Shell Break

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I run White Herb on my Shell Smash Cloyster and nearly every Poke that tries to revenge kill it will not KO if they are a physical attacker. Then I KO their Poke on most occasions and sweep from there - it's a really fast, powerful setup.

Just curious - who runs something else on Shell Smash Cloyster and why? I can see a Life Orb, but with Sandstorm being rather common, and entry hazards there too, I have trouble sweeping with a Life Orb...
Not myself (never really tried Cloyster anyway), but I see Life Orb and Focus Sash are common. Though if I used it myself I'd probably not use those items, because of the after mentioned reasons
I have yet to see some one successfully pull off a Shell Smash. ^_^' Once they use it, they can be one-shotted into oblivion. Requires a bit of switching prediction....but if I see a Shell Smasher, I usually just go on the offensive and hit em after they use it.
...Has it actually been confirmed to be a Sharp increase to Atk/SpAtk/Spd? I swear Serebii has it WORDED that way, but says it only actually raises it one stage in the detail description.

I plan to run Carracosta/Abagoura/Turtank(whatever you want to call him), and I'm trying to weigh Curse over Shell Break, and though I plan to play around with once I get the game, whether or not the sweeper-stats boost is sharp may significantly impact my choice.

Also, really, as great as move as this seems, has anyone actually thought of how awkward it is? Imagine a giant turtle, a clam, or a snail, just ripping of chunks of it's shell, so it can kill you better. I always kinda thought if a Cloyster smashed it's shell off, it'd just end up being a Ghastly.
Also, really, as great as move as this seems, has anyone actually thought of how awkward it is? Imagine a giant turtle, a clam, or a snail, just ripping of chunks of it's shell, so it can kill you better. I always kinda thought if a Cloyster smashed it's shell off, it'd just end up being a Ghastly.

Not quite.

Lol xD
Shell smash again; I bet the shell turns into a fine purple dust cloud!

Also, to answer my own previous question; I also saw a few people ask-
Apparently it is absolutely broken, and has been confirmed to sharply increase the offensive stats. Kinda terrifying.
It is a broken move, no doubt.

But thankfully, nothing decent gets it. Magcargo? Cloyster? Gorybass? Not exactly sweepers. The fact that Shell Break makes these massive threats is proof enough that if something half decent got this move [Blastroise?], it would probobly be booted to Uber rather quickly.
if something half decent got this move [Blastroise?], it would probobly be booted to Uber rather quickly.

Excadrill is still OU. At this point, I'm not even convinced that Smogon would ban Salamence right away if it got Shell Smash (as Shelgon.)
It is a broken move, no doubt.

But thankfully, nothing decent gets it. Magcargo? Cloyster? Gorybass? Not exactly sweepers. The fact that Shell Break makes these massive threats is proof enough that if something half decent got this move [Blastroise?], it would probobly be booted to Uber rather quickly.
Cloyster is a sweeper. At least, it is now.
It is a broken move, no doubt.

But thankfully, nothing decent gets it. Magcargo? Cloyster? Gorybass? Not exactly sweepers. The fact that Shell Break makes these massive threats is proof enough that if something half decent got this move [Blastroise?], it would probobly be booted to Uber rather quickly.

Could you imagine Chandelure with Shell Smash? ._.
Shell smash
HP Fighting
Fire Blast
Shadow Ball

Flame Body over flash fire if Porygon2 really scares you that much. GG metagame.

More on topic, magcargo isn't the worst pokemon to get shell smash. Fire/Rock is the offensive typing most pokemon could wish for. Torkoal is the worst, with his base 20 speed. Funny how the only fire types to learn this attack suck the most at using it.
Shell smash
HP Fighting
Fire Blast
Shadow Ball

Flame Body over flash fire if Porygon2 really scares you that much. GG metagame.

More on topic, magcargo isn't the worst pokemon to get shell smash. Fire/Rock is the offensive typing most pokemon could wish for. Torkoal is the worst, with his base 20 speed. Funny how the only fire types to learn this attack suck the most at using it.
Magcargo reaches 348 Speed after a Shell Smash. He can't expect to outspeed everything, which means he will be taking hits against his huge weaknesses, and with reduced defenses. Can't get much worse than that.
Last time I saw a battle it looked to me that Attack "sharply rose" and Sp. Attack and Speed "rose greatly", so +2/+3/+3. I think I saw this, but this is surely wrong, as it would be even more badass and weird on the assymetrical growth.
It is a broken move, no doubt.

But thankfully, nothing decent gets it. Magcargo? Cloyster? Gorybass? Not exactly sweepers. The fact that Shell Break makes these massive threats is proof enough that if something half decent got this move [Blastroise?], it would probobly be booted to Uber rather quickly.

Gorebyss is a beastly sweeper under the rain, but even though Drizzle+SwSw is now illegal, it isn't outniched. It's the best passer of Shell Smashes due to its superior movepool (Water is mostly special) and thus outclasses its counterpart Huntail.
Last time I saw a battle it looked to me that Attack "sharply rose" and Sp. Attack and Speed "rose greatly", so +2/+3/+3. I think I saw this, but this is surely wrong, as it would be even more badass and weird on the assymetrical growth.

No. Only raises by +2. How many times do people need this to be confirmed?
Due to the banning of swift swim, shell break cloyster will now be even more broken. Also, if you combine metronome with skill link cloyster, I don't think anything can avoid a OHKO.
Gorebyss can use his dream world, hydration

And why aren't people using white herb, it doesn't make any sense.
You run life orb, so you can do more damage so you can avoid being hit.

But with white herb you don't have to worry about being hit at all.
Gorebyss can use his dream world, hydration

And why aren't people using white herb, it doesn't make any sense.
You run life orb, so you can do more damage so you can avoid being hit.

But with white herb you don't have to worry about being hit at all.

I think the reason is that, if you get the opportunity to use a second SS, white herb is almost totally outclassed by LO. However, they both have their advantages.
Also, it still has meh SpDef, so any strong special attacker that can take a hit is probably going to take you out with or without the drop, whereas LO is OHKOing a lot more things, so a lot of the time the only major difference there is Vacuum Wave.
I think the reason is that, if you get the opportunity to use a second SS, white herb is almost totally outclassed by LO. However, they both have their advantages.

But wouldn't two SS's leave the user even more vulnerable to priority? Plus, the best sweepers should only need one turn of set up to be a threat. I don't know, I do see the merit of White Herb, even where a second SS is concerned, since it's essentially "two for one" when it comes to the defense drawbacks. Plus, LO at +4 is going to be overkill in many situations. Both have their advantages and disadvantages.

Anyway, is there any viable mixed sets for users of this move that aren't outclassed by either a solely physical/ special set? I've noticed that most of the users attacking stats are either largely skewed towards Atk or SpA. Abagoura/ Carracosta is the only user with both decent Atk and SpA, but even at that, a physical set seems to outclass a mixed set, what with Stone Edge, and STAB priority in Aqua Jet.

People have overhyped this move based on the +2/+2/+2 boost, but for most its just a glorified Dragon Dance.
People have overhyped this move based on the +2/+2/+2 boost, but for most its just a glorified Dragon Dance.

This move is 2 DDs + NP in ONE turn. The move is not overhyped, it's actually a fulfilled hype, the only thing preventing it from eating the metagame alive is that its users are not threats but often bottom NUs.

Imagine a +2/+2/+2 Mence/Ttar/Lucario/Nite/Gross. Priority is the only way to stop it.
This move is 2 DDs + NP in ONE turn. The move is not overhyped, it's actually a fulfilled hype, the only thing preventing it from eating the metagame alive is that its users are not threats but often bottom NUs.

Imagine a +2/+2/+2 Mence/Ttar/Lucario/Nite/Gross. Priority is the only way to stop it.

Yes, I know how the move works, but above that I wrote that there are hardly (1 by my count) any users who can make use of both +2 Atk and +2 SpA, so one of those boosts goes to waste. It essentially gives most users +2/+2, aka a stronger Dragon Dance.
Yes, I know how the move works, but above that I wrote that there are hardly (1 by my count) any users who can make use of both +2 Atk and +2 SpA, so one of those boosts goes to waste. It essentially gives most users +2/+2, aka a stronger Dragon Dance.
So? It's still two turns of setup for the price of one.
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