Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 30 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests, etc GO HERE)

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Has anyone thought about this?

I have Pokémon X and the language of my game is English. If I am going to buy Pokémon Y and I change the settings on my Pokémon Y to German will I be able to catch German Pokémon? In another words, am I able to breed a shiny through the Masuda method?
yes, i put my second game in japanese. masuda method will work but you'll obviously need to trade to your other cart.
Have the following shinies:

Shiny Noibat neutral natures with x/x/31/31/x/31
Shiny Tyranitar fully ev trained sassy x/x/x/31/x/31 (Special Sweeper)
Shiny Chansey neutral x/x/x/x/31/31
Shiny Glalie Relaxed 31/31/x/x/x/x

Mainly looking for these if anyone has them :P

Shiny Chansey with Natural Cure
Shiny Trapinch
Shiny Axew
Shiny Larvesta
Shiny Goomy
Shiny Talonflame

PM if you are interested.
Have the following shinies:

Shiny Noibat neutral natures with x/x/31/31/x/31
Shiny Tyranitar fully ev trained sassy x/x/x/31/x/31 (Special Sweeper)
Shiny Chansey neutral x/x/x/x/31/31
Shiny Glalie Relaxed 31/31/x/x/x/x

Mainly looking for these if anyone has them :P

Shiny Chansey with Natural Cure
Shiny Trapinch
Shiny Axew
Shiny Larvesta
Shiny Goomy
Shiny Talonflame

PM if you are interested.
how did you get so many cool shinies?
Since it's been a popular request lately, I have some 2IV-3IV Sturdy Bold Car-Car Binks for trade. Breeding him is just as annoying as Jar Jar Binks, so that's its new name from me.

Full day of on-and-off breeding... not a single 4 or 5 IV... sucks.
Since it's been a popular request lately, I have some 2IV-3IV Sturdy Bold Car-Car Binks for trade. Breeding him is just as annoying as Jar Jar Binks, so that's its new name from me.

Full day of on-and-off breeding... not a single 4 or 5 IV... sucks.

Life of breeding genderless Pokemon -_-
Sorry when i am wrong here...
I come from Germany and i have a german ditto which has 4 IVs maximum.
I'm looking for a ditto which has also 4 IVs max for the mesuda methode
Thank you
Sorry when i am wrong here...
I come from Germany and i have a german ditto which has 4 IVs maximum.
I'm looking for a ditto which has also 4 IVs max for the mesuda methode
Thank you

I have a 4 31IV US Ditto I can trade ya, My FC is 0920 0078 0763, In game name Alexander if you want to trade
yes, i put my second game in japanese. masuda method will work but you'll obviously need to trade to your other cart.

It really works? Awesome! I know someone with a 3DS, so that is not going to be a big deal. Thanks. Are there a lot people doing this, btw?

Hmm does SpDef kill it?

Xerneas - #716 (Timid)
HP: 30 - 31
Att: 18 - 19
Def: 30 - 31
SpA: 30 - 31
SpD: 20 - 21
Speed: 30 - 31

Keep going. It took me 2 weeks and 2 days to get a 30 - 31 / 16-17 / 30 - 31 / 30 - 31 / 31 / 30 - 31 Timid Xerneas. I still have to check which stats are actually 31, though.
i have a box full of 4iv spitback gligars
i have plenty of both genders and all are impish and have immunity (hidden ability)

looking for other 4 iv pokemon
mainly ou stuff
So, it looks like I have the Whirlipede taken care of.

Want: Leftovers, Shiny Stone
Have: Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone, Fire Stone, Water Stone, Moon Stone, Xerneas

I'm also willing to trade whatever Mega Stone I can get off of the Stone Emporium in Lumiose, but you may have to wait for me to work up the Funds and/or Style. As soon as I'm able to purchase it, it's yours. I have Y and picked Bulbasaur earlier in the game, so I think I'll be able to choose between Charizardite Y and Blastoisite.
After about 12 hours of resetting:

Xerneas - #716 (Timid)
HP: 28 - 29
Att: 0 - 1
Def: 28 - 29
SpA: 30 - 31
SpD: 30 - 31
Speed: 30 - 31

It's a keeper, right? :v4:
After about 12 hours of resetting:

Xerneas - #716 (Timid)
HP: 28 - 29
Att: 0 - 1
Def: 28 - 29
SpA: 30 - 31
SpD: 30 - 31
Speed: 30 - 31

It's a keeper, right? :v4:

I've tossed a 4x 30/31 and 1x 28/29 Xerneas about 5 times to get my perfect one. But I am a perfectionist. It's up to you.
Hm, if the other IVs are 29, I'm 2 4 from flawless and I've tossed too many.. even 5x31 with 5 SpA.. Nah, I'll stick with this one :D
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