Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 30 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests, etc GO HERE)

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After running some tests with Eyepatch's Galvantula, Sticky Web + Nasty Plot Togekiss is legit. Dramatization of events below.

Banana used Sticky Web.
Banana fainted.
CAKE is sent out. Garchomp is sent out.

CAKE notices that Garchomp is tangled in a mucky white thread.
After glancing upon the intriguing scene, CAKE theorizes that it would be best to murder other Pokemon while they are caught in this "Sticky Web". Theoretically speaking, a person could not move as fast when entombed in this nasty pile of silk.

CAKE Sweeps. The End.

Anyway I'm looking for Timid Compoundeyes Galvantulas that have 4-5 Perfect IV's.
I have Outstanding Bold Wish Eevees, Outstanding Modest Nasty Plot Serene Grace Togepis, Mawiles, and Outstanding AromaToss Chanseys with 5IVs.
So, it looks like I have the Whirlipede taken care of.

Want: Leftovers, Shiny Stone
Have: Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone, Fire Stone, Water Stone, Sun Stone, Moon Stone, Xerneas

I'm also willing to trade Mega Stones - including Y-exclusives - as I get them, though some people have already asked for those so depending on which you want it might be spoken for.
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I have the following Pokémon available for trade for anyone interested:
  • a female 3 IV Jolly Tyrunt with Poison Fang
  • six 3 IV Jolly Tyrunts with DD/Poison Fang (x2 female, x4 male)
  • seven 3 IV Jolly Tyrunts with DD/Poison Fang/Fire Fang (all male)
  • six 4 IV Jolly Tyrunts with DD/Poison Fang/Fire Fang (x1 female, x5 male)
  • a male 3 IV Brave Honedge (@ Luxury Ball)
  • two male 4 IV Brave Honedges (@ Luxury Ball)
I'm looking for a female 3-4 IV Klefki (preferably @ Luxury/Heal Ball), a female 3-4 IV Bulletproof Chespin (preferably @ Luxury/Premier Ball), and other spitbacks with 3-4 perfect IVs.
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I'm looking for these Pokémon: Gliscor, Rhyperior, Bellossom, Garchomp, Xerneas, Zygarde. I just need their dex entry, so I'll trade them back to you right away.

I have most Pokémon from the Kalos dex (e.g., Zweilous, Yanmega, Magnezone, Aggron, Tyranitar, Politoed, Gorebyss, Sudowoodo, Munchlax, Huntail, Gothitelle, Reuniclus, Wigglytuff, Slurpuff, Yveltal, Krookodile, Dodrio, Tentacruel, etc.), so I can help you fill your dex too.
LF a spitback Female Tech Scyther with 31/31/31/31/x/x or 31/31/31/x/x , I can offer a dusk stone/ as well as a 5IV that I breed of it, which I plan on breeding right away if someone has it available.
Alrighty, just hit me up whenever you can trade.

Also looking for some gale wing fletchling spitbacks, still offering my brave honedge spitbacks along with EV berries and BP items. Spreads on hand:


I also have Fletchling spitbacks as well as my Gibles. You have a preference to what you are getting? And what kind of EV Berries and BP items do you have? We may be able to work out a second trade based on those.

Also, can I change my requested honedge to the Quadruple 31's and the 0 Speed? (instead of the one with just 4 31's). Thanks!
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I also have Fletchling spitbacks as well as my Gibles. You have a preference to what you are getting? And what kind of EV Berries and BP items do you have? We may be able to work out a second trade based on those.

Also, can I change my requested honedge to the Quadruple 31's and the 0 Speed? (instead of the one with just 4 31's). Thanks!

I've got all the EV berries and about 64 BP, so one "big" item and a power item? And sure!
I need to get some of some EV berries; mostly Kelpsy (Attack), but I don't have Grepa (Sp. Def) or Pomeg (HP) berries either. Offering Rotom spitbacks with 4 IVs, and choice of Bold, Timid, or Calm natures. Could also quickly breed up something with 4 IVs in the monster, dragon or flying egg groups for you, but I'd ask for two of the three berries in that case (And would need a couple hours to get the eggs)
After running some tests with Eyepatch's Galvantula, Sticky Web + Nasty Plot Togekiss is legit. Dramatization of events below.

Banana used Sticky Web.
Banana fainted.
CAKE is sent out. Garchomp is sent out.

CAKE notices that Garchomp is tangled in a mucky white thread.
After glancing upon the intriguing scene, CAKE theorizes that it would be best to murder other Pokemon while they are caught in this "Sticky Web". Theoretically speaking, a person could not move as fast when entombed in this nasty pile of silk.

CAKE Sweeps. The End.

Anyway I'm looking for Timid Compoundeyes Galvantulas that have 4-5 Perfect IV's.
I have Outstanding Bold Wish Eevees, Outstanding Modest Nasty Plot Serene Grace Togepis, Mawiles, and Outstanding AromaToss Chanseys with 5IVs.

CMT for a Nasty Plot Togepi
I need to get some of some EV berries; mostly Kelpsy (Attack), but I don't have Grepa (Sp. Def) or Pomeg (HP) berries either. Offering Rotom spitbacks with 4 IVs, and choice of Bold, Timid, or Calm natures. Could also quickly breed up something with 4 IVs in the monster, dragon or flying egg groups for you, but I'd ask for two of the three berries in that case (And would need a couple hours to get the eggs)
i'll trade you all of them if you want
Looking for a Manectite. I have Grepa, Hondew, Sitrus, Lum, and Chople Berries, as well as spitbacks of Larvitar, Marill, Larvesta, Gible, and Magikarp. PM me.
Hi guys, is there an RNG guide for X and Y yet? I could only find guides upto the 5th gen, no luck with 6th.
There actually sorta is, but I personally find regular Iv breeding alot easier.

Curious, would a three point different within a stat due to IVs make or break a Pokemon?
I think that depends on the pokemon and the stat, Like I think a a few points off on speed might be fatal to some pokemon as they would lose the speed roll, but generally I don't think it would break a pokemon as people sacrifice ivs for a certain hidden power on pokemon.
I think that depends on the pokemon and the stat, Like I think a a few points off on speed might be fatal to some pokemon as they would lose the speed roll, but generally I don't think it would break a pokemon as people sacrifice ivs for a certain hidden power on pokemon.

So other than speed a few point off in a stat isn't too terribly. That's somewhat a relief since I caught Zygarde with this IV spread and was worried (silly as it may be) that the three points difference in Defense would render it unless

Zygarde - #718 (Adamant) : 31 / 31 / 28 / 31 / 31 / 31
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