-Rock Slide
-Power Trick
My friend uses a set just like this pretty often, and I just use it to set-up a sweep. I 6-0'd him with Lapras one time because he decided he was going to acupressure into oblivion. His defenses can get quite ridiculous, and those sharp evasion boosts can be a nightmare, but 50% of the time (attack,sp att, and accuracy) it's completely worthless and if you're using a single pure att or spatt sweeper against it, it's more like 2/3rds worthless. Because stats raises work off percentages, even if you get +6 attack and power trick, your defenses still suck and you're ridiculously slow. If I were going to use Power Trick, I'd do it in a trick room, but it's still risky because if you power trick before they move, you are epically screwed. TR, on a spec sweeper that doesnt have psycho shock, maybe in a sandstorm?, after using encore? lol. Sturdy could actually come in handy here. You won't be murdered when you Power Trick, but then somebody with priority will finish the job.
It would take some epic set-up, but doubles would be the place for this, where you can power trick with shuckle and TR with your other pokemon, then do epic things with Rock Slide and EQ and pray no one has priority, or just use the priority protect move with your other pokemon, if a decent TRer even can learn it. lol and then name him Gimmicking.
TR Power Share could actually be pretty cool. PS before they attack you, effectively halving their attack before they've done so, then spam rock slide. STAB with mediocre attack and 30% flinch chance (and now you aren't slow!). Problem is TR ends pretty quickly, but this would actually be a decent gimmick in doubles (again lol). 30% flinch on both pokemon is do-able, maybe use water absorb slowking/bro to curtail surf spam and keep TR up while sweeping in between. It could work lol. Guard share on a normal doubles team isn't so bad either, he's so slow he'll use it last, then he can switch next turn.
With the Sand Tomb sets, why not use Knock Down? Still works under taunt, and you ensure all pokemon can get caught in it. Matter of fact, Sand Tomb still works under taunt, correct? If you get taunt first turn, use it to knock down and then trap them. Taunt will wear off soon and then you can continue to be annoying. Might want encore to ensure you don't get taunted again. Then if you do Power Share you have a STAB attack that is kind of weak, but could set up EQ spammage. Gravity support could work too I guess.
I want to note that Shuckle's HP is so low that the new Wish mechanics benefit him quite well. He'll get all his HP back no matter who uses it basically. Also, another dumb gimmick, but if ditto were to transform into him he'd be a shuckle with about 50 more hp. Except you have 5 pp for all your moves lol.