hey I cant check your profile page because you blocked it but if interested start a conversation with me I have some reasons for yah:)What's the point for me being on smogon if I can't afford get enough time to learn more about RNG abusing and get my own any more plus not many people are in need banner services?
If there's nothing that I can do, should I just give up and quit from smogon?
Also, I don't have anymore good pokemon to trade for anyone's hard work and all the effort they have put to get these pokemon. :(
I feel useless and insignificant
hey I cant check your profile page because you blocked it but if interested start a conversation with me I have some reasons for yah:)
I have:
Female Magic Guard Timid Abra 31/x/31/31/31/31 (4x) [Luxury Ball]
Female Timid Gastly 31/x/31/31/31/31 (1x) [Lvl 28, no EVs) [Premier Ball]
Female Technician Adamant Scyther 31/31/31/x/31/31 (1x) [Lvl 21, no EVs) [Poke ball]
Female Sand Veil Jolly Gible 31/31/31/x/31/31 (1x) [Great Ball] *With Outrage and Iron Head*
Male Intimidate Adamant Mawile 31/31/31/x/31/31 (1x) [Ultra Ball]
Male Sand Rush Adamant Drilbur 31/31/31/x/31/31 (2x) [1 in Dusk, 1 in Premier]
Female Guts Adamant Larvitar 31/31/31/x/31/31 (1x) [Poke ball] *With Stealth Rock and Pursuit*
Looking for:
Female Hasty/Naive Justified Absol in a Premier Ball
Female Jolly Prankster Riolu in a Great Ball
Female Jolly Sheer Force Bagon in a Great Ball
Male Impish Rock Head Aron with Stealth Rock
Male Azumarill 31/31/31/x/31/31 with Aqua Jet & Belly Drum
Female Serene Grace Modest Togetic/Togekiss with Nasty Plot in a Premier Ball (.... very specific, yeah I know)
Those mons with at least 3 flawless IVs is cool.
I have 4IV Timid Houndour and Adamant Honedge. PM me if you want :)i have a box full of 4iv spitback gligars
i have plenty of both genders and all are impish and have immunity (hidden ability)
looking for other 4 iv pokemon
mainly ou stuff
i have shiny stone and some flawless spitbacks!i need any Y megastone!can u offer any?So, it looks like I have the Whirlipede taken care of.
Want: Leftovers, Shiny Stone
Have: Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone, Fire Stone, Water Stone, Moon Stone, Xerneas
I'm also willing to trade whatever Mega Stone I can get off of the Stone Emporium in Lumiose, but you may have to wait for me to work up the Funds and/or Style. As soon as I'm able to purchase it, it's yours. I have Y and picked Bulbasaur earlier in the game, so I think I'll be able to choose between Charizardite Y and Blastoisite.
since no one want to help me get weavile on my dex I offer a flawless pokemon from my thread for whoever can BORROW me a weavile for a few seconds I trade it back rght away
i have hidden ability eevee!Though i dont need froakie/fletch/dratini/ghastly!Do u have any more spitbacks?Looking for the following pokemon with Hidden Ability: Magikarp, Swinub, Eevee, Abra, Gible, Chespin, Goomy, Drilbur. IVs, Gender, Nature don't really matter lol. Spitbacks are fine.
Or if you have the above pokemon in Safari that would be cool, my safari is Hawlucha, Spearow, and Woobat lol.
I have Hidden ability Froakie, Fletchling, and Dratini (some good spitbacks too). I have almost all the battle items. I also have some 5IV Timid Gastly's w/ Disable.
i have hidden ability eevee!Though i dont need froakie/fletch/dratini/ghastly!Do u have any more spitbacks?
Looking for the following pokemon with Hidden Ability: Magikarp, Swinub, Eevee, Abra, Gible, Chespin, Goomy, Drilbur. IVs, Gender, Nature don't really matter lol. Spitbacks are fine.
Or if you have the above pokemon in Safari that would be cool, my safari is Hawlucha, Spearow, and Woobat lol.
I have Hidden ability Froakie, Fletchling, and Dratini (some good spitbacks too). I have almost all the battle items. I also have some 5IV Timid Gastly's w/ Disable.
U mean u got inkay spitback or malamar?Malamar, Sand Veil Gible, Magikarp, Honedge, Torchic with Baton Pass.
I also have most of the relevant battle items (Choice Scarf, Assault Vest, Power items, Etc)
I have Goomy and and Swinub. They're spitbacks, I believe, so can I get the gastly and a life orb? Let me know.
I have Goomy and and Swinub. They're spitbacks, I believe, so can I get the gastly and a life orb? Let me know.
Also, is anyone trading Zygarde's or any of the legendary birds?
Guys i need all pokemon Y megastones!I offeer BP items,shiny stone and i have some good iv spitbacks!
U mean u got inkay spitback or malamar?
Sure thing, PM me for my FC if you guys are interested in making trades. I assume you want a Gastly Spitback?
I'll trade you a Zygarde
i pmed you!Oops my bad yeah I meant inkay lol. I have a bunch of different natures. Which one are you interested in? PM me
What are you looking for, in return?