Hosting a Jump Pick Team Scavs Official on Sunday, June 28th at 4:00 PM EDT (GMT-4)!
Thank you to Pants and celesteeal for the QCs!
Teams (captains underlined):
scav a nice day - turtalkatthing, heroictobias
port - aqrator, miketheentei
meteorite - 111ace111, devoxys
Chicken Salad with Blue Cheese Apple and Frisée - cheese555, applinbaby
#764.comfey - shatterene, anazurill
Pls Join My Team - profsapling, coolrom122 (joined late)
1st place: scav a nice day [14:48].
2nd place: Chicken Salad with Blue Cheese Apple and Frisée [15:03].
3rd place: meteorite [17:23].
Consolation Prize: port [01:00:51], #764.comfey [01:07:42], Pls Join My Team [01:45:41]
Thank you to Pants and celesteeal for the QCs!
1st place: TurtalKatThing [01:30].
2nd place: aQrator [01:35].
3rd place: scoobydoobydrew [01:49].
Consolation Prize: 111ace111 [01:52], cheese555 [02:08], shatterene [02:22], Devoxys [02:23], Mike the Entei [03:34], An_Azurill ⌐◼_◼ [03:39]
2nd place: aQrator [01:35].
3rd place: scoobydoobydrew [01:49].
Consolation Prize: 111ace111 [01:52], cheese555 [02:08], shatterene [02:22], Devoxys [02:23], Mike the Entei [03:34], An_Azurill ⌐◼_◼ [03:39]
1) In the anime episode where Mega Audino debuts, a foreign language dub mistranslated this move. [Take Down]
2) In SwSh, the non-fully evolved Pokemon that learns Take Down the latest by level-up learns this move upon being evolved into. [Dragon Pulse]
3) Dragapult is weak to at least one the STABs of every pseudo-legendary except for one. Name the Pokemon that Pokemon is not evolutionary related to, but has the same abilities as. [Registeel]
2) In SwSh, the non-fully evolved Pokemon that learns Take Down the latest by level-up learns this move upon being evolved into. [Dragon Pulse]
3) Dragapult is weak to at least one the STABs of every pseudo-legendary except for one. Name the Pokemon that Pokemon is not evolutionary related to, but has the same abilities as. [Registeel]
Teams (captains underlined):
scav a nice day - turtalkatthing, heroictobias
port - aqrator, miketheentei
meteorite - 111ace111, devoxys
Chicken Salad with Blue Cheese Apple and Frisée - cheese555, applinbaby
#764.comfey - shatterene, anazurill
Pls Join My Team - profsapling, coolrom122 (joined late)
1st place: scav a nice day [14:48].
2nd place: Chicken Salad with Blue Cheese Apple and Frisée [15:03].
3rd place: meteorite [17:23].
Consolation Prize: port [01:00:51], #764.comfey [01:07:42], Pls Join My Team [01:45:41]
1) 1A: A doll of this Pokemon requires two types of Berries to be obtained in a certain generation. 1B: This item debuted in Generation 4, but was not obtainable until Generation 5. [Piplup + Magma Stone]
2) 2A: In Adventures, a Pokemon that appears in a commercial shares its name with this anime character. 2B: A NPC that appears in a game demo claims to be one member out of four that help lost trainers in this city. (exclude city) [Alain + Mauville]
3) 3A: The Warlord that requires the most other Warlords to become Rank II has a Perfect Link with a fully-evolved Pokemon. In the anime episode where the alternate form of that Pokemon debuted, this Pokemon with a gender difference gets affected by Attract. 3B: In Pokemon Conquest, one of the unused trainers in the game's data uses the Pokemon with an unused graphic in Conquest when battled in a main series game. Name the other Pokemon that trainer uses when battling with that Pokemon. (alphabetical) [Raichu + Arcanine, Ponyta, Rapidash]
2) 2A: In Adventures, a Pokemon that appears in a commercial shares its name with this anime character. 2B: A NPC that appears in a game demo claims to be one member out of four that help lost trainers in this city. (exclude city) [Alain + Mauville]
3) 3A: The Warlord that requires the most other Warlords to become Rank II has a Perfect Link with a fully-evolved Pokemon. In the anime episode where the alternate form of that Pokemon debuted, this Pokemon with a gender difference gets affected by Attract. 3B: In Pokemon Conquest, one of the unused trainers in the game's data uses the Pokemon with an unused graphic in Conquest when battled in a main series game. Name the other Pokemon that trainer uses when battling with that Pokemon. (alphabetical) [Raichu + Arcanine, Ponyta, Rapidash]
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