
I decided to try and use Shuckle just for lolz, as battling was becoming boring seeing the same threats over and over again. I was surprised by the amounts of Rage quits and KO's I got from it (23 Rage quits so far).

Here is the Set I am using:

Shuckle (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Power Share
- Rollout/Mud Slap
- Acupressure
- Rest

Baton pass it an Aqua Ring/Ingrain and this thing will not die. With Sand support it becomes ridiculously bulky on the Special side. The strategy is to come in on something that does pitiful damage to you (Everything) Power Share their counter so it does even less, then start Acupressure. It basically works like an Inconsistent Pokemon, albeit a bit harder to use. Rest up when necessary, 2 free turns for them doesn't hurt you since you take little damage anyway. Once you have everything at +6 begin to really reak havoc.

Rollout is the better in terms of overall attacking power, reaching isane levels after Power Share +6 and 5 turns. It also means that Fliers/Levitators don't wall you. And PP stalling is not and issue either. Mud Slap on the other hand means the enemy will be doing letterally nothing to you. +6 evasion and your defenses adding on the fact of decreased accuracy from mud slap is just mean. It is completely stopped by airborne Pokemon then though, and PP also becomes an issue, as even after Power Share and +6 it does pitiful damage.

Since you are running max Def, wouldn't it be better to run Impish?
My God, I've been using this for fun, and it's awesome for laughs/"sweeps". I used something similar to Byrn Dragonstone (identical set), but EV spread is 252 HP / 240 Def / 12 SpD Bold, used with X-Act's Defense calc factoring SpD boost in Sandstorm, which I have in the team. What I do is screen support for Gorebyss to survive attacks and baton pass Aqua Ring to Shuckle, from then I just Power Share/ Pressure / Rest alternate, until I feel like I'm in safe position/have good attack to "sweep" and then proceed to Rollout.

EDIT: and oh Bold and 0 Atk and SpA IVs gives more "crippling" Power Share. Ingrain > Aqua Ring for random Roars and Dragon Tails, but for me I didn't use it because since the only Ingrain-passer is Smeargle, which with Sandstorm its sash won't work
Oh no oh fuck no! Srsly. I hate this guy and he receives buffs? Guess UU ladder will be packed with people using Fuckle leads everywhere. As if we haven't had enough.

Besides laying rocks, this guy doesn't seem to have a big place in a team except for toxic stall, but he's for the lulz. Friggin stupid Fuckle.
What about a Power Trick set where you put EVs into Shuckle's Atk and SAtk, and have a Brave nature (+Attack -Speed). Shuckle won't be outrunning anything ever, so speed doesn't really matter. But if you put the EVs into Atk and SAtk, you can have a decent defence when you Power Trick and still have Atk and SAtk of over 450 when Power Tricked.
What about a Power Trick set where you put EVs into Shuckle's Atk and SAtk, and have a Brave nature (+Attack -Speed). Shuckle won't be outrunning anything ever, so speed doesn't really matter. But if you put the EVs into Atk and SAtk, you can have a decent defence when you Power Trick and still have Atk and SAtk of over 450 when Power Tricked.

Power Trick switches Atk and Def, not SpA or SpD.
Ahhh, sorry. In that case, stick with brave nature, and pour EVs into Atk and Def, or Atk and Hp so that Shuckle still retains some survivability. Paired with a TR user, I think this could work pretty well. Maybe even with a defensive BPer too.
Ahhh, sorry. In that case, stick with brave nature, and pour EVs into Atk and Def, or Atk and Hp so that Shuckle still retains some survivability. Paired with a TR user, I think this could work pretty well. Maybe even with a defensive BPer too.
Actually, it's better if Shuckle is Relaxed and has these EVs: 248 HP/252 Def/8 SpD. That's because Power Trick swaps the Attack and Defense stats themselves.

To elaborate, Shuckle has a maximum Defense (and Special Defense) of 614 (that's with 31 IVs and 252 EVs at level 100). It has an Attack (and Special Attack) stat in the 50s-60s. What this means is that if Shuckle uses Power Trick in this scenario, it will have an Attack of 614 and a Defense of 50s-60s.
Either way, I see no reason to use Power Trick, when you have Power Split, yes they're very different and the former gives you go sweeping prowess, but it leaves you with meh defense, while the later can actually help you tank more and essentially "gain" more attack while doing so.

In gen V the only case where I'd be using Power Trick would be something like Doubles Trick Room or something.
Actually, it's better if Shuckle is Relaxed and has these EVs: 248 HP/252 Def/8 SpD. That's because Power Trick swaps the Attack and Defense stats themselves.

To elaborate, Shuckle has a maximum Defense (and Special Defense) of 614 (that's with 31 IVs and 252 EVs at level 100). It has an Attack (and Special Attack) stat in the 50s-60s. What this means is that if Shuckle uses Power Trick in this scenario, it will have an Attack of 614 and a Defense of 50s-60s.

If you gave shuckle a nature that boosted his attack stat, wouldn't it make him have 130 defence after the power trick?
If you gave shuckle a nature that boosted his attack stat, wouldn't it make him have 130 defence after the power trick?

That's not even bulky enough. To compare, that defence is the equivalent of Blissey investing 252 EVs and Bold nature into Defence.

Shuckle lacks Blissey's gargantuan HP.
Does anyone here think that a Defensive Acupressure set might work for Shuckle?Something like:

Shuckle @ Leftovers
Impish (- Sp.Atk + Def) 252 HP/240 Def/12 Sp.Def
- Acupressure
- Toxic
- Rest
- ????

Basically, if you have sandstorm up, this thing has 244 HP/611 Def/748 Sp.Def. With Acupressure possibly doubling either defense or even giving +2 in evasion, this thing could become an unholy nightmare to take out. Don't really know what to use as a fourth move so suggestions would be nice.I was thinking MudSlap for the miss lols but I'm not sure.
Does anyone here think that a Defensive Acupressure set might work for Shuckle?Something like:

Shuckle @ Leftovers
Impish (- Sp.Atk + Def) 252 HP/240 Def/12 Sp.Def
- Acupressure
- Toxic
- Rest
- ????

Basically, if you have sandstorm up, this thing has 244 HP/611 Def/748 Sp.Def. With Acupressure possibly doubling either defense or even giving +2 in evasion, this thing could become an unholy nightmare to take out. Don't really know what to use as a fourth move so suggestions would be nice.I was thinking MudSlap for the miss lols but I'm not sure.

Does Acupressure fall under Evasion Clause? it behaves very similar to Moody.
Well, using a careful nature does balance its defenses out a bit.

Using an Impish nature and 252 HP/52 Defense/200 Special Defense gives exactly identical stats while using 4 less EVs, allowing for another point in Defense or Special Defense (putting the final 4 EVs in Defense is a jump point, so that would be better to gain 2 stat points instead of one).

So Careful isn't as good even if it does balance defenses :/
Shuckle's been one of my favorites for a long time, and it seems Gen V has given him enough random improvements to be usable outside of sets that mainly rely on Evasion/not really doing anything. The problem is it's still really hard for him to beat anything, especially since if whatever you've used Power Split on switches out, you're left with three moves. Outside of Acupressure and possibly Toxic, he doesn't have 4 move slot syndrome as situational moveslot syndrome - stuff like Knock Off, Power Split, Gastro Acid, Gyro Ball has the potential to be pretty powerful. Add in a type combination that Defensively leaves him either neutral or weak to everything that matters it's really hard for me to find a real use for him.
Right now I'm thinking about using a Sturdy Shuckle in combination with WishPass Vaporeon and Hippowdon as a defensive core, basically with the idea of using Wish+Sturdy to guarantee against almost anything that Shuckle's gonna live forever, since Wish can be used to constantly reactivate sturdy. My main problem is figuring out how beyond those three living forever I can cause real damage to my opponent, asides from rage quits from battles lasting forever.
Shuckle is awesome, one of my favorite pkmn. I use his wrap set(in sand of course):
Shuckle @ Leftovers
Impish (- Sp.Atk + Def) 252 HP/252 Def/6 Sp.Def
- Power Share
- Toxic
- Wrap
- Encore

Bring him in on someone and wrap them. Most ppl try to set up on shuckle so thats what encore is for. Power share is to weaken that opponent. With a combination of wrap, sandstorm and toxic your opponent will go down quickly(tho obviously it wont work on all pkmn). What i hate most about shuckle is his SR weakness, which is one of the reason i don't use shuckle too much. Tho hes great in uu
Does anyone here think that a Defensive Acupressure set might work for Shuckle?Something like:

Shuckle @ Leftovers
Impish (- Sp.Atk + Def) 252 HP/240 Def/12 Sp.Def
- Acupressure
- Toxic
- Rest
- ????

Basically, if you have sandstorm up, this thing has 244 HP/611 Def/748 Sp.Def. With Acupressure possibly doubling either defense or even giving +2 in evasion, this thing could become an unholy nightmare to take out. Don't really know what to use as a fourth move so suggestions would be nice.I was thinking MudSlap for the miss lols but I'm not sure.

I'm going to test this set out in RU. For the last move it's going to be Sandstorm, since there are no permanent weather starters in RU. In OU/UU, though, Power Split could be used to lower the opponent's Attack/Special Attack. Sleep Talk could also be used to get some boosts those two turns you're asleep from Rest.
I'm going to test this set out in RU. For the last move it's going to be Sandstorm, since there are no permanent weather starters in RU. In OU/UU, though, Power Split could be used to lower the opponent's Attack/Special Attack. Sleep Talk could also be used to get some boosts those two turns you're asleep from Rest.

Snover is in RU which brings in perma-Hail. And Sandstorm is kind of useless down in RU since there's nothing amazing to abuse 5-8 turns of sand. Shuckle is pretty interesting in Doubles/Triples though because of Struggle Bug.
Snover is in RU which brings in perma-Hail. And Sandstorm is kind of useless down in RU since there's nothing amazing to abuse 5-8 turns of sand. Shuckle is pretty interesting in Doubles/Triples though because of Struggle Bug.
What I meant to say was that there aren't any Sand Stream Pokemon to set up sand for Shuckle, so I gave it Sandstorm to boost it's Sp.Def 50%.
Shuckle really got a boost this gen in the form of power share it's basically a
100 accuracy will-o-wisp that affects BOTH attacking stats and it also gives shuckle the option to attack if need be
Power Share can only be used once when Shuckle is in the field though, which sucks.

Yeah that is a BIG point to be made, that does suck. well at least shuckle can go on the offense if need be with rollout without having to sacrifice defense