the drying process.

The staff doesn't do much, except tell the trainer if any random events (leaves accidentally incinerated), happen.

Finishing Post:

The trainer removes any leaves off of the rack.

The staff tells the trainer whether the herb has been successfully prepared or if they screwed up and got an Imperfect Herb. The staff then gives the finished herbs to the trainer and posts a link in the OP.

This is just a concept and I'd like to know any problems or improvements. Just an interesting way of getting Herbs since we already have Berry planting as a concept.
I know this may be random, but I have a concern. It specifically revolves around the usage of Nature and habits of Pokemon to RP. In the games, for example, a Pokemon may have a Naughty nature and will sometimes have a description like "Loves thrashing about" or something along those lines. I was wondering if it is at all possible to begin to implement these a bit more in our battles. The reason for this is that it would add personality to the Pokemon who are fighting, giving them a reason not to obey moves, act pridefully, etc. I bring this up because a lot of battles that I have been in, the referees will either just list what the Pokemon's actions are (e.g. "Charmander starts the battle off by Scratching Mismagius" or something like that). By adding a bit of personality to the actual Pokemon (the player can decide how their Pokemon acts, or we could just have the approval team rng what kind of personality the player's Pokemon has), battles can become more interesting and more like the anime. This idea popped into my head when I was watching the DP Galactic Battle and I noticed that Piplup tended to act very pridefully whenever it fought, whereas in the recent Black/White anime, Oshawott tended to get frightened if fighting a Pokemon it knew it was at a disadvantage against. I know this is all just made for flavor, but adding this into the description for each Pokemon (for each person's registration post) could create some more of that RP feeling. Battles have been feeling very static, and adding more pre-battle flavor (to create more of a history between a trainer and his/her Pokemon) adds to the content of a battle making it more interesting.

Anyways, this was on my mind for a few days and I felt that I needed to make a comment on how battling has felt very concrete and not abstract enough. (I still enjoy battling, I just feel that a little more spice could make battles even more interesting)

If this is at all confusing, let me know, as I haven't thought of anything beyond using this for flavor and rp purposes.
I think you're onto something for sure, Acklow; but I would also say that you'd need to be cautious. When writing a Pokemon's nature, the ref or whoever would need to make sure that said nature doesn't utterly define the Pokemon. Say you have a guy with a Relaxed nature -- if he's getting low on HP, or if he's getting his ass handed to him, I think survival instincts would begin to overpower his 'nature'. Basically, you'd just need to look at what is happening to the Pokemon at any given moment, and see if it makes sense for that Pokemon's nature to color how they react. As a supporter for more roleplay in CAP ASB though, I like your line of thought on this.
Concept: Name Rater (Onomancer)

Category: Social / Misc.

Description: The Name Rater is exactly the same as the one present in cartridge games. Greeting you with "Hello, hello!", the Name Rater will offer to make your Pokemon's nickname even better than it is already, although you have to come up with the new one yourself. Even if you choose not to rename any of your Pokemon, he'll be quite happy, saying that it was much better than before.
I know this may be random, but I have a concern. It specifically revolves around the usage of Nature and habits of Pokemon to RP. In the games, for example, a Pokemon may have a Naughty nature and will sometimes have a description like "Loves thrashing about" or something along those lines. I was wondering if it is at all possible to begin to implement these a bit more in our battles. The reason for this is that it would add personality to the Pokemon who are fighting, giving them a reason not to obey moves, act pridefully, etc. I bring this up because a lot of battles that I have been in, the referees will either just list what the Pokemon's actions are (e.g. "Charmander starts the battle off by Scratching Mismagius" or something like that). By adding a bit of personality to the actual Pokemon (the player can decide how their Pokemon acts, or we could just have the approval team rng what kind of personality the player's Pokemon has), battles can become more interesting and more like the anime. This idea popped into my head when I was watching the DP Galactic Battle and I noticed that Piplup tended to act very pridefully whenever it fought, whereas in the recent Black/White anime, Oshawott tended to get frightened if fighting a Pokemon it knew it was at a disadvantage against. I know this is all just made for flavor, but adding this into the description for each Pokemon (for each person's registration post) could create some more of that RP feeling. Battles have been feeling very static, and adding more pre-battle flavor (to create more of a history between a trainer and his/her Pokemon) adds to the content of a battle making it more interesting.

Anyways, this was on my mind for a few days and I felt that I needed to make a comment on how battling has felt very concrete and not abstract enough. (I still enjoy battling, I just feel that a little more spice could make battles even more interesting)

If this is at all confusing, let me know, as I haven't thought of anything beyond using this for flavor and rp purposes.
I very much like this idea as well, as evidenced by the fact that I have already taken the liberty of adding a little 'Personality' section to each of my Pokemon's profiles prior to this. =w=

Another great example I remember was Ash's Charmeleon; it was all sweet and obedient when it was a Charmander, but evolving made it arrogant. Honestly, this is probably how I will RP my own Charmeleon when Charmander evolves up to that stage, and this is actually one of the main reasons that I chose Rash as his nature (which in battle is proving to be extremely disadvantageous Dx).

But yeah, apart from that, I'm not really sure how this will be implemented. In a lot of the more interesting battles I've read the refs supply the personality, which I really appreciate.... I do think the battlers should have some control over the Pokemon's personality-based actions in battle, however, since a battler's post consists of the trainer's thoughts, actions, and orders, I'm not sure how this will work. I suppose it's up to the ref to study the personalities and use them if desired?
Any feedback on the Herb Shoppe? D:

Anyways, I really like Acklow's idea, it may give a new meaning to natures altogether. I'm not sure if it could be just for flavor, or if we would go as far as giving each nature an in-battle effect (for example, maybe a Pokemon with a Naughty nature can extend Taunt and Torment to 7 actions instead of 6, or a Pokemon with Calm nature will have a 5-10% chance of being unaffected by Swagger or Taunt.)
I think that the Herb Shop is a pretty nice idea. It's always good to have shops that specialize in produce! :)
Legendary Events!

In the cartridge game, every one has a chance to catch a legendary pokemon. But in ASB, you cant catch legendaries at all. How cool would it to be the person who has THE Rayqauza? or THE Arceus?

The Idea:
Once a month (witht he permission of the high ups, whoever they may be) a player would start a quest-line in which they search for the Legendary pokemon. The players (they would register beforehand) would have to solve riddles, use their pokemons skills, draw art, and other wise do REAL things, in-game, that put them ahead of the other players. They wouldn't be told which legendary they're all vying for, so the element of "getting the good one" would be out. At the end of the month, the person who completed the most tasks would earn the right to collect their Pokemon! The Pokemon would be rightfully theirs, but theyd have to claim it with Trainer Points!

Even if the Pokemon are way too OP for normal gameplay, how awesome would it be to have the one and ONLY Legendary?
Legendary Events!

In the cartridge game, every one has a chance to catch a legendary pokemon. But in ASB, you cant catch legendaries at all. How cool would it to be the person who has THE Rayqauza? or THE Arceus?

The Idea:
Once a month (witht he permission of the high ups, whoever they may be) a player would start a quest-line in which they search for the Legendary pokemon. The players (they would register beforehand) would have to solve riddles, use their pokemons skills, draw art, and other wise do REAL things, in-game, that put them ahead of the other players. They wouldn't be told which legendary they're all vying for, so the element of "getting the good one" would be out. At the end of the month, the person who completed the most tasks would earn the right to collect their Pokemon! The Pokemon would be rightfully theirs, but theyd have to claim it with Trainer Points!

Even if the Pokemon are way too OP for normal gameplay, how awesome would it be to have the one and ONLY Legendary?

...Possibly a good method of introducing legendaries-although that MIGHT take up resources. (Having a "boss battle" versus the legend might be useful as well) It would be interesting to see this-except with some legendaries being multiple. (It's confirmed that multiple Lugia exist.)

Any feedback on the vitamin store?
The main issue with that is it gives an overwhelming advantage to older players. Most legendaries aren't multiple in number.
I agree with DW. Having limited legendaries gives older and more experienced players and edge, plus it also means that there is a smaller amount of satisfaction for other players. They'll see someone with an Entei or Zekrom (etc.), and realize that, they too, really wanted one. I think that if we really wanted to solve this kind of problem, we could implement a given amount of time that a legendary can join up with a trainer. Although a different from the Anime, the Manga does show that Pokemon will team up with a trainer for a set amount of time as long as the partnership is mutual (benefiting both parties). So what I propose is that we use a similar process (as a legendary event, perhaps in RP form) that Orkonaut provided, but instead of saying, "This is my Pokemon (i.e. legend) and no one else is able to have a copy of it", we say, "this Pokemon really respects so-and-so, and they get to partner up with this Pokemon for a week" or something like that.

This is similar to the Legendary Events idea, but less overpowered and more related to battling

: Tournaments with Prizes

Category: Battle


Theses will be tournaments that happen every now and then to give out special prizes. These tournaments will include battling and other things and the winner will get a special pokemon w/ special moves. There will be very special rules for the matches such as mono-type tourneys (interesting way of making people train new pokemon.) The final could be something like a huge melee o.O

To enter the tourney you would have to be able to do some non battling related stuff. don't hace any ideas now but maybe some puzzles. perhaps to get into the tourney you have to have a fully evolved x requiring people to get battles done quickly and succesfully
I think this idea is very, very broad. We've already seen ideas like the Battle Subway and the Dojo. Would you mind making this more unique? I think something that can grab the attention of other players would make more sense, as this is yet to broad and you don't even know for certain how things will work out...

Just letting you know.
I agree with DW. Having limited legendaries gives older and more experienced players and edge, plus it also means that there is a smaller amount of satisfaction for other players. They'll see someone with an Entei or Zekrom (etc.), and realize that, they too, really wanted one. I think that if we really wanted to solve this kind of problem, we could implement a given amount of time that a legendary can join up with a trainer. Although a different from the Anime, the Manga does show that Pokemon will team up with a trainer for a set amount of time as long as the partnership is mutual (benefiting both parties). So what I propose is that we use a similar process (as a legendary event, perhaps in RP form) that Orkonaut provided, but instead of saying, "This is my Pokemon (i.e. legend) and no one else is able to have a copy of it", we say, "this Pokemon really respects so-and-so, and they get to partner up with this Pokemon for a week" or something like that.

I would have suggested a certain number of restrictions on the usage of Legendary Pokemon, similar to how the rarer and stronger legends are banned from in-game competitions like the Battle Tower/Subway, etc. In the case of ASB, perhaps it's the case that Legends are only usable against other Legends, so as to balance that out a bit. The possible problem with that is that Legendaries become less battle assets and more like trophies, though I personally would be okay with having a trophy legend. :P The fact that they don't see battle as much could be compensated for with access to more of a legend's movepool, IE, entire level-up movepool and anywhere from 5-8 or so starting TMs.
Not proposing to actually run this, just seeing if people think it sounds like a good idea:

Pokémon Rental

Always wanted to battle with a Gyarados but never had the patience to train up a Magikarp? Need a particular Pokémon to prop up a weakness your team will face in a speicific arena? Want to get experience for your Pokémon without having to battle? Then this is for you!

The basic idea would be one of two schemes. Firstly, the Pokémon Rental owns a number of decently evolved/movesetted Pokémon that can be rented out to customers for use in battles. Since they're not your Pokémon, and counters they win stay with them and aren't used by the battler; but it gives you an opportunity to try out various Pokémon without having to save up and buy then evolve them.
Secondly, people could make some of their own trained Pokémon available to be rented. The rentee would get to use someone else's Pokémon as before, and the renter would have the advantage of their Pokémon earning counters for battling, without having to battle with them themselves.

Possibly there could also be some mechanic where using Pokémon that don't belong to you results in them disobeying orders occasionally, similar to trying to use an overlelevelled trade Pokémon in the games, until you have enough gym badges/match experience.

So, does it sound workable? And I don't know if there'd need to be a fee for renting, and if so how much it would be...
Concept: Event Pokemon

Category: Shop

Description: Y'know how, say, you can't get Zigzagoon with Extremespeed or Chansey with Wish?


Every month, a special event pokemon is put up for sale, for X TCs more than the standard price.

And you can buy it.

So yeah.
Concept: Event Pokemon

Category: Shop

Description: Y'know how, say, you can't get Zigzagoon with Extremespeed or Chansey with Wish?


Every month, a special event pokemon is put up for sale, for X TCs more than the standard price.

And you can buy it.

So yeah.
I was thinking about this the other day, except it was an auction instead of a shop, so only one of these Pokemon would be sold, making it even more special. Also, a month seems a bit too long (ASB has been running for ~6 weeks and it seems like a long time), so maybe two weeks?
I was thinking about this the other day, except it was an auction instead of a shop, so only one of these Pokemon would be sold, making it even more special. Also, a month seems a bit too long (ASB has been running for ~6 weeks and it seems like a long time), so maybe two weeks?

Good plan.

...although I think one is a bit much. (Unmuch?) Howsabout three?

...How about we just make event moves 5 move counters?

Because that's not fun!
Aren't event moves already four counters? From the Data Audit thread:

Move Counter: Each time a Pokemon enters battle, their Move Counter goes up by one. Move Counters are used to add new moves to your Pokemon. Here are the costs associated with Move Counters:

1: Any Level-Up Move the Pokemon or any of its previous less evolved forms learns in any generation.
2: A BW TM.
3: An Egg Move the Pokemon learns in any generation.
4: A 4th Gen or earlier TM, Tutor, or Special Move.

The "Special Moves" mentioned are the event moves, right?
I have no idea where you got that from, because MY data audit thread doesn't say that. :/

Evolution Counter (EC): Each time a Pokemon enters battle, their Evolution Counter goes up by one. For Three Stage Pokemon, they can evolve to their second form once their Evolution Counter reaches three, and then their final evolution when it reaches six. For Two Stage Pokemon, They can evolve to their higher form once their Evolution Counter reaches four. Non-evolving Pokemon do not have Evolution Counters.

Move Counter(MC): Each time a Pokemon enters battle, their Move Counter goes up by one. Move Counters are used to add new moves to your Pokemon. Here are the costs associated with Move Counters:

1: Any Level-Up Move the Pokemon or any of its previous less evolved forms learns in any generation.
2: A BW TM.
3: An Egg Move the Pokemon learns in any generation.
4: A 4th Gen or earlier TM or Tutor Move.

Dream Counter (DC): Each Pokemon's Dream World Ability is sealed to start Each time a Pokemon enters battle, its Dream Counter goes up by one. Once they have reached 5, they may voluntarily unlock their Dream World ability. If a Pokemon has no Dream World Ability or has already unlocked it, no extra points can be distributed. Once a Dream World ability is unlocked, it will be unlocked even if the Pokemon evolves.
Yet another idea that I have:

Concept: Pokemon Olympics

Category: Miscellaneous

Description: Basically minigames for your Pokemon to compete in. For example, one of them could be a short sprint. The sprint would have major emphasis on your speed stat, and you could issue actions such as "Nitro Charge <Noun> to boost yourself" or "Thunder Wave opponent X to slow him/her down". Another one could be a jump roping competition, with minor emphasis on Sp.A and Sp.D (timing) as well as HP (stamina). This isn't too well fleshed out as of now, but there are a few more ideas I have about this.
