Shell Break

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I'm suprised Shuckle didn't get this. this move would be a godsend for that thing.

It would've been nice, but shuckle doesn't have a very large attacking movepool so he can't really abuse it that much.

However, he got something even better...power split. When you combine this with encore, physical attackers won't be able to touch this thing.
With Shell Break shuckle would have halved his attacking stats and +1'd his defenses, making Power Split and Shell Break a fantastic combination.
I got an idea!

252 Att/252 Spe/4 Def
Jolly/ Adamnt Nature
Salac/Leichi berry
Aqua Jet
Shell Break
Waterfall/ Aqua Tail
Rock Slide/Stone Edge

Yep, know where cooking. Depending whether you want power, speed or accuracy, this turtle is a walking behemoth. Use SS smash on the first turn and see what happens. If, or when you get hit, Your Sturdy will let you live, and then the berries kick in. A Carracosta can get a 5+ boost instead of +2, depending on whether you like attack or speed. If you fear a Priority move, try your luck with Aqua jet to see if you can knock it out before it knocks you out. Or at least injure it somewhat.
EDIT: Pinch berries aren't out yet, but hey! a set to look forward too!
How is Hydration Gorebyss as a Shellbreaker?

Why does everyone seem to still use the Romanicized (Spelling fail?) Japanese names for things? I can relate cuz I still use the Pokemon's Japanese names, but whatever; my answer is: Why would you need Hydration? Rest wouldn't work (Unless you had White Herb, then it'd work pretty well as a strategy) with your -1 Defenses, and I doubt anyone would status it rather than just attacking it.
Why does everyone seem to still use the Romanicized (Spelling fail?) Japanese names for things? I can relate cuz I still use the Pokemon's Japanese names, but whatever; my answer is: Why would you need Hydration? Rest wouldn't work (Unless you had White Herb, then it'd work pretty well as a strategy) with your -1 Defenses, and I doubt anyone would status it rather than just attacking it.

So you could use her on a Rain Dance team? Maybe with Rest? I think if you wanna sweep with this thing, White Herb is really worth it.
Ice Beam is neutral, so 95NP. HP Fighting hits it with 140BP. Hydro Pump hits with 135BP. Surf hits with 107BP.

So even a STAB Surf in the rain is stronger than a neutral Ice Beam.
Smeargle would make a great baton-passer with this move. He could easily set up alot of sweepers, regardless of wether they are special or physical.
this may be a bit risky/gimmicky, but this would be even more beastly if a pokemon (say.... Smeargle) used Shell Break while holding a White Herb, then Baton Passed it to another pokemon who can use it (i.e. Cloyster or Omastar). they use it again, also with White Herb, and then proceed to sweep with +4 STAB Icicle Spear (Cloyster) or STAB Surf/Scald/Hydro Pump, if you're feeling lucky (Omastar). again, very gimmicky, very risky, but if done right, whatever pokemon you pass to can be incredibly destructive
this move is a awsome move especialy for cloyster as he has a huge defense so it doesnt matter about the defense lower and his sp def is shocking anyway and with his decent speed he outspeeds most pokemon. it also works quite well with crustle due to sturdy meaning he can always use it just watch out for prioty moves.
this may be a bit risky/gimmicky, but this would be even more beastly if a pokemon (say.... Smeargle) used Shell Break while holding a White Herb, then Baton Passed it to another pokemon who can use it (i.e. Cloyster or Omastar). they use it again, also with White Herb, and then proceed to sweep with +4 STAB Icicle Spear (Cloyster) or STAB Surf/Scald/Hydro Pump, if you're feeling lucky (Omastar). again, very gimmicky, very risky, but if done right, whatever pokemon you pass to can be incredibly destructive
and after reading the Simple Beam thread, a pokemon with Simple Beam paired up with a pokemon that use this move and is holding a White Herb in a double battle could be just as deadly, since the Simple ability doubles stat increases/decreases
Why do people keep saying that it would be a good combo with Perversity Shuckle? Raising both defenses one level and lowering all attacks two levels for Power Share sounds good, until you realize that even without any setup a Shuckle designed to use Power Share has one attack stat of 22 and one attack stat of 25. Not base stats, final stats. Reducing those numbers isn't going to make Power Share very much better.
Example: A Calm Shuckle with Def: 252 SpD: 252 HP: 4 and 0 IVs and EVs in Atk, SpA and Spe would end up with the following stats: 182/22/559/25/614/15

After using Shell Smash with Perversity that would be: 182/11/839/13/921/8

Gaining the boost in both defenses would be really good with shuckle seeing how he doesn't have any move to rais both defenses (part from ancient power i guess?) and of course he doesn't care about lowered attack-stats. The Power Share is just an added bonus.

However, talking about Shell Smash on shuckle is not very productive since it doesn't exist.
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