
Unfortunately, SS is hard to get anywhere but in OU, and trapping with him is kinda impossible, seeing as sand Tomb doesn't have priority, and there's this coll new mechanic called "switching happens before moves" that's in B/W
Probably not, but TheFlamingSpade did do a rollout shuckle sweep, so it can be considered a gimmick that works if done right.

Watching that video my mind just exploded.

Power Share for Shuckle is a great move for basically chopping the attack of an otherwise-strong sweeper in half, but throwing Rollout on it to actually utilize all of the attack gained was awesome.

Putting together Defense Curl with Rollout gives Shuckle a decent attack, since DC powers up Rollout. Coming off of a base attack of anywhere from 30 to 70 (depending on what you Power Share with) you'll have decent attack around the third hit, and by the last hit it's overwhelming.

Obviously DC also boosts up Shuckle's monster defense, and, assuming he's got some Sandstorm support, he's also got his epic spdef. Rest is obvious. If you want to lose a bit of offense/defense for some status, there's still always Toxic to rely on.

With the right team around it, this Shuckle can do some work. Basically it'd enjoy Ttar/Hippo (or both) around to make some Sandstorm, and then a couple of things that can take care of a Rain team long enough to remove the setter(s) so that Shuckle isn't taking boosted hits in one of his (few) weak spots. (If Rain/Drizzle/whatever gets banned, then the number of Rain teams will obviously drop off and Sandstorm can go back to being the main weather, obviously).

I'm personally really excited to try this out. I'll report back with some results later on.

HERE is a lulz set!

Shuckle@Leftovers/Grip Claw
Any Ability, Relaxed
252 HP, 196 Def, 60 SpD
-Sand Tomb/Wrap
-Mud Slap

Trap, Poison, Mud Slap, giggle.Rest when necessary, though it may be impossible to rest from the laughter yourself.

This set is actually not very easy to pull off... once you trap your opponent and toxic them, odds are they've set up on you or have noticably whittled down your health, requiring you to sleep... getting Mud Slaps in early is the key when using this set. It's even better with max defense during a sandstorm.
Jesus...I didn't realize Power Share averaged both Attack and Special Attack scores of Shuckle and the opponent. That's pretty ridiculous actually, since it makes it really easy for him to set up the Defense Curl + Rollout when you're packing 244/744/921 defensive stats after a Defense Curl if you have Sandstorm up (244/744/614 with no sandstorm is still impressive though). You don't even necessarily need Sandstorm, since unless you're getting hit by a Rain-boosted Hydro Pump, not very many special attacks will OHKO, especially if the opponent's Special Attack has basically been cut in half by Power Share. Of course, it's more useful against physical attackers since you can actually make use of the attack you gained for Rollout.

Gamefreak definitely did something right by giving something with base 10 attacking stats Power Share.
I believe I actually commented on this a long while ago on this thread about this viability, but a mod deleted my post. They said I wasn't on topic although I totally don't think I was going off topic when bringing up this point.

As I said before it got deleted, powershare is the best thing for shuckle, and with shuckle it adds amazing defensive capabilites by halving the enemies attacks, but also giving him some offensive viability. I never thought of using it in conjunction with Defense Curl + Roll Out though. This is awesome.
Too bad the only way to get Defense Curl on Shuckle is to move tutor one in Emerald...unless there's another way?

That's fine, it's not like it needs any of its Egg moves or its Dream World ability for the set to work. It just needs Defense Curl/Rollout/Rest/Power Share, which other than Defense Curl, are learned by Level Up or TM.
Alternatively you could go with Acupressure over Defense Curl. Ok, it doesn't boost Roolout's power, but it does boost attack (if lucky enough) along with defensive boosts, so you can be even more of a tank (Defense boosts and EVASION boosts) while rolling things to death.
I don't know about acupressure... merely for the fact that you want to keep your attack/defense low so you can power share and cute the enemies in half.

That being said, it definitely has its merits. The only stat Shuckle doesn't want getting a boost in is Sp-Attack. Even the accuracy increase benefits his Roll Out.

Still, I just can't see it working as well, as Defense Curl has better synergy, but it is still another option to consider.
Power Share Shuckle is interesting, I'd not really rely on "sweeping" with it, but rather the crippling effect of the move on opponents.
After playing a few matches with Powershare/Rollout Shuckle I've been unable to get him to work. The combination of entry hazards and just general bad luck with him really wrecked me. Most notably, any phazers really ruin him.

If anyone else tries this out and has better luck, share your success stories. I went back to trolling with Psychoshift Shimbora (Siglyph?) and Endeavor Aron XD
Power Share+Gyro Ball=a defensively oriented threat. Seriously, my garchomp was 2HKO'd by one of these things.
Guard share with Blissey in doubles or triples. The huge flaw is Weavile beat up on justice heart users pretty much doesnt care about how much defense bliss has and the general offensive nature of doubles.

Other problem is that shuckle is slow as fuck... I.E. Blissey has to live an attack first >_<

will try using shuckle when server is back up... would be hilarious to see random crap switch in only to be met with power share :3
Using Perversity with Defense Curl is dumb anyway, Sturdy is better if you are running Defense Curl in the event that some freak Hydro Pump managed to critical you, at least you don't die and assuming there are no hazards, you can attempt to find a free space to get yourself back in and rest/be passed a wish.
I say..

Shuckle@Pressure Band
252 Hp/ 146 Def/ 120 SpD
Bold: Perversity
~Sand Tomb

- With Sandstorm and toxic spikes, This thing can become the greatest staller ever. I know lack of reliable recovery and leftovers sucks. But, shuckles great defenses and protect theyll have hardly anytime to due signifigant damage.
I decided to try and use Shuckle just for lolz, as battling was becoming boring seeing the same threats over and over again. I was surprised by the amounts of Rage quits and KO's I got from it (23 Rage quits so far).

Here is the Set I am using:

Shuckle (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Power Share
- Rollout/Mud Slap
- Acupressure
- Rest

Baton pass it an Aqua Ring/Ingrain and this thing will not die. With Sand support it becomes ridiculously bulky on the Special side. The strategy is to come in on something that does pitiful damage to you (Everything) Power Share their counter so it does even less, then start Acupressure. It basically works like an Inconsistent Pokemon, albeit a bit harder to use. Rest up when necessary, 2 free turns for them doesn't hurt you since you take little damage anyway. Once you have everything at +6 begin to really reak havoc.

Rollout is the better in terms of overall attacking power, reaching isane levels after Power Share +6 and 5 turns. It also means that Fliers/Levitators don't wall you. And PP stalling is not and issue either. Mud Slap on the other hand means the enemy will be doing letterally nothing to you. +6 evasion and your defenses adding on the fact of decreased accuracy from mud slap is just mean. It is completely stopped by airborne Pokemon then though, and PP also becomes an issue, as even after Power Share and +6 it does pitiful damage.
Probably not, but TheFlamingSpade did do a rollout shuckle sweep, so it can be considered a gimmick that works if done right.

Haha, one my favourite Shuckle sets I've tried. Gimmicky yes but definitely worth a try. I didn't even proper team support like sandstorm mainly but it does have it's potential. I also noticed now that there is a similiar set for Shuckle in gen 3 without Power share of course.