Role Playing Approval Center (Update 5-12-13)

I like this. The only issue I see with this is if a Pokemon has better stats in certain areas than others. I feel that it would be easier to use the Star system in order to determine these things. Items could be used in order to better certain stats. But I don't really feel like writing a whole ton on this...
Not proposing to actually run this, just seeing if people think it sounds like a good idea:

Pokémon Rental

Always wanted to battle with a Gyarados but never had the patience to train up a Magikarp? Need a particular Pokémon to prop up a weakness your team will face in a speicific arena? Want to get experience for your Pokémon without having to battle? Then this is for you!

The basic idea would be one of two schemes. Firstly, the Pokémon Rental owns a number of decently evolved/movesetted Pokémon that can be rented out to customers for use in battles. Since they're not your Pokémon, and counters they win stay with them and aren't used by the battler; but it gives you an opportunity to try out various Pokémon without having to save up and buy then evolve them.
Secondly, people could make some of their own trained Pokémon available to be rented. The rentee would get to use someone else's Pokémon as before, and the renter would have the advantage of their Pokémon earning counters for battling, without having to battle with them themselves.

Possibly there could also be some mechanic where using Pokémon that don't belong to you results in them disobeying orders occasionally, similar to trying to use an overlelevelled trade Pokémon in the games, until you have enough gym badges/match experience.

So, does it sound workable? And I don't know if there'd need to be a fee for renting, and if so how much it would be...

This would be an interesting idea. What we could even do is something that happened in an anime episode. People were battling using the pokemon that belonged to other people battling in the tournament. this could also work in a Battle Factory kind of way.

Concept: Event Pokemon

Category: Shop

Description: Y'know how, say, you can't get Zigzagoon with Extremespeed or Chansey with Wish?


Every month, a special event pokemon is put up for sale, for X TCs more than the standard price.

And you can buy it.

So yeah.

I think this idea can become "Special Pokemon" such as being shiny (officially) or having special moves (making our own event moves) or special abilities. We could give Special Pokemon to people who win tournaments or people who ref a lot and ref well.

Yet another idea that I have:

Concept: Pokemon Olympics

Category: Miscellaneous

Description: Basically minigames for your Pokemon to compete in. For example, one of them could be a short sprint. The sprint would have major emphasis on your speed stat, and you could issue actions such as "Nitro Charge <Noun> to boost yourself" or "Thunder Wave opponent X to slow him/her down". Another one could be a jump roping competition, with minor emphasis on Sp.A and Sp.D (timing) as well as HP (stamina). This isn't too well fleshed out as of now, but there are a few more ideas I have about this.


it would not have the same effect on a forum. it just wont :/
I don't think that giving "Special Pokemon" out to a legit few is actually worthwhile. Albeit, you are rewarding the more active, wouldn't it make just as much sense to actually SELL the Event Pokemon, since BUYING requires battling and reffing? I think just handing out 'mons to people who win tournaments or well respected refs is a bit biased. Not to mention, this is a Shop idea, and therefore the person owning the shop would gain a bit of money based on the amount of people who purchase the event 'mon. I think that if Darkamber wanted to, I think that it would make more sense to expand on how this could actually be used in role playing. Just making a shop generates a less-creative atmosphere unless you involve the role playing that this thread is looking for.
well, the two ideas could be run side by side. someone could sell event pokemon and some could also be given out like I said. i just think that rewarding people who contribute to ASB would be really cool and it would encourage people to do so. It would be a creative way to reward people.

btw, how would people be able to sell pokemon. they would need to get the pokemon first

Perhaps we could make two options: buy for maaaaany tcs, or, like, spend a tc to send out an existing pokemon they already have to battle 1v1 vs "training masters," and once the battle's done, they spontaneously learn the move a la pikachu volt tackle? And possibly get counters?
I guess that the second idea could work. We discussed this on IRC. The biggest problem we all agreed on was the fact that you really can't quantify the Pokemon. Since at this point in stage, all Pokemon that people have are coming from an endless pool of Pokemon, there really isn't any point in selling Pokemon at this point in time. The only way we could limit this would be A)the owner, obviously racks up enough TC to purchase the 'mons necessary to sell for the event (they'd have special permission to "breed" the Pokemon as event 'mons) OR B)We go for you're second idea and let people "Copy" the event move to their 'mon. However, I think that in the case of the event 'mon, the restriction would be the same Nature, since most event 'mons have a specific Nature attributed to them.
Concept: MK's Exchange Bureau
Category: Counter Exchange
Description: Ref Counters can be Exchanged for Trainer Counters or vice versa, at a rate deemed appropriate. Something like 2 TC = 1 RC would seem good to me. As the purveyor of this wonderful attraction I would take a slight comission per transaction.
I have an idea which i will post in a while, but i need to iron out a few things first.

No Contest proposal yet? I think it would be a great idea! Monthly contests would be great, espescially done like in the anime with appeal and then battle rounds.
OK, so I never got a good handle on this. I never really even got a form together.

So I'll go out on a limb and take a risk here.

DarkSlay's Dojo is approved.

Set up an OP, we'll handle issues as they come.

Acklow's Berry Pies is also approved.

I want to see how this pans out. Feel free to offer all kinds of berries. Just try and prorate the more "valuable" ones if you can.
Well, time for my proposal.

The Battle Factory

In this place, you will battle with rental Pokemon. This gives players a chance to use Pokemon that they don't actually obtain, although they won't get to choose.


There may only be three challengers to the factory at a time. This may change based on level of activity. Any given player may challenge the factory once a week. A challenge lasts until a player wins three consecutive battles and the subsequent battle with the Factory Head.

Battles and Rental Pokemon

There will be a pool of around 30 rental Pokemon for the factory. These Pokemon will be fairly standard and not have fixed, but not huge, movepools, natures, and abilities. At the start of a challenge, a challenger will get a random selection of six Pokemon to choose from, of which they will choose two. They will then battle three trainers consecutively, each with two random rental Pokemon. I and possibly some other helpers will play for those challengers, and the battles will be reffed by several rotating refs. After each battle, the challenger will have the option to trade one of their Pokemon for one of their opponent's Pokemon. After three battles, the challenger will battle the Factory Head. The Factory Head will be allowed to use a non-random team of their choosing, selected from all the rental Pokemon the factory has to offer.

Battle Rules

Format: Singles
Pokemon: 2v2
DQ: 1 day
Switch: KO
Abilities: One
Items: OK
Recovery: Unlimited
Chills: 0

Arena: Factory

An large room in an abandoned factory. Conveyor belts surround the room, and generators are scattered around it. There is no diggable soil and weather cannot be brought to the room.


You will receive 2 TC for beating each opponent before the Factory Head. Defeating the Factory Head earns you 4 freely distributable tokens.
I'd also help draft some Pokemon as well as ref, given that this starts after I come back. Two minor things, though:
At the start of a challenge, a challenger will get a random selection of six Pokemon to choose from, of which they will choose two. They will then battle three trainers consecutively, each with three random rental Pokemon.
So... 2v3?

The second thing is that there needs to be a queue for people waiting to play in the Factory. Also, it might be helpful to have other people be the people that fight challengers instead of just one person. Again, I'd do that.
A few more things:

Vitamin Shop:

Nothing should be affecting base stats at this point. ASB is steroid free!

Exchange Bureau:

This is insider trading, not a good business practice. The "currency" system is admittedly a bit unwieldy but an exchange bureau doesn't help.

Event Pokemon: Unnecessary, as Pokemon can get Event Moves through MC.

Pokemon Rental:

For now I'll say no to this. With the RPs being set up there will be more active rental systems to use.


Eventually we will set up a formal system with this. I know people hate it, but it's a work in progress.

Now, Businesses:

Darkamber's Mine N' Forge

We have a bunch of legal items you can use for this, try and do it based on the quality of the RPs if you can. If you want to introduce new ones, Dusk is working on a lot of that for the Battle Subway. Approved.

Battle Subway:

I've seen the PM with the items, a few things need to be worked out but the model looks good to start with. Approved.

Hazy Maze Cave:

This is a lot like a Safari Zone. If there were a more concrete list of areas and Pokemon in them rather than it being kind of random it could move forward, it's a bit too vague for now. Not approved.

Battle Factory:

We need a good draft for the Pokemon, but once there's a list and there's not a few rentals that are obviously kickass (like some broken Aggron/Dusknoir combo or something) it should work. t's Approved as a concept, but close it up until you can get that rental list going. I can contribute a few mons as well.
Concept: The Safari Zone

Category: Safari Zone (idk what to put here)

Bio: The Safari Zone, a place to obtain pokemon and gather items.

Description: Like in the games, the Safari Zone will be a place for pokemon to travel and catch pokemon. Pokemon can also find items while walking along. Entering the Safari zone has a fixed cost and a cost that is based of the items and pokemon found. While walking around, trainers will randomly encounter pokemon and randomly find items. The Safari Zone in which the trainer appears will be random, or it can chosen if an extra TC is payed. The Safari Zone involves one pokemon that goes with a few Safari Balls to catch pokemon. if some people want to buy special balls(balls that aren't Safari Balls) to catch pokemon in the we offer those also. The Safari Zone involves battling pokemon that generally start with 50 HP/50 Energy. Conserving your health in the Safari Zone is important becuase if you die, you lose everything. At the end, which will be after a certain amount of days, you will get to choose two pokemon max and two items to take with you. You then post in the Approval thread your pokemon, and it will cost 0 TC because you already payed to the Safari Zone thread. I may also try and create a new Gen 5 Safari Zone. Btw this is sort of like a Safari Zone: While in the Safari Zone, people will post paths/actions and staff memeber of the Safari zone will min-ref reply to them. Overall, the Safari Zone is a great place to get pokemon and try unique strategies that would be helpful while catching pokemon.

I want to start by saying, please do not shoot down this idea becuase of a number or equation you disagree with. Instead tell me why it is wrong, and how I should fix it. I am willing to change it if what you say is reasonable.

Fixed Cost: 2 TC

Variable Cost: Total cost of items / 2

Chance of a pokemon appearing: 30%-50% based on the situation

The pokemon that actually does appear will be based off the in-game Safari Zone percentages.

Chance of item being found: 20%-40% based on situation

Max participants: 8-12?

Staff Members: Me, 2-3 others who i will hire

Ball prices: 1 TC for 6 Pokeballs of any type

That's my idea so far and hopefully this can slowly be implemented and improved :)
Concept: The NFE center

Category: Trainning facility

Bio: The Not-Fully-Evolved Pokemon Center

Description: A place where Not fully evolved pokemons can come to improve their stats, this is NOT a place to gain Evolution Counters, is thpolar opposite, is a place where pokemons that already have their Ev. counters in the 4/9, 6/9 or 9/9 can come to increase their base stats as of those of their evolved forms without evolving, why? just like pikachu, many pokes (and their trainers) like their pokes the way they are, for example, i love wooper, but i don't like quagsire, i like poliwhirl but not poliwag, hell, they maybe people that like feebas over milotic and whant to keep them that way, this is a place where people can have a terribly cute mienfoo with the stats of mienshao, because they have gotten enough experience because of battling that it would realisticly have the attack of a martial master without the necesity to turn itself into a large, and kind of uglier mustelid, this lets smaller and unevolved pokes to be as powerfull as their evolved forms, being able to learn most o the attacks of it's big brothers/sisters (altough keeping them realistic, bagon will never learn Fly, and magikarp won't learn Dragon Dance) this is to let them shine and to keep it a little Anime similar in where evolving sometimes does not reflect the real power of the pokemon (how Pikachu is as strong as any Raichu and riolu can use Aura sphere), this could be "nerfed" if eviolite is planning to be entered in a future with them keeping the HP of the unevolved form or reducing their speed because the fact they evolve is what gives them that or something like that, and there would be a list of the pokes that have "evolved" their stats so that people doesn't try to take advantage of the system, and the pokemons should at least battle a minimum amount of times (posibly half their ev. counter (rounded up), like the ones that need 9 ev. counters, you need to have 5 battles) or to gain a battle with the main master (or with an evolved version of himself) to prove it's power

What stays the same?
- Pokemon current form
- Nature
- Abilities (From the current form)
- Height and Weight (or at least near the original value)
- Ev. Counter should still be enough to actually evolve
- Moves have the same cost as if they were evolved (and most of the mosves he would otherwise learn if he had evolved are available)

What Changes (if they remain the same form)?
- Movepool (with some moves still being unable to being learn)
- Stats (The stats change to those of the evolved form)
- They don't have access to the evolved form abilities

This would also increse the number of strategies since typing and abilities would become incresingly important, since stuff like shed skin dragonair would be great, but he would have to trade the fighting ressistance and ground immunity for rock neutrality and elec. ressistance, and woudn't have access to most Flying attacks nor STAB, i think it's a fair trade, or how Hydreigon is an special attacker but it's pre-evolution (Zweilous) is a physical attacker with hustle, and many pokes could benefit in this way (even if they don't gain a lot it would aesthetically please many people that like their pokes more in their unevolved form

PS: in an unrelated note, could you please give flareon flare blitz?
Concept: The NFE center

Category: Trainning facility

Bio: The Not-Fully-Evolved Pokemon Center

Description: A place where Not fully evolved pokemons can come to improve their stats, this is NOT a place to gain Evolution Counters, is thpolar opposite, is a place where pokemons that already have their Ev. counters in the 4/9, 6/9 or 9/9 can come to increase their base stats as of those of their evolved forms without evolving, why? just like pikachu, many pokes (and their trainers) like their pokes the way they are, for example, i love wooper, but i don't like quagsire, i like poliwhirl but not poliwag, hell, they maybe people that like feebas over milotic and whant to keep them that way, this is a place where people can have a terribly cute mienfoo with the stats of mienshao, because they have gotten enough experience because of battling that it would realisticly have the attack of a martial master without the necesity to turn itself into a large, and kind of uglier mustelid, this lets smaller and unevolved pokes to be as powerfull as their evolved forms, being able to learn most o the attacks of it's big brothers/sisters (altough keeping them realistic, bagon will never learn Fly, and magikarp won't learn Dragon Dance) this is to let them shine and to keep it a little Anime similar in where evolving sometimes does not reflect the real power of the pokemon (how Pikachu is as strong as any Raichu and riolu can use Aura sphere), this could be "nerfed" if eviolite is planning to be entered in a future with them keeping the HP of the unevolved form or something like that, and there would be a list of the pokes that have "evolved" their stats so that people doesn't try to take advantage of the system

What stays the same?
- Pokemon current form
- Nature
- Abilities (From the current form)
- Height and Weight (or at least near the original value)
- Ev. Counter should still be enough to actually evolve
- Moves have the same cost as if they were evolved (and most of the mosves he would otherwise learn if he had evolved are available)

What Changes (if they remain the same form)?
- Movepool (with some moves still being unable to being learn)
- Stats (The stats change to those of the evolved form)
- They don't have access to the evolved form abilities

One thing which bugs me about this is how this system allow people to power up their Pokémon without even making them play a single battle. While evolutions actually require the Pokémon to play at least a battle, this facility would allow trainers to have basically full-evolved Pokémon without ever "risking" them in-battle. I don't think that's a good thing.

EDIT: And no, Flareon is not getting Flare Blitz anytime soon
no that's not the point, to actually get them in you should already took the time to battle since they have to have their ev. counters into 4/9, 6/6 and 9/9, so you would already be able to evolve, you just choose not to do so, without loosing the power increase
no that's not the point, to actually get them in you should already took the time to battle since they have to have their ev. counters into 4/9, 6/6 and 9/9, so you would already be able to evolve, you just choose not to do so, without loosing the power increase

But it's possible for a pokemon to get to 4/9, 6/6 and 9/9 solely on ref counters. You will need to add the rule that the pokemon must have been in at least one battle.
ok, i changed a little the rules for entrance so you have to at least have a few battles before getting in:

the pokemons should at least battle a minimum amount of times (posibly half their ev. counter (rounded up), like the ones that need 9 ev. counters, you need to have 5 battles) or to gain a battle with the main master (or with an evolved version of himself) to prove it's power
Borrowing R_D's format for the Battle Subway post

ASB Raid Zone


The ASB Raid Zone is a place where two (maybe even three) people can join up to face particularly strong challenges, involving powerful Pokémon and even legendaries. The trainers would not be able to catch them - the goal is to knock out the opponent before being wiped out!

User Interaction

  • I can hold up to four challenges at the same time (which should make up for 8 to 12 players involved). Unless something happens, my level of activity should allow this rate
  • If can only enter one challenge at a time. I will give priority to people who entered the Raid Zone the least amount of times.
  • Challenging the Raid Zone takes up a slot of your allowed simultaneous battles.
  • There will be a list of available raids, each one with an associated degree of difficulty (For example, the list could include: Viridian Forest (Dif. 1), Seafoam Islands (Dif. 2) and Stark Mountain (Dif. 3). These are just examples, actual raids will be much more creative and detailed)
  • People will have to sign up, telling which raid are they interested in (only one preference is allowed). Then, I'll team up people with the same preferences randomly (in teams of 2 or 3 people, depending on the raid). Alternatively, people can sign up as a premade tag team, in which case they will be allowed to enter the challenge together
Battle Details

  • I will be the referee for this matches. Hopefully I can be trusted - a lot of people had me as a referee, I think I always behaved well.
  • Each raid will see people squaring off against several encounters (from 1 to 3). They will be allowed to heal their Pokémon between fights.
  • Challenges will involve existing Pokémon, but their stats will be buffed up to make them more challenging. Expect tougher raid bosses to require a 4v4 multibattle team with 2 people or even a 6v6 multibattle team with 3 people to be brought down.
  • When people are deemed eligible for the challenge, they'll send me a PM with the two Pokémon they want to use. They will have to use those two for the entire challenge.
Battle Format:

  • Pokémon: 4v4 Doubles or 6v6 Triples
  • DQ Time: 1 day
  • Switch: OK (for the challengers only)
  • Abilities: 1
  • Items: OK
  • Recovery: Unlimited (people are expected to use recovery moves in most battles if they want to survive the ordeal)
  • Chills: 5
  • Arenas will vary a lot depending on each raid, but they will always have unique features which will require people to think outside the box in order to win
  • Beware that, depending on the kind of arena, some restrictions on moves and other things could be enforced.
  • Arenas will be known beforehand by the players, since they will be included in the descriptions of the raids
  • Defeating a raid boss for the first time will award 2 Trainer Counters.
  • Each raid boss also awards a certain number of Valor Counters (VC), based on its difficulty. Note that you cannot use Referee Counters and similar currencies to raise your VC score.
  • The VC will be used for buying raid-oriented stuff. This list will include raid-only moves, held items or consumables. Note that neither moves nor held items will generally be attacking moves of some sort (besides the fact they can't be used outside raids). Instead, they will grant raid-oriented secondary effects which would otherwise be unaccessible.


There it is. Hopefully people will find it interesting due to the completely different kind of challenges they will face compared to standard battles. If you have any critique, want some clarifying or want me to post examples of something, let me know!
Sorry for the double post, but I did not want to include the following stuff in the post of my proposal.

Since some people on #irc asked me to make a more concrete example, here it is:

Sky Pillar

<artwork to be placed here>


Sailors speak of a mysterious, sky-high tower far to the north-east of Pacifidlog Town, a place only known as the Sky Pillar. No one knows what wonders - and what horrors - lies within its unpeachable walls. However, many fishers of the little town, when they spend the night at the table of a rusty tavern, often babble about a giant flying creature which crosses Pacifidlog's skies every now and then. Are the stories about this mythical beast only the results of legends and alcohol-induced stupor, or is there really something which awaits only the bravest of trainers?


Sky Pillar is a pretty difficult raid (note: I still have to figure out the actual difficulty scale, when I'll do I'll assign a level to each raid) for two trainers. They will have to venture through the tower, facing a couple of random encounters (often consisting of two to three enemies) until they reach the mighty Rayquaza, the legendary dragon who lives on the top of the tower. Rayquaza will have the following modified stats:


HP 500
Atk ***** (+3)
Def ****
SpA ***** (+3)
SpD ****
Spe 95
Rayquaza also knows all the moves he can learn from gen 3 to gen 5.

The arena is a rather damaged, battered floor with several rocks around. The tricky part is that the rarefied air often creates "void zones", really unstable. Every now and then, Rayquaza will cause one of them to blow up, stunning all the surrounding Pokémon and dealing moderate damage.


This is a rough draft of what a raid encounter may look like. I made this on a whim, so it's kinda simple and straightforward, but some of the raid encounters will really surprise you^^​
Reminds me a bit of Monster Hunter Tri.

Looks damn cool.

How does the VP system work? Everyone gets tokens? Everyone still alive gets tokens? This was a triumph... Does the guy who lands the final blow get more tokens?

That would be cool too.
Zarator, that's cool... But I do feel that 500 HP is... Slightly much. Then again, we'll probably be going at him with full squads. However, I really, really like this idea, and would be delighted to take part in it.
...Good thing I have lots and lots of Ice-types.

*begins hatching "Operation Leeroy Jenkins."*

I like the idea.

Lol at the white part, quoted for everyone to read^^

Reminds me a bit of Monster Hunter Tri.

Looks damn cool.

How does the VP system work? Everyone gets tokens? Everyone still alive gets tokens? This was a triumph... Does the guy who lands the final blow get more tokens?

That would be cool too.

Well, I assume that, in a PvE contest (Player versus Enemy), rewarding only surviving mons would be kinda unfair, since sacrifices are part of the strategy, and the stats of the boss are made so that, if you go 4v4, your front line will be dead long before the encounter ends :-) otherwise where would be the challenge?

My idea was that VPs would function akin to TC and RC - they are accounted on the trainer, not the single Pokémon. And the amount you get is based only on the boss you bring down. For example, Rayquaza could be worth 6, while an easier boss could be worth 4 and a harder
one would be worth 8 (just throwing random numbers out of here)

Zarator, that's cool... But I do feel that 500 HP is... Slightly much. Then again, we'll probably be going at him with full squads. However, I really, really like this idea, and would be delighted to take part in it.

If you think that you're attacking twice as frequently as him (since it's a 2 people tag team) and that, since you know long before that you're gonna face Rayquaza, you'll load up on Ice-type moves, 500 HP is even low. I didn't raise it more because I didn't want to cause uproars, but if you think about it, probably making it like 600 or even 700 would probably be more appropriate (just saying, I'll test more seriously in the following days).

Thanks for the positive feedback guys, I didn't think it could actually find such approval :-)