
Oddly +0 Leaf Storm can't ohko Medicham as it does 77.13-90.84% so sending Serperior directly in on him at full health/behind sub/carrying scarf would be painful.

How would that change with Gastro acid?

Edit:@Underneath: oh yeah i thought you suggested using it.
How would that change with Gastro acid?

It wouldn't, I just wanted to point out that Leaf Storm isn't an ohko from unboosted Serperior (man before the boost is that special attack weak). Actually, Choice Band Medicham would still 2 hit ko with Ice Punch with or without Huge Power.
with the contrary ability.. say an opposing Pokemon uses sand-attack to lower accuracy, or a move with a secondary effect of lowering my defense.

would that actually.. raise them instead?
with the contrary ability.. say an opposing Pokemon uses sand-attack to lower accuracy, or a move with a secondary effect of lowering my defense.

would that actually.. raise them instead?
Yes. Contrary reverses stat changes (drops become boosts and vice versa). That's the reason why Contrary Serperior is seen with Leaf Storm.
Serperior@ Leftover/Expert Belt
EV's: 192 Speed/252 SpA/64 Attack
Ability: Overgrow
Nature: Rash/Mild
Leaf Tornado/Leaf Blade
HP Water/Ground

Sorry not good at the mixed set help with IV's
Serperior@ Leftover/Expert Belt
EV's: 252 Speed/176 SpA/
Ability: Overgrow
Nature: Hasty
Leaf Tornado/Leaf Blade
HP Water/Ground

Sorry not good at the mixed set help with IV's
Serperior's movepool is so awful that coming up with a Coil set is pretty hard. Here's what I have in mind:
-Leaf Blade
-Dragon Tail
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe
Item: Leftovers/Life Orb
Ability: Overgrow

If anyone can suggest better moves, EVs and nature, go ahead.
Serperior's movepool is so awful that coming up with a Coil set is pretty hard. Here's what I have in mind:
-Leaf Blade
-Dragon Tail
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe
Item: Leftovers/Life Orb
Ability: Overgrow

If anyone can suggest better moves, EVs and nature, go ahead.
Actually I don't really see it as that hard; it has far fewer options, and thus less to choose from. :P I agree, if you're gonna run Coil on Serperior, this is pretty much the way to do it.

Regarding EVs, I'm sort of wondering if Serperior can pull off a bulky boost spread with like 252 HP / 4 SDef / 252 Speed or something on the same set.
Coil with Iron Tail is also effective. At the very least, you then have a reliable and strong steel move that can crush ice types hard after 1 coil. Of course, it can just as easily be replaced by Leech Seed or Glare. But it depends on preference.
Out of curiousity, how many pokemon can either outspeed or tank a hit to paralyze Jaroda? I want to run a dual screener with Leaf Storm and HP/Ice but I'm a little worried about status...
Do Speed EVs help Serperior much if he's looking to spread paralysis with Glare/Coil/D. Tail? Dragon Tail's negative priority kinda defeats the purpose if you ask me.
Serperior @ leftovers
Nature: Timid
Ability: Overgrow
Evs: 252 hp, 12 SpA, 240 spd
-Leech Seed
-Hp Fire/Protect/Taunt/Gastro Acid

For use on stall teams. It isn't that hard for a fast grass type pokemon to force a switch. Or with his relatively decent defenses, he can take a hit as he sets up. The last moveslot is for whatever you want to cover. HP Fire kills grass types who otherwise block Leech Seed. Gastro acid is if you REALLY hate Reuniclus and Sigilyph. Taunt is utility and protect is for stalling and abusing torment. If being used in dreamworld, leaf storm can fit onto this slot as well. This set shines when used with toxic spikes or hazard support when it forces switches, and with leech seed and protect, serperior can easily recover the hp used to make subs in no time at all.
Do Speed EVs help Serperior much if he's looking to spread paralysis with Glare/Coil/D. Tail? Dragon Tail's negative priority kinda defeats the purpose if you ask me.

I think the purpose would mainly be to outspeed other phazers who'd rob you of your boosts, although Serperior may outspeed other phazers without investment. It'd be something to research and be sure of, I think.

I also really like Alphatron's Torment set, I'm currently running something very similar in-game LOL. However I think it's less viable than other sets, due to the multitude of weaknesses and few resistances that Serperior possesses as a Grass-type. :0 The reason Sub-Torment is so successful on Heatran is because of his resistances... Serperior can't brag of that as much.
Defo my favourite starter but I would run (just for the LOL factor)

Name: SS (sweeping Snake)
Ev: 252 Atk/ 252 Speed
Nature: Adamant/Jolly
Item: Life Orb
Move1: Coil
Move2: Leaf Bade
Move3: Aerial Ace/ Substitute
Move3: Leech Seed/Return/Dragon Tail

Coil boosts its defences whilst rasing its attack, the choice between leech seed and the other 2 are always hard in my mind. Leech seed adds leftover-like recovery and dragon tail phazes out pokes whilst return adds much needed reassurance against threats Leaf Blade cant hit! Aerial Ace is there to hit opposing grasses and bugs for super effective damage or sub to set up more coils!

Happy Battling! :)
52 HP / 252 Spe / rest in Def or SpDef

Leech Seed
Filler (Reflect/Light Screen/Protect/Taunt)

52 HP is used to get the extra point in Leftovers recovery, and having less HP means getting more health percentage from Leech Seed.
Serperior is a great Paralysis spreader. Paralysis also helps it with Subseeding. On my team I use Reflect because it likes extra insurance against physical attackers. Light Screen can be used instead. Protect helps stall for Leech Seed and Leftovers recovery. Taunt prevents setting up and the opponent recovering. This set is great for taking momentum to your side.

I have this paired up with a Specs Politoed, since Paralysis greatly aids it since Politoed isn't exactly fast. The Rain cancels out Sand so I ensure Leftovers recovery on Serperior. Rain also softens the blow from Fire type attacks. Since Politoed isn't too physically bulky, Reflect helps, as does Leech Seed recovery.
As far as Hidden Power go, I ask myself "what is more likely to switch in and wall me? A steel type or a dragon?" Well, to me it feels like steels are a bit more common. Also, seeing how it's a rather steel+dragon-oriented metagame, the use of HP rock feels foolish.

A tweeked sub-seeder:

Ability: Overgrow/Contrary
EV: Spe: 252 SpD: 252 Def: 4
Item: Leftovers

Leech Seed
Dragon Tail

Dragon Tail as well as Leech Seed benefits from Coil in some way and the SpD is maxed 'caus we attempt to boost defense (right?). Speed is maxed in order to outspeed things (I haven't been doing any cals) and wimsicott can't touch you behind a sub. Dragon Tail anything you can't seed back to their balls.
As far as Hidden Power go, I ask myself "what is more likely to switch in and wall me? A steel type or a dragon?" Well, to me it feels like steels are a bit more common. Also, seeing how it's a rather steel+dragon-oriented metagame, the use of HP rock feels foolish.

A tweeked sub-seeder:

Ability: Overgrow/Contrary
EV: Spe: 252 SpD: 252 Def: 4
Item: Leftovers

Leech Seed
Dragon Tail

Dragon Tail as well as Leech Seed benefits from Coil in some way and the SpD is maxed 'caus we attempt to boost defense (right?). Speed is maxed in order to outspeed things (I haven't been doing any cals) and wimsicott can't touch you behind a sub. Dragon Tail anything you can't seed back to their balls.

Get rid of Contrary in the Abilities. With Contrary, Coil will LOWER your attack, defence, and accuracy.
HP Rock allows you to handle Dragon/Flying types at least, as well as Volcorona and a few other threats, and In my time using it I was rarely disappointed. The biggest problem was definitely Ferrothorn though. Without HP Fire there is literally NOTHING you can do to him. Even +6 Leaf Storm does a pittance of damage, he can't be seeded, and Glare (which is legal with Contrary on the sims) only powers up his Gyro Ball. Considering he's the most common Pokemon in the metagame and a common swith-in to Serp, I'd say HP Fire is the best option for Contrary Serp, whether SubSeeding or sweeping.
Get rid of Contrary in the Abilities. With Contrary, Coil will LOWER your attack, defence, and accuracy.

Yeah, that's true of course. And also, if you're really running HP rock in order to deal with Dragon/flying then it's kinda obvious that ice does the same job much better. As said in previous post HP fire is likely the superior option on a contrary-set.
Yes but HP Rock also helps with Volcarona who 4x ressists your STAB.

If only he had a larger movepool.... heres hopeing for more in Pokemon Gray( or whatever the next games is)