

#613, Shuckle


Perversity (DW)

BS: 20/10/230/10/230/5
BST: 505

Level up Moves :
Lv1: Withdraw, Lv1: Constrict, Lv1: Bide, Lv1: [M522], Lv7: Encore, Lv13: Wrap, Lv19: Safeguard, Lv25: Rest, Lv31: Gastro Acid, Lv37: Rollout, Lv43: Power Trick, Lv49: Bug Bite, Lv55: Guard Share, Lv55: Power Share

TM06 - Toxic, TM09 - Venom Shock, TM10 - Hidden Power, TM11 - Sunny Day, TM17 - Protect, TM20 - Safeguard, TM21 - Frustration, TM23 - Strike Down, TM26 - Earthquake, TM27 - Return, TM28 - Dig, TM32 - Double Team, TM34 - Sludge Wave, TM36 - Sludge Bomb, TM37 - Sandstorm, TM39 - Rock Tomb, TM42 - Facade, TM44 - Rest, TM45 - Attract, TM48 - Troll, TM69 - Rock Polish, TM70 - Flash, TM71 - Stone Edge, TM74 - Gyro Ball, TM76 - Bug Resistance, TM78 - Smooth Over, TM80 - Rock Slide, TM87 - Swagger, TM90 - Substitute, TM94 - Rock Smash, HM04 - Strength

Egg Moves:
Sweet Scent
Knock Off
Helping Hand
Sand Tomb
Rock Blast


SS Trapper:

Shuckle@Leftovers/Grip Claw
Any Ability, Relaxed
252 HP, 196 Def, 60 SpD
-Sand Tomb/Wrap
-Power Share

Near impossible to kill. simple to use. just use the moves in the order they are listed. Power share not only increases you ability to attack, but makes opponents moves laughable. Rest when necessary

Special SS Trapper:

Shuckle@Leftovers/Grip Claw
Any Ability, Sassy
252 HP, 252 SpD, 4 Def
-Sand Tomb/Wrap
-Power Trick
-Gyro Ball

Its Special Defence IS OVER 900!!!!!! Seriously. At least, after the SS boost. Insane. Simple use. Trap special attacker, laugh as they can do absolutely no damage. Then Power Trick as they can only hit your SpD, and hit 120 BP Gyro Balls off a base 497 Atk. Leftovers provides enough healing (against Sp Attackers) that Toxic can be considered to hit pokes that switch out before your Sand Tomb hits. This Shuckle needs any pursuit-ers taken care of though, as he becomes an OHKO for a level 10 Rattata after a Power Trick (slight exaggeration, but pretty close to it). Do not use Toxic with Grip Claw

HERE is a lulz set!

Shuckle@Leftovers/Grip Claw
Any Ability, Relaxed
252 HP, 196 Def, 60 SpD
-Sand Tomb/Wrap
-Mud Slap

Trap, Poison, Mud Slap, giggle.Rest when necessary, though it may be impossible to rest from the laughter yourself.

These are my favourite sets for the this untold LEGEND. Wrap is optional over Sand Tomb as the difference is the ability to hit airborne pokes or ghosts (but never gengar)
User feedback is nice, but more sets are just flat-out quite a bit more nifty.
god i love shuckle, when I started out, I used him in ou all the f***ing time. he is a beast, but unfortunantly for him any pokes with taunt wreck him, and taunt is even more wide spread this gen. He may rise to uu with new and improved trapping capabilitys, but I doubt he'll ever go OU even with power swap. your second set with power trick is for the lolz I assume, cause in standard anything owns him after a power trick. :D
god i love shuckle, when I started out, I used him in ou all the f***ing time. he is a beast, but unfortunantly for him any pokes with taunt wreck him, and taunt is even more wide spread this gen. He may rise to uu with new and improved trapping capabilitys, but I doubt he'll ever go OU even with power swap. your second set with power trick is for the lolz I assume. :D

It is half for lulz! it is actually fairly viable in uu :)

HERE is a lulz set!

Shuckle@Leftovers/Grip Claw
Any Ability, Relaxed
252 HP, 196 Def, 60 SpD
-Sand Tomb
-Mud Slap

Trap, Poison, Mud Slap, giggle.Rest when necessary, though it may be impossible to rest from the laughter yourself. I think ill put this one on haha
I'd go with wrap over sand tomb, you can trap electric types and levitate/balloon users (non-ghost ones anyway) and you don't have to breed for it.
I must say, I see GREAT potential in Power Share. Afaik, it's like Pain Split for attacking stats. So just come in on somethign that cannot hurt you. Nobody in his right mind would try and outstall Shuckle, so you can basically expect the opponent to switch in his hardest hitting sweeper in an attempt to stop shuckle before it can knock off half of his items. If you use Power Share on the switch, you not only half their attack but also give yourself some reasonable sweeping power for free. It gets even worse if their sweepers (Mence, Gyarados) have Intimidate and you have Perversity. Sadly, you can basically only do that if your opponent is weak to rock (or ground) as Shuckle doesn't get many other moves.
All in all, Shuckle doesn't really get the moves it needs... Pain Split would perhaps instantly make it OU material. Close Combat would make it god-like. Perversity Shell Break Shuckle is my ultimate wish for this life.
I'd go with wrap over sand tomb, you can trap electric types and levitate/balloon users (non-ghost ones anyway) and you don't have to breed for it.

Maybe. Ill put it as an option. though it has the same chance of trapping an electric, just no chance of trapping an airborne poke
I freaking love shuckle. I actually love running that the wrap trap build with wrap+encore+bide+rest set.

I love this new power share move though. Makes me really excited to see how shuckle will be played in gen 5.
I freaking love shuckle. I actually love running that the wrap trap build with wrap+encore+bide+rest set.

I love this new power share move though. Makes me really excited to see how shuckle will be played in gen 5.

Think about guard share too. At least in doubles.

Attack Deoxys used protect!
Both the other poke's attacks were nullified!
Shuckle used Guard swap!
Attack Deoxys has 300 Def/SpD now!
Enemy- "Well, fuck me sideways without any lube"
LOL. You might want to add in the good old wall shuckle, and slash in power share. Power share is pretty much shuckles way of saying "only fixed damage moves are a counter"
Power Share could combine well with Power Trick.

Power Share the incoming (probably physical) attacker, crippling their attack and giving you a big boost. Then Power Trick while they switch out. Now your defense doesn't suck, while you still have awesome 600+ attack. Perversity is good here to net +1's off Intimidaters.
I love Shuckle! I used one on my team in Gold, not for too long though, since I tried to use it for attacking...I was such a noob XP

Power Trick Shuckle is awesome :D

Power Share looks like it could have some potential...
Another strategy for doubles or triples is using perversity with a poke that can screech/metal sound to beef up its defenses (holy crap, pair it up with a lucario that knows screech, metal sound, and healing beam XD)

Also, as with last gen, an acupressure mixed with wrap/sand tomb set would be annoying as hell as well
power share trapping would be hilarious! perversity is also great for it since it can reverse attempted defense drops.
Lol yay Shuckle.Best way to kill time when ur boared.Trick Room Dual Screens Power Trick Shuckle is just win ^.^
uhh just to point out in the first moveset you mension that by using powershare it makes it more powerful which is true but not as great when you only have a trapping attack move, :P but I guess toxic is still better but it is walled by all skarmory
uhh just to point out in the first moveset you mension that by using powershare it makes it more powerful which is true but not as great when you only have a trapping attack move, :P but I guess toxic is still better but it is walled by all skarmory

Yes, but Power Share also lowers the opponent's attack power. For example, against adamant Garchomp, you would make both your Attack stats around the 200 mark. Chomp would normally have 394. In fact, having crud offenses on your Shuckle would make this ability more potent - you're not using Wrap for power.

Having said that, I would always run that Shuckle with minimum offensive IVs.
Does Shuckle absolutely need Sandstorm, or can it operate without it? And what Pokémon could cast Sandstorm for him on a non Sandstorm-based team? Could Nattorei?
Lol yay Shuckle.Best way to kill time when ur boared.Trick Room Dual Screens Power Trick Shuckle is just win ^.^
there is not way to make use of power share w/o and attacking moves except to reduce the opponents attack which can be fixed by switching
Shuckle is astoundingly weak, even after a Power Share. Are you REALLY going to make an attempt at sweeping with 200 Atk, at best? I think it's fantastic for what it is, though; a move that makes the opponent's moves do embarrassingly low amounts of damage. If they switch, that's just another opportunity to rack up entry hazard damage and poison another opponent. The only use I can see for attacking after the Power Share boost would be using Earthquake on opposing Steel-type switch ins (who want to block Toxic), but many of them have so much defense (or have a Ground-resistant secondary typing, or both) that Earthquake will be doing laughable damage anyway.
The Special SS Trapper might work in theory, but it has one glaring weakness: Psycho Shock. Most of the good Special Sweepers that this is supposed to counter have it, and even with Rest and Sturdy, Shuckle is not going to survive it. (Not to mention that it completely fails to block Shandera, especially with Wrap.)

That brings me onto a point. The choice between Sand Tomb and Wrap is an important one. You have to choose between being able to hit Flying-types and Levitaters, or hitting Ghosts. (You won't hit Drifblim, Gengar, and Mismagius anyway.)
Think about guard share too. At least in doubles.

Attack Deoxys used protect!
Both the other poke's attacks were nullified!
Shuckle used Guard swap!
Attack Deoxys has 300 Def/SpD now!
Enemy- "Well, fuck me sideways without any lube"

Only if Shuckle manages to survive the opponent's attacks, as Guard Share has 0 priority.