Pokémon Silvally

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The only reason to stay normal type is because you can use Z-Parting Shot and STAB for Explosion. 375 BP is nothing to laugh at, even if it's never super effective, it's plenty to 1HKO quite a lot of mons.

Don't you mean Breakneck Blitz and Explosion ?
I also am questionning if I want to go with a special attacking set or physical set, Multi-Attack has the surprise effect that can put off some Pokémon, but he has some quite good special moves...

I already have a Jolly one, but I'll try to get another one, probably Timid, just in case the meta changes a bit.
Don't you mean Breakneck Blitz and Explosion ?
I also am questionning if I want to go with a special attacking set or physical set, Multi-Attack has the surprise effect that can put off some Pokémon, but he has some quite good special moves...

I already have a Jolly one, but I'll try to get another one, probably Timid, just in case the meta changes a bit.
No, he meant Z-Parting Shot. Parting Shot's special Z-effect is that it fully heals the Pokemon you swap in.
What does the jury think about an anti lead silvally?

Silvally @ dark memory / darkium z
Evs: 4 hp / 252 atk / 252 speed

Roar/heal block
U-turn/ Parting shot (dark z)
Twave/heal block

Dark memory blocks prankster and multi-attack. Darkium z heals on switch
The only reason to stay normal type is because you can use Z-Parting Shot and STAB for Explosion. 375 BP is nothing to laugh at, even if it's never super effective, it's plenty to 1HKO quite a lot of mons.
Even without Explosion, Sivally-Normal hits a lot harder than the other type options. Not having to carry a Memory allows him to run a Life Orb or Choice Band, and his normal-type move options in Double-Edge and Return both hit noticeably harder than Multi-attack's rather average base 90 power. As an example:

252 Atk Choice Band Silvally Double-Edge vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mew: 237-279 (69.5 - 81.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Silvally-Dark Multi-Attack vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mew: 236-282 (69.2 - 82.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

So even with a type-advantage, Silvally-Dark doesn't hit any harder than Silvally-Normal can, and without type advantage there is no comparison; Silvally-Normal hits way harder. Life Orb sets are much better suited for running mixed coverage, and that 30% is really a big deal when running non-STAB moves that allow Silvally to break through potential checks. That's not to say that other Silvally-types are necessarily bad, but they need to work around the fact that they won't be hitting as hard as Silvally-normal and don't have the STAB Explosion nuke to back it up.

I already have a Jolly one, but I'll try to get another one, probably Timid, just in case the meta changes a bit.
I chose Naive; Silvally really has a great movepool for going mixed.
I've been using Silvally for a while now, and I honestly think it's severely underrated. While not as ripe as Arceus' move pool, it still has plentiful options to pick from, using sets like the mixed attacker, physical, special, and defensive which gives it versatility for different teams. Along with Z Explosion being stupidly powerful, Z Parting Shot being a buffed Healing Wish, and having a decent speed tier, it's pretty good imo.

I wouldn't say its that good in OU, but I could see this thing make a huge splash in UU if or when it drops.
Silvally's certainly UU material, its stats and movepool scream "almost OU but not." I'd say its biggest role is in its mixed defenses and Parting Shot, letting him serve as a pivot in literally any team. Darkium Z is arguably the best for its healing, but you could also let him hold different memories for type synergy. Ground, Dark, Fairy and Steel are all good options for pivoting opportunities, or you could be a madman and run Dragon or Poison.

Silvally's greatest fear is a fast attacker. 95/95/95 bulk is very nice, and 95 speed is respectable in UU. However, it doesn't have any real form of recovery, and anything faster can fire off and attack for free before Silvally can PS out of there. Silvally's individual offense is also really lackluster, and mostly has to rely on Multi-Attack for a decent STAB option.

In a team, Silvally is the textbook definition of glue. You can carry a memory to resist any overall weakness your team has, or just run Darkium Z for added longevity. His own lack of recovery makes him more fitted towards offensive teams, taking some necessary hits and giving yourself offensive momentum. Setup sweepers really appreciate coming in on a -1 attack, and most cases leads to them getting a free turn to set up. Tanks also appreciate having a Z-Parting Shot to give them a second wind, and in turn can do more damage and impact in a game. There's no specific mons who synergize with Silvally; Silvally synergizes with everyone.
I've tried out Silvally in the current UU alpha, and it's usable but unimpressive. I suspect it will be a perfectly fine UU pokemon once the laughably broken stuff gets removed, but until then base 95 across the board is quite problematic for it. Without a damage-boosting item, Silvally has severe issues with its offenses. In terms of its STAB moves a 252+ Double-Edge struggles to OHKO relatively fragile threats like Weavile, and in terms of coverage an uninvested Flamethrower won't even OHKO Scizor. Without a scarf it's outsped by way too much in this metagame and just gets forced out by scary threats like Terrakion.

As a pivot Silvally is mostly outclassed by Persian-A, who gets better bulk courtesy of its ability, much better speed, access to taunt, and doesn't need offensive investment since it can run Foul Play. Silvally does have a cool niche in its STAB Explosion, but its offenses are otherwise mediocre. Double-Edge must be run over Return because Silvally is desperately starved for power. Silvally also needs a Choice Scarf to safely pivot against faster threats, so I don't see Darkinium Z as being viable at all.

Life Orb is kinda neat right now since most people don't know what Silvally does other than Parting Shot, meaning they just leave stuff like Scizor in to get roasted by Flamethrower. Sadly it doesn't do a whole lot outside of its surprise factor due to its rather poor speed, and LO recoil puts it into OHKO range for things like Weavile.

The memories are complete jokes; Silvally's biggest asset right now is its unpredictability and STAB explosion, and running a memory just telegraphs your set to your opponent while giving up that wicked Explosion and the ability to run a more useful item. On physical sets you're also downgrading from Double-Edge to Multi-Attack (120 BP vs 90 BP) which is a huge power drop for something already falling short of important KO's. While things might get better for Silvally when UU beta rolls around and the broken stuff gets banned, at present I wouldn't even consider running a memory. It's easy enough to play around this thing without the memory telegraphing half your set and squandering your item slot.
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I can't wait for this thing to drop in lower tiers because I really like Silvally-Water as a pivot. 95/95/95 bulk is nice to have for a water type and it can T-Wave and Parting Shot against the opposing team while having access to Surf and Ice Beam for attacking moves. This thing would be the new Arceus-Water if it got Recover, but alas :/
I frankly don't get why the Memories don't boost Silvally's STAB attacks just like the Plates do for Arceus. With its underwhelming offensive stats, the Memories giving no boost whatsoever, weak offensive movepool, and high power among its Normal-type moves while being able to use a boosting item for them, offensive Silvally sets are much better off as Normal-type.

All other types seem inferior right now, at least on that regard. And other sets kind of wish they had Roost (it's sort of birdlike in a few parts of its body).

The Aether Foundation could have been more intelligent and given Silvally Protean, but no...
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I frankly don't get why the Memories don't boost Silvally's STAB attacks just like the Plates do for Arceus. With its underwhelming offensive stats, the Memories giving no boost whatsoever, weak offensive movepool, and high power among its Normal-type moves while being able to use a boosting item for them, offensive Silvally sets are much better off as Normal-type.
Very much so. I'm not sure what Gamefreak was thinking with this thing. I know they don't design with competitive singles in mind, but... what exactly is this thing supposed to do? It appears too late in story-mode for it to be an interesting gimmick there, and I don't see the various formes doing anything in VGC. It just seems like such a wasted opportunity for something so cool.

What's most infuriating is that the memories just end up clogging the inventory, and quite frankly the items tab in the inventory is getting ludicrously overcrowded at this point in the series. The sheer number of pokemon that have an exclusive item that only they can use is way too long as it is, and Silvally is now the worst offender by shoving 17 items that you will basically never use in there.

Shame it doesn't get Earthquake, that would make its Ground, Rock, Flying and Fairy formes so much better.
I'd guess that they withheld Earthquake because they didn't want it to outclass Multi-Attack for Silvally-Ground. It doesn't get any physical moves (other than normal-type ones...) above 90 BP, and I think that's intentional.
All we can hope for is extreme speed event or some good tutor moves eventually...sigh. Still love you Silvally.
I'd guess that they withheld Earthquake because they didn't want it to outclass Multi-Attack for Silvally-Ground. It doesn't get any physical moves (other than normal-type ones...) above 90 BP, and I think that's intentional.

They could have given it Bulldoze, at the very least. It may not be as powerful as Earthquake, but it's something.

Hopefully it will gain access to some good Tutor Moves in the future, like Earth Power and Heat Wave. At least they wouldn't outclass Multi-Attack and would give more versatility to Silvally.
They could have given it Bulldoze, at the very least. It may not be as powerful as Earthquake, but it's something.

Hopefully it will gain access to some good Tutor Moves in the future, like Earth Power and Heat Wave. At least they wouldn't outclass Multi-Attack and would give more versatility to Silvally.

Or the ability to hold multiple memories at once. That would be something so it differs from Arceus in a good way
Memories giving you the 20% boost feels like a Gen VIII implementation, with the way little things like that always change. But yes, this is definitely a Pokémon to put on hold. No breeding, no tutors, no events... You only get ONE in the game; that just baffles me. You get four Pheromosa but one Type: Null? boy.

That said, way back when this Pokémon was first revealed, I immediately said to myself "Oh, I know what I'm gonna do... EVIOLITE TYPE: NULL. I'M A GENIUS."
I expected Type: Null to be slower and have a good defense stats with the way they described it.

And while the only difference between 'Null and Silvally are the speed stats (which is a fine thing if you're playing with defensive Eviolite builds), there really isn't anything Type: Null can do that wouldn't be done better by Porygon2. Porygon2 drops 5 points off of defense and 15 off of HP, but it has Recover and a 10 point advantage in offense (with 105 special attack). But I guess if you've been sitting here thinking "Man, if only there was a physical Porygon2; I wouldn't even need recovery with what I have planned!" then here you go. Otherwise, I'm gonna just wait for this thing to get more moves in future games/events.

Multi Attack's in-game animation doesn't even look that cool.
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Memories giving you the 20% boost feels like a Gen VIII implementation, with the way little things like that always change. But yes, this is definitely a Pokémon to put on hold. No breeding, no tutors, no events... You only get ONE in the game; that just baffles me. You get four Pheromosa but one Type: Null? boy.

That said, way back when this Pokémon was first revealed, I immediately said to myself "Oh, I know what I'm gonna do... EVIOLITE TYPE: NULL. I'M A GENIUS."
I expected Type: Null to be slower and have a good defense stats with the way they described it.

And while the only difference between 'Null and Silvally are the speed stats (which is a fine thing if you're playing with defensive Eviolite builds), there really isn't anything Type: Null can do that wouldn't be done better by Porygon2. Porygon2 drops 5 points off of defense and 15 off of HP, but it has Recover and a 10 point advantage in offense (with 105 special attack). But I guess if you've been sitting here thinking "Man, if only there was a physical Porygon2; I wouldn't even need recovery with what I have planned!" then here you go. Otherwise, I'm gonna just wait for this thing to get more moves in future games/events.

Multi Attack's in-game animation doesn't even look that cool.
Type: Null gets U-Turn, so while Porygon2 is better at walling, Null is better at pivoting.
I've been working with it, and Darvin pretty much hit it on the head. Silvally memories are garbage, and you have to take advantage of what it can really do. This means leaving it Normal, giving it an item, and using his ridiculously powerful STABs, particularly Explosion. Aside from the fact it has Partig Shot, you can always find a better Pokémon that can fo the job and still hold an item.

My personal favorite so far:

Silvally @ Life Orb
Naive Nature
252 Atk / 4 Sp. Atk / 252 Spe
-Parting Shot
-Double-Edge / Return
-Flamethrower / Ice Beam / (filler for your surprise move against the opponent)

This set puts Silvally in what I believe is the best position possible. Fastest speed possible helps it ouspeed threats, and investing in bulk would've either taken from its already meh speed and attack stats. Life Orb helps patch up its meager offenses. Naive allows it to go mixed, and lets it take physical moves better. You could probably go with another item like a Z-Crystal, but the power boost from LO is pretty crucial considering Silvally is hard pressed to hurt things as it is. Maybe Silk Scarf (though now youe coverage move suffers).

Parting Shot helps you pivot if you can't kill something and don't want to Explode yet. Explosion is to break down something you need dead, and also acts as a last ditch effort to hurt something. Double-Edge is stupidly powerful and, while there's recoul with LO wearing you down, it's necessary to make him worthwhile. You can always use Return, though, but there's definitely a noticeable power drop. Finally, that third slot is a surprise move. I enjoy Flamethrower as it roasts the steel-types that try to switch into or resist Normal moves. I don't think he'll be killing Scizor anytime soon (haven't done calcs yet, just guesstimating), but it'll hopefully be enough to dent. I personally think that's the best move for there, but you can use other things like T-Bolt, Ice Beam, etc. depending on what your team needs.

EDIT: Wow, I forgot to mention this.

This Silvally set is essentially walled by Ghosts unless you use Crunch (in that case for your filler slot, go with Jolly). Even then, the point is you fight, and if you can't, Parting Shot out to something that can fight whatever's roadblocking you. You also want to avoid getting burned just because that's going to detract from the lovely Explosion you can nuke on someone.
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And while the only difference between 'Null and Silvally are the speed stats (which is a fine thing if you're playing with defensive Eviolite builds), there really isn't anything Type: Null can do that wouldn't be done better by Porygon2.

May or may not matter much, but Null actually has quite a shortened movepool compared to Silvally. Misses out on basically any Special moves, so no Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Tbolt, Shadow Ball, Draco Meteor, Surf, or Flash Cannon. Also misses on Parting Shot as well as Crunch and any Fang moves.
I've been working with it, and Darvin pretty much hit it on the head. Silvally memories are garbage, and you have to take advantage of what it can really do. This means leaving it Normal, giving it an item, and using his ridiculously powerful STABs, particularly Explosion. Aside from the fact it has Partig Shot, you can always find a better Pokémon that can fo the job and still hold an item.

My personal favorite so far:

Silvally @ Life Orb
Naive Nature
252 Atk / 4 Sp. Atk / 252 Spe
-Parting Shot
-Double-Edge / Return
-Flamethrower / Ice Beam / (filler for your surprise move against the opponent)

This set puts Silvally in what I believe is the best position possible. Fastest speed possible helps it ouspeed threats, and investing in bulk would've either taken from its already meh speed and attack stats. Life Orb helps patch up its meager offenses. Naive allows it to go mixed, and lets it take physical moves better. You could probably go with another item like a Z-Crystal, but the power boost from LO is pretty crucial considering Silvally is hard pressed to hurt things as it is. Maybe Silk Scarf (though now youe coverage move suffers).

Parting Shot helps you pivot if you can't kill something and don't want to Explode yet. Explosion is to break down something you need dead, and also acts as a last ditch effort to hurt something. Double-Edge is stupidly powerful and, while there's recoul with LO wearing you down, it's necessary to make him worthwhile. You can always use Return, though, but there's definitely a noticeable power drop. Finally, that third slot is a surprise move. I enjoy Flamethrower as it roasts the steel-types that try to switch into or resist Normal moves. I don't think he'll be killing Scizor anytime soon (haven't done calcs yet, just guesstimating), but it'll hopefully be enough to dent. I personally think that's the best move for there, but you can use other things like T-Bolt, Ice Beam, etc. depending on what your team needs.

4 SpA Life Orb Silvally Flamethrower vs. 248 HP / 200 SpD Scizor: 312-369 (90.9 - 107.5%) -- 50% chance to OHKO
Using your set, bulky scizor gets killed after rocks and Band Scizor is a guaranteed OHKO. I'll calc for some more UU threats soon but I've had a pretty decent time using this guy in UU alpha. Parting Shot rocks.
I don't think he'll be killing Scizor anytime soon (haven't done calcs yet, just guesstimating), but it'll hopefully be enough to dent.
0 SpA Life Orb Silvally Flamethrower vs. 248 HP / 200 SpD Scizor: 312-369 (90.9 - 107.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock

That's about as specially-defensive as Scizor comes, and any other spread is cleanly OHKO'd.

May or may not matter much, but Null actually has quite a shortened movepool compared to Silvally. Misses out on basically any Special moves, so no Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Tbolt, Shadow Ball, Draco Meteor, Surf, or Flash Cannon. Also misses on Parting Shot as well as Crunch and any Fang moves.
Type: Null definitely isn't running special or mixed sets with that movepool, but its physical movepool is mostly intact. It will most likely be a relevant NFE in lower tiers, and I suspect with bulk like that it'll find a home in NU. In terms of movepool, I can see Swords Dance, Flame Charge, U-Turn, and Rest/Talk giving it enough to work with to have multiple viable sets.

A slow Rest/Talk pivot would actually be really cool. A slow U-Turn can be used to support more fragile teammates while Rest/Talk keeps it healthy throughout the match. Base 95 attack is also far from passive, which makes it harder to play around. Alternatively you could run Flame Charge to outspeed base 110 pokemon like Tauros at +1 and set up a Swords Dance by relying on that bulk. For bulkier physical sets, I can see Type: Null giving its evolution a run for its money.

Here's the full Type: Null moveset for those who are interested:

- Tackle
5 Rage
10 Pursuit
15 Imprison
20 Aerial Ace
25 Crush Claw
30 Scary Face
35 X-Scissor
40 Take Down
45 Metal Sound
50 Iron Head
55 Double Hit
60 Air Slash
65 Punishment
70 Razor Wind
75 Tri Attack
80 Double-Edge
85 Heal Block
TM01 Work Up
TM02 Dragon Claw
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM37 Sandstorm
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM42 Facade
TM43 Flame Charge
TM44 Rest
TM48 Round
TM65 Shadow Claw
TM66 Payback
TM68 Giga Impact
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM75 Swords Dance
TM80 Rock Slide
TM81 X-Scissor
TM87 Swagger
TM88 Sleep Talk
TM89 U-turn
TM90 Substitute
TM100 Confide
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