Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 30 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests, etc GO HERE)

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Sure I'll breed you a good NP Togepi. I think I have a heart scale or two left but I'd appreciate it if Galvantula had sticky web on it.
I hate to be picky but does the galvantuala have decent IV's?

Oh and what's your in-game name again?

That would be great. ^ ^ I will do that for you. I can guarantee atleast two perfect IV's on it. Any preference as to which ones you want perfect?

Speedwagon is my name.
I'll probably be Sashing it. So Speed and Special Attack would be awesome. Name it after a food XD.

Picky, picky. XP Alright, that is fine, but only if you grant me the same courtesy with the name. Is it alright if it has its Hidden Ability? If not, it might take a little bit of preparation, and will let you know when I am ready.
Picky, picky. XP Alright, that is fine, but only if you grant me the same courtesy with the name. Is it alright if it has its Hidden Ability? If not, it might take a little bit of preparation, and will let you know when I am ready.
I'd like compoundeyes but don't spend all day trying to get it haha.
looking for prakster klefki and protean froakie (timid). i have both perfect (5x relevant iv) and spitbacks of:

jolly larvitar w/ stealth rocks, dragon dance, pursuit, outrage; ability: guts.
adamant shroomish w/seed bullet; ability: quick feet (HA) or poison heal.
looking for prakster klefki and protean froakie (timid). i have both perfect (5x relevant iv) and spitbacks of:

jolly larvitar w/ stealth rocks, dragon dance, pursuit, outrage; ability: guts.
adamant shroomish w/seed bullet; ability: quick feet (HA) or poison heal.

I have prankster klefki. Do you have anything different to offer?
need help evolving my scyther

No problem!

Again, thank you very much. Pineapple will be sure to get some love. ^ ^

looking for prakster klefki and protean froakie (timid). i have both perfect (5x relevant iv) and spitbacks of:

jolly larvitar w/ stealth rocks, dragon dance, pursuit, outrage; ability: guts.
adamant shroomish w/seed bullet; ability: quick feet (HA) or poison heal.

I can get you the Timid Protean Froakie (would you mind if it was Frogadier?).
Well... I have not bred any, so it would be one from the Safari, so two perfect IV's. If you were looking for something better, I understand.
yep, i was looking for a spitback for breeding. I can trade a shroomish spitback for a timid 3x relevants IV if you catch one or breed one in the future.
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