Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 44 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Hi I'm looking for a HA (Bulletproof) Chespin. I'd like for it to have egg moves but not required. I'd like to wonder trade all the starters for Christmas gifts to poke on players and Chespin is the only one I'm missing.

I can clone it and send it right back if needed. Thanks!

Hi I'm looking for a HA (Bulletproof) Chespin. I'd like for it to have egg moves but not required. I'd like to wonder trade all the starters for Christmas gifts to poke on players and Chespin is the only one I'm missing.

I can clone it and send it right back if needed. Thanks!

I have such a Chespin, I'll PM you to work stuff out
Can anyone send me a Hasty, Naive, or Timid sync? I would borrow it, since the only thing I can trade from my party is my Dream Barboach, which I need back. Got myself stuck. -.-

EDIT: Or Rash
For wall breaker Crawdaunt which move set is best?

So far I have:
-Aqua Jet (for any fire type and rock type walls like Rhyperior)
-Super Power (for Mega Gyarados)
-Knock Off
-Dragon Dance

I am thinking of removing Super Power for Crab Hammer.
For wall breaker Crawdaunt which move set is best?

So far I have:
-Aqua Jet (for any fire type and rock type walls like Rhyperior)
-Super Power (for Mega Gyarados)
-Knock Off
-Dragon Dance

I am thinking of removing Super Power for Crab Hammer.
Play Crab Hammer over dd and put a cb on it. Just my opinion for a wall breaker
Hi everyone, I'm looking for HA Squirtle (preferably female in a cool ball but doesn't matter if it's not!)

I have the following spitbacks to offer:
HA Darumaka
HA Bulbasaur
HA Fletchling
Ok, I think this is it for the Pikachu: Hasty 31/31/x/31/31/31

Does anyone have any links or tips for Soft resetting / breeding for natures and IV's?
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I'd keep it. Its not going to use hidden power anyway if you're aiming for Jolly. 30 is the same as 31 at level 50, so depending one what you were using it for, I'd say its an awesome SR.

Actually, a fully invested 30 IV is still one point less than a fully invested 31 IV at level 50. I'd toss that Virizion.

EDIT: Also, what's up with the Battle Maison Pokemon? I'm running a Kangaskhan with a spread of 52 HP / 166 Atk / 36 Def / 4 SDef / 252 Spd. Apparently a +6 return can't KO a Nidoking... I've noticed that the Pokemon there are extremely bulky. I ran this calc:

+6 166 Atk Parental Bond Mega Kangaskhan Return vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Nidoking: 406-478 (215.9 - 254.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Both Pokemon set to level 50 and Doubles. Seriously though, why can Nidoking survive this in game, when it shouldn't according to this calc?
Actually, a fully invested 30 IV is still one point less than a fully invested 31 IV at level 50. I'd toss that Virizion.

EDIT: Also, what's up with the Battle Maison Pokemon? I'm running a Kangaskhan with a spread of 52 HP / 166 Atk / 36 Def / 4 SDef / 252 Spd. Apparently a +6 return can't KO a Nidoking... I've noticed that the Pokemon there are extremely bulky. I ran this calc:

+6 166 Atk Parental Bond Mega Kangaskhan Return vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Nidoking: 406-478 (215.9 - 254.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Both Pokemon set to level 50 and Doubles. Seriously though, why can Nidoking survive this in game, when it shouldn't according to this calc?
Maybe your kanga isn't at max happiness
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