Concept: The NFE center
Category: Trainning facility
Bio: The Not-Fully-Evolved Pokemon Center
Description: A place where Not fully evolved pokemons can come to improve their stats, this is NOT a place to gain Evolution Counters, is thpolar opposite, is a place where pokemons that already have their Ev. counters in the 4/9, 6/9 or 9/9 can come to increase their base stats as of those of their evolved forms without evolving, why? just like pikachu, many pokes (and their trainers) like their pokes the way they are, for example, i love wooper, but i don't like quagsire, i like poliwhirl but not poliwag, hell, they maybe people that like feebas over milotic and whant to keep them that way, this is a place where people can have a terribly cute mienfoo with the stats of mienshao, because they have gotten enough experience because of battling that it would realisticly have the attack of a martial master without the necesity to turn itself into a large, and kind of uglier mustelid, this lets smaller and unevolved pokes to be as powerfull as their evolved forms, being able to learn most o the attacks of it's big brothers/sisters (altough keeping them realistic, bagon will never learn Fly, and magikarp won't learn Dragon Dance) this is to let them shine and to keep it a little Anime similar in where evolving sometimes does not reflect the real power of the pokemon (how Pikachu is as strong as any Raichu and riolu can use Aura sphere), this could be "nerfed" if eviolite is planning to be entered in a future with them keeping the HP of the unevolved form or reducing their speed because the fact they evolve is what gives them that or something like that, and there would be a list of the pokes that have "evolved" their stats so that people doesn't try to take advantage of the system,
and the pokemons should at least battle a minimum amount of times (posibly half their ev. counter (rounded up), like the ones that need 9 ev. counters, you need to have 5 battles) or to gain a battle with the main master (or with an evolved version of himself) to prove it's power
What stays the same?
- Pokemon current form
- Nature
- Abilities (From the current form)
- Height and Weight (or at least near the original value)
- Ev. Counter should still be enough to actually evolve
- Moves have the same cost as if they were evolved (and most of the mosves he would otherwise learn if he had evolved are available)
What Changes (if they remain the same form)?
- Movepool (with some moves still being unable to being learn)
- Stats (The stats change to those of the evolved form)
- They don't have access to the evolved form abilities
This would also increse the number of strategies since typing and abilities would become incresingly important, since stuff like shed skin dragonair would be great, but he would have to trade the fighting ressistance and ground immunity for rock neutrality and elec. ressistance, and woudn't have access to most Flying attacks nor STAB, i think it's a fair trade, or how Hydreigon is an special attacker but it's pre-evolution (Zweilous) is a physical attacker with hustle, and many pokes could benefit in this way (even if they don't gain a lot it would aesthetically please many people that like their pokes more in their unevolved form
PS: in an unrelated note, could you please give flareon flare blitz?