Scavengers Ladder Cycles

I'm hosting a Moves official this Sunday, August 30th, at 3pm UTC (9am PST, 11am EST, 5pm CET, 8:30pm IST)

Thanks to LittEleven and Tapler for their QCs.

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: KingChandelure [03:29].
2nd place: celesteeal [05:38].
3rd place: dot Comfey~! [13:29].
4th place: 111ace111 [15:09].
5th place: TurtalKatThing [16:22].
Consolation Prize: DarkShinyGiratina [24:36], aegii [41:33], computerwizard8800 [45:50], PartMan [51:45], AbuBatata [01:25:39]

Thanks everyone for participating! And thanks again to Litt for taking over when I had to leave.

These two moves have only been a TM in gens 1 and 8. List alphabetically. - Mega Kick, Mega Punch
This non-signature, non-normal type move cannot be learned by any Pokémon of its type. - Heart Swap
Of the Pokémon that learn the most amount of zrecovery moves (Excluding Smeargle), this one has the lowest BST. - Swablu
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August Twist Odyssey on August 31st at 2PM UTC
1st place: DarkShinyGiratina [20:53].
2nd place: Litt♥Eleven [22:06].
3rd place: TurtalKatThing [26:57].
4th place: 111ace111 [37:17].
5th place: PartMan [37:31].
Consolation Prize: Merlee [38:42], Teutonic✠Squire [40:15], aegii [46:03], bobabuddi [54:09], KingChandelure [01:01:28], computerwizard8800 [01:28:10], dot Comfey~! [01:28:49]

1) 2020 August Twist Odyssey! What is the 1st theme of August twist? [free day]
2) In Pokemon Black/White, this Pokemon swarms in all seasons other than winter. [croagunk]
3) Pokemon Cafe Mix was announced on this day. (format: dd-mm-yyyy) [17-06-2020]
4) In Pokemon Adventures, this trainer is the owner of Gold's Togepi's parent. [jasmine]
5) In the anime, Ash's Totodile fallen in love with this pokemon but the pokemon loved a Golduck instead. [azumarill]
6) This is the first visitor of Join Avenue. [janus]
7) This person is credited as the designer of Pokemon Showdown's Charizards background. (Real name) [jessica valencia]
8) Mina's house-boat is in the shape of this pokemon. [whiscash]
9) In Mauville Game Corner, if a ball stuck in roulette wheel, this pokemon will pick it up and place it in a new spot on the wheel. [taillow]
10) In Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal, Unown X represents this word/term. [XXXXX]
11) These 2 Colosseums only appeared in Pokemon Colosseum, not in Pokemon XD. (alphabetically, exclude the word 'Colosseum') [deep under]
12) This is the first PTCG card to have the 'WINNER' stamp on the bottom right corner of its artwork. [electabuzz]
13) In Pokemon Red/Blue, Game Freak's office is located inside this building. [celadon mansion / celadon condominiums]
14) This user hosted Special Styles theme official hunt on August 14th. [gallan'ts pear]
15) Name all the plazas around Centrico Plaza in Lumiose City alphabetically. (exclude the word 'Plaza') [bleu jaune magenta rouge vert]
16) This is the name of Kantonian Gym guide. [jim gyde]
17) This free downloadable pokemon game is a tie in with Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction movie. [The Band of Thieves & 1000 Pokémon / The Band of Thieves & 1000 Pokemon / The Thieves and the 1000 Pokémon / The Thieves and the 1000 Pokemon]
18) This is the Trainer ID of the event pokemon distributed during 2018 Pokemon World Championships. [081824 / 082418]
19) All pokemon who have these 2 non signature abilities are weak to Ice type and have them as hidden abilities. (alphabetically) [harvest multiscale]
20) In Pokemon Sword/Shield, this Poke job company's logo features a Klink's face. [Spikemuth Chamber of Commerce]
21) You can catch this dual typed pokemon in the unused Safari Zone of Pokemon Gold/Silver beta. [corsola]
22) In Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team Red/Blue, Red & Blue Fan Club is led by these 2 pokemon. (alphabetically) [minun plusle]
23) In Pokemon UltraSun/UltraMoon, this trainer is known as the kimono-clad cad surfer. (exclude trainer class) [grimsley]
24) This is the founder of Altru Inc. [doyle hall]
25) This is the tallest Pokemon that has an immediate evolution or pre-evolution from a different generation. [exeggutor alola]
26) This mail features Zigzagoon. [orange mail]
27) In Pokemon Platinum, there's a book in this location where the player can register Manaphy's data to Pokedex. [Pokémon Mansion / Pokemon Mansion]
28) This is the smallest "make-your-own" pokemon plush toy from Build-A-Bear Workshop. [jigglypuff]
29) This Warlord in Pokemon Conquest is based on Maeda Toshimasu. [keiji]
30) This Fire type special move will fail if used in Max Raid Battle. [incinerate]
31) Now for the last experience, a special style that is puzzle hunt. Pokemon Category: Name the pokemon who has the category. [gigalith]
Thanks to Celesteeal and aQrator for qc

May the Pyuks be with you
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Mini Official Roundup! (August 1st - August 31st EDT):
1st place: celesteeal [01:59].
2nd place: KingChandelure [04:04].
3rd place: zip zap adam [04:28].
Consolation Prize: TurtalKatThing [04:38], SpecterReaper [06:12], iDybalaJr en YT!~ [07:01], AbuBatata [11:29], Soft Flex [11:47], laharl22 [19:17], dot Comfey~! [22:50], DarkShinyGiratina [23:01]

QC: aQrator
1st place: 111ace111 [09:36].
2nd place: TurtalKatThing [10:19].
3rd place: dot Comfey~! [10:43].
Consolation Prize: Damnright [11:06], Geene [11:08], KingChandelure [14:33], Squirtell [16:08], AbuBatata [16:43], RespectPickles [22:42], Helios12oct [28:21], Wallap-E [30:03], cleo [49:08], Pranav225 [01:09:25], OHKOff⁇ [01:24:11]

QC: aQrator
1st place: Merlee [00:27].
2nd place: powergo [00:31].
3rd place: scoobydoobydrew [01:42].
Consolation Prize: Geene [02:12], DarkShinyGiratina [02:15], bulbasaurbuddy ♪ [02:36], SmogonPuzzleHunt3 [02:55], Computerwizard8800 [06:06], 111ace111 [06:47], RespectPickles [07:18], dot Comfey~! [09:22], Spellhole [09:28], OHKOff⁇ [12:41], Gwynt ^-^ [13:12], TurtalKatThing [14:26], Soft Flex [39:27]

QC: aQrator
1st place: TurtalKatThing [01:21].
2nd place: dot Comfey~! [01:23].
3rd place: computerwizard8800 [01:28].
Consolation Prize: Meicoo [01:34], andrew [02:00], LJB14 [02:04], Rory Mercury [03:09], Barry✗☆✬000 [04:39], Praise Bid o3o f [04:46], Spellhole [06:57], lph123 ♥♫~! [07:22], Cheese555 [14:40], laharl22 [28:48], Soft Flex [37:53]

QC: aQrator, Host: LittEleven
1st place: dot Comfey~! [04:07].
2nd place: 111ace111 [06:33].
3rd place: Litt♥Eleven [08:26].
Consolation Prize: Devoxys [08:30], A㋛Quails㋛Query [09:28], powergo [15:28], p^_^okemonvortex. [16:00], DarkShinyGiratina [19:19], TurtalKatThing [23:42], killerASCII [38:27], AbuBatata [44:31], fearfire22 [48:19], OHKOff⁇ [48:45], Teutonic✠Squire [49:58]

QC: celesteeal
1st place: celesteeal [02:15].
2nd place: killerASCII [04:11].
3rd place: KingChandelure [04:25].
Consolation Prize: dot Comfey~! [05:29], 111ace111 [05:47], DarkShinyGiratina [07:30], Damnright [08:55], AbuBatata [09:24], computerwizard8800 [10:55], Shadow Sirens. ♪ [11:46], Squirtell [13:14], tidal otter [21:48], Soft Flex [30:48], Discordual [35:27]

QC: bulbsaurbuddy
1st place: Spellhole [06:52].
2nd place: dot Comfey~! [07:51].
3rd place: DarkShinyGiratina [08:21].
Consolation Prize: Shado <~> Weavile [10:03], computerwizard8800 [10:25], pants [12:02], bulbasaurbuddy ♪ [12:30], aegii [15:13], Tapler ❀ [15:44], aninterestingidea [19:10], abdrd [24:16], wallape [26:43], Caterpiellar [27:37], lph123 ♥♫~! [37:27], Drop a Dracovish [01:09:08]

QC: Andrew
1st place: 111ace111 [03:44].
2nd place: TurtalKatThing [05:32].
3rd place: Computerwizard8800 [06:44].
Consolation Prize: Devoxys [06:55], p^_^okemonvortex. [08:53], dot Comfey~! [10:02], WarriorGallade [11:25], PlasmaSoldier2016 [19:09]

QC: Andrew
1st place: PartMan [01:05].
2nd place: TurtalKatThing [01:11].
3rd place: computerwizard8800 [01:32].
Consolation Prize: An_Azurill >_> [02:32], KingChandelure [02:35], Devoxys [02:39], 111ace111 [02:48], Orion's Sign [02:57], Litt♥Eleven [02:57], Geene [03:20], OHKOff⁇ [13:21], jegoro [13:57], Cargney Carnation [17:11], ASnomPlaysShowdown [23:47], rafooa11 [27:21], DarkShinyGiratina [31:43], R2Cv1 [35:10], mighty cannon [37:55], Teutonic✠Squire [40:40]

QC: aQrator
1st place: Tapler ❀ [02:37].
2nd place: aegii [02:50].
3rd place: waLLape [03:49].
Consolation Prize: Praise Bid o3o f [05:59], computerwizard8800 [07:08], Merlee [07:28]

QC: LittEleven
1st place: p0ip0le ∆ [01:46].
2nd place: dot Comfey~! [03:16].
3rd place: DarkShinyGiratina [03:50].
Consolation Prize: 111ace111 [04:01], KingChandelure [05:07], Aeolia [07:08], Devoxys [09:18], RespectPickles [12:55], Made in Saudi [14:48], MukUsedDrillPeck [15:01], fearfire22 [20:25], scoobydoobydrew [20:32], computerwizard8800 [22:45], TurtalKatThing [30:53]

QC: Andrew
Last Month's Results
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The second Ladder Cycle of August has now concluded. Congratulations to the top three placers: 111ace111 in first place with 505 points, TurtalKatThing in second place with 430 points, and Computerwizard8800 in third place with 411 points!
111ace111 505
TurtalKatThing 430
computerwizard8800 411
DarkShinyGiratina 410
Litt♥Eleven 371
dot Comfey~! 308
celesteeal 236
AbuBatata 228
aQrator 219
Teutonic✠Squire 175
p^_^okemonvortex. 148
powergo 138
Devoxys 128
OHKOff⁇ 127
Aeolia 118
PartMan 111
pants 109
Merlee 96
aegii 70
waLLape 69
Tapler ❀ 62
Meicoo 61
cheese555 61
aninterestingidea 60
p0ip0le ∆ 58
Andrew 56
SpecterReaper 55
bulbasaurbuddy ♪ 52
lph123 ♥♫~! 49
Outer Wilds 46
Geene 45
Soft Flex 45
fearfire22 45
WarriorGallade 45
Made in Saudi 45
an ode to woe 44
ProfSapling 43
Praise Bid o3o f 40
RespectPickles 38
Pranav225 36
frog fractions god 36
Damnright 34
gallant's pear 33
Found then Lost 32
cleo 30
Cargney Carnation 30
Dylas 29
phiwings99 28
killerASCII 25
Kad-lands 24
Shadow Sirens. ♪ 23
Rory Mercury 21
westerdayz 20
YveltalNL 20
bobabuddi 19
Primal♥Lanturn 18
jjev 17
A㋛Quails㋛Query 15
R2Cv1 15
golden009 14
Parcly Taxel 13
Lyndon J Bohnson 13
An_Azurill >_> 13
Wan the Avatar 12
PlasmaSoldier2016 11
AGY645 11
Ianisagiraffe 11
Orion's Sign 11
scoobydoobydrew 10
Vrji 10
sagpokeballs 10
MukUsedDrillPeck 10
i can see forever 10
Gwynt ^-^ 10
Jasuanti 10
FakePart 10
LustySalazzleMaid 9
tidal otter 8
therealhoneyg 8
Shado <~> Weavile 8
Mike124 8
NikolasGlazer 8
Midnightsecrets 7
rafooa11 7
TheSeelGoesMeow 7
FourteenAlmonds 7
jegoro 7
UwI 7
WeepingDevil ±_± 7
RedBeaver540 6
WanderingAlbatross 6
Squirtell 6
Ineedmorepokemon 6
UUJ6 lph 6
DOU4V Boat 6
Jirachirelia 6
Coolrom~122 5
Gastrulation 5
Criticisms~! 5
EmeraldPhoenix01 5
Mazdayasna 5
Rotom-Drum 5
zpn 5
legendarymouse 5
LCRR Tomatoes 4
Spellhole 4
laharl22 4
FireghtBug 4
Pratham02 4
Zacian-Crowned 4
WMQ%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 4
Im a literal noob 4
Lady Monita 4
green12052 3
Skiploommaster 3
satvik1234567890 3
TheStarmanLord 3
Death & DeSpear 3
working on this 3
huntmaker 3
Ziµpzµapadµam 3
A PS user 3
mighty cannon 3
ASnomPlaysShowdown 3
AzureIsSeal 3
digimonismylife 2
Drop a Dracovish 2
Endwalker♄888 2
Yua999 2
shadowgaleo 2
Gargoyle31 2
Steve♡456664♡ 2
Los Chunkos 2
Rb220 2
sceptorus 2
broil 2
sIang翔 2
Illusio 2
ManUNkind 2
za 2
pyorololi 2
DominoSucks 2
KawaiiiiPotato✿ 2
aro1904 1
Helios12oct 1
Discordual 1
Penguin D 1
abdrd 1
Caterpiellar 1
Fleurantisee 1
kingtroller + 1
to all ya nerds 1
Benjgbro 1
Christmas 1
Desktop Stapler ❀ 1
SergioRules 1
Drednaws 1
Mega Eevee X 1
Aariz Anas 1
captanpasta 1
Trade 1
Zouroku 1
RainbowBenja7 1
crepuscular goomy 1
Bronzecrank 1
Lumaerix 1
VigilanteVigoroth 1
psmathgeek 1
boredcollegekid 1
ReddSoloCupp 1
20 min soul 1
God evening 1
Pranav=1.5 1
gregoris4 1
RPpenguin 1
negsan〚☆﹏☆〛 1
Embar 1
Ninetales-Alolan<3 1
Cyllage 1
Grammatical! 1
ashiemore 1
adicoolkid 1
TL The Legend 1
Mubs 1
The ladder twist chosen by staff for the month of September is: Perfect Score: If you finish an official without making any incorrect guesses or using /leavehunt, you will receive bonus points based on your placing! These bonus points will follow a format of 10-8-5-5-5-5, with all finishers past 6th able to earn 2 bonus points. Note that in the case of an official question's answer being edited, this twist will be nullified for that official. (This twist does not apply to mini officials. Our official twists last for both cycles of a month before being replaced.)

Don't miss a beat on the first September Ladder!
Hosted a mildly evil Typing Fish on Tuesday, September 1st at 8:00pm GMT!

1st Place: DarkShinyGiratina [01:05:53]
2nd Place: 111ace111 [01:16:26]
3rd Place: ProfSapling [01:18:17]
4th Place: OHKOff⁇ [01:23:51]
5th Place:
Spellhole [01:25:18]
6th Place: cheese555 [01:36:00]
Consolation Prize: p^_^okemonvortex, p0ip0le ∆

1) Welcome to a dumb typing-based fish! Ignore Freeze Dry, Flying Press, and abilities, and assume standard battle conditions for the whole hunt. Answer this question with “oki” to continue. [oki / ok / no]
2) These Pokemon can receive a completely different set of weaknesses from their own when they evolve or mega evolve. (alpha order) [Audino, Eevee, Riolu, Seadra, Skorupi]
3) Ignoring forms, this is the longest string of consecutive Pokemon in natdex that all share a type without two in a row sharing a weakness. (natdex order) [Scizor, Shuckle, Heracross]
4) Consider every possible sequence of eight Pokemon, one from each gen in order, where every Pokemon shares a type but no two in a row share a weakness. Name every fully-evolved, dual-type Pokemon that appears in monotype sequences of both of its types. (alpha order) [Gastrodon, Quagsire, Swampert-Mega]

Rather than rushing to try and find every possible sequence, start by eliminating types that can’t form any sequences, this will leave you with Ground, Normal, and Water. From there, just test every fully-evolved Pokemon that has two of those types to see if they can work in a sequence for both types. Seismitoad can’t link into Gen 6 for Water, Diggersby can’t link into Gen 5 or 7 for Ground, Bibarel can’t link into Gen 5 for Water, and either Quagsire or Wooper is required to link Gen 2 to Gen 1 in Ground, eliminating both Whiscash and base-form Swampert.
TurtalKatThing: are we still sure tapler's driver wasnt an extended afd prank

111ace111: weee love throwing away my perfect score

Wan the Avatar: Tapler, this twist is hard since no one here can spell ;;
Tapler ❀: stupid mistakes are, like, half of the reason this twist is so hard
cheese555: and also q4 being impossible

Sheepgomoo♥: the word completely is ruining me

computerwizard8800: tapler i can't count the dash panels :(
TurtalKatThing: i dont know which stages go underwater tapler :(

p0ip0le ∆: is that the only possible ground-type chain?
Tapler ❀: mayhaps
p0ip0le ∆: ok so im assuming theres another and you hate god so theres definitelh another
p0ip0le ∆: so what im saying right now is please go to church

qcs by Pajantom and Littenstein Pants and LittEleven
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Hosted a 3-year room owner 4-year room voice anniversary official on Wednesday, September 2nd, at 8 PM EDT!

Winner: MukUsedDrillPeck
2nd: aQrator
3rd: bulbasaurbuddy
4th: KingChandelure
5th: ProfSapling
6th: Orion's Sign
Consolation Prize: Ianisagiraffe, computerwizard8800, DarkShinyGiratina, Devoxys, 111ace111 (perfect score), fearfire22, pokemonvortex (perfect score), dot Comfey (perfect score), TurtalKatThing
(1) Poliwhirl, (2) Swimmer, (3) Chansey
1) From the most recently introduced main series trainer class that belongs to multiple trainers, the female trainer that gives the most prize money uses this Pokemon.
2) This trainer class that appears in every main series game is formatted the same way in Gen 8 as Gen 1, and has both male and female trainers within the class.
3) In the main series, this Pokemon used in battle by a Pokemaniac has a larger regional dex number from that game than any other Pokemon's regional dex number from the game in which a Pokemaniac used it.
Thanks to Pants and LittEleven for qc'ing!
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On Friday, September 4th, Scavengers collaborated with the 1v1 room to host a Swiss Tournament involving both 1v1 matches as well as competitive-themed hunts.

Prizes included a custom title for the winner, as well as Scavenger ladder points and 1v1’s Kyubits for anyone with the third best record or better.

Congratulations to Krytocon for winning the event, winning in all 5 rounds! Full results can be found here.

1) These currently OU Pokemon are OU in the most consecutive generations. List them alphabetically. [Skarmory Tyranitar]
2) This was the first ever Pokemon to be banned to Ubers that has a pre-evolution. [Wobbuffet]
3) "Determined Spirit" is the literal translation of the Japanese name of an ability that this Baby Pokemon has. [Igglybuff]
1) This Pokemon had the biggest change in tiers this September, rising from NU to OU. [Ditto]
2) Ignoring abilities, This NU Pokemon is able to hit every Pokemon that can be used in the tier either neutrally or super-effectively using only its STAB moves. [Rhydon]
3) PS user “your stepbro” recently topped the NU ladder using a team based around a core of Ninjask and Thwackey, which allows Ninjask to hit one of its usual counters super-effectively. Name said counter. [Stunfisk-Galar]

Special thanks to the 1v1 staff who provided sample teams, Meicoo, Andy Snype, Tapler, and aQrator for making the hunts, and Devoxys, BulbaBuddy, and Celesteeal for QCing them.

Lastly, huge thanks to Meicoo, LittEleven, Gallant Spear, Boat, and Felucia for this collaboration and for organizing this event!
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Hosted a Perfect Score official on September 7th at 2PM EDT. 3:15PM EDT or so

QCs by BulbaBuddy and aQrator

1st place: cheese555 [06:11].
2nd place: DarkShinyGiratina [06:20].
3rd place: TurtalKatThing [06:23].
4th place: computerwizard8800 [06:52].
5th place: 111ace111 [07:33].
Consolation Prize: Litt♥Eleven [14:51], spellhole [17:35], p^_^okemonvortex. [18:40], Devoxys [19:14], killerASCII [30:04]

No one answered all three questions without any wrong guesses :(

1) This Pokemon Professor debuted on April 1st, 2014 (exclude "Professor"). [pegman]
2) Excluding main series starter Pokemon, every member of the evolutionary families belonging to these LC Pokemon could be found in the Google Maps: Pokemon Challenge (alphabetical order). [eevee munchlax pichu]
3) Out of all of the Pokemon that can be found in the Google Maps: Pokemon Challenge, these ones can still evolve, and have a typing that does not currently exist in Sword/Shield (alphabetical order). [combusken deerling monferno pignite]
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Had an official on Tuesday, September 8th at 5PM EDT.

QC'd by aQrator and Andy Snype, hosted by Andy Snype :)

1st place: p^_^okemonvortex. [13:44]. Perfect Score!
2nd place: 111ace111 [28:41].
3rd place: TurtalKatThing [35:01].
4th place: MukUsedDrillPeck [50:44].
5th place: computerwizard8800 [51:18].
Consolation Prize: ProfSapling [01:01:33] Perfect Score!

1) In at least one main-series game, these cities have more people in them than the largest city by area in their region. (Alphabetical Order)
1A) Celadon Hearthome Nimbasa / Celadon City Hearthome City Nimbasa City
2) In Celadon City in Generation I, there exists an inaccessible warp to a certain location. What is the index number, in decimal, of the location the player would get warped to?
2A) 136
3) There exists a certain location in Kanto that's not seen in the games, but is referenced in the anime and manga. The location was also used in magazines to distribute a Magikarp that learns this move, which it cannot normally learn.
3A) Dragon Rage

So, this fish was a learning experience for me, as it was my first. I think I underestimated q1's difficulty, especially with the twist. I think the wording of "by area" was confusing to a lot of people, since the Bulbapedia trivia for all 3 answers just says 'largest city', and quantitative area measurements weren't really documented anywhere. But anyway, I had a fun time running my first fish, and expect more (and better) ones in the future! <3
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10th September 2019 is when I was first promoted to driver in Scavengers, and allowed to start my own hunts, so I thought it'd be fitting to host an odyssey in recognition of the anniversary.

Reserving an official for 10th September 2020 at 5 PM GMT (1 PM EST), QCed by Tapler and Pants (thanks a lot!) , and I hope to see you there!

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: aQrator [27:51].
2nd place: 111ace111 [37:40].
3rd place: TurtalKatThing [01:01:46].
4th place: MukUsedDrillPeck [01:01:47].
5th place: p^_^okemonvortex. [01:13:46].
Consolation Prize: Computerwizard8800 [01:19:36]

1) Ten new fully evolved Pokemon learn this move in Sword/Shield, despite it being a unique move the generation prior. [Pollen Puff]
2) In D/P/Pt, this location contains a certain Vitamin that is only available until one of the box legendaries is caught. [Lake Valor]
3) This item came in varieties like Shadow and Glitter in Generation 3. [Mail]
4) A certain trainer in Sun/Moon has one of their trainer classes be unique, and is battleable under that trainer class though not under their real name. Name the unique trainer class, then the trainer (real name). [Pro Wrestler Kukui]
5) In Gen 7, this LC Pokemon lost its unique typing to multiple different evolutionary families. [Surskit]
6) This episode features the release of two Pokemon by Team Rocket, though Ash had just released a Pokemon an episode prior. (answer with the name of the episode) [Thank You, Alola! The Journey Continues!]
7) This Pokemon move has been used by six Muks throughout the anime, half of which were wild. [Sludge Bomb]
8) According to IMDb, this movie is supposedly an ode to Kubrick and Craven ,shares its name with a Pokemon, and examines one woman's trauma following a camping trip gone wrong. [WOOLOO]
9) Having this item in its debut generation increases the speed of the possessor's Pokemon, but does not when it reappears in Generation 6. [Dynamo Badge]
10) This ability is possessed by two fully evolved Pokemon across all Pokemon; both of which are OU in the last (and so far only) generation they appeared in. [Grassy Surge]
11) A forme of this Pokemon, though being only cosmetic in nature in the main games, has Power of 4+ in Pokemon Shuffle, while its base forme does not. [Keldeo]
12) A trainer in this city will trade you a Farfetch'd with a perfect IVs in one stat in an in game trade. (exclude 'city') [Santalune]
13) It's been 12 months since I've became staff, and I've learned a lot. Counting down what's given in the questions I've seen, I've realised taking a part from each answer gave me something I've done every day as a Scavengers staff, once I followed the instructions. What do I do, that's kept me good at Scavengers? (This is a meta-puzzle, you will only need the previous puzzle answers to solve this question) [Praise Google]

As evidenced by the flavour text to question 13, it says ' Counting down what's given in the questions I've seen, I've realised taking a part from each answer ', which gets you to realise that each question contains exactly one number in it (either in numeral form or written out). Compiling them gives you a corresponding number to each answer, and hence extracting the letters you get:

or, FLIP THE WORDS, which clues you in to try flipping the answers, and repeating the instructions gives you:

or, Praise Google, which is the final solution to this meta puzzle. Ironically, the part I spent the most time making was the answer to the meta puzzle, since I didn't want it to be offhand guessed, but still be meaningful to a solver, but making the questions that worked as they did was pretty fun and quick.

Lastly, it's been a fun year, but there's only looking up to what comes in the future, so stay tuned!
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Hosted a 4-question collab Official with ProfSapling on Saturday, September 12th at 4 PM EDT!

Winner: Devoxys
2nd: 111ace111
3rd: KingChandelure
4th: TurtalKatThing
5th: DarkShinyGiratina (perfect score)
dot Comfey (perfect score)
Consolation Prize:
(1) Spinarak, (2) Stone Emporium, (3) Sushi High Roller, (4) Lucario
Meicoo 1) A Power Bouncer sold in the 90's was designed after this Pokemon that can learn Bounce and is weak to Bounce.
ProfSapling 2) This building contains the purchasable items with the highest price throughout the main series Pokemon games.
ProfSapling 3) This building in the main series Pokemon games costs the most to enter and explore.
Meicoo 4) In May of 2009, an in-game Pokemon Platinum doll of this Pokemon was distributed in Japan at Pokemon Center stores.
Thanks to computerwizard8800 and Tapler for qc'ing!
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Hosted an official on September 13th at 7PM EDT. If you weren't there, you were a quadrilateral with all equal sides!

QCd by Pants and computerwizard8800

1st place: KingChandelure [10:47]. Perfect Score!
2nd place: 111ace111 [10:49]. Perfect Score!
3rd place: aQrator [11:28].
4th place: dot Comfey~! [12:13]. Perfect Score!
5th place: TurtalKatThing [16:08].
Consolation Prize: MukUsedDrillPeck [21:55]

1) This trainer in Kalos that can't be fought at the Battle Chateau has a Pokemon at a level lower than 20, and lower than legally possible (include trainer class) [Rising Star Hamish]
2) In Pokemon Adventures, this nature appears the most often among all Unova Pokedex holders' Pokemon with known natures. [Serious]
3) In Kalos, a certain trainer class introduced in Gen I (excluding Elite 4) can only be fought in one non-battle facility location. Name the Pokemon used by that trainer class in X and Y that does not share a weakness (exluding abilities) with any of the other Pokemon used by that class (outside of battle facilities) in X and Y. [Elgyem]

Thanks for showing up to DSG Official #2! Only 485 more to go until DSG Official #487!
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Official on September 18 at 5PM EDT
QCd by aQrator and BulbasaurBuddy (host)

1st place: p^_^okemonvortex. [10:15]. (perfect score)
2nd place: 111ace111 [18:00].
3rd place: Computerwizard8800 [21:11].
4th place: cheese555 [22:05]. (perfect score)
5th place: TurtalKatThing [25:51].
Consolation Prize: Teutonic✠Squire [26:56], DarkShinyGiratina [28:54], aninterestingidea [32:54], MukUsedDrillPeck [37:18], twisted woven [38:06] (perfect score), luca12379 [46:43], Penguin D [01:32:42]

1) These Pokemon have their categories misspelled in the Pokemon Deluxe Essential Handbook. Consider spaces, and include "Pokemon" as part of the categories. (alphabetical order, PS format) [Audino-Mega Lopunny-Mega Sandile Zigzagoon]
2) There are two Pokemon that are from the same evolutionary line and have moves as their categories, but have different categories. Name both moves. (alphabetical order) [Flash Spark]
3) There are five Pokemon that have a move as a category but can't learn that move. Name all fully evolved Pokemon that learn at least 2 of those moves, excluding Smeargle. (alphabetical order) [Camerupt Garbodor Magcargo Ninetales Weezing]
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Reserving official hunt on September 21st at 3 pm utc
1st place: MukUsedDrillPeck [05:31].
2nd place: aQrator [05:41].
3rd place: Teutonic✠Squire [06:28].
4th place: p^_^okemonvortex. [08:04].
5th place: 111ace111 [09:15].
Consolation Prize: Parcly Taxel [12:32], Devoxys [12:44], sIang [17:48], PartMan [21:24]

note: perfect score is underlined

1) This Net Ball shaped book is 47 pages long and was released by Scholastic. [Pokemon bug pokedex / pokémon bug pokédex]
2) A certain deck used by a World Champion only has 4 distinct pokemon, 3 of them are in the same evolution line and the other one is a legendary pokemon. Name all the pokemon alphabetically. [Cyndaquil quilava reshiram typhlosion]
3) A card that features Pikachu, Chespin, and Sylveon in a picnic has this non damaging attack. [Let's eat together]
Thanks to LittEleven and BulbaBuddy fir qc

May the Pyuks be with you
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Reserving an Odyssey fish on September 30th! [2200 IST / 1630 GMT / 1230 EST / 0930 PDT].

Many thanks to LittEleven and Tapler for the QCs, and an extra thanks to Litt for hosting!

This'll be the last of the 69, so be there! n.n

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: 111ace111 [23:02].
2nd place: TurtalKatThing [30:55].
3rd place: Teutonic✠Squire [36:20].
4th place: Computerwizard8800 [38:28].
5th place: iph! [41:43].
Consolation Prize: MukUsedDrillPeck [55:09], powergo [55:26], satvik1234567890 [57:15], WarriorGallade [01:04:34], aQrator [01:04:59], AbuBatata [01:25:09], Spoopy Poops [01:28:36], OHKOff⁇ [01:32:12], Pranav225 [01:35:41], Krytocon☆彡 [01:41:46], yestrday [02:01:56]

1) #69 The 69th hunt! Fishy QCed by epic drivers Litt and Tapler. Scavenge YEET to start. [YES / YEET / Rory is a weeb.]
2) Bulbapedia user Eridanus uploaded an image of a Pokemon named Anti-Grass using this move against a Bellsprout. [Blast Burn]
3) This signature move of an Ice/Flying-type legendary Pokemon has a chance to freeze the opponent. [Shadow Chill]
4) Garbodor, Paras, Phanpy, Seviper, Swalot, Vileplume, and Weepinbell are the only Pokemon that have a main-series Pokedex entry containing this word. (Including tenses.) Answer using the base word. [Douse]
5) This is the only move of its type to be able to Poison the opponent, regardless of outside factors like items or the user's status. [GMax Stun Shock]
6) This is the only villainous team in Pokemon that is mentioned in a Pokedex entry. [Team Plasma / Plasma]
7) This damaging unique move does not give STAB to the user (not the Smeargle one), despite the move being able to be of different types. [Techno Blast]
8) A certain character shares their name with a Pokemon ability. They also helped duplicate three specific items. List the character, then the items in alphabetical order. [Magician, Burn Drive, Chill Drive, Douse Drive]

Congratulations to all finishers!

Thanks to Litt and Tapler for QCing this hunt, and a huge round of applause to aQ, Litt, pants, Tapler, and most of all CWiz for QCing the past 69 I queued for this cycle!

On that note, it's time for another farewell. +PartMan might be missed by some, but their absence will be a relief to others. Have a very epic Halloween!
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Reserving an official for Sunday, September 27th, 13:00 GMT!

Thanks to cwiz for QC, and double thanks to aqrator for QC and hosting!

Thanks for participating in my official!

1st place: Merlee [10:02].
2nd place: sIang [13:59].
3rd place: Andrew [17:09].
4th place: wallape [19:28].
5th place: PartMan [21:03].
Consolation Prize: Teutonic✠Squire [25:49], DarkShinyGiratina [27:17], Litt♥Eleven [32:36], MysticNyan [41:24], Skaiian [41:54], MukUsedDrillPeck [42:14], satvik1234567890 [43:14], iph! [52:11]

Additional congratulations to Andrew and satvik1234567890 for completing the hunt with a Perfect Score!

1) Name all moves (including Dynamax and Z moves) that have an Elite 4 (core series) member's name in it. (alphabetical) [Devastating DRAKE GLACIAte WILLowisp]
2) Where A-E represent words, name them in order where, AB and CD are moves, BC is a unique trainer class, AED is a move, and E is an item. [double team skull bash iron]
3) Counting only main series games, list all the unique trainer classes used by the trainer with the most unique trainer classes. (alphabetical order) [boss, rocket boss, team rainbow rocket, team rocket boss]
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Hosted an official on September 28th at 1PM EDT.

QCs by LittEleven and Gallant Spear!

1st place: PartMan [05:26].
2nd place: TurtalKatThing [05:29].
3rd place: Computerwizard8800 [06:16].
4th place: 111ace111 [06:51].
5th place: dot Comfey~! [08:01].
Consolation Prize: AbuBatata [12:54], MukUsedDrillPeck [13:16], Sir Tetris [15:53], Teutonic✠Squire [20:00], aQrator [48:56], WarriorGallade [52:50]

1) Teamwork is this character's motto (exclude trainer class). [honey]
2) This berry’s Natural Gift type is also the type of most of the moves that can cause the single status condition that it cures (exclude “berry”). [aspear]
3) These characters of the day share their name with a fighter in Super Smash Bros Ultimate (alphabetical order). [mario pit robin simon]
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Reserving an official hunt for September 30th at 10:30 am EDT!

QC'd by computerwizard8800 and 111ace111.
1st place: Litt♥Eleven [01:44].
2nd place: MukUsedDrillPeck [02:44].
3rd place: powergo [03:01].
4th place: PartMan [07:29].
5th place: Spoopy Poops [08:55].
Consolation Prize: Teutonic✠Squire [21:50], satvik1234567890 [24:39]

1) This Pokémon has TCG cards featuring it that have attacks that have you win the game or lose the game in non-standard ways (i.e. not deck out, bench out, or taking 6 prizes). [Slowbro]
2) The members of the Aqua Admin Trainer Class are part of a trio referred to by an acronym. What does the acronym stand for? [SubleadersoftheSeaScheme]
3) This Pokémon game for the DS could be sampled at Journey Across America events. (format é as e) [PokemonTrozei]

Congrats to all finishers! Thanks to computerwizard8800 and 111ace111 for QCing!
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Mini Official Roundup (September 1 - September 30):

The mini scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: 111ace111 [02:30].
2nd place: TurtalKatThing [02:33].
3rd place: Geene [02:43].
Consolation Prize: Spellhole [02:47], p^_^okemonvortex. [03:06], aninterestingidea [03:17], MukUsedDrillPeck [03:33], Jirachirelia [05:12], dot Comfey~! [05:52], Im a literal noob [11:06]

QC: Devoxys/BulbasaurBuddy

The mini scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: Aeolia [06:47].
2nd place: 111ace111 [10:07].
3rd place: p^_^okemonvortex. [10:12].
Consolation Prize: dot Comfey~! [10:53], MukUsedDrillPeck [14:43], TurtalKatThing [15:04]

QC: pants

The mini scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: DarkShinyGiratina [02:25].
2nd place: 111ace111 [03:00].
3rd place: TurtalKatThing [03:18].
Consolation Prize: cheese555 [03:50], Devoxys [04:38], dot Comfey~! [04:50], yestrday [10:36], MukUsedDrillPeck [35:19], pants [37:35], ManUNkind [55:12], Aeolia [56:05], killerASCII [01:03:28], Zipzap ❒ Adam [01:29:37], Computerwizard8800 [01:56:49], Litt♥Eleven [02:05:22], ProfSapling [02:05:51]

QC: BulbasaurBuddy

Last month's results:
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The second Ladder Cycle of September has now concluded. Congratulations to the top three placers: PartMan in first place with 477 points, Teutonic$$$$Squire in second place with 296 points, and iph! in third place with 246 points!

PartMan 477
Teutonic$$$$Squire 296
iph! 246
TurtalKatThing 220
111ace111 211
Litt♥Eleven 194
satvik1234567890 178
Computerwizard8800 172
Merlee 158
MukUsedDrillPeck 152
dot Comfey~! 136
OHKOff⁇ 135
AbuBatata 123
DarkShinyGiratina 105
p^_^okemonvortex. 94
aQrator 90
wallape 88
Sir Tetris 70
aegii 68
Soft Flex 63
yestrday 59
WarriorGallade 57
aninterestingidea 56
twisted woven 53
Pranav225 53
doc1203 46
sIang 45
powergo 42
AGY645 40
ProfSapling 39
YveltalNL 39
Vector5557 39
Primal♥Lanturn 39
ottototoro 35
SpecterReaper 35
Aeolia 34
Andrew 33
cheese555 32
gallant's pear 32
scoobydoobydrew 31
TL The Legend 28
Parcly Taxel 28
killerASCII 23
Penguin D 21
pants 21
luca12379 18
Shadow Sirens. ♪ 18
Spoopy Poops 18
fearfire22 16
Praise Bid o3o f 16
KitkatKK2 16
A PS user 15
Found then Lost 15
ip04 15
negsan 14
R2Cv1 14
KingChandelure 14
A㋛Quails㋛Query 13
Trade 13
RespectPickles 12
Hasumi Kisaragi 12
Steve456664 11
Zipzap ❒ Adam 11
Battle1234 9
Ianisagiraffe 9
Desktop Stapler ❀ 9
KawaiiiiPotato✿ 8
FrenchFryFan 8
MonsieurPiggles 8
Skaiian 8
TheAura 7
Im a literal noob 7
boredcollegekid 7
Devoxys 7
zpn 7
Bronzecrank 6
spellhole 6
Lyndon J Bohnson 6
Discordual 5
bobabuddi 5
bulbasaurbuddy 5
pisx ♥♫~! 5
Poisonous Blossom 5
p0ip0le ∆ 5
westerdayz 5
Guishark 5
TheStarmanLord 5
Mike the Entei 5
socool23 5
spookirtetrikoops 5
Zandurr 4
ax1lotl 4
Lady Monita 4
MysticNyan 4
Mystiphox 3
Jasuanti 3
obama plays 3
x.Roa.x 3
TpOi2006 3
minasion 3
Krytocon☆彡 3
jjev 2
Tapler ❀ 2
raf 2
magicarpe_lvl100 2
togekiss is here 2
Skiploommaster 2
AndrewThePenguin 2
big man alex 2
Add23456 2
Damnright 2
derpeddeath 2
An_Azurill <_< 2
toxvick 2
Wan the Avatar 2
ManUNkind 2
captanpasta 2
Lord of the Dawn 2
Tyforme 2
Benjgbro 1
Infidelity 1
Sheepgomoo♥ 1
Clockee 1
Achilles Horror 1
Ree6e 1
Gargoyle31 1
blackburn009 1
HikerBrian 1
Hayden5267 1
Cyllage 1
M͜en͡gy ㋛ 1
bad blood boy 1
No Phox Given 1
PrincessPika102 1
nolenot 1
Paranoid Cydonian 1
Barrier Baboon!!! 1
Qui-Gon the Flygon 1
Mega Eevee X 1
Megagr 1
saltvik 1
digimonismylife 1
Beedrill-Mega 1
Jablinx 1
SergioRules 1
Alolash 1
Jayi 1
Midnightsecrets 1
green12052 1
PachirisuPuchimax 1
CoolBewear 1
ASnomPlaysShowdown 1
Mystic Arcanum 1
MonsieurPiggless 1
Teutonic✠Necron 1
Wash Rot0m 1

The ladder twist chosen by staff for the month of October is: Bonus Round: Every official will have an optional 4th question that will award you extra points if you complete it depending on your place. Your final place and time will be affected by your time spent on the 4th question. The bonus points will follow a format of 12-10-8-6-4-2, with all finishers past 6th place able to earn 1 bonus point. (This twist does not apply to mini officials. Our official twists last for both cycles of a month before being replaced.)

Lastly, congratulations to our newest roomvoice, DarkShinyGiratina, as well as our returning roommoderator, computerwizard8800!

Be the dark horse on the first October Ladder!
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Reserving a Bonus Round official for October 8th at 2PM EST.

QCs by computerwizard8800 and LittEleven

1st place: all Hallow's Ace [05:19].
2nd place: vamPart [06:13].
3rd place: p^_^umpkaboovortex [06:19].
4th place: One Hex Knock Off [07:49].
5th place: TurtalKatThing [08:28].
Consolation Prize: Mystiphox [09:29], Stygian Stapler [12:26], Teu#tOnIc%&Sq$UirE [19:33], Qui-Gon the Flygon [41:10], DarkScaryGiratina [46:16]

Bolded users finished all 4 questions.

1) This Pokemon learns Torment by level-up at an earlier level than any other Pokemon in any game (excluding Pokemon that learn it at level 1). [Zorua]
2) The Japanese name of a certain move is a reference to a method of testing swords in feudal Japan. These Pokemon have used that move in Pokemon Adventures, but don't get STAB from it (alphabetical order). [gallade lickilicky]
3) These Pokemon that can evolve have category names that contain the names of types that they don't get STAB from (alphabetical order). [bagon horsea loudred seadra trumbeak]
4) In Pokemon Adventures, the only known user of both of these two moves is the same Sableye (alphabetical order). (You may choose to skip this question using /scavenge skip.) [punishment shadow sneak]
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Choice-themed hont on Oct 11th!

Reserving a twisted fishy for October 11th! [1430 IST / 0900 GMT / 0500 EST / 0200 PST]

QCs by aQrator and Pants; hosted by aQ!

See you there. :3
(That's not a choice; be there or I will poke you)

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: Merlee [04:39].
2nd place: westerdayz [09:06].
3rd place: satvik1234567890 [09:31].
4th place: iph! [12:11].
5th place: Computerwizard8800 [14:28].
Consolation Prize: Spoopy Poops [18:47], powergo [19:07], wallape [33:40]

Everyone finished with the twist! :D

1) In the Pokemon Adventures manga, two moves have been used to make certain Pokemon hold a Choice Band. List the two moves in alphabetical order, then the two Pokemon that received the Choice Band, in alphabetical order.
[Bestow, Trick, Klang, Mawile]
2) This TCG card bears the design of the Choice Band, and reduces damage taken from certain types of enemy Pokemon by 30.
[Choice Helmet]
3) The Choice Scarf summons a certain Pokemon as a helper Pokemon. The SwSh 1v1 analysis for that Pokemon mentions that using a Choice Scarf allows it to outspeed two Pokemon. List those two alphabetically.
[Dragapult, Zeraora]
4) In a certain Pokemon manga, a Choice Specs locked this Pokemon into this move that did no damage to this Pokemon. Format as (Pokemon using the move), (move), (Pokemon targeted by the move) (You may choose to skip this question using /scavenge skip.)
[Wailord, Water Spout, Quagsire]

Thanks for coming*!

*those who came, the rest of you are nerds
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Hosting a Bonus Round official on Tuesday, October 13th at 9am UTC (2am PST, 5am EST, 11am CET, 2:30pm IST)

Thanks Gallant's Pear and Computerwizard8800 for the QCs.

1st place: Merlee [15:39].
2nd place: Litt♥Eleven [15:53].
3rd place: vamPart [17:35].
4th place: One Hex Knock Off [22:08].
5th place: iph! [35:41].
Consolation Prize: Spoopy Poops [38:15], PepsiMan2 [50:37]

Gratz to Merlee, Litt♥Eleven and Pepsiman2 for completing the Bonus round!

Thanks everyone who participated!

The hunt can be found here:

Q1: This World Championship (WC) deck contains the least amount of Pokémon species. Terraki-Mewtwo
Q2: The Terraki-Mewtwo deck could hit every Pokémon in certain WC decks super effectively. What are the name of these decks? list alphabetically. Eeltwo, Team Rushdown
Q3: Although they are from vastly different TCG eras, Eeltwo and Team Rushdown do share a certain card (that is not an energy). What is the name of that card? Switch
Bonus Round: Mewtwo EX is found in every WC deck in 2012 due to the move X ball. Alphabetically list the names of the moves, found on GX Pokémon, that scale in the same manner as X ball does. Energy Drive, Infinite Force
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Reserving an Odyssey for Wednesday, October 14th at 12PM EDT to celebrate 3 years since my first official!

QCs by LittEleven and Tapler

1st place: all Hallow's Ace [01:09:13].
2nd place: powergo [01:14:19].
3rd place: vamPart [01:45:42].
4th place: aQrator [01:46:52].
5th place: DarkScaryGiratina [02:09:01].
Consolation Prize: One Hex Knock Off [02:13:32]

1) As the sole suspect to the crime that happened in Treasure Town late last night, you are called in for interrogation. You are brought into an empty cell and blindfolded so that you cannot see your interrogators. While being questioned, you begin to notice that each detective only asks a certain type of question. /scavenge I'm innocent I swear to begin the interrogation. [I'm innocent I swear]
2) [Fire] This is the least populated city in which the player can battle Morimoto (if a city appears in multiple games and has different populations, use the highest population; exclude "city"). [Heahea]
3) [Water] The nickname of this Pokemon in the anime contains the name of a member of Team Skull (answer with the nickname). [Zippo]
4) [Fairy] This word is contained within the name of a certain Gen V Pokemon, and within the category names of its first and second evolution. It is contained in no other Pokemon's name or category. [Axe]
5) [Electric] The unofficial English name of this "Pokemon", whose name is only known in Japanese, was coined by a certain Serebii user (answer with the Japanese name). [Thu-Fi-Zer]
6) [Electric] Out of all Gen IV non-forme Pokemon that are currently uniquely typed, this one either has a super-effective STAB or is weak to a STAB of all of the others (disregarding abilities). [Torterra]
7) [Grass] In a certain episode of the anime, Clemont makes a comment about the usage of this move by a Pokemon that cannot learn that move. In the dub, the mention of this move is replaced by a move that the Pokemon in question can actually learn. [Razor Leaf]
8) [Bug] In Gen I, a certain type combination was possessed by 5 Pokemon. Out of all of the Pokemon that currently have that type combination, this one has a different primary type than the rest. [Skorupi]
9) After a short break, the detectives come back to order and continue with the interrogation. Although you cannot see them, you try to piece together their identity based on the answers to their questions. /scavenge I think they're trying to hide something to continue. [I think they're trying to hide something]
10) [Water] There are two characters in a certain Pokemon movie whose names put together form the name of an American performer in Buffalo Bill's Wild West. List their Japanese names in alphabetical order. [Lion Zanner]
11) [Electric] In the Pokemon of the Year poll held this year, this Pokemon placed the highest among legendary Pokemon. [Rayquaza]
12) [Electric] This move's name contains the name of another move. Additionally, both moves' names are contained within the names of different locations within the main-series games. [Outrage]
13) [Bug] Excluding Magikarp, alphabetically list the Pokemon that can appear as Shiny in Magikarp Jump. [Corsola Feebas Gyarados Luvdisc]
14) [Fire] This berry isn't sweet at all, but has equal amounts of all other flavors (include "berry"). [Oran Berry]
15) [Grass] Out of all of the damaging moves that can lower a certain stat, this move has a unique chance to do so, and was once signature. [Night Daze]
16) [Fairy] A Fisher in a certain main series game uses a Pokemon that has a super-effective STAB against every other Pokemon used by any Fisher in that game. That Pokemon can be found in clear weather in the wild at this location in that game, but not by fishing or in a den. [East Lake Axewell]
17) It seems that the interrogation has finally concluded, and you are now confident that the detectives are trying to conceal the real culprit among themselves. Who is the real criminal who vandalized Treasure Town? Use /viewhunt to solve this meta-puzzle. [smeargle]
During your interrogation, you began to notice that each detective only asked questions of a certain type. This was shown by the type in brackets at the beginning of each question. By matching the types from the first half of the hunt to the second half of the hunt, you could figure out which questions each detective asked, and subsequently, the identity of each detective based on the type and the Pokemon that could be formed from the letters between each question.
Water - Popplio: ZippoPPLion Zanner
Electric 1 - Zeraora: Thu-Fi-ZerAORayquaza
Electric 2 - Raikou: TorterraIKOutrage
Bug - Pineco: SkorupiNECorsola Feebas Gyarados Luvdisc
Fire - Heatmor: HeaheaTMOran Berry
Grass - Leafeon: Razor LeafEONight Daze
Fairy - Xerneas: AxeRNEast Lake Axewell

The concealed letters from each detective's name, ordered from the order of answers from the second round of questions, spelled out PAINTER POKEMON, revealing the true culprit as Smeargle.
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Bonus Round official on October 17 at 11 PM EDT
QCed by Tapler and BulbasaurBuddy (host)

1st place: DarkScaryGiratina [06:07].
2nd place: Andrew [09:16].
3rd place: My sleep schedule [22:54].
4th place: Embar [01:06:20].
5th place: Toxic Boosted [01:06:28].

1) All questions are in the context of Pokemon Sun and Moon. In the beginning of those games, a character was being chased by people with the appearance of this trainer class that is not found in battle facilities. [Aether Foundation Employee]
2) When you go to the Trainer's School for the first time, there are five trainers that can be battled. These moves which are known by a Pokemon owned by one of those trainers can deal super effective damage to another of those Pokemon. (alphabetical order) [Peck Thunder Shock]
3) After fighting a Team Skull Grunt for the first time, a certain character has a battle with you. One of his Pokemon has a varying moveset, name all of its possible moves. (alphabetical order) [Ember Leafage Tackle Water Gun]
4) The character from the first question accompanies the player in their journey. Name all the items that she could have given you up until the events of the third question. (alphabetical order) (You may choose to skip this question using /scavenge skip.) [Lens Case Makeup Bag Sparkling Stone]
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