Q1. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening or good night wherever you are! Today, we'll be exploring the game Explorers of Sky together! With these two odysseys, I'll be traversing the game from start to finish as Tori, asking questions along the way. Be sure to come back for the second part of Tori's sTori December 27th, same time same place! Like with (almost) every Mystery Dungeon game, we start with a personality test (You may have done one of those back in October). From this test, Tori found that she's a Sassy female.
What Pokémon species is she? Totodile
Q2. One day, a timid Riolu was walking anxiously in front of Wigglytuff's guild. Today would finally be the day he would join the guild. But when he marched atop the iron grate, "Pokémon detected! Pokémon detected!" "Whose footprint? Whose footprint?" was heard from down below.
Which two Pokémon did he hear? List alphabetically.
Diglett, Loudred
Q3. Riolu scurried away, too frightened to stick around. He laments with his Relic Fragment in hand and makes his way to the beach. There, the marvelous sight of the Krabby blowing bubbles across the sea awaits him, as well as a Totodile washed up on the shore! Riolu rushes up to her to ensure she's okay, and thankfully, the Pokémon appears to wake up. She looks around confused. The Pokémon identifies herself as Tori, and says she's a human, even though she looks like a normal Totodile to him. Suddenly, two members of Team Skull come and swipe the Relic Fragment!
Which two Pokémon are these? Koffing, Zubat
Q4. Koffing and Zubat quickly rush into Beach Cave. Riolu and Tori quickly follow the poison double, and beat them with ease at the end of the cave. After the 'fluke' that was Tori and Riolu's victory, Team Skull returns the Relic Fragment and scatter. Back outside, Riolu thanks the Totodile and gives her a look at the item. It seems like it's just a little piece of rock, but there is a peculiar pattern on top of it. Riolu, filled with joy and inspired by Tori's confidence, asks her to team up with him to form a first-rate rescue team!
Which Pokémon could they have battled on the way up to Koffing and Zubat? List alphabetically.
Corsola, Kabuto, Shellder, Shellos; Corsola Kabuto Shellder Shellos-East
Q5. To eventually become a first-rate rescue team, Tori and Riolu must first be registered as a rescue team. They head back to Wigglytuff's Guild, and after some issues with Tori's footprint, they are let into the building where they meet the pokémon in the know around these parts: Chatot. After some confusion about their intentions, he takes the double downstairs where Wigglytuff YOOMTAH's the team into existence. Looking around the room you're in, mostly to the intro at the top of the screen, you quickly know what the title of her team should be.
What is it? Scavengers; Treasure Town; Actually you know what, Scavengers sounds better
Q6: The next morning, Loudred wakes the double up with his loud voice. Team Scavengers quickly joins the rest of Wigglytuff's Guild where they learn the guild's chant. What is the (full) chant?
Q7. The first few missions (4 D-level missions and 3 E-level missions) go off without a hitch, and the team meets the Marill brothers near Kecleon's shop in Treasure town. As she interacts with little Azurill, Tori has her first run-in with dizzy spells, followed by a vision. "h-h-h...HELP!", she hears.
Whose voice was this? Azurill
Q8. Thanks to the dizzy spells, Azurill was saved from peril caused by the nasty Drowzee. Of course, the ability does not go unnoticed by Riolu, but first it's time for dinner! Night falls and Team Scavengers lie in bed, Riolu strikes up a conversation about the ever increasing global chaos: Chatot mentioned earlier that the amount of bad Pokémon is steadily growing due to time going out of whack. "Time is getting messed up, bit by bit, all over the world. no one seems to know why, but everyone believes that the
Time Gears are somehow involved. Time Gears are hidden in secret places all around the world... Like in a forest... Or at a lake in an underground cavern... I've even heard that there is a hidden altar inside a volcano. At the center of such places... is what's known as a Time Gear."
Which locations, that actually house a Time Gear in the games, did Riolu reference? List alphabetically.
Treeshroud Forest, Underground Lake
Q9. After a day of being the gatekeepers in Diglett's absence, as well as resolving some more missions and bounties, 4 C-level missions to be exact, we delve into the next chapter. During the morning briefing, Chatot informs us of the cataclysmic event that happened in Treeshroud Forest. Time has apparently come to a full stop there, and the time gear was stolen! Officer Magnezone is on the job, and the guild is asked to inform its leaders if they notice anything regarding the other time gears. For Team Scavengers, however, it is time for the first official exploration!
Where are they headed? Waterfall Cave
Q10. Riolu and Tori excitedly climb up to exit Wigglytuff's guild, when they are stopped by Chimecho. She opened an assembly today, allowing exploration teams like team Scavengers to recruit new members.
How many members can Team Scavengers have at most? 552
Q11. Time for Tori and Riolu to head for the waterfall. At first Tori and Riolu are stumped on what to do, until Tori touches the water and another dizzy spell occurs; she saw something again: A vision of a Pokémon jumping through the waterfall, only to find a cave there. After finding the courage to do so, Team scavengers jumps in and finds the cave! At the end of the dungeon awaits a huge, booby trapped gemstone. Another dizzy spell occurs as Tori touches it.
Wait, what Pokémon was that, in that vision? Wigglytuff
Q12. The trap activates and the double is swept by the unleashed torrent, all the way to the hot spring. There, they meet Torkoal, the town elder. After a short conversation and a refreshing dip, the double report back to Chatot, hailed for their findings. The very next morning, a full expedition is announced to be happening soon! Tori and Riolu must work as hard as possible to ensure they may join.
But something smelly awaits... who is the third member of team Skull that they meet on the first floor? Skuntank
Q13. Team Skull overheard talk of the expedition, and start plotting. In the meantime, team Scavengers does their usual work, but not before getting a quick tour around the newly opened Spinda Café. They celebrate the opening with a few rounds of gummi drinks, and a Shellos-east joins in on the fun and becomes the first new recruit of team Scavengers. She accompanies the duo for exploration of that day, where they also recruit a Starly and a Spinarak. After completing the tasks at Mt. Bristle, the Spinarak and Shellder whose jobs team Scavengers just fulfilled also wanted to join!
The next morning, it's time for more sentry duty! Whose footprint is this? https://imgur.com/a/KdBXrGW Empoleon
Q14. During the morning announcement the next day, some new allies show up for the upcoming expedition, providing their expertise to the guild. These new allies are, you guessed it, __team Skull__. They're up to no good but they lay low for the time being. For now, it's back to the usual for Riolu and Tori, performing 1 C-level and 4 B-level missions in Waterfall cave. Inside, they recruit a Grimer, and a Poliwag wants to join as a result of one of the missions. Furthermore, Team Scavengers becomes a Silver rank team!
How many points does the team have now? 310
Q15. That night, team Skull raided the food stock of the guild, so Tori and Riolu have to go to Apple Woods to replenish the larder with a certain item. Team Skull quickly follows the gang. Inside, Tori recruits a Combee!.. but it's male. Then, deep inside Apple Woods, Riolu and Tori find a rather unfortunate view: Team Skull has stolen all the items they sought to get, eating most of them. Back at the guild, when team Scavengers delivers the unfortunate news to Wigglytuff, Skuntank and company swoop in like 'heroes', delivering one of the items to the hungry Wigglytuff, thus saving the day.
What item did they deliver? Perfect apple
Q16. A few days later, after finishing 5 more C-level and 4 more B-level missions, (which includes recruiting two Woopers and a Starly) Wigglytuff is ready to announce the guild members who can go on the expedition! Surprisingly, though they failed two days earlier, Riolu and Tori are allowed to come as well! Though it's mostly because, well, EVERYONE was allowed to come along. The Scavengers crew team up with Bidoof to get to Foggy Forest.
Through which two (main) dungeons will they go in The Guild's big expedition? List them in order of exploration.
Craggy Coast, Mt. Horn
Q17. As the triplet makes their way through Mt. Horn, they stumble upon a second set of stairs? The team cautiously moves up this hidden set, only to be welcomed by five friendly faces!
Who do they see? List alphabetically.
Kirlia, Lickilicky, Mime Jr., Shedinja, Swalot
Q18. Leaving Mt. Horn behind them, Tori and company arrive at the base camp. Everyone else already arrived, so they quickly set down their equipment. As they do, Tori gets a weird case of déjà vu. She's been here before, somehow. For now, though, it is time to look for Fogbound Lake. Local legends tell of an exceedingly rare Pokémon named Uxie. To protect Fogbound lake from being discovered, it locks eyes with those that wander nearby, and wipe their memory clean! Of course, it's all folklore.. right? Currently, the objective is simple: clear the fog of Foggy Forest, and then find Fogbound Lake. the guild moves out in separate groups, while Tori lags behind, pondering about her lost memories. At the same time, Riolu finds what looks like a gem.
What is the name of said gem? Drought Stone
Q19. Riolu and Tori quickly traverse Foggy Forest to the center. There, Corphish found an odd statue of a Groudon. On the side, there are some footprint runes, detailing how "the path of treasure shall be revealed". After another episode of dizzy spells, the Drought Stone is put into the heart of the statue, and the fog is lifted! It is time to head to the nearby cave. Corphish'll inform the home base of what happened. Unfortunately, Team Skull also wants to grab Fogbound Lake's treasure. A standoff begins and as Skuntank and Koffing prepare their special move, The guildmaster, Wigglytuff, hops on by in chase of a Perfect Apple, giving Tori and Riolu enough time to take a head start on the poison type bullies.
Now, what was the name of that special move? Noxious gas combo; Noxious gas special combo
Q20. While Wigglytuff is getting hit with the Noxious gas combo (only to absolutely DESTROY Team Skull), it is time to go through Steam Cave. Once reaching the upper levels, a faint roar can be heard in the distance, foreboding of the Pokémon that awaits. Tori laments her lost memories once more, and mentions the déjà vu from before to Riolu. Of course, this is all but another reason to traverse further. Once the peak of Steam Cave is reached, the roar becomes awfully close. Down below, that same roar is heard by the Explorer's Guild, while they quickly pursue the troubled twosome. Stomping across the peak, Groudon comes face to face with team Scavengers. Oh no! Assuming its levelup moveset,
What moves does the boss battle Groudon have? List alphabetically.
Ancientpower, Bulk Up, Scary Face, Slash
Q21. Thanks to Tori's own Scary Face and an onslaught of Force Palms, the battle finished using just 1 item to heal a fainted Pokémon.
Remind me, which item does that again in Explorers of Sky? Reviver Seed
Q22. The Groudon disappears and Uxie shows up in its stead. Sensing the pure intentions of Riolu and Tori, it allows them to see Fogbound Lake. The stunning view leaves both in awe, Volbeat and Illumise graciously flying over the clear water. In the center of it all, like a beacon of light, lies a Time Gear. During their conversation, the topic of memory wiping comes up, and Riolu asks whether Uxie has ever seen a human here. Sadly, Uxie can only wipe the memories of Fogbound Lake, so the Totodile debacle appears to be of another cause. The guild joins team Scavengers, also marveling at the view, and they subsequently promise to remain quiet about their discovery. At the end of this question, we're almost halfway through the chapters!
What's the name of the next one, chapter 10? Dusknoir
Q23. Ahh the sound of Loudred blaring into her ears. It's been a minute since Tori's heard that. Last chapter's success renewed Tori with fresh resolve and positive energy. "WHAT?! You can't identify the footprint?!" Loudred shouts all of a sudden. Someone floats above the guild's grate, and it's none other than the great Dusknoir. "He came out of nowhere! Like a comet! He became famous almost overnight!" Sunflora knows. With his humble demeanor, he is quickly welcomed by Wigglytuff, hoping to have an easy lead on any new information. For now though, Riolu and Tori go back to the grind. 2 B-level and 3 A-level missions, as well as a recruited Paras. On top of that, both the Nidorino and another Starly are inspired by team Scavengers' adventurous exploits.
Where was Paras recruited? List the dungeon and the highest possible floor it could have been recruited, in that order.
Apple Woods, 12F; Apple Woods, 12
Q24. It's time to celebrate the last couple of days with a round of gummi drinks! We've got 7 sets of 2 gummis of differing colors: black, brown, gold, grass, green, orange and yellow.
Which of Team Scavengers' recruits would get the highest amount of IQ gained, and how much would that be if Spinda gets a good feeling about 2 of the created drinks, and one is a max roll, IQ boosting miracle drink? List in that order.
Wooper, 59
Q25. Wooper can already feel her IQ rising, and a local Smeargle and Barboach admire her appetite, and wish to join team Scavengers. Wooper also learns four new IQ skills in the process!
List these four alphabetically. Acute Sniffer, Nontraitor, PP saver, Status Checker
Q26. The next morning, Riolu and Tori meet up with the great Dusknoir and the Marill brothers during an errand. The latter are looking for their Water Float, which has been lost for a while. Of course, Dusknoir knows all about it: It's a super rare item, and it adds two base PP to all moves. It's not the only item that does this though.
Which of these is associated with an NFE tiered Pokémon? Aloft Mantle
Q27. Some more rescues are to be done and outlaws are to be caught: 3 A-level missions and an S-level mission. No one in Craggy Coast wanted to join the team, sadly. That night, word has come to the guild that another Time Gear was stolen. As this is not Uxie's Time Gear, Chatot reminds the guild to keep that a secret. It will not matter, though. That night a rogue thief steals Fogbound Lake's treasure for his personal goals.
What moves does the thief know in the game? List alphabetically.
Absorb, Dig, Leaf Blade, Quick Attack
Q28. Morning has broken once again, and our protagonist duo has visitors. The Marill brothers are here, requesting their help once more. Their lost Water Float, which was spotted on the beach earlier, has been replaced with a ransom note: The Water Float can be found deep within Amp Plains. Of course, this place is no problem for Tori and Riolu right? They take Wooper and Paras with them, and head on over. On their way up, they come across their first Monster House, in which an Elekid was won over by Tori's fighting spirit. Knowing the monster house is on the 6th floor,
what Pokémon could have spawned inside that do not share a type with Elekid? List alphabetically.
Girafarig, Phanpy
Q29. Back in Treasure Town, Marill and Azurill giddily walk past Kecleon's Shop, telling the owners what happened to their treasure. Dusknoir happens to pass by, and also hears the story. He rushes off to Amp Plains quickly. Apparently, "Team Scavengers is in grave danger!". Said team has now reached the end of the dungeon (after recruiting a Tauros) and are staring down a pack of Electrike and Manectric, who make this territory their home and are VERY hostile. Thanks to a few levelups though, a certain team member now has a move that can hit all Pokémon in the room.
What move is this? Spore
Q30. Paras' Spore bought enough time for Dusknoir to swoop in and guard team Scavengers from an incoming Thunderbolt attack. Dusknoir knows the origin of the nomadic tribe, and sympathises with them, but (rightfully) claims the explorers means no harm. Choosing to believe his word, the pack retreats for a little while, allowing Riolu to grab the Water Float, and deliver it back to Marill and Azurill. We are only left to wonder who might be behind the placement of the precious item... Anyway, let's head back and deliver the item. (
/scavenge deliver to continue)
Q31. As Riolu, Tori and Dusknoir deliver the Water Float, the earlier rescue of Azurill comes up: Tori saw it all in a dream. This piques Dusknoir's interest immensely. Riolu explains further: "You see, my partner occasionally gets strange dizzy spells when touching something or someone. And then [she] sees or hears events that happened in the past! Or just about to happen in the Future!" Shocked, Dusknoir stammers out "
Well that's... that's... the [answer]"
Dimensional Scream!
Q32. Tori, Riolu and Dusknoir head to the beach to privately discuss what happened to the Totodile. Tori reveals that she was once a human named Tori. His response: "Ah... I see. You're... Tori". "Does that name mean anything to you?" Riolu asks. Dusknoir gazes to the horizon, hiding the faintest of smiles... "... No. It means nothing to me, unfortunately."
Thank you all for traversing alongside me in the first part of Tori's sTori. As mentioned, be sure to come back December 27th for part 2! I have just one final question:
Throughout this hunt, various songs present in the Sky Jukebox are named. Which of these are not also the name of a location within the games? Include punctuation for the answers (or at least, for finding the correct ones), but exclude capitalisation! List alphabetically.
In The Future, Oh No!, The Gatekeepers, Time Gear, Team Skull