Shell Break

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Something that people are overlooking is Gorebyss/Huntail's access to Baton Pass...

OH MAN!, I was almost sure none of those could get Baton Pass, I completely forgot about Huntail/Gorebyss! Idk how I would use it, I'd have to think about it, but good to know! =D

Imagine using Shell Break with Huntail, then substitute, then Rain Dance, speed then doubles, It also learns Ice Fang, that could be a nasty Dragon and/or Ground killer sweeper.
Lead Cloyster cannot setup on Hippowdon, thanks to Sand Stream. Plus, Roar.

Lead Hippowdon should know better than to stay in on lead Cloyster, since Adamant Life orb Icicle Spear is a guarenteed ohko, and hippo cannot do anything to back to CLoyster offensively anyway aside from break its focus sash if its actually using that.
Lead Hippowdon should know better than to stay in on lead Cloyster, since Adamant Life orb Icicle Spear is a guarenteed ohko, and hippo cannot do anything to back to CLoyster offensively anyway aside from break its focus sash if its actually using that.

Hippo breaks the sash anyway with sand. It can Roar away a potential Shell Smash, or Yawn to limit a sweep; but if it switches and they Smash, giving away a free Smash, well, that's really bad.

My favourite user has to be Smeargle, though. Spore/Shell Smash/Baton Pass/something can often be awesome. (As for the something, what should it be? Ingrain to stop Whirlwinders? Priority move to do some last ditch damage when nothing else can be done? Endeavour to cripple something after you've been knocked to your sash?)
Cloyster's gotten to the point where if you see one, you KNOW exactly what its going to do.

My Crustle has seen some more success on Wifi though because its usually known to be a stealth rock lead, which leads to people wasting a turn switching Pokemon giving him 2 guaranteed Shell Smashes thanks to Sturdy. 45 Base Speed + 2 Shell Smashes = Ouch. Although in most cases they stay in and he can only get 1 off which doesn't make it fast enough to do any sweeping. Waiting for the Speed Berries from the DW to remedy that problem......
Cloyster's gotten to the point where if you see one, you KNOW exactly what its going to do.

My Crustle has seen some more success on Wifi though because its usually known to be a stealth rock lead, which leads to people wasting a turn switching Pokemon giving him 2 guaranteed Shell Smashes thanks to Sturdy. 45 Base Speed + 2 Shell Smashes = Ouch. Although in most cases they stay in and he can only get 1 off which doesn't make it fast enough to do any sweeping. Waiting for the Speed Berries from the DW to remedy that problem......
It was always at that point. At least, ever since the beginning of Gen 5.
Why would you start with cloyster... its so much better if you switch him in, or bring him in after a lost pokemon, then shell break and sweep... the only thing that can counter the cloyster is shednija you force a switch
It was always at that point. At least, ever since the beginning of Gen 5.

Not at all dude. Many people were unaware of said move, or expected it to be a spinner. Just because you yourself knew about the entire time doesnt mean everyone else did. The average player on PO fell for the Shell Smash strategy easily, now though....heh good LUCK trying to use that old hat trick.

Why would you start with cloyster... its so much better if you switch him in, or bring him in after a lost pokemon, then shell break and sweep... the only thing that can counter the cloyster is shednija you force a switch

The problem is when you switch him in any one with half a brain WILL attack him and take advantage of his lowered defenses. You have to be extremely careful about who you send him out against. It'd have to be a physical attacker thats faster than you so you survive their attack THEN have your defense dropped while also becoming faster than them for the next turn.
Imagine using Shell Break with Huntail, then substitute, then Rain Dance, speed then doubles, It also learns Ice Fang, that could be a nasty Dragon and/or Ground killer sweeper.

Gorebyss does it better. In fact, people are thinking of banning Gorebyss due to Shell Smash+Baton Pass. Also, you do realize Shell Break already doubles Speed, right? (+2 is the same as doubling)

Ice Beam>Ice Fang
I use it on my Carracosta like this:

Atk: 252 evs, Spe: 252 evs, Health: 4 evs
Life Orb

Shell break
Rock Slide
Aqua Jet

Works very well for me!
I've heard some discrepancy about whether white herb restores one or both of the status drops. Regardless, it seems to me that baton passing to a strong pokemon with acrobat (like Archeops or something bulkier like Gliscor) with white herb would result in some massive destruction.
Cloyster has decent offenses on both sides backed up by high-power STAB moves. Cloyster has lots of options, its an unpredictable Pokemon. However 95% of the people using him are incredibly predictable.

This sums up Cloyster in Gen5 for me.
Cloyster option is p much Shell smash and STAB stronger Outrage or Spiker STAB stronger Outrage

2 set with simmilar moves is not Unpredictable
Obviously, team prewiew is your friend in this situation. If I see no risk of priority, I'll smash away, and if there is priority I will kill the opposing lead, since I'm now faster, survive the priority hit and probably kill one of his priority users, making life easier for the rest of my team.

So ur not getting hit for 2 turns? If u get hit on the turn ur setting up it could easily hamper ur sweep. Or a status lead? :/ and what if their priority user survives? (ala sash or something)
So ur not getting hit for 2 turns? If u get hit on the turn ur setting up it could easily hamper ur sweep. Or a status lead? :/ and what if their priority user survives? (ala sash or something)

It's got 180 Base Defense. Even after the shell Break, it's still going to survive most physical priority.
For shits and giggles I recently tried a Shell Smash Magcargo, and tried him in all spots - lead, non lead, etc... after about 10-12 battles I don't think I got a single KO out of Magcargo. And I never even got hit with a water or ground attack with him. His HP is simply too low so getting him in is a pain, and he is too slow as a lead and is bait to get taunted or roared.
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