Scavengers Ladder Cycles

Hosting a Jump Pick Team Scavs Official on Sunday, June 28th at 4:00 PM EDT (GMT-4)!
Thank you to Pants and celesteeal for the QCs!

1st place: TurtalKatThing [01:30].
2nd place: aQrator [01:35].
3rd place: scoobydoobydrew [01:49].
Consolation Prize: 111ace111 [01:52], cheese555 [02:08], shatterene [02:22], Devoxys [02:23], Mike the Entei [03:34], An_Azurill ⌐◼_◼ [03:39]

1) In the anime episode where Mega Audino debuts, a foreign language dub mistranslated this move. [Take Down]
2) In SwSh, the non-fully evolved Pokemon that learns Take Down the latest by level-up learns this move upon being evolved into. [Dragon Pulse]
3) Dragapult is weak to at least one the STABs of every pseudo-legendary except for one. Name the Pokemon that Pokemon is not evolutionary related to, but has the same abilities as. [Registeel]

Teams (captains underlined):
scav a nice day - turtalkatthing, heroictobias
port - aqrator, miketheentei
meteorite - 111ace111, devoxys
Chicken Salad with Blue Cheese Apple and Frisée - cheese555, applinbaby
#764.comfey - shatterene, anazurill
Pls Join My Team - profsapling, coolrom122 (joined late)

1st place: scav a nice day [14:48].
2nd place: Chicken Salad with Blue Cheese Apple and Frisée [15:03].
3rd place: meteorite [17:23].
Consolation Prize: port [01:00:51], #764.comfey [01:07:42], Pls Join My Team [01:45:41]

1) 1A: A doll of this Pokemon requires two types of Berries to be obtained in a certain generation. 1B: This item debuted in Generation 4, but was not obtainable until Generation 5. [Piplup + Magma Stone]
2) 2A: In Adventures, a Pokemon that appears in a commercial shares its name with this anime character. 2B: A NPC that appears in a game demo claims to be one member out of four that help lost trainers in this city. (exclude city) [Alain + Mauville]
3) 3A: The Warlord that requires the most other Warlords to become Rank II has a Perfect Link with a fully-evolved Pokemon. In the anime episode where the alternate form of that Pokemon debuted, this Pokemon with a gender difference gets affected by Attract. 3B: In Pokemon Conquest, one of the unused trainers in the game's data uses the Pokemon with an unused graphic in Conquest when battled in a main series game. Name the other Pokemon that trainer uses when battling with that Pokemon. (alphabetical) [Raichu + Arcanine, Ponyta, Rapidash]
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Devoxys and I are reserving an Team Scavengers Classic Official for June 28th at 7:00 PM EDT / 11:00 PM GMT!

Final Results:
1st place: psyportparanagram
(bulbasaurbuddy, heroictobias, yaicanea, phiwings99) [54:19].
2nd place: Spectacular Scavengers
(111ace111, TurtalKatThing, powergo, Applin baby) [01:21:38].
3rd place: Team Go-Getters
(A Phantom, Cheese555, WeepingDevil, Coolrom122) [01:34:32].
Consolation Prize: the droupout
(aQrator) [01:39:36], Scavengers (pokemonvortex, Found then Lost, ProfSapling, keepingitsnowy) [01:57:38]

This was a classic Team Scavengers event! Q1 was an anagram, Q2 was PokeMath, and Q3 was a hellport! Big thank you to Sparkychild for helping us out with the anagram!

Anagram of 3 Related Abilities: Gligar, Seaking, Sentret, Wrap (answer in alphabetical order) [Gale Wings Prankster Triage]

Pokemath! P1, P2, P3, and P4 will give you the dex numbers of 4 Pokemon in a sequence. Answer with P1, P2, P3, P4, and the 5th (and last!) Pokemon in the sequence (in that order). [Tangela Sudowoodo Umbreon Misdreavus Tornadus] (Additional details can be found here:

Ports! Remove "City" and "Town" when applicable. [Dog Pokémon][Pokémon City/Town][Pokémon Storage System developer][LC Water type Pokémon][Trainer Class][Fire type Move][Pokémon City/Town][Signature Move in Gen 7][Trainer Class][Key Item][Z-Move][Move][Ability][Pokémon game developer][Normal type Move][Rest-preventing Ability][Item][Accessory][Anime-Exclusive Location][Name of PTCG card printed in Lost Thunder][Gen 6 Move][Mystery Dungeon][Non-consumable Orb][NU Pokémon][Pokémon City/Town][Ace Spec][Pokémon City/Town][Ground Type Move][Justified Pokémon][Mail][Conquest kingdom][Electric Type Move][Ground Type Pokémon][Evolution item][Ability found on Normal Type Pokémon][PTCG Expansion][Gen 3 Pokémon][Gen 2 Pokémon][Gen 1 Pokémon][Hoenn Location][SM Series Theme Deck][Electric Type Move][Pokémon Storage System developer][Evolution to Gen 1 Pokémon][Electric Type Move][First Term] [Bolt Und el La net Te nta Cool train Er upti On eIs Land sWr Ath leticSiblin GSB All OutPummel Ing ra Insom Nia n Tic k Le af Guard S Pec uliarSpo On ixTunn El ectro Power upP Unch artedRo Ad amant Orb eet Le nti Mas ter Ball onl Ea rthqua Ke ld Eo nMa Il lus Ion Delu Ge odu De epSeaToo Th ick Fat esColli De lcat Ty ranit Ar cani Ne wMauvil Le af Charge Be Am ani Ta ngrow Th under Bolt und]

Thank you both LittEleven and Gallant Spear for QCing :)
Thanks for participating as we close off the twist for the month! Hope to see you next time!
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Got an official on July 1st, 6PM EDT.
QCed by Celesteeal and BulbasaurBuddy (host)

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: Andre W. [09:30].
2nd place: aQrator [09:49].
3rd place: Computerwizard8800 [10:20].
4th place: TurtalKatThing [15:59].
5th place: killerASCII [16:23].
Consolation Prize: 111ace111 [16:46], Devoxys [19:52], Arbalester [21:46], powergo [25:34], tidal otter [26:31], Lucario•1582 [26:53], SevereElite97 [38:31], yaicanea [38:36], KingChandelure [43:26], ProfSapling [43:34]

1) This Pokemon appeared "able" to be taught a certain TM move, but wasn't legitimately able to do so. [Unown]
2) These Unown forms were given special availability in a global Pokemon GO event. (alphabetical order) [a l r t u / unown a unown l unown r unown t unown u]
3) In Pokemon GO, these non-fully evolved Pokemon can only have a STAB fast attack with Hidden Power. (alphabetical order) [Petilil Shellos Togetic]
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Mini Official Roundup! (June 1st - June 30st EDT):
1st place: p0ip0le ∆ [02:21].
2nd place: ProfSapling [02:46].
3rd place: bulbasaurbuddy ♪ [02:50].
Consolation Prize: A Phantom [03:27], Zipzapadam [04:53], za [05:33], Computerwizard8800 [08:52], Meicoo [25:09]

QC: LittEleven/celesteeal
1st place: 111ace111 [01:57].
2nd place: AbuBatata [03:41].
3rd place: p0ip0le ∆ [03:57].
Consolation Prize: Praise Bid o3o f [04:04], powergo [04:38], aQrator [06:28], TurtalKatThing [08:52], Shadoweavile [09:38], ProfSapling [10:37], shatterene [12:22], Emboar02 [28:00]

QC: A Phantom
1st place: Litt♥Eleven [01:08].
2nd place: aQrator [01:20].
3rd place: AbuBatata [01:27].
Consolation Prize: celesteeal!!! [02:03], 111ace111 [03:40], An_Azurill [04:02], Lucario•1582 [04:07], captanpasta [04:24], spearoth [04:26], p0ip0le ∆ [05:13], Praise Bid o3o f [05:26], Geene [05:51], Shadoweavile [06:39], TurtalKatThing [07:03], Steve456664 [07:43], kingtroller + [09:36], lph123 ♫ [15:29], powergo [17:24]

QC: bulbasaurbuddy
1st place: shatterene [04:49].
2nd place: AbuBatata [05:34].
3rd place: Cheese555 [07:16].
Consolation Prize: celesteeal!!! [07:33], TurtalKatThing [09:41], Devoxys [10:10], ProfSapling [11:42], p^_^okemonvortex. [12:45], 111ace111 [15:21], BeastBoy1971 [21:32], An_Azurill >.< [22:10], bulbasaurbuddy ♪ [26:33], tidal otter [31:18], KingChandelure [32:20], c.kilgannon [35:15], scoobydoobydrew [38:10]

QC: Computerwizard8800
1st place: zipzapadam [01:24].
2nd place: 111ace111 [01:36].
3rd place: celesteeal!!! [01:40].
Consolation Prize: Parcly Taxel [01:46], TurtalKatThing [02:57], Mike the Entei [03:03], powergo [04:27], p0ip0le ∆ [05:00], An_Azurill >.< [05:30], AbuBatata [09:00], yaicanea [09:08], AlexandriaLunchbox [09:42], Fake111 [17:20], Litt♥Eleven [20:38], Darth [22:00], Shadow Sirens. ♪ [25:15]

QC: A Phantom
1st place: yaicanea [01:53].
2nd place: AbuBatata [01:58].
3rd place: 111ace111 [02:08].
Consolation Prize: Mystiphox [02:08], Mike the Entei [03:13], TurtalKatThing [03:32], Geene [03:45], Shadoweavile [03:55], p0ip0le ∆ [05:10], AlexandriaLunchbox [09:31], An_Azurill [18:37], Parcly Taxel [20:19]

QC: celesteeal
1st place: celesteeal!!! [03:54].
2nd place: AbuBatata [03:54].
3rd place: p0ip0le ∆ [04:37].
Consolation Prize: PartMan [04:37], 111ace111 [04:39], AlexandriaLunchbox [04:43], ASnomPlaysShowdown [05:23], Steve456664 [05:38], aQrator [05:55], gallant's pear [06:37], TurtalKatThing [07:30], An_Azurill >.< [10:01], Lucario•1582 [10:59], Geene [12:21]

QC: c.kilgannon
1st place: Cheese555 [02:48].
2nd place: KingChandelure [03:03].
3rd place: ProfSapling [03:12].
Consolation Prize: 111ace111 [03:19], Endless Eight VIII [03:19], Computerwizard8800 [05:59], celesteeal!!! [06:03], powergo [06:25], TurtalKatThing [14:00], Lucario•1582 [17:03], tidal otter [22:22]

QC: bulbasaurbuddy
1st place: celesteeal!!! [00:57].
2nd place: Litt♥Eleven [01:10].
3rd place: 111ace111 [01:52].
Consolation Prize: LJB14 [02:14], yaicanea [02:24], An_Azurill >.< [02:27], Shadoweavile [02:32], Geene [02:40], Mike the Entei [02:47], BoldoreTransRights [02:58], Devoxys [03:01], heroictobias [03:17], TurtalKatThing [03:18], shatterene [03:45], Shadow Sirens. ♪ [04:49], Cheese555 [13:18], ProfSapling [15:10], tidal otter [19:01]

QC: bulbasaurbuddy
1st place: heroictobias [02:44].
2nd place: 111ace111 [03:02].
3rd place: Shadow Sirens. ♪ [03:12].
Consolation Prize: shatterene [03:43], Geene [03:57], KingChandelure [04:00], yaicanea [04:15], Steve456664 [04:55], p0ip0le ∆ [04:59], Computerwizard8800 [05:35], An_Azurill <_< [06:11], TurtalKatThing [06:54], wallape [07:53], R2Cv1 [08:46], aQrator [13:38]

QC: celesteeal
1st place: Computerwizard8800 [01:38].
2nd place: p0ip0le ∆ [01:41].
3rd place: BeastBoy1971 [01:48].
Consolation Prize: LJB14 [03:43], dangerdogs [04:12], King✰Chandelure [05:10], lph123 ♫ [06:56], Instruct [07:25], fearfire22 [11:16], ProfSapling [15:00], Squirtell! [15:07], tidal otter [15:59], wallape [18:10], TurtalKatThing [18:15], TheAura [26:24]

QC: celesteeal
1st place: Litt♥Eleven [01:52].
2nd place: heroictobias [02:43].
3rd place: 111ace111 [02:45].
Consolation Prize: shatterene [02:57], TurtalKatThing [03:17], Devoxys [03:22], KingChandelure [05:35], Geene [05:58], An_Azurill >.< [06:15], tidal otter [08:06], BeastBoy1971 [08:08], Shadow Sirens. ♪ [10:23], Computerwizard8800 [12:31], c.kilgannon [14:04], ProfSapling [17:14], Coolrom~122 [17:53], AbuBatata [19:00], A Phantom [27:05]

QC: bulbasaurbuddy
1st place: yaicanea [01:51].
2nd place: Devoxys [03:29].
3rd place: Computerwizard8800 [04:06].
Consolation Prize: bulbasaurbuddy ♪ [04:13], cheese555 [04:53], 111ace111 [05:03], phiwings99 [10:13], killerASCII [10:39], BeastBoy1971 [14:27], TheAura [15:31], celesteeal!!! [18:25], ProfSapling [18:41], KingChandelure [20:03], TurtalKatThing [48:39], tidal otter [51:17], shatterene [01:59:31]

QC: LittEleven
1st place: celesteeal!!! [02:00].
2nd place: yaicanea [05:19].
3rd place: TurtalKatThing [09:59].
Consolation Prize: aQrator [11:10], AbuBatata [19:37], heroictobias [19:37], Computerwizard8800 [26:40], shatterene [28:22], PartMan [32:52], Praise Bid o3o f [50:07]

QC: LittEleven
Last Month's Results
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The second Ladder Cycle of June has now concluded. Congratulations to the top three placers: heroictobias in first place with 457 points, TurtalKatThing in second place with 360 points, and 111ace111 in third place with 327 points!
heroictobias 457
TurtalKatThing 360
111ace111 327
aQrator 279
ProfSapling 270
yaicanea 240
dangerdogs 219
KingChandelure 216
Computerwizard8800 205
bulbasaurbuddy ♪ 167
An_Azurill <_< 166
powergo 152
Litt♥Eleven 150
AbuBatata 143
tidal otter 137
shatterene 136
cheese555 125
celesteeal!!! 110
Applin baby 110
wallape 99
theaura 90
Arbalester 70
Lucario•1582 67
phiwings99 66
BeastBoy1971 65
c.kilgannon 65
A Phantom 62
PartMan 56
killerASCII 55
p^_^okemonvortex. 54
gallant's pear 53
dot Comfey 52
Shadow Sirens. ♪ 46
Praise Bid o3o f 45
charlier 44
shadoWeavile 40
Zipzapadam 39
woe! unto! you... 36
Devoxys 36
LJB14 35
Emboar02 31
p0ip0le ∆ 30
Soft Flex 29
Coolrom~122 29
lph123 ♫ 28
scoobydoobydrew 28
Geene 25
Found then Lost 24
Merlee 23
Mike the Entei 21
WeepingDevil 21
AlexandriaLunchbox 20
neg✧_✧san 19
fear火fire火22 19
Squirtell! 19
Steve456664 18
The Frozen One 17
Aeolia 17
keepingiticy 17
AliasHallow 16
Andrew 14
A Quail's Query 13
jegoro 13
ASnomPlaysShowdown 12
Yua999 11
CoolingTundra✶ 11
Pepsimen! 10
Hyperspace12 10
Damnright 10
FourteenAlmonds 10
RedBeaver540 9
elchunko?? 9
R2Cv1 9
za 8
Gwynt ^-^ 8
smii 8
Parcly Taxel 7
Made in Saudi 7
Mystiphox 7
Death & DeSpear 6
captanpasta 6
aegii 6
Meicoo 5
ax1lotl 5
BubidaJeffery 5
PrimalLanturn 5
Tace 5
POChamp 5
Magicana79 5
Cyllage 5
cocaina 5
Marlon+Togedemaru• 5
KawaiiiiPotato✿ 4
dylas 4
BoldoreTransRights 4
Nyatalanta 4
ribble 4
the ziz 4
Ianisagiraffe 4
DCSyntro 4
SpecterReaper 4
a damp pizza 4
Mega Eevee X 3
Andy >_> 3
Illusio 3
a wanderer 3
Mikado✰Organ 3
Dawn of Ares 3
Appletun Acid ⌐◼_◼ 3
PrincessPika102 2
Notater517~! 2
Instruct 2
Asxier 2
Mannat 2
Nerf Joker Again 2
Level 51 2
Termnal 2
shinxthe17! 2
Jablinx 2
Buff Ridley 2
Caterpiellar 2
RespectPickles 2
Spellhole 2
lurkingSombres 1
ManUNkind 1
Fusionny1 1
ImBackBoizz -_- 1
stargazin_ng 1
kingtroller + 1
YveltalNL 1
Viridian Pichu 1
Jytcampbell 1
mega \(GR)/ 1
crepuscular goomy 1
Krakenwaffle 1
Felucia 1
boredcollegekid 1
Darth 1
TheTrumanBurbank 1
oovoov 1
Sheepgomoo© 1
irokei 1
Shadecession 1
Waylaid 1
Barrels Per Day 1
Servatino 1
KCafk 1
Vrji 1
oxtepig2020 1
MukUsedDrillPeck 1
charlier to the p 1
donaldotrumpinez 1
Tandem 1
rb220 1
Bronzecrank 1
v-buster 1
TheStarmanLord 1
Zacian-Crowned 1
snaga 1
cleann 1
pisx 1
Tapler ❀ 1
badtemgiver 1
The ladder twist chosen by staff for the month of July is: Throughout the month, Incognito officials will be held (primarily on weekends) that offer 5 bonus points each to any user who can correctly predict their placing (must be top 6) in the official prior to its start. (Note that our official twists last for both cycles of a month before being replaced.)

Take over the first ladder cycle of July!
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Reserving a Twisted Incognito Official for July 4th at 8:00 PM EDT / 12:00 AM GMT!

Final Results:
1st place: heroictobias [02:41].
2nd place: KingChandelure [04:17].
3rd place: TurtalKatThing [04:40].
4th place: tidal otter [05:01].
5th place: dot Comfey~! [06:34].
Consolation Prize: p0ip0le ∆ [07:12], A Phantom [07:40], ProfSapling [07:41], scoobydoobydrew [09:16], Devoxys [09:59], Emboar02 [10:37], YAICANEA [15:29], 111ace111 [20:04], Meicoo [21:55], Andrew [22:06], p^_^okemonvortex. [30:48]

(Nobody predicted their placement in the official correctly :( )

1) This NPC, who made their debut in US/UM, can be battled at most once a day in those games (include Trainer Class, exclude trainers with Trainer Class Kantonian Gym). [GAME FREAK Iwao]
2) Two twins that have appeared in the Pokemon anime can be battled in a Double Battle under the Trainer Class "Twins". Alphabetically list the Pokemon that they use in any game. [Corsola Luvdisc]
3) A certain NPC in OR/AS may tell the player character how many times they have used this item. [Dowsing Machine]

Thank you both computerwizard8800 and c.kilgannon for QCing :)
Thanks for participating, and hope to see you next time!
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Official on July 5th at 3:30 PM EDT/ 7:30 PM GMT
qcs by LittEleven and Celesteeal
1st place: TurtalKatThing [17:51].
2nd place: aQrator [20:41].
3rd place: 111ace111 [21:32].
4th place: p0ip0le ∆ [21:35].
5th place: heroictobias [22:08].
Consolation Prize: ProfSapling [22:19], An_Azurill >_> [23:02], dot Comfey~! [27:19], tidal otter [27:43], Devoxys [34:13], KingChandelure [38:04]

TurtalKatThing gets 5 extra points from this month's twist!

1) In SWSH these are the only trainers that use a full team of six pokemon in any one on one battle against the player. (alphabetical order, exclude trainer classes) [Honey, Hop, Leon, Morimoto, Mustard]
2) In BW2, you can give an NPC a certain item at six different locations across Unova. After doing so, he will reappear at the location you first meet him and give you multiple of this item. [Moomoo Milk]
3) In USUM, this item, which could only be obtained at one location in SM, can now be obtained at four locations, however, once it is obtained, it can't be obtained at any of the other three locations. [Tapunium Z]
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Hosted an official Incognito on Sunday, July 5th at 8:30 PM EDT!

TurtalKatThing (correctly predicted placing for +5 points, as per the twist)
2nd: pokemonvortex
3rd: dot Comfey
4th: 111ace111
5th: tidal otter
6th: Rory Mercury
Consolation Prize: p0ip0le, KingChandelure, Computerwizard8800, A Phantom, scoobydoobydrew, RespectPickles
(1) Farfetch'd, (2) "Opening its large mouth, it ingests massive amounts of soil and creates long tunnels.", (3) Extrasensory Psychic Teleport
1) The move that is banned in Gen 8 OU can only be learned by this Pokemon in the Gen 2 main series games if it gets it as a special move from a side game.
2) A certain Sword Shield LC-legal Pokemon that used to be fully evolved has Pokedex entries in both Pokemon Sword and Shield that are repeats of past main series games. What is its most recent main series Dex entry to not be a repeat? Give the full entry.
3) The only move a certain Gen 1 Pokemon gets by level-up is included in most of its main series Pokedex entries. Every dex entry it has that doesn't include that move contains one of these two other moves. List the three moves alphabetically.
Thanks to Celesteeal and Devoxys for qc'ing!
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Reserving an Incognito Official for 5:30PM EST on Sunday, July 5th.

QCs by Celesteeal and Meicoo

1st place: powergo [01:51].
2nd place: 111ace111 [02:11].
3rd place: Computerwizard8800 [02:12].
4th place: cheese555 [02:18].
5th place: AbuBatata [02:37].
Consolation Prize: KingChandelure [02:49], p0ip0le ∆ [03:37], jegoro [04:55], TurtalKatThing [05:53], tidal otter [07:04], dot Comfey~! [07:38], Aeolia [08:49], heroictobias [12:56]

Bold indicates a correct prediction.

1) This Pokemon belonging to Green in Pokemon Adventures has a nature that boosts special attack, as well as a characteristic that could indicate a perfect special attack IV. [ditto / ditty]
2) This Pokemon with equal stats across the board yields attack EVs upon defeat. [tyrogue]
3) This is the only LC Pokemon from its generation that is in the experience group that requires the least experience to be level 100. [applin]
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More Incognito! Wednesday, July 8th at 5PM EST. Be there or be square!

QCs by bulbasaurwizard8800

1st place: heroictobias [03:22].
2nd place: fear fire 22 [04:36].
3rd place: powergo [04:57].
4th place: Devoxys [06:24].
5th place: 111ace111 [06:48].
Consolation Prize: dot Comfey~! [07:08], KingChandelure [07:42], ProfSapling [09:41], c.kilgannon [12:33], AbuBatata [13:54], Andrew [20:03], TurtalKatThing [20:23], phiwings99 [23:52], JDude921 [27:58], Coolrom~122 [30:06]

Bold indicates a correct prediction.

1) In Gen V, this was the first fully-evolved dual-typed Pokemon by national dex order that couldn't learn any moves of one of its types by level-up or from level 1 moves. [victreebel]
2) In Pokemon GO, Victreebel gained access to 2 charged attacks that it didn't get originally (excluding moves it can get by being purified). Name the other Pokemon that learns both of these moves in the main series games, excluding Smeargle. [carnivine]
3) The character in the anime that had both Carnivine and Victreebel had these Pokemon at some point that had the exact same typing as either Carnivine or Victreebel, but are unrelated to either one (alphabetic order). [amoonguss cacnea]
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Official Hunt by c.kilgannon: Tuesday July 7th at 3:00pm EDT.
QC thank yous to LittEleven + 111ace111

1st place: heroictobias [02:41].
2nd place: celesteeal...? [03:28].
3rd place: AlexandriaLunchbox [03:52].
4th place: powergo [04:49].
5th place: Devoxys [05:10].
Consolation Prize: Computerwizard8800 [06:28], TurtalKatThing [06:34], Aeolia [06:52], dot Comfey~! [06:53], aQrator [07:09], Mystiphox [09:50], KingChandelure [10:27], shadoWeavile [12:29], gallant's pear [13:13], bulbasaurbuddy ♪ [26:05], An_Azurill >_> [29:21]

1) A certain NPC was formerly a pop singer but now specializes in Poison type Pokemon. This was the title of that character's debut album. [krazy for klara]
2) Klara's uniform number is the reverse of another NPC's. That NPC's League Card(s) contain these Trainer Classes in the bios (alpha.order). [champion gym trainer rising star / champion gym trainers rising star]
3) Both the Rising Star + Gym Trainer classes have trainers with these first names (alpha.order; excluding Battle Tree/Dome trainers). [ian joshua]
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Reserving official hunt on July 13th at 4 PM UTC
The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: powergo [03:18].
2nd place: heroictobias [03:52].
3rd place: AbuBatata [04:19].
4th place: Computerwizard8800 [04:31].
5th place: 111ace111 [04:51].
Consolation Prize: TurtalKatThing [04:58], Devoxys [05:51], dot Comfey~! [08:43], Spellhole [30:59]

1) In Pokemon Conquest, this is the only NPC who has an unique sprite beside the Warlords. [messenger]
2) In the last episode where Team Rocket recites their original motto before it changed into the Battle Frontier version, this food was dubbed into "cheeseburger" in the English dub. [melonpan / melon bun / melon bread]
3) This Japanese event for Pokemon Black/White in 2012 distributed 6 eggs that will hatch into shiny Dragon-type Pokemon or Pokemon that can evolve into Dragon-type Pokemon. [year of the dragon]

Thanks to Celesteeal and aQrator for QC

May the Pyuks be with you, everything is evil T-T
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The first Ladder Cycle of July has now concluded. Congratulations to the top three placers: heroictobias in first place with 431 points, TurtalKatThing in second place with 386 points, and 111ace111 in third place with 317 points!

1 heroictobias 431
2 TurtalKatThing 386
3 111ace111 317
4 KingChandelure 257
5 Computerwizard8800 245
6 Litt♥Eleven 208
7 aQrator 207
8 tidal otter 206
9 dot Comfey~! 199
10 celesteeal...? 192
11 AbuBatata 152
12 ProfSapling 140
13 powergo 139
14 bulbasaurbuddy ♪ 97
15 A Phantom 88
16 p^_^okemonvortex. 79
17 scoobydoobydrew 78
18 gallant's pear 71
18 An_Azurill >_> 71
20 fear fire 22 69
21 AlexandriaLunchbox 66
23 cheese555 62
24 Devoxys 60
25 wallape 59
26 Arbalester 56
27 Andrew 44
28 Applin baby 42
28 shadoWeavile 42
30 c.kilgannon 41
31 lph123 39
32 Praise Bido3of 36
33 p0ip0le ∆ 34
34 TheAura 33
35 PartMan 29
35 Aeolia 29
35 LJB14 29
35 DarkShinyGiratina 29
39 therealhoneyg 27
40 killerASCII 26
41 RespectPickles 23
42 charlier 22
43 BeastBoy1971 20
44 severeelite 19
45 Merlee 18
46 Tapler ❀ 17
47 phiwings99 16
47 Mystiphox 16
49 ASnomPlaysShowdown 15
49 A Quail's Query 15
49 deadfracture 15
49 Damnright 15
53 Death & DeSpear 14
54 zipz apadam 11
54 Gwynt ^-^ 11
54 Coolrom~122 11
54 Meicoo 11
54 Geene 11
59 negsan☆ミ 9
59 jegoro 9
61 Ianisagiraffe 8
61 Lucario•1582 8
61 Shadow Sirens. ♪ 8
61 Emboar02 8
61 Pranav225 8
66 Viridian...Pichu? 7
66 Soft Flex 7
66 aegii 7
66 Cheese555 sucks 7
70 Rory Mercury 6
71 Steve456664 5
71 The Frozen One 5
71 Squirtell! 5
71 Venusaur-Gmax 5
71 SchizophrenicOkapi 5
71 PrimalLanturn 5
71 LegendaryMouse 5
78 JDude921 4
78 Shawty Like A 4
80 Mike the Entei 3
80 Yua999 3
80 aro1904 3
80 Phoenyxs 3
80 U4E Boat 3
80 R2Cv1 3
80 za 3
80 The Ranger Trainer 3
80 CountDracula120 3
89 mgperson 2
89 Found then Lost 2
89 Cyllage 2
89 krakenwaffle 2
89 Zacian-Crowned 2
89 sIang翔 2
89 Bronzecrank 2
89 Almm41 2
89 Darth 2
89 Dawn of Ares 2
89 Midnightsecrets 2
89 iampie 2
89 digimonismylife 2
89 Nyatalanta 2
103 v-buster 1
103 Gargoyle31 1
103 Dylas 1
103 working on this 1
103 Instruct 1
103 AliasHallow 1
103 Parcly Taxel 1
103 Beedrill-Mega 1
103 LucianParadox 1
103 Vrji 1
103 skyfigueroa 1
103 Magicana79 1
103 Peterwhite 1
103 RS Severe 1
103 xskelly34 1
103 Fusionny1 1
103 InfernalBlast 1
103 FireghtBug 1
103 McLemore 1
103 BubidaJeffery 1
103 deftinwolf 1
103 green12052 1
103 ax1lotl 1
103 athleteandy1 1
103 adiass 1
103 nOtAtEr517^ 1
103 SergioRules 1
103 ae is bad 1
103 KawaiiiiPotato✿ 1
103 pisx ♥♫~! 1
103 Embar 1
103 Endless Eight VIII 1
103 Fantina.︵.Fan 1
103 PrincessPika102 1
103 oxtepig2020 1
103 Pepsimen! 1
103 ang └★┘ 1
103 crepuscular goomy 1
103 U4E Wings 1

Aim high in the second ladder cycle of July, to reach the top!

Lastly, big congratulations to our newest Scavengers driver, aQrator! Keep scavenging, and forge your path to success!
Reserving an Incognito Official for July 19th at 11:00 AM EDT / 3:00 PM GMT!
This official followed our monthly twist!

Final Results:
1st place: powergo [01:20].
2nd place: gallant's pear [03:28].
3rd place: 111ace111 [03:34].
4th place: AbuBatata [04:29].
5th place: heroictobias [05:10].
Consolation Prize: Emboar02 [08:15], Computerwizard8800 [11:46], KingChandelure [15:32], DarkShinyGiratina [18:22], wallape [18:45], dot Comfey~! [21:13], PartMan [23:35], shadoWeavile [34:20]

(Nobody predicted their placement correctly :( )

1) In Pokemon SwSh, an NPC of this Trainer Class can give the player character 17 items at once. [League Staff]
2) The only League Staff trainer that can be battled outside of the Battle Tower awards the player this item after they are defeated. [Rotom Catalog]
3) A certain item that changes a Pokemon's form appears in the name of a movie-exclusive location. In the movie said location debuted, a group of this Pokemon helped save it from destruction. [Mamoswine]

Thank you both Andy Snype and c.kilgannon for QCing :)
Thanks for participating, and hope to see you next time!
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Hosting an Incognito Official (including the monthly twist) on July 20th at 18:00 GMT (11am PDT/2pm EDT/20:00 CEDT/23:30 IST)

Thanks to Pants and c.kilgannon for their QCs.

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: Litt♥Eleven [01:37].
2nd place: celesteeal [01:43].
3rd place: ProfSapling [03:15].
4th place: Computerwizard8800 [03:20].
5th place: KingChandelure [03:34].
Consolation Prize: iDybalaJr en YT!~ [04:07], 111ace111 [04:11], heroictobias [04:19], powergo [04:21], p^_^okemonvortex. [05:04], aegii [05:10], Buff Ridley [07:51], Devoxys [09:26], DarkShinyGiratina [09:43], A Quail's Query [11:56], TurtalKatThing [12:00], RespectPickles [14:21], PartMan [15:01], dot Comfey~! [16:27]

Both computerwizard8800 and iDybalaJr en YT! got their placement correct and obtained 5 bonus points!

1: This is the unevolved Pokémon with the highest Base stat total of a 3-stage evolutionary line. Porygon
2: This middle stage Pokémon, upon evolving, gains the highest amount of Base Stat total. Cosmoem
3: This fully evolved Pokémon gained the least amount of base stats through evolution, while still having a net positive gain. Porygon-Z
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Reserving an Incognito for Sunday, July 19th at 5PM EDT

QCs by Celesteeal and BulbaBuddy

1st place: Devoxys [03:33].
2nd place: AbuBatata [03:39].
3rd place: 111ace111 [04:14].
4th place: DarkShinyGiratina [04:37].
5th place: heroictobias [05:26].
Consolation Prize: KingChandelure [06:11], dot Comfey~! [07:52], a^_^quailsquery [08:42], TurtalKatThing [09:01], Computerwizard8800 [11:31], powergo [18:14], scoobydoobydrew [22:46], ProfSapling [38:30], RespectPickles [44:49]

No one correctly predicted their place :(

1) A certain Mega Stone is banned in Mix and Mega, even on its native user. In Pokemon Shuffle, name the fully-evolved Pokemon that can be found in the same area as that Mega Stone and share their type with the Mega Stone's native user (alphabetical order, exclude the native user and its Mega Evolution). [chandelure mismagius]
2) Excluding ! and ?, the only Unown forms that can appear in Pokemon Shuffle spell out a certain word that appears as a full word in the name of a move. This Pokemon has a super-effective STAB against Unown, and can learn that move. [illumise]
3) Two moves could only be learned by certain Pokemon in Gen II if those Pokemon were transferred from Pokemon Stadium 2. Out of all of the Pokemon that can learn both moves in Natdex, two Pokemon with different types share this ability. [speed boost]
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Reserving an Incognito for Sunday, July 26th at 3pm EDT
QC'd by BulbaBuddy & Pants

1st place: AbuBatata [02:16].
2nd place: 111ace111 [02:42].
3rd place: p^_^okemonvortex. [05:04].
4th place: RedBeaver540 [05:53].
5th place: shadoWeavile [06:12].
Consolation Prize: Lemmy [06:38], Coolrom~122 [07:21], fear焱fire焱22 [09:51], Shadow Sirens. ♪ [09:56], Computerwizard8800 [10:42], DarkShinyGiratina [18:25], cleo✿ [21:05], herbaon [24:41], TheJesucristoOsAma [25:04], iDybalaJr en YT!~ [27:54], Mike the Entei [31:59], TheStarmanLord [37:10]

AbuBatata + shadoWeavile guessed their placing correctly and got 5 bonus points :D

1) This Pokemon has the most usable amount of forms on PS! [unown]
2) This item related to another Pokemon form can be found at a location where Unown can be caught. [mind plate]
3) A certain Ubers set for Arceus on the SM Smogon Dex has Defog slashed with this move. [stealth rock]
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Reserving an Incognito for Wednesday, July 29th at 3:30PM EST.

QCs by aQrator and Devoxys

1st place: 111ace111 [03:49].
2nd place: Litt♥Eleven [05:38].
3rd place: dot Comfey~! [07:32].
4th place: DarkShinyGiratina [07:55].
5th place: Computerwizard8800 [08:12].
Consolation Prize: TurtalKatThing [09:40], p^_^okemonvortex. [10:36], p0ip0le ∆ [11:22], Aeolia [12:45], AbuBatata [17:51]

Bold indicates a correct prediction.

1) In B2W2, this trainer mentions being a former member of Team Plasma and battling the protagonist of BW (include trainer class). [backpacker mae]
2) On Victory Road in B2W2, this Pokemon has the lowest encounter rate when surfing but not fishing. [azumarill]
3) Although Azumarill cannot learn a certain move it would get STAB from, it can drop the TR containing that move after a Max Raid Battle. What other Pokemon, excluding those in Azumarill's evolution line, can drop that TR after a Max Raid Battle, cannot learn the move it contains, but would get STAB from it? (alphabetical order). [cleffa igglybuff mawile]
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Mini Official Roundup! (July 1st - July 31st EDT):
1st place: ProfSapling [01:30].
2nd place: Litt♥Eleven [01:33].
3rd place: Devoxys [02:47].
Consolation Prize: Geene [03:13], AbuBatata [03:21], shadoWeavile [03:37], jegoro [03:41], An_Azurill >_> [03:56], A Quail's Query [04:16], Aeolia [04:35], gallant's pear [04:50], dot Comfey~! [04:54], Instruct [04:57], TurtalKatThing [05:22], Computerwizard8800 [08:21], AliasHallow [08:58], Coolrom~122 [14:30], 111ace111 [16:07], bulbasaurbuddy ♪ [17:46], Gwynt ^-^ [18:40], tidal otter [19:37]

QC: LittEleven
1st place: cheese555 [02:55].
2nd place: scoobydoobydrew [03:27].
3rd place: TurtalKatThing [03:36].
Consolation Prize: 111ace111 [04:21], tidal otter [04:48], lph123 ( [05:54], p0ip0le ∆ [06:01], celesteeal!!! [06:38], KingChandelure [06:49], ProfSapling [11:15], dot Comfey~! [11:24], YAICANEA [13:32], Computerwizard8800 [13:46], Devoxys [22:01], RespectPickles [26:58], Andrew [33:09]

QC: A Phantom
1st place: heroictobias [05:33].
2nd place: YAICANEA [06:53].
3rd place: celesteeal...? [13:00].
Consolation Prize: dot Comfey~! [15:07], A Quail's Query [18:59], c.kilgannon [19:04], ProfSapling [19:09], tidal otter [19:31], TurtalKatThing [21:44], aQrator [22:53], Computerwizard8800 [24:20], 111ace111 [25:25], Devoxys [28:23], An_Azurill >_> [47:02], AbuBatata [47:55]

QC: Tapler
1st place: Litt♥Eleven [01:31].
2nd place: TurtalKatThing [01:36].
3rd place: dot Comfey~! [01:48].
Consolation Prize: Devoxys [02:17], 111ace111 [03:14], Computerwizard8800 [03:18], heroictobias [03:59], Spellhole [07:39], ProfSapling [08:26], deftinwolf [09:37], powergo [10:05], LJB14 [23:25], An_Azurill >_> [34:11]

QC: aQrator
1st place: AbuBatata [01:43].
2nd place: bulbasaurbuddy ♪ [02:43].
3rd place: KingChandelure [03:49].
Consolation Prize: 111ace111 [04:55], Computerwizard8800 [05:04], powergo [05:14], heroictobias [05:16], Geene [05:16], TurtalKatThing [05:34], jegoro [05:40], p^_^okemonvortex. [05:41], celesteeal!!! [05:56], Applin baby [11:31], tidal otter [11:42], DarkShinyGiratina [13:03], Gwynt ^-^ [14:30], Andrew [17:09], ProfSapling [19:00]

QC: aQrator
1st place: heroictobias [01:45].
2nd place: A Phantom [02:31].
3rd place: 111ace111 [02:51].
Consolation Prize: Cheese555 [03:06], KingChandelure [03:12], dot Comfey~! [04:26], ProfSapling [06:08], Computerwizard8800 [09:05], Aeolia [10:15], bulbasaurbuddy ♪ [11:06], therealhoneyg [11:46], Shadow Sirens. ♪ [15:16], TurtalKatThing [18:46]

QC: Andrew
1st place: 111ace111 [02:01].
2nd place: DarkShinyGiratina [02:22].
3rd place: bulbasaurbuddy ♪ [02:23].
Consolation Prize: p^_^okemonvortex. [02:41], powergo [03:03], ProfSapling [03:09], heroictobias [03:14], tidal otter [03:18], KingChandelure [03:22], TurtalKatThing [03:22], p0ip0le ∆ [05:33], AbuBatata [06:24]

QC: gallant's pear
1st place: 111ace111 [02:01].
2nd place: DarkShinyGiratina [02:22].
3rd place: bulbasaurbuddy ♪ [02:23].
Consolation Prize: p^_^okemonvortex. [02:41], powergo [03:03], ProfSapling [03:09], heroictobias [03:14], tidal otter [03:18], KingChandelure [03:22], TurtalKatThing [03:22], p0ip0le ∆ [05:33], AbuBatata [06:24]

QC: bulbasaurbuddy
1st place: Devoxys [04:24].
2nd place: AbuBatata [06:30].
3rd place: 111ace111 [10:25].
Consolation Prize: Teutonic✠Squire [45:29], TurtalKatThing [54:50]

QC: BulbasaurBuddy
1st place: AbuBatata [01:25].
2nd place: dot Comfey~! [02:29].
3rd place: Pepsimen! [02:29].
Consolation Prize: heroictobias [02:57], 111ace111 [05:11], p^_^okemonvortex. [06:48], TurtalKatThing [07:11], p0ip0le ∆ [07:26], ProfSapling [09:32], Her「Baon」(ツ) [22:08], tidal otter [25:30], BeastBoy1971 [26:17], KawaiiiiPotato✿ [31:00], iDybalaJr en YT!~ [32:21], Computerwizard8800 [36:41], R2Cv1 [38:15], Buff Ridley [41:17], RespectPickles [43:10], killerASCII [50:35], PrimalLanturn [58:02], celesteeal [01:09:46], ASnomPlaysShowdown [01:33:12]

QC: LittEleven
Last Month's Results
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The second Ladder Cycle of July has now concluded. Congratulations to the top three placers: Abubatata in first place with 318 points, 111ace111 in second place with 288 points, and Computerwizard8800 in third place with 250 points!
AbuBatata 318
111ace111 288
computerwizard8800 250
Litt♥Eleven 228
DarkShinyGiratina 224
TurtalKatThing 206
dot Comfey~! 183
aQrator 170
ProfSapling 120
celesteeal 101
tidal otter 77
A Phantom 77
p^_^okemonvortex. 72
Teutonic✠Squire 69
KingChandelure 68
gallant's pear 68
iDybalaJr en YT!~ 66
heroictobias 61
Devoxys 60
powergo 59
Merlee 54
bulbasaurbuddy ♪ 51
shadoWeavile 48
scoobydoobydrew 46
RespectPickles 40
phiwings99 36
Spellhole 36
cleo 35
fear焱fire焱22 34
PartMan 32
An_Azurill ㋛ 32
Wallap-E 31
Shadow Sirens. ♪ 30
Dorron~(.~.)~ 29
Mike the Entei 27
Damnright 25
Soft Flex 23
pisx ♥♫~! 23
Andrew 22
Tapler ❀ 22
killerASCII 21
Buff Ridley 21
A㋛Quails㋛Query 18
Pepsimen! 17
Coolrom~122 16
Aeolia 15
ASnomPlaysShowdown 15
LJB14 15
Endwalker888 15
RedBeaver540 15
Death & DeSpear 13
TheJesucristoOsAma 13
Geene 12
cheese555 10
Applin baby 9
peepzyy 9
R2Cv1 9
AzureIsRifter 9
Emboar#02 9
p0ip0le ∆ 9
lph123 ♥♫~! 8
green12052 8
juano ➤ 8
PLATa n o majoncho 8
ax1lotl 8
Lemmy 7
Yua999 6
Found then Lost 6
Gwynt ^-^ 6
Praise Bid o3o f 6
herbaon 6
Juan13pro↝ 6
digimonismylife 6
jegoro 5
zip zap adam 5
WeepingDevil ㋡ 5
smii 5
kingtroller 5
BeastBoy1971 5
Bronzecrank 5
RIP Kid A 5
PrimalLanturn 4
Squirtell 4
WarriorGallade 4
A Melting Meltan 4
kreatおを 4
aegii 4
Orion's Sign 4
Lady Monita 4
YveltalNL 3
Arbalester 3
Cheese555 sucks 3
aro1904 3
elchunko 3
Asxier 3
moo 3
Vrji 3
ZetaAlfa² 3
The Ranger Trainer 2
negsan 2
Viridian Pichu~! 2
Midnightsecrets 2
linkfromloz 2
Aariz Anas 2
therealhoneyg 2
mukeo 2
KawaiiiiPotato✿ 2
Parcly Taxel 2
Mystic Arcanum 2
SchizophrenicOkapi 2
broil 2
sIang翔 2
sceptorus 2
TheStarmanLord 2
Luiscloud 2
MukUsedDrillPeck 2
za 2
Fake dude 4 2
Discordual 2
Stealdude 2
Use Golduck in 1v1 2
SoYouLikeMud?Kip! 1
Snackers 1
Kimberley♥Walsh 1
Raid Shadow Legend 1
Beef Lo Mein 1
obama plays 1
crepuscular goomy 1
Wan the Avatar 1
AGY645 1
TpOi2006 1
Grammatical 1
Gourgeist Guiro 1
AlexandriaLunchbox 1
Oxtepig2020 1
astillitas 97 1
AliasHallow 1
Jablinx 1
sphelonious donk 1
Ianisagiraffe 1
1205nancy 1
M+e+r+e+b+a 1
Gleeboop 1
excamb 1
David Goggins 1
KCafk 1
OUT Unexpected 1
Fantina.︵.Fan 1
Tapo + Collino 1
FireghtBug 1
Crossaint © 1
athleteandy1 1
Notater517$ 1
Desktop Stapler ❀ 1
laharl22 1
cleffasaurio 1
Satania McDowell 1
lurkingSombres 1
BubidaJeffery 1
SmogonPuzzleHunt3 1
Shipuriken 1
Cyllage 1
The ladder twist chosen by staff for the month of August is: Shady's Back, Tell a Friend (Themed Calendar): Every day has a pre-specified theme that the officials of that day will follow. Note that there may be 1-2 exceptions in the first week, and that mini-officials will specify in advance if the twist applies to them. (Our official twists last for both cycles of a month before being replaced.)
August 2020 Scavengers Twist Calendar.png

Put on your running shoes to race to the front of the first August Ladder!
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Reserving a Game Mechanics official for August 2nd at 11AM EDT.

QCs by MeiQrator

1st place: KingChandelure [02:33].
2nd place: 111ace111 [02:33].
3rd place: computerwizard8800 [02:36].
4th place: DarkShinyGiratina [03:21].
5th place: shadoWeavile [03:28].
Consolation Prize: TurtalKatThing [03:52], dot Comfey~! [04:04], AbuBatata [06:09], Devoxys [07:30], VoD Dorron~(.~.)~ [10:44], Soft Flex [17:26], Discordual [17:46], An_Azurill [36:46], iDybalaJr en YT!~ [37:47], ZetaAlfa² [41:37], Praise Bid o3o f [43:20]

1) This ability that cannot be supressed, replaced, or copied is not associated with a form change. [comatose]
2) Excluding berries, these items with in-battle effects can be given to the player if one of their Pokémon has high sociability (alphabetical order). [luminous moss snowball]
3) Out of all items that cannot be found in Battle Tower in Gen VIII, this item has the highest value when used in the Cram-O-Matic. [big nugget]
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Reserving a Mobile Games official for August 3rd at 3PM EDT.

QCs by Devoxys and Celesteeal

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: DarkShinyGiratina [03:28].
2nd place: 111ace111 [06:11].
3rd place: TurtalKatThing [07:44].
4th place: scoobydoobydrew [08:10].
5th place: KingChandelure [11:38].
Consolation Prize: cheese555 [12:37], Litt♥Eleven [13:14], dot Comfey~! [13:42], Made in Saudi [18:19], pisx ♥♫~! [18:23], computerwizard8800 [20:13], Soft Flex [34:52], killerASCII [37:51], bulbasaurbuddy ♪ [40:18]

1) The first Gen V Pokemon family to become available in Pokemon GO after September 16, 2019 was released alongside a Pokemon from a previous generation that can have these moves as fast attacks (alphabetical order for full hunt). [feint attack snarl]
2) A certain move's name appears in the names of multiple training regimens in Magikarp Jump. These Pokemon that can appear at the pond via Friendship Item learn that move. [charizard litten snorlax]
3) In Pokemon Shuffle, these Pokemon can be found in main stages after their respective Mega Evolutions are fought, but before stage 150. [altaria ampharos slowbro]
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Hosting a Team Scavs Manga Official on August 4th at 5:00 PM EDT (GMT-4)!
Thank you to Meicoo and aQrator! for QCing!

The Phantom thieVes - 111ace111, geene
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ - computerwizard8800, smogonpuzzlehunt3
cheesy [redacted] - cheese555, coolrom122
100 gecs - turtalkatthing, laharl22

The unrated scavenger hunt was ended by bulbasaurbuddy ♪.
1st place: The Phantom thieVes [24:03].
2nd place: 100 gecs [37:46].
3rd place: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ [01:06:31].
Consolation Prize: cheesy [redacted] [01:06:40]

1) 1A: This Adventures location replaces two version-exclusive locations that appear in the games. 1B: In a non-Adventures manga, Cyrus thinks a Pokemon has used this move, when in reality the trainer is simply using the physical environment. [Poni Altar + Earthquake]
2) 2A: In Adventures, this item lets the holder ignore walls made by a certain Pokemon, but it is associated with a different Pokemon in its last main-series appearance. 2B: This leader of a villainous team that appears in a manga is only known to own Pokemon that are all fully-evolved starters. [Clear Bell + Meja]
3) 3A: In a non-Adventures manga, this machine is used by one of the protagonist's rivals to talk to their Pokemon. 3B: In Adventures, this character has made a Poke Ball add-on to help a Pokedex holder throw their Poke Balls easier. [Cat Cap + Magician / Cat Cap + The Magician]
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Reserving an Anime Official on August 5th at 7 pm EDT!

Thanks to Meicoo and Celesteeal for QCing!
1st place: Andrew [02:12].
2nd place: TurtalKatThing [04:43].
3rd place: DarkShinyGiratina [05:58].
4th place: 111ace111 [08:07].
5th place: AbuBatata [11:08].
Consolation Prize: computerwizard8800 [12:27], ProfSapling [31:39]

1) A character that Goh loses to in a competition is based on this comedian (full name). [ToshiakiKasuga]
2) This episode is the first to feature multiple Pokémon being enlarged, including temporarily, by means of a device. (give english title of episode) [GulpinItDown]
3) Mew, Wooper, Pachirisu, Sandygast, Absol, Lunala (next 2) [RabootTropius]
(explanation: Pokémon Shiritori)
Grats to all finishers! Thanks again to Meicoo and Celesteeal for QCing!
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Held a Generation V Official on August 6th at 3 pm EDT

Thanks to Tapler & aQrator for QCing and 111ace111 for hosting on short notice

1st place: p^_^okemonvortex. [05:14].
2nd place: computerwizard8800 [07:57].
3rd place: celesteeal [09:14].
4th place: laharl22 [09:16].
5th place: AbuBatata [16:41].
Consolation Prize: DarkShinyGiratina [16:45], dot Comfey~! [17:05], Coolrom~122 [20:57]

In Black & White, these items can only be found in the Entralink (alphabetical order for the entire hunt). | Dream ball, Pass orb
In Black & White, this location cannot be flown to, but will appear as if it can when the player uses Fly. | Liberty Garden
These gym leaders can request to visit a join avenue shop ran by a Lass | Burgh Cheren Drayden Elesa Roxie
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