Scavengers Ladder Cycles

Reserving Blitz Incognito Official Hunt on August 14th at 3 PM UTC
1st place: dot Comfey~! [01:01].
2nd place: 111ace111 [01:40].
3rd place: TurtalKatThing [02:01].
4th place: celesteeal [02:13].
5th place: Litt♥Eleven [02:20].
Consolation Prize: wallape [03:40], DarkShinyGiratina [03:56], AbuBatata [04:22], ASnomPlaysShowdown [04:24], computerwizard8800 [05:38], Pranav225 [05:55], A㋛Quails㋛Query [06:46], An_Azurill >_> [08:03], YAICANEA [13:04]

1) The only Water type move this pokemon learned through level up in gen 7 is Water Sport. The Pokemon is in Pokemon Sword/Shield. [budew]
2) The only Water type move this pokemon learned through level up in gen 7 is Water Sport. The Pokemon is not in Pokemon Sword/Shield. [latias]
3) A certain pokemon learned Water Sport through level up in gen 7, but cannot learn it in gen 8. That same pokémon now only learns one specific Water type move through level up. Name that pokemon and the move alphabetically. [pyukumuku soak]
Thanks to aQrator and Pants for QC

May the Pyuks be with you
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Reserving a Locations Official for August 8th at 7:00 PM EDT / 11:00 PM GMT!

Final Results:
1st place: DarkShinyGiratina [11:34].
2nd place: Andrew [13:30].
3rd place: computerwizard8800 [19:01].
4th place: Merlee [19:29].
5th place: cleo [22:09].
Consolation Prize: 111ace111 [26:18], scoobydoobydrew [26:51], Aeolia [28:26], Devoxys [29:12], Spellhole [33:06], cheese555 [34:45], dot Comfey~! [35:08], AbuBatata [35:44], TurtalKatThing [39:08], phiwings99 [39:42], fearfire22 [47:27]

1) Answer with the most specific, named, main-series location for all questions. In some main-series games, the player must interrupt a Gym Leader on a date at this location before battling them. [Cerulean Cape]
2) At this location, it is possible for the player to obtain any two Pokemon within a certain legendary trio. Exclude random encounters. [Mystri Stage]
3) Buying enough Premier Balls will cause certain items at this location to be sold at a 99% discount from their original price. [Stone Emporium]

Thank you both BulbaBuddy and LittEleven for QCing :)
Thanks for participating, and hope to see you next time!
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Gen 3 Official on August 9 at 5PM EDT
QCed by Celesteeal and Devoxys (host)

1st place: 111ace111 [03:17].
2nd place: AbuBatata [03:55].
3rd place: DarkShinyGiratina [05:18].
4th place: TurtalKatThing [06:02].
5th place: powergo [07:00].
Consolation Prize: computerwizard8800 [08:32], Aeolia [08:48], Teutonic✠Squire [10:33], pisx ♥♫~! [13:58], p^_^okemonvortex. [13:59], Coolrom(-‿-)122 [14:19], laharl22 [16:08], jjev [34:06], fearfire22 [36:37], Tapler ❀ [46:38]

1) (alphabetical order for all questions) An ability was programmed into the code of the Generation 3 games, but was never given to any Pokemon, and unused in later generations. The ability that is the same in effect was given to these non-Gen 3 Pokemon which existed in Gen 3. [Electrode Mr Mime Voltorb]
2) Some Pokemon had their Pokedex categories changed in Generation 3 (ignore only added spaces in categories as changes). One of these changes caused a Pokemon to now share its category with exactly one other Pokemon. Name those two Pokemon. [Kingler Scizor]
3) Among the Gym Leaders and the Elite 4 members in Generation 3, there are two types among the ones that existed back then that no trainers specialize in. These Pokemon which existed in Generation 3 had both of those types. [Forretress Scizor]
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Hosted a Gen 2 fish on 8 PM Monday, August 10th!

Winner: celesteeal
2nd: mgperson
3rd: DarkShinyGiratina
4th: 111ace111
5th: Spellhole
6th: computerwizard8800
Consolation Prize: dot Comfey, Devoxys, Andrew, TurtalKatThing, Illusio, cleo, Soft Flex, pokemonvortex
(1) Houndour Pikachu, (2) Piloswine Yanma Ancient Power, (3) Ice Berry
1) What Pokemon can be fought against in the Gen 2 Battle Tower that are capable of evolving further in the Gen 2 games? Alphabetical order.
2) A pair of Gen 2 Pokemon can each only evolve when they know a certain Gen 2 move. List the two Pokemon alphabetically, then the one move.
3) In Gen 2, on the Johto route that directly connects to another route and/or landmark in every cardinal direction, this item can be obtained without speaking to any NPC's on the route.
Thanks to Pants and BulbaBuddy for qc'ing!
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Reserving a TCG Odyssey for Wednesday, August 12th, at 3 pm EDT!

Thanks to LittEleven and Dot Agumon for QCing!
1st place: aQrator [01:38:55].
2nd place: 111ace111 [01:48:59].
3rd place: DarkShinyGiratina [01:49:42].
4th place: computerwizard8800 [02:26:39].
5th place: killerASCII [02:47:59].

1) Welcome to the Pokémon TCG Odyssey! For all answers in this hunt, please do not include the expansion name and number when applicable. When there are multiple printings of a Pokémon or Card in a set, the first one refers to the first numerically, and so on. Format é as e. Good luck, mhave fun! Do “/scavenge go” to proceed. [go]
2) A Pokémon’s first printing and latest printing (which is in the SSH era) are of the Grass type. The only attack on the first and last printings both do 10 damage and their names begin with the same letter of the alphabet. However, the attack on the latest printing has no additional effects and has 1 colorless attack cost, while the attack on the first printing heals 10 damage from that Pokémon and requires 1 Grass Energy. What is the name of the attack on the first printing? [Absorb]
3) This Pokémon-EX and its Mega Evolution are the only Pokémon in its evolutionary line to have Expanded-legal cards. [Alakazam-EX]
4) This card, among the first Pokémon Tools to be printed, has the same effect as Rocky Helmet, but requires a coin flip and gets discarded if activated. [Counterattack Claws]
5) This card, the second printed with the name of a certain member of Team Rainbow Rocket, allows you to place cards from your opponent’s hand at the bottom of their deck. [Cyrus’s Initiative]
6) The 8th place decklist at the 2017 World Championships Masters division was built around this Pokémon-GX. [Drampa-GX]
7) A certain Pokémon-GX is heavily based on a Pokémon ex. The former’s GX attack shares the name with the attack of the latter, which both increase damage from the same base through discarding energy and have the same attack costs. The former’s Ability and the latter’s Poké-Power have the same name and the same effect, which includes knocking the Pokémon out. What is the name of the Poké-Power? [Extra Energy Bomb]
8) This Pokémon card, which requires that you have both halves in order to play, only features one Pokémon, and only requires one energy type. [Ho-oh LEGEND]
9) Of the cards to which the Baby Pokémon rule was applicable to, this one was the only one printed in English with an attack that healed damage counters. [Igglybuff]
10) Of all Pokémon Powers of Unown cards, this one is the only one that could not be used if your bench is full. [Increase]
11) A Pokémon that is dual-typed in the main series games was printed with an ability that triples the amount of damage counters put on a Burned Pokémon between turns, and an attack that inflicts Burn. In the very next expansion, the Pokémon received another printing, with the same ability and attack but using another type. What is the Pokémon? [Infernape]
12) This deck archetype is named after the attack it focuses on. The attack increases in damage for every Pokémon with that attack in the discard pile and is found on Psychic, Water and Colorless type cards. [Mad Party]
13) This Pokémon-EX can use the attacks of any Pokémon in play, provided it has the right energy attached. [Mew-EX]
14) When played to evolve a Pokémon, this Pokémon’s Poké-Power allows you to devolve your opponent’s bench. [Omastar]
15) This Special Energy has no other effects other than providing a single Colorless Energy. However, a Trainer card can allow you to search your deck and attach it to certain Pokémon. [Plasma Energy]
16) Rules about Supporters aside, this Trainer card was the first to have the effect that is most recently on Professor’s Research. [Professor Oak]
17) This card, one of the first holofoil Trainer cards, allows you to make your opponent shuffle a Trainer card from their hand into their deck. [Rocket’s Sneak Attack]
18) This Pokémon was the first to have 2 dual typed Delta Species cards printed in the same expansion. [Starmie]
19) This Special Energy is the same as Powerful Colorless Energy but not for Colorless. [Strong Energy]
20) This card printed as a Prerelease can prevent effects including damage by Pokémon ex to any card of the same name if a certain type of Special Energy is attached to it. [Tentacruel]
21) This card is the first Yellow A Alternate Item. [Trainers’ Mail]
22) This card’s GX attack always Trainer locks the opponent, but if it has even more energy on it, it will knock out the opposing active Pokémon. [Umbreon & Darkrai GX]
23) One of the attacks on this card that was part of the Pokémon Countdown Calendar had a spelling error. [Weavile]
24) The Pokémon TCG’s 89th English expansion releases in 2 days! How it’s kept itself in order for so long, it’s quite a Puzzle of Time. (This is a metapuzzle. Use all of the previous answers in the hunt to find the final answer. Use /viewhunt to get started). [TropicalBeach]

Metapuzzle Explanation: Each answer corresponds to (a) card(s) from each year from 1999-2020. When ordered chronologically, their first letters spell out PRICIESTWOCHAMPSTADIUM, which directs you to find the most expensive card that was a World Championships Promo Stadium, Tropical Beach.

Congratulations to all finishers! Thanks to LittEleven and Dot Agumon (and Pants) for QCing!
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Hosting a Colosseum/XD Official on April 11th at 4 PM EDT (GMT-4)!

Thank you to Andy Snype and Dot Agumon for the QCs!

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: computerwizard8800 [16:30].
2nd place: DarkShinyGiratina [17:31].
3rd place: Devoxys [17:39].
4th place: 111ace111 [19:53].
5th place: Aeolia [21:43].
Consolation Prize: Geene [27:20], Christmas [33:56], TurtalKatThing [34:23], powergo [37:25], p0ip0le ∆ [38:55], aQrator [01:06:01], dot Comfey~! [01:19:10]

1) After snagging all Shadow Pokemon in XD: Gale of Darkness, a certain NPC appears in this building. [The Krabby Club]
2) This trainer class in Colosseum only appears after snagging a certain Pokemon, and cannot be battled. [Fake Hero]
3) A certain Key Item that is in Colosseum appears in an unused area in XD: Gale of Darkness and is unobtainable there. In Colosseum, that item is found at a location where the player can fight Pokemon holding these items in the Story Mode. (alphabetical) [Metal Coat, Never-Melt Ice, Nugget, Sharp Beak]
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Reserving an 'other games' official on August 17th at 7pm UTC (1pm PST, 3pm EST, 9pm CET, 12:30am IST).

Thanks to BulbaBuddy and Celesteeal for their QCs!

1st place: p^_^okemonvortex. [07:31].
2nd place: DarkShinyGiratina [07:47].
3rd place: powergo [08:06].
4th place: AbuBatata [08:31].
5th place: 111ace111 [09:09].
Consolation Prize: TurtalKatThing [10:57], Geene [11:54], Made in Saudi [12:35], Spellhole [14:03], computerwizard8800 [18:47], LittEleven [21:43], dot Comfey~! [25:43], Devoxys [32:34], A㋛Quails㋛Query [41:53]

Thanks everyone for playing!
The hunt can be found here:

1. This is the code you have to input to play as a Pokémon in Pokémon Puzzle League. This can only be done in 2p VS mode. BULBASAUR; B up LBA start A up R |
2. These three pokémon can be seen, and heard, in Pokémon Puzzle League 's Super Easy mode. Jigglypuff Pikachu Togepi
3. A character that shows up in the VS mode of both Pokémon Puzzle Challenge and Pokémon Puzzle League uses Pokemon of 4 different types across those two games. Which two characters, present in either game, own a Pokémon that would resist or be immune to all those four types? List Alphabetically. Jasmine Lt. Surge
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Hosted an Events official for August 18th, 4 P.M. EDT (8 P.M. GMT).

Thanks to 111ace111 and Pants for QC'ing.

Winner: powergo
2nd place: Spellhole
3rd place: DarkShinyGiratina
4th place: TurtalKatThing
5th place: Devoxys
Consolation Prize: Teutonic✠Squire, dot Comfey~!, Litt♥Eleven, computerwizard8800

The Player can trade Machop with a certain television show host to get this event Pokémon.|Metagross
This Pokémon doesn't appear as part of the maximum number of Pokémon obtainable in a side game, but can still be obtained from a downloadable event.|Reshiram
An event Pokémon distributed from August 1 to August 31 in 2014 allowed the event Pokemon obtained from the American release of this game to be transferred to Pokémon Bank if it was obtained shiny (where it could not have been in the past if it was shiny).|Pokemon Colosseum Bonus Disc
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The first Ladder Cycle of August has now concluded. Congratulations to the top three placers: computerwizard8800 in first place with 389 points, DarkShinyGiratina in second place with 365 points, and 111ace111 in third place with 358 points!
Computerwizard8800 389
DarkShinyGiratina 365
111ace111 358
TurtalKatThing 326
AbuBatata 224
dot Comfey~! 212
celesteeal 204
aQrator 192
Litt♥Eleven 179
KingChandelure 165
p^_^okemonvortex. 102
Aeolia 93
scoobydoobydrew 88
laharl22 84
wallape 83
Geene 75
pisx ♥♫~! 73
Andrew 68
Merlee 66
OHKOff⁇ 66
Teutonic✠Squire 54
pants 54
powergo 49
Meicoo 45
Damnright 41
bulbasaurbuddy ♪ 41
fearfire22 40
SpecterReaper 38
RespectPickles 36
Devoxys 34
PartMan 34
killerASCII 33
gallant's pear 33
phiwings99 32
Soft Flex 31
lph123 ♥♫~! 31
cheese555 31
Shado <~> Weavile 30
Coolrom~122 29
Stealdude 28
SmogonPuzzleHunt3 25
ProfSapling 25
mgperson 25
cleo 23
LJB14 23
An_Azurill >_> 22
Praise Bid o3o f 19
Pranav225 19
zip zap adam 17
PrimalLanturn 17
Tapler ❀ 16
A㋛Quails㋛Query 15
digimonismylife 15
Shadow Sirens. ♪ 15
aegii 14
Endwalker♄888 13
YveltalNL 13
jjev 13
Wan the Avatar 10
WarriorGallade 8
p0ip0le ∆ 8
Vrji 7
green12052 7
sIang翔 7
Illusio 7
iDybalaJr en YT!~ 6
Ianisagiraffe 6
Helios12oct 6
Made in Saudi 6
westerdayz 6
BeastBoy1971 6
disappearing act 6
Cyllage 5
Shadecession 5
Found then Lost 5
Steve456664 5
sagpokeballs 5
atalanta btfo 5
sparky✿child 4
ZetaAlfa² 4
Discordual 4
applinbaby 4
ax1lotl 4
Vijay777 4
Lady Monita 4
Nerf Spot Dodge 4
Ducky Mioda 4
ASnomPlaysShowdown 4
FireghtBug 3
Dorron~(.~.)~ 3
boredcollegekid 3
Wet Kisser 3
Squirtell 3
tidal otter 3
R2Cv1 3
Arbalester 3
negsan ♡♫~! 3
elchunko...? 3
RedBeaver540 2
VoD Dorron~(.~.)~ 2
Death & DeSpear 2
Aariz Anas 2
God evening 2
Gwynt ^-^ 2
Rory Mercury 2
DOUUS Boat 2
Christmas 2
Midnightsecrets 2
Benn 10 tenyson 2
Bronzecrank 1
asdfasdfsadfs 1
Emboar#02 1
Deep x Dope 1
SergioRules 1
Lemmy 1
PLATa n o majoncho 1
Mike the Entei 1
TheStarmanLord 1
Yua999 1
Zacian-Crowned 1
AzureIsSeal 1
KCafk 1
littafktest 1
queez 1
AzureIsRifter 1
adiass 1
A PS user 1
Juan13pro↝ 1
Phoenyxs 1
captanpasta 1
crepuscular goomy 1
lurkingSombres 1
ShionShadows 1
DaApplePeel 1
AliasHallow 1
Luiscloud 1
Nerf Joker Again 1
Parcly Taxel 1
KawaiiiiPotato✿ 1
aro1904 1
Barry✗☆✬000 1
Painter Espeon 1
dyrewulf 1
blackburn009 1
charlier2 1
TpOi2006 1
Notater517+++ 1
Pepsimen! 1
jegoro 1
Jablinx 1
Champion_Blue_8 1
Tis I Me 1
Gargoyle31 1
Ineedmorepokemon 1
Level 51 1
Girls Aloud. ♪ 1
As per normal, our official twist will remain the same for the second cycle of August: Shady's Back, Tell a Friend (Themed Calendar): Every day has a pre-specified theme that the officials of that day will follow. Note that there may be 1-2 exceptions in the first week, and that mini-officials will specify in advance if the twist applies to them. (Our official twists last for both cycles of a month before being replaced.)
August 2020 Scavengers Twist Calendar.png

Jet past the competition on the second August Ladder!

Lastly, huge congratulations to our exceptional new Scavengers' RO, Pants!
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Hosted a Gen VI official for August 15th at 3PM EDT.

QCs by Celesteeal and 111ace111

1st place: YAICANEA [02:57].
2nd place: DarkShinyGiratina [03:10].
3rd place: PartMan [03:37].
4th place: Geene [06:49].
5th place: computerwizard8800 [07:10].
Consolation Prize: Litt♥Eleven [08:50], Andrew [14:04], Soft Flex [14:09], wallape [15:44], gallant's pear [19:08], dot Comfey~! [28:07], YveltalNL [35:51], AbuBatata [41:56], cleo [42:53], p^_^okemonvortex. [45:11], TurtalKatThing [45:35]

1) Alphabetically list all moves that exist in ORAS, but not XY. [dragon ascent hyperspace fury origin pulse precipice blades]
2) The only STAB move that this fully-evolved Pokemon learned by level-up in Gen VI was the first move alphabetically that Ash's Noivern knew in the anime. [gliscor]
3) This TV show features someone who was injured while trying to use Waterfall, thus causing him to forget his mission [mirage detection unit]
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Reserving a Characters official for August 16th at 9PM EDT.

QCs by Celesteeal and LittEleven

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: Merlee [06:51].
2nd place: computerwizard8800 [08:19].
3rd place: 111ace111 [11:59].
4th place: DarkShinyGiratina [13:37].
5th place: Andrew [14:50].
Consolation Prize: Aeolia [17:01], KingChandelure [18:08], p^_^okemonvortex. [26:36], Lyndon J Bohnson [29:56], dot Comfey~! [30:20], TurtalKatThing [56:39]

1) There are two characters of the day that share this name. One has a member from each of the three starter lines from a certain region. The other has a Pokemon from a different starter line from the same generation as the first character's Pokemon. [jimmy]
2) Name all characters with the trainer class Gym Challenger whose names can be found within the name of at least one Pokémon (alphabetical order). [cher izar wei]
3) This character of the day has the same Pokemon as a certain Gym Leader in the anime. Removing one letter from the characters name gives the name of the Gym Leader. [olympica]
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Hosted a Gen VIII Jump Start on August 20th at 3PM EDT.

QCs by aQrator and Devoxys

Jump Start results:

1st place: 111ace111 [01:53].
2nd place: Geene [02:07].
3rd place: KingChandelure [02:22].
Consolation Prize: L̴it̷tEleven [02:30], TurtalKatThing [03:17], computerwizard8800 [03:50]

1) Being hit with any damaging move will cause this Gen VIII Pokemon to revert to one of its forms, if it is not already in that form. Name the base Pokemon. [cramorant]
2) A certain Gym Leader uses a Pokemon in their Gym battle that appears in one of the post-game Max Raid Battles in a different Gym. That Pokemon can hold these items when caught in the wild (alphabetical order). [everstone hard stone]
3) This item can be obtained once per day from the NPC who has a normal League Card, but isn’t known to have a rare League Card. [wishing piece]

Official results:

1st place: KingChandelure [02:21].
2nd place: L̴it̷tEleven [04:05].
3rd place: celesteeal [05:39].
4th place: Dylas [09:04].
5th place: 111ace111 [19:29].
Consolation Prize: A㋛Quails㋛Query [28:02], TurtalKatThing [28:19], dot Comfey~! [30:06], computerwizard8800 [46:00], ProfSapling [01:00:11]

1) This Gym Challenger battles with a Pokemon that has a Gigantamax form and doesn't know four moves (exclude trainer class). [dunne]
2) This item cannot be obtained until a minimum of 4 days of playing Sword/Shield. [utility umbrella]
3) Excluding trainers who appear in Battle Tower, these trainers will at some point Dynamax a Pokemon that is capable of Gigantamax when battling the player (alphabetical order, exclude trainer class). [hop morimoto nessa]
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Reserving an Abilities Official for August 19th at 9:00 PM EDT / 1:00 AM GMT!

Final Results:
1st place: 111ace111 [05:18].
2nd place: frog fractions god [08:29].
3rd place: dot Comfey~! [11:21].
4th place: TurtalKatThing [11:35].
5th place: KingChandelure [17:42].
Consolation Prize: computerwizard8800 [18:31], PlasmaSoldier2016 [21:54], Devoxys [22:13], cleo [26:08], Made in Saudi [41:27], UUJ6 lph [41:58]

1) This ability, that was unique in its debut generation, spent at least one generation non-signature before becoming unique to a different Pokemon in Gen 8 (post-IoA). [Fur Coat]
2) These two abilities had no in-battle effects in the generation they were introduced, but were given an in-battle effect in a future generation (alpha order). [Pickup Stench]
3) There are three types that have 0 non-signature abilities exclusive to that type (ex. Blaze is a non-signature ability exclusive to Fire). This dual-typed Pokemon has two of those types, as well as a signature ability. [Urshifu]

Thank you both Tapler and Pants for QCing :)
Thanks for participating, and hope to see you next time!
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Reserving a Gen VIII Official Collab with Meicoo for August 20th 8:00 PM EDT / August 21st 12:00 AM GMT!

Thank you to Andrew and celesteeal fo QCing!

1st place: TurtalKatThing [02:53].
2nd place: KingChandelure ♪ [04:50].
3rd place: 111ace111 [05:13].
4th place: bulbasaurbuddy ♪ [05:38].
5th place: Gwynt ^-^ [08:24].
Consolation Prize: dot Comfey~! [10:33], Devoxys [10:53], Made in Saudi [13:51], computerwizard8800 [17:00], RespectPickles [20:01], aegii [20:58]

1) These Galar Gyms change leadership by the time the player character finishes the post-game. (alphabetical order, don't include the word "gym") [Ballonlea, Spikemuth]
2) Alphabetically list all monotyped Pokemon released in the Isle of Armor DLC that do not share their type with any other monotyped Pokemon released in the DLC. [Comfey Druddigon Pinsir]
3) Hop and the player character attempt, and fail, to obtain a certain ingredient for Max Soup from these Pokemon (alphabetical order) [Applin, Lilligant]
4) The name of this move can be found in the slogan of a city/town in Galar that has the same population as another city/town in Galar. [Charm]
or here:
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Hosted a Glitches & Beta Jumpstart for August 21st, 4 P.M. EDT (8 P.M. GMT).

Thanks to LittEleven and Tapler for QC'ing.

Winner: powergo
2nd place: Devoxys
3rd place: computerwizard8800
4th place: 111ace111
5th place: Spellhole
Consolation Prize: TurtalKatThing

This Shadow Pokémon that never made it into the final game could have been found at Pyrite Colosseum, the Shadow PKMN Lab, and/or Snagem Hideout.|Kecleon
This Pokémon, when hacked into a certain side game, appears as an Ariados that is completely red.|Volcanion
This NPC was originally planned to approach and talk to the player upon entering Floaroma Town.|Cyrus
The player can read the sign introducing this location without ever actually facing the sign.|Battle Chateau
This glitch Pokémon can evolve into Glitchy Nidorino starting from a certain level provided the glitch Pokémon levels up (to a level that it can evolve at) in a battle that finishes with p (the name of another glitch Pokémon) out. (Answer with Bulbapedia's article name for the glitch Pokémon)|'M (FE)
The person who discovered how to use the Q Glitch to create shiny Pokémon showcased it in a video where they made this Pokémon shiny. Unfortunately, they get stuck gaining experience indefinitely after defeating this Pokémon with the newly acquired shiny. (Answer in order mentioned)|Arcanine Drowzee
Apologies that Glitch City Laboratories was down for a while. They were probably migrating stuff to their archives in preparation for their end-of-life closing.
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Gen 4 official, 27 August 11pm SST/UTC+8 (11am EDT)!
QC by pants and Devoxys

1st place: Litt♥Eleven [08:15].
2nd place: 111ace111 [08:46].
3rd place: aQrator [09:25].
4th place: DarkShinyGiratina [10:40].
5th place: PartMan [11:24].
Consolation Prize: AbuBatata [11:53], p^_^okemonvortex. [14:35], Dylas [15:02], KingChandelure [16:36], Teutonic✠Squire [27:31], computerwizard8800 [29:03], dot Comfey~! [29:58]

1. A factual error appears on a Trainer Tips sign in HGSS. These are the words of that sign up to the first comma. (ignore diacritics) | Wild Pokemon will appear regularly if you don't run
2. In the Underground, the shapes of these items also obtainable somewhere else in Sinnoh – the squares that must be unearthed to obtain it – have no symmetry whatsoever. (alpha order) | Green Shard Light Clay Yellow Shard
3. Dusty's Pokémon pool holds six berries that resist supereffective attacks of six different types. There is only one Pokémon weak to two of those types and resisting or immune to the other four. Give the Pokémon, then the two weaknesses in alpha order. | Empoleon fighting ground
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Hosting a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Official for 6:30 PM GMT (2:30 PM EST) on 22nd August 2020.
QC'd by aQrator and Devoxys (thanks a lot) , make sure to be there!

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: KingChandelure [02:04].
2nd place: p^_^okemonvortex. [04:20].
3rd place: Rory Mercury [04:26].
4th place: celesteeal [04:35].
5th place: p0ip0le ∆ [05:39].
Consolation Prize: cheese555 [06:02], 111ace111 [06:34], Teutonic✠Squire [07:40], WarriorGallade [13:32], TurtalKatThing [14:15], dot Comfey~! [31:20], Computerwizard8800 [43:41]

1) This unreleased item in Pokemon Red/Blue Rescue Team prevents the holder from having its item stolen or knocked off, but is useless since it only applies on itself. [Alert Specs]
2) In Explorers of Sky, obtaining HMs can be done through the use of these two items stored in the Treasure Bag, outside dungeons. (alphabetical order) [Gold Ticket Silver Ticket]
3) Of the legally recruitable dual typed Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Rescue Team DX, a certain dual typing is the most abundant among them. Name all such Shiny Pokemon obtainable with that typing. (alphabetical order) [Celebi Exeggcute Exeggutor]

Thanks all of you for playing, and hope to see you again!
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held a Pokemon Families!! official for 4PM PDT (GMT-7) on Tuesday, August 25. thank you to Tapler for qcing and Celesteeal for hosting and qcing!

1st place: Devoxys [02:33].
2nd place: 111ace111 [02:38].
3rd place: TurtalKatThing [04:11].
4th place: pants [05:15].
5th place: p^_^okemonvortex. [05:16].
Consolation Prize: bulbasaurbuddy ♪ [05:33], computerwizard8800 [06:15], dot Comfey~! [09:00]

1) This whole hunt refers to main series. These are the only named parents of the player (alphabetical). [Grace Johanna Norman]
2) This is the only trainer of the Winstrate family to not have Winstrate in their trainer class (exclude trainer class). [Vito]
3) This is the only named character who is not a Leader themself to be related to two Gym Leaders. [Underground Man / The Underground Man]

also thx to BulbaBuddy for telling me how dates work
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Hosted a Gen VII official on 11:30PM EDT on August 23rd.

QCs by BulbaBuddy and LittEleven

1st place: an ode to woe [04:34].
2nd place: dot Comfey~! [05:05].
3rd place: p0ip0le ∆ [06:30].
4th place: Aeolia [10:00].
5th place: Made in Saudi [13:21].
Consolation Prize: Spellhole [14:02], broil [14:50], TurtalKatThing [18:10], cheese555 [21:12], computerwizard8800 [21:47], cleo [25:03], lph123 ♥♫~! [46:04]

1) This character is a former magician and can be found in one of the hotels in Alola (include trainer class). [flareon user chad]
2) This fully-evolved Gen VII Pokemon is not a legendary, mythical, form, or Ultra Beast, and does not have an ability, move, or typing that was unique or signature to any member of its evolutionary line in Gen VII. [shiinotic]
3) These legendary Pokemon that can be found in the Ultra Space Wilds are either weak to or resist at least one STAB of every other legendary Pokemon found in their respective world (alphabetical order). [latias latios registeel]
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Hosting a Ranger Jump start with LittEleven today (August 24th) at 6pm UTC (12pm PST, 2pm EST, 8pm CET, 11:30pm IST).

Thanks to BulbaBuddy and Celesteeal for their QCs

1st place: p^_^okemonvortex. [02:03].
2nd place: TurtalKatThing [02:20].
3rd place: Devoxys [02:29].
Consolation Prize: Spellhole [02:44], 111ace111 [03:55], cheese555 [04:49], computerwizard8800 [06:39]

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: TurtalKatThing [01:53].
2nd place: 111ace111 [02:27].
3rd place: Spellhole [02:28].
4th place: Devoxys [04:02].
5th place: computerwizard8800 [04:46].
Consolation Prize: p^_^okemonvortex. [04:58], cheese555 [06:41], dot Comfey~! [15:49]

Thanks everyone for playing!
Both hunts can be found here As well as me failing to set up a jump start with outdated commands:

Made by aQrator
Q1. This is the only gen 2 pokémon to not appear in any Pokémon ranger game. Unown
Q2. These two locations in Almia contain the most capturable Pokémon with a field move of strength 5. List alphabetically. Altru Building, Hippowdon Temple
Q3. This Guardian Signs quest rewards the highest amount of ranger points. Go-Rock Oblivia
Q1. In Pokemon Ranger, a total of three Pokemon with Recharge III can be found in this location on separate occasions. Fiore Temple
Q2. In Shadows of Almia, rewards from this quest involve a Superstar Trophy and being able to listen to the song Awesome Superstar. Murph's Ranger Contest
Q3. While this Pokemon does not appear in Guardian Signs normally, an unused carried over asset from the previous game that was used for it can be activated using Tackle 4. Torterra
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Reserving a Families Official for August 25th at 9:00 PM EDT / 1:00 AM GMT!

Final Results:
1st place: Andrew [02:20].
2nd place: Devoxys [03:02].
3rd place: DarkShinyGiratina [04:19].
4th place: Meicoo [05:57].
5th place: Ianisagiraffe [06:55].
Consolation Prize: Aeolia [07:02], aegii [08:45], fearfire22 [08:45], 111ace111 [12:48], computerwizard8800 [13:13], dot Comfey~! [13:17], TurtalKatThing [13:54], MukUsedDrillPeck [16:51], cheese555 [33:39], lph123 ♥♫~! [40:38]

1) In some main-series games, the player can engage in a Multi Battle with a Gym Leader and their cousin. In said battle, both opponents use a certain Pokemon with a certain move; name the Pokemon and move in that order. [Dragonite Hyper Beam]
2) The trainers of a certain Gym share their names with the Gym Leader's siblings in the Pokemon anime. In alphabetical order, name the STAB moves that are used by at least one of those trainers (exclude the Gym Leader). [Aqua Jet Water Gun]
3) A character in the main-series games asks the player to deliver a Key Item to their grandmother. The English voice actor of the grandmother in the Pokemon anime also voices these twins (alpha order). [Rhoda Rhonda]

Thank you both LittEleven and Tapler for QCing :)
Thanks for participating, and hope to see you next time!
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Hosted an Items official at 4:30PM EDT on August 26th.

QCs by aQrator and Gallant Spear

1st place: computerwizard8800 [10:29].
2nd place: p^_^okemonvortex. [13:11].
3rd place: OHKOff⁇ [13:23].
4th place: TurtalKatThing [13:24].
5th place: powergo [14:13].
Consolation Prize: an ode to woe [15:50], Teutonic✠Squire [18:21], cheese555 [20:53], DarkShinyGiratina [24:21], KingChandelure [33:01], Meicoo [34:04]

1) A TM originally obtained after completing the 5th puzzle in a certain location is found after completing the 1st puzzle in a later remake. This Pokemon can drop the TR containing the move on that TM after a Max Raid Battle, but cannot learn it. [shiftry]
2) This Key Item grants the player additional options. [hi-tech earbuds]
3) A TM containing a certain move has been awarded at least once by every Gym Leader representing a certain type in at least one game. This character gives the player the TM containing that same move in the main series game in which that TM is neither awarded by a Gym Leader nor bought (exclude trainer class). [ryoku]
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Reserving a Merchandise official for August 28th at 7:00 pm EDT.

Thanks to aQrator and Pants for QCing!
1st place: an ode to woe [03:07].
2nd place: cheese555 [04:43].
3rd place: TurtalKatThing [05:33].
4th place: Aeolia [05:38].
5th place: powergo [06:53].
Consolation Prize: computerwizard8800 [08:52], DarkShinyGiratina [12:22], 111ace111 [14:42], dot Comfey~! [26:28]

1) If you were to add up the lengths of every Mareep product on pokemoncenter[dot]com (excluding clothing, TCG/VG products, and home/office products that may include/feature Mareep), what would be their total length in inches? Answer with the Pokemon whose National Dex number would be the length rounded to the nearest whole number. [Poliwhirl]
2) The only set released in the second release of a Hasbro Pokemon toy line only featured Poliwhirl and its evolutionary family. 2 sets were exclusive to Walmart. Out of the Pokemon in the sets exclusive to Walmart, which one was in another set? [Scyther]
3) In a figurine line made by Takara Tomy for gashapon machines, Scyther shares a capsule with a Pokemon not in its evolutionary family. What Pokemon, in the TCG, would form an well-known archetype with the Pokemon in the capsule? [Hitmonchan]
Grats to all finishers! Thanks to aQrator and Pants for QCing!
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Reserving a collab Odyssey with Celesteeal for 1PM EDT on August 31st

QCs by Devoxys and Meicoo

1st place: 111ace111 [14:13].
2nd place: Litt♥Eleven [23:28].
3rd place: DarkShinyGiratina [32:22].
4th place: TurtalKatThing [01:29:46].
5th place: Teutonic✠Squire [01:47:26].
Consolation Prize: p^_^okemonvortex. [01:48:08], bobabuddi [01:57:17], cheese555 [02:34:03]

All times are from after we moved the hunt to Treasure Town, about 1:30 after the hunt was started in Scavengers.

1) Gengar will lose this volatile status condition if it Mega Evolves, or if Mega Gengar is switched into by Baton Pass. This trait is unique to Gengar and Mega Gengar. [telekinesis]
2) An NPC at this non-Unova location is known to have previously worked with lost Pokemon in Driftveil City. [aether paradise]
3) The only way to obtain this item in HGSS without trading from another game is from an in-game trade. [macho brace]
4) A certain Pokemon can normally have an ability that boosts one of its stats upon a certain trigger. However, upon Mega Evolving, it can no longer be affected by that trigger at all. Name the Pokemon and the ability it gains upon Mega Evolution in alphabetical order. [gallade inner focus]
5) A Key Item that is given to the player by the player's father (in all games it is acquirable) references this location in its description. Exclude event-only Key Items. [mossdeep space center]
6) This move will always be STAB-boosted, no matter the user, unless used by Pokemon of a specific type that used a specific move beforehand. [revelation dance]
7) A sound effect at this location is identical to a sound effect used at the first location seen in games in Hoenn. [sealed chamber]
8) The only times the player is able to take a picture with their entire party at this Johto location is at night. [glitter lighthouse]
9) This Trainer in USUM, who uses four distinct teams throughout the games, awards the player with a TM after being defeated for the fourth time. Include Trainer Class. [actor meredith]
10) This character exists as a Move Tutor in both the main series games as well as the anime. Answer with the name that appears in the games. [grandma wilma]
11) Name the first character to ever be part of the Elite Four to appear in the anime, and the first character to appear in the anime that was part of the Elite Four when they appeared, in that order. [koga bruno]
12) In some main-series games, an NPC at this location makes a reference to the date of the first manned Moon landing. [pewter museum of science]
13) A certain Pokemon has a sample set for Gen VIII on Smogon recommending the use of a Seed, despite the Pokemon not being grounded. Name the non-STAB damaging move that the set recommends as an alternative to a status move, as well as the ability that it uses, in that order. [thunderbolt unburden]
14) Excluding Z-moves, this move has been exclusively used by Pokemon under the ownership of an Island Kahuna in the Pokemon anime. [high horsepower]
15) Two different locations (one of which is only accessible with a certain Key Item) from two different games in the same generation and region share this name. [magma hideout]
16) In Gen 8, this move lost its status as a unique move to exactly one dual-type Pokemon. [sparkling aria]
17) In Pokemon Adventures, the only known user of this move is a Haunter belonging to this character (answer in that order). [nightmare evan]
18) In certain Mystery Dungeon games, the player and their partner must battle and defeat all members of another rescue team in this Dungeon. [sinister woods]
19) Excluding legendary and mythical Pokemon, a certain Pokemon was the only genderless Pokemon to be introduced in a certain generation. Name first the Pokemon, then the move it learned at the highest prime number level in that generation, in that order. [carbink ancientpower]
20) This ability possessed by at least one Pokemon that can still evolve will not activate on a wild Pokemon during a trial. [wimp out]
21) This NPC will run at different speeds, depending on whether or not the player is pressing the B-button. Their name references a real-world person of the same profession (include trainer class). [hoopster derrick]
22) In Viz's translation of Pokemon Adventures, a certain Pokedex holder has a Pokemon on hand whose nickname is an anagram of the Pokemon's species, but with all instances of a certain letter removed. Name the Pokemon and its nickname. [donphan phado]

23) Team Rocket is at it again with their evil schemes: they've been traveling from answer to answer collecting the tails of different Pokemon! We need your help - from the previous victims, can you deduce what Team Rocket will be going after next? [Slowbro-Galar]
The tails of Pokémon from each answer were stolen! Each answer contained the name of a Pokémon, but with the last letter removed. This resulted in the following list of Pokémon from each answer:
1) Eleki(d)
2) Para(s)
3) Macho(p)
4) Dein(o)
5) Ente(i)
6) Latio(s)
7) Seale(o)
8) Litte(n)
9) Me(w)
10) Mawil(e)
11) Abr(a)
12) Mu(k)
13) Boltun(d)
14) Horse(a)
15) Magma(r)
16) Klin(k)
17) Maree(p)
18) Siniste(a)
19) Inka(y)
20) Wimpo(d)
21) Hoop(a)
22) Phanp(y)
Replacing all of the final letters reveals “DS POISON WEAK DARK PAYDAY”, which shows that Team Rocket’s next target is Slowbro-Galar.

Big thanks to Devoxys and Meicoo for QCing this hunt, and huge thanks to Celesteeal for collaborating on this hunt and finishing the host solo after I left!
This is also my 100th official so enjoy :)
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I'm hosting a Conquest Odyssey this Saturday, August 29th, at 6pm UTC (12pm PST, 2pm EST, 8pm CET, 11:30pm IST).

Thanks a ton to Devoxys and Pants for their QCs.

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: KingChandelure [37:15].
2nd place: 111ace111 [46:50].
3rd place: DarkShinyGiratina [53:24].
4th place: TurtalKatThing [58:38].
5th place: bulbasaurbuddy ♪ [01:04:02].
Consolation Prize: computerwizard8800 [01:18:37], PartMan [01:33:59]

Thank you everyone that participated! I hope you enjoyed it!

The hunt can be seen here:

Q1. Today, we will be exploring the game of Conquest together! With this odyssey, I'll be traversing the game from start to finish, asking questions along the way. Any names used in questions and answers will drop any accents, and any names used will not be romanised.. First off, selecting your character. As with 90% of modern pokémon games, you can choose to be either male or female. Select your character, please. Male; Female
Q2. Well, this is no Choose Your Own Adventure, so you choose to be the female character and select the name Tori. You are then introduced to the region. What is its name? Ransei
Q3. Unlike the mainline games, the region is filled with Warriors and Warlords. Tori is such a Warlord. This is the Pokémon she starts with. Eevee
Q4. Tori is now the newest warlord of Aurora, but oh no! she's getting attacked by a neighboring kingdom! These warriors are at her doorstep. List alpabetically. Koroku Nagayasu
Q5. Thanks to Oichi and her Jigglypuff, Tori took both down with ease. A few months later, Tori takes her revenge by conquering Ignis! This is the perfect link of the warlord you battle, at the time you battle him. Monferno
Q6. Greenleaf and Fontaine are next, but first, you are taught how to recruit allies by Keiji. For that, you must go to the cave. Which Pokémon can be found there, knowing the cave is only at level 1? List alphabetically. Bidoof Charmander Tepig Zubat
Q7. Tori has recruited Takatora, Hideaki and Rikyu to get some firepower. In trying to take on Greenleaf, She uses their Tepig, Darumaka and Charmander to great effect, and defeated Motonari and his crew! The two warriors linked with a Sewaddle even joined our forces! What is the warrior skill one of these two has that is not shared with Motonari? Adrenaline
Q8. Motoharu also joins Tori's forces the month after, and thanks to his Pansage, the kingdom of Fontaine is swiftly conquered too. The battle was done so well, that all of Motochika's (except Motochika himself) forces are swayed to the side of Tori. Oichi then mentions rumors of the warlord Nobunaga. This is his relation to Oichi. (I.e. Nobunaga is her...) brother
Q9. Tori's remaining forces pick up Terumoto in the ravine of Greenleaf. Furthermore, The neighboring Violight, Pugilis and Chrysalia are unlocked as opponents. Tori decides to train up a bit first. Where could she be finding an ice type Pokémon right now? List the kingdom and then the location. Fontaine Ravine
Q10. Violight is the next destination, and Tori wants to try and recruit everyone. Taking her strongest troops and using some clever tactics, she manages to recruit both warlords as well as the three accompanying warriors. Keiji then teaches her about linking. What is Keiji's rank 1 perfect link? Bastiodon
Q11. Now that that is out of the way, you have unlocked passwords! You quickly enter the code to unlock a duo of warlords you previously fought. You also want to find the perfect link of Nobuchika. Which password do you use, assuming you're playing a European version of Conquest? mq2xRVNgRL
Q12. Fast forwarding a bit, Tori quickly conquered Pugilis and Chrysalia, recruiting all but Yoshimoto. Furthermore, Hisahide was recruited to ease the battle with Pugilis, and both Ginchiyo's Shinx, and Muneshige's Starly evolved! How high did Shinx's attack stat have to be to evolve? 35
Q13. Meanwhile, Nobunaga has rallied his forces in the north of Ransei and has conquered 8 kingdoms, 1 more than Tori has. Only two kingdoms remain neutral: Terrera and Illusio. Their leaders are renowned through Ransei as warlords of great strength. Even Nobunaga fears them! Which Pokémon will they use during Tori's battle with them? List alphabetically. Gallade Rhyperior
Q14. Time to hit the training wheels again! To recruit Kenshin, Aya and Kanetsugu, we need to find a fire type and, more importantly, a dark, bug or ghost type. Which warriors do we have that would have a perfect link with a dark or ghost type? Hisahide Takatora
Q15. Sadly, neither the Hydreigon line nor the Chandelure line are available. Bug types it is then. Luckily, Yoshimoto started showing up in Chrysalia. Tori enlists him. A few months pass and Tori is ready to give it a try. However, Kenshin outright denies her request! A few days later, Kenshin's right hand lady Aya attacks Chrysalia! Her current link is this Pokémon. Cubchoo
Q16. Tori successfully guarded Chrysalia! But what's that? Tori is evolving! ... Congratulations! Tori evolved into a rank II warlord! What is her new base stat total? 225
Q17. Time for the rematch! With Ginchiyo's newly evolved Luxray hitting a critical hit on its Thunder, Kenshin joins the crew, as do Kagekatsu, Yataro and Sen. Shingen, who has been watching the bout, also joins, thus conceding Terrera to Tori as well. A feast is thrown to celebrate, but it is interrupted by Nobunaga and his Zekrom. Next up, Avia, Cragspur, Viperia and Yaksha. Who are the leaders of these kingdoms? List them in the alphabetical order of their kingdom. Masamune, Ujiyasu, Nene, Kotaro
Q18. Since no new warriors and warlords can be recruited in these battles, Tori can start being a bit more reckless. Yaksha is her first destination, and using Yoshihiro's Gurdurr and the newly recruited Shingen's Rhyperior, Tori snags an easy victory. Keiji shows up once more and hands Tori three items. What are these three items? List alphabetically. Fire Stone, Thunder Stone, Water Stone
Q19. Tori decides to evolve her Eevee into a Vaporeon, and then dominates the warriors of Cragspur with her perfect link. The remaining troops in the west manage to get a new slew of recruits in Hana, Kiyo, Hisaaki, Morikiyo, Masakage, Motozane, Suon and Ujinao, as well as the warlords Aya, Kanetsugu, Kunoichi and Yukimura. On top of that, Oichi's partner found her a certain item only she can use. What is that item? Jigglypuff Charm
Q20. Marching to Viperia, Tori is surprised to see a familiar face: Hideyoshi. Not only that, but Hideyoshi appears to have transformed as well! Of course, his Monferno is no match for Vaporeon's Hydro Pump, with Kenshin's Gallade and Kanetsugu's Kadabra making quick work of the barrage of poison type Pokémon. Avia is next on the chopping block. These two warlords reside in Avia. List alphabetically. Magoichi Masamune
Q21. Flying types galore, Ginchiyo and Shingen will have a field day! Or well.. I would say that, if Rikyu's Darmanitan didn't Fire Blast EVERYTHING to a crisp. Anyway, Avia belongs to Tori now. Suddenly, Mitsuhide, one of Nobunaga's three closest allies, shows up and warns Tori how unwise our course of action is, and informs her it is best to just give up. Who are the other two closest allies of Nobunaga, which are also the leaders of the other two remaining kingdoms? Ieyasu No
Q22. It's time for the final four! Valora's forces are handled with the utmost ease, and Mitsuhide's army met a similar fate by utilising Yukimura's newly evolved Charizard. No's troops will probably be very tough, since none of our strongest forces can hit ghost types super effectively, and Oichi cannot hit them at all with her Jigglypuff! Which Pokémon, which is to be fought in Spectra, can she hit with Jigglypuff's Doubleslap? Scolipede
Q23. Thankfully, Tori and her allies are strong enough to fight this fight 5v6. Only one kingdom remains! With a Zekrom staring, Dragnor is to be Tori's toughest challenge yet. To ease the process, Tori has managed to link with another Eevee a few months ago, and wants to get a Glaceon. To do so, how high must the Eevee's attack stat be? 91
Q24. A merchant has popped in and she's selling all sorts of good stuff, including a Moon stone to finally evolve Oichi's Jigglypuff. A few months pass and Tori finally evolved her second Eevee into a Glaceon. With that out of the way, she is ready to face Nobunaga. If she were to only bring along warriors and warlords that specialize in ice types, who, amongst her army, could she bring? List alphabetically. Aya Kunoichi Sessai
Q25. Tori marches towards Dragnor castle, alongside Oichi, Yoshihiro, Kenshin, Muneshige and Aya. Upon arrival, Ranmaru tries to convince Oichi to join her brother, but her mind is set as the battle between Tori and Nobunaga commences. Narimasa's Fraxure is the first to fall to Glaceon's Icy Wind, but not after dealing a hefty chunk of damage to Aya's Froslass. She, in turn casts icy wind upon Urakusai and Masahide, and, combined with Wigglytuff's Hyper Voice, and Gallade's Psycho Cut, Simisage falls. Masahide's Deino uses Dragon Rage, which leaves Froslass with only a sliver of health. Luckily, no one else is in range to deal the final blow, and Aya and Oichi's Sweet song restore her back to full. Nobunaga's Zekrom is looming ever closer. Tori then positions herself to take out Gabite and Dragonair. At the same time, Oichi delivers the final blow on Masahide's Deino. Nobunaga is on his own, and Staraptor, Conkeldurr and Gallade circle the Deep Black Pokémon. Tori uses Courage to quickly get Glaceon behind Nobunaga to deal massive damage. Before he can respond, Yoshihiro orders the use of Superpower, and Kenshin instructs Gallade to use Psycho Cut. Zekrom falls, and Tori is victorious. Which move, that could have been used by Tori's forces, has not been used in this battle? Brave Bird
Q26. "Lady Tori! We've finally united the whole of Ransei" Oichi exclaims happily. Indeed, Nobunaga's ambition has been thwarted. Suddenly, bright rays of light emerge from every kingdom, all heading towards Dragnor. Inside the kingdom, a certain location has emerged. What is the name of that location? Infinite Tower
Q27. Tori and her closest allies ascend the tower. At the top, the legendary Pokémon Arceus awaits. "Tori. Link with me. Show me your strength." (/scavenge link to continue) Link
Q28. The link was successful. "My name is Arceus." The Pokémon declares, "Creator of this world. I have been waiting for you, Tori." As her allies watch in awe at the newly linked double, Nobunaga appears atop the tower, alongside Hideyoshi, Ranmaru, Ieyasu, No, and Mitsuhide. The climactic final showdown begins. What Pokémon, "black as night", does Nobunaga summon to his side? Rayquaza
Q29. The battle begins, as both armies rush towards each other. Using her Courage, Tori and Arceus quickly close in on Ranmaru's Lucario, Mitsuhide's Lapras and Ieyasu's Aggron, using Judgment to deal big damage to each and even eliminating Lucario in one go. On the right side of the battlefield, Kenshin uses his warrior skill to increase the movement range of Aya's Froslass and Oichi's Wigglytuff. What skill does he use? Bustle
Q30. Psycho Cut mildly damages No's Mismagius, as Wigglytuff and Froslass are still too far away to deal any damage. In return, Nobunaga's Rayquaza deals colossal damage to Oichi and Kenshin, defeating the latter who was weakened by a Shadow Ball. Hideyoshi's Infernape also heavily damages Wigglytuff, bringing it down to a mere 5 HP. Muneshige's Staraptor and Yoshihiro's Conkeldurr remain untouched, as Mitsuhide and Ieyasu focus on the Arceus, the latter missing its mark. Arceus heals itself a little. What is the ability that caused this to happen? Omnipotent
Q31. Aya and Oichi quickly use Sweet Song to keep Wigglytuff on the battlefield. She, in turn, uses Hyper Voice to whittle down Rayquaza and Infernape. Aya also orders Froslass to use Icy Wind, delivering a hefty chunk, and slowing the shiny Pokémon down. Tori rushes to aid the her friends, finishing off No's Mismagius, and dealing a little bit of damage to Lapras and Rayquaza. Staraptor also uses Brave Bird on Lapras, dealing the final blow. Yoshihiro positions his Pokémon near Ieyasu. Then, Ieyasu's Aggron deals a bit of damage and pushes Conkeldurr away. Rayquaza delivers another huge blow to Wigglytuff, negating the Sweet Songs used. Aya and Oichi are also left wide open for a Fire Spin by Hideyoshi, and both are forced to retreat from the battlefield. Only 6 Pokémon remain, 3 on each side. What other Pokémon do Tori and Arceus see around her? List alphabetically. Aggron Conkeldurr Infernape Rayquaza Staraptor
Q32. Arceus uses another Judgment, bringing Rayquaza and Infernape to low health. At the same time, Yoshihiro delivers the final blow on Aggron, meaning Ieyasu is the next to fall. Muneshige moves Staraptor away from the action, allowing it to recover his movement from the Brave Bird usage of last turn. Nobunaga orders another Dragon Pulse, aimed at Arceus. It tanks the hit, and after another Fire Spin by Infernape, damaging both Arceus and Staraptor, Tori orders for a Judgment once more, dealing the final blow on Hideyoshi. Muneshige then requests a final Brave Bird, and Nobunaga's forces are eliminated. Tori is the victor. What move, that could have been used somewhere during this battle by either side, has not been seen at all? Aura Sphere
Q33. Nobunaga laments his defeat. The Ransei region was torn by endless battles, driven by the quest for the legendary Pokémon. More and more warriors began to treat their partners as little more than tools. This was the reason Nobunaga sought to unite Ransei. If he could prove to be the most powerful warrior, perhaps all the fighting would stop, Now, united by Tori's clear heart, Arceus entrusts the region into her care. Once Tori has shown she is worthy, Arceus will return to her. Tori returned all castles to their original warlords. Which warlord would Viperia be returned to? Nene
Q34. The warlord set up rules to protect the Pokémon of Ransei. Peace has returned to the region. And, from the top of the Infinite Tower, Nobunaga watched it all with a smile on his face. Thank you all for joining this journey through the maingame of Conquest. However, the stories of plenty of warriors are still only beginning. As a final question, how many stories can you eventually select once you have completed the main story? 37
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